In her opinion, Liu Xu is by no means a brainless person, if he dares to come out like this, he must have something to rely on.

Therefore, Yan Hong asked: "Junior Brother Liu, what is the meaning of this? My Fenxiang Valley and Qingyun Sect belong to the righteous way. Didn't Junior Brother Liu want to stand up for these two evildoers? If we stop now, we will stop here, otherwise In the future, my two families will not be able to save face, and my junior brother will also bear the name of colluding with demons!"

What he said was polite and restrained, and he wanted Liu Xu to retreat by himself.

But Li Xun on the side had an ugly face, glared at his junior sister, and said displeasedly: "Junior sister Yan, what are you talking about! This Liu is colluding with evildoers and sneaking up on me, and it has been clear just now. How can you just Let him go like this?"

At this time, he was already dazzled by anger, how could Li Xun let Liu Xu go for nothing with his arrogant and conceited temperament, and in just a few words, Liu Xu would be accused of colluding with evildoers, it would be a pain to kill.

It's a pity that Yan Hong ignored him this time, and just looked at Liu Xu quietly.

Liu Xu chuckled at this, looked at Yan Hong with some appreciation, and then said slowly: "It's a pity, Junior Sister Yan, but I want the Profound Fire Mirror on the ground, I'm afraid you won't agree to it." Woolen cloth!"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Hong's complexion changed, knowing that today was going to be difficult, but Li Xun on the other side was overjoyed, knowing that his junior sister would not stand idly by, so he almost couldn't wait to make a move.

"Bold madman, how dare you covet my sect's treasure, and still accept death obediently!"

The Jiuyang Ruler exuded a fiery red light, and it hit Liu Xu head-on, ruthlessly and decisively, without showing any sympathy.

Soul Eater released a burst of blue light in his hand, and when Liu Xu raised his hand, Soul Eater hit Jiuyangchi head-on.

"How dare you fight with my Jiuyang ruler!"

The whole body of that Soul Devourer is dark, with red threads lingering on it, although there are some visions, but it is also ugly.

Li Xun burst out laughing when he saw that Liu Xu used this thing to counter his Nine Heavens Divine Weapon.

He was mobilized with true energy, and the light of the Nine Sun Ruler surged again, pressing down on Liu Xu like a huge red pillar.


The cyan light collided with the red giant pillar, but to everyone's surprise, the red light collapsed at the touch of a touch, and exploded under the black body of the stick, exposing the body of the Jiuyang Ruler inside.

With incomparable power, Soul Devourer directly smashed on Jiuyang Ruler, and the dark evil spirit and blue light mixed together, trapping Jiuyang Ruler firmly in it.

Unbearably wailing, the aura on the Jiuyang ruler dissipated almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In terms of the master's cultivation and the magic weapon itself, Liu Xu has the upper hand. How can a mere Nine Sun Ruler be a match for the blood-thirsty bead and the soul-destroyer.

"you dare!"

Seeing that the magic weapon was damaged, Li Xun was startled and angry, he never imagined that the little pitch-black stick could be so powerful.

Liu Xu is young, yet his cultivation is still higher than him. Li Xun turned his head and roared at Yan Hong: "Junior Sister Yan, if you don't do anything at this time, do you want to abandon the sect?"

Yan Hong sighed slightly, she was extremely disappointed by Li Xun's performance today, the shrewd and capable senior brother in the past, now looks like a defeated dog.

Just now he was arrogant and merciless when he thought he had the upper hand, but now he seeks help when he is in a disadvantage, but he is still unwilling to ask for help, and the words actually have the meaning of threatening her as a junior, it is really embarrassing.

But after thinking about it, Yan Hong still took out the blue long sword in her hand and slammed at Liu Xu.

Frowning, Liu Xu smiled slightly as he looked at the mighty long sword.

The next moment, a small mirror flew out of his arms and stood on top of Liu Xu's head.

A faint yellow halo bloomed suddenly, protecting Liu Xu in it, and bounced back the flying sword in one fell swoop.

"Sixfold mirror!"

Yan Hong's face was slightly condensed, and she made a move with her hand, but the azure long sword did not retreat but advanced, striking back and forth around the halo of Liuhe mirror.

She also knows the power of this rare treasure of Qingyunmen. If she really wants to break through this treasure head-on, she will definitely not be able to stand the rebound force first. Not the main force either.

Sure enough, when Liu Xu was distracted from controlling Liuhejing, Li Xun let out a long roar, recalled the Nine Sun Ruler with his backhand, and poured his whole body's true energy into it. Dasheng, crystal clear, like the sharpest magic weapon.

"Give me death!"

With a sinister smile, Li Xun held the Jiuyang Ruler and slammed it down on Soul Eater.

He didn't want to destroy this magic weapon, as long as it caused a great damage to its spirituality, this battle would be a sure win.

But in the face of such a powerful blow, Liu Xu's mouth showed a slight smile, and he looked at Li Xun with killing intent in his eyes.

Seeing this, Yan Hong felt a chill in her heart, and subconsciously called out: "Brother, retreat quickly! That's a trap!"

But it was already too late, as soon as Liu Xu raised his hand, the golden, green, and black true energy flowed continuously, and he sank into Soul Devourer's body as soon as he shook his hand.

In the next moment, endless blood suddenly surged from Soul Devourer, like a sea of ​​blood coming to the world, drowning Li Xun who was oncoming.


In an instant, ear-piercing screams burst out from the bloody light.


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Chapter 997 Soul Devouring Bloodthirsty, Sacrificial Sword Spirit


A miserable cry came out from the bloody light, and from the blurred shadow, Yan Hong saw an extremely frightening scene.

Her senior brother, Li Xun, a genius from Fenxiang Valley, struggled desperately under the bloody light like a fish jumping ashore, and then his whole body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"help me!"

Stretching out a hand tremblingly, Li Xun looked at Yan Hong with pleading eyes, his voice was beyond hoarse.

Yan Hong shook her head with a wry smile, it was not hard to see with her eyesight that Li Xun was hopeless.

Liu Xu's blow at least drained more than [-]% of the blood in his body. Even if Yan Hong made a move now, Li Xun, who was seriously injured, would not be able to survive tonight.

Besides, she has no way to save it. With the power of that thing, Li Xun is still alive. This is simply a trap, just to lure her to make a move, and then suck her up.

"No! I curse, curse you, Liu, Liu Xu, you practice evil methods, and you will die!... Yan Hong, Hong, if you see death and refuse to save you, Master Gu will not let you go... I, I am not willing ! I am the number one disciple of Fenxiang Valley, I haven't yet... I am unwilling!"

A moment later, under Li Xun's horrified, desperate and spiteful curses, and under the delighted eyes of the six-tailed white fox, Li Xun, the first talent in Fenxiang Valley, was completely sucked into a pile of dry bones, and the wreckage slipped from the air It fell into the magma and turned into a cloud of fly ash.

With a move of his hand, he recalled the increasingly bright bloodshot Soul Devourer on the stick, Liu Xu looked at Yan Hong and smiled, and said: "It seems that Miss Yan, you and your senior brother are not very good, and you just refused to save them. "

Yan Hong sneered at this, took back the cyan fairy sword, took out a cyan stone with his backhand, and looked at Liu Xu warily.

"This has nothing to do with your Excellency, but your Excellency, as a disciple of the Qingyun Sect, you actually refined the bloodthirsty bead of the black-hearted old man eight hundred years ago into a magic weapon, and used it to harm Senior Li Xun. Are you not afraid of being chased and killed by people in the righteous way?"

Over the past few hundred years, there have not been many magic weapons known for their blood-sucking properties, and among them, there is only the famous blood-thirsty bead that can suck people like Li Xun in one blow.

Although she didn't know why the image of this object changed drastically, and how it fell into Liu Xu's hands, Yan Hong was sure that it was the most precious bloodthirsty bead of the Demon Cult.

Leisurely holding Soul Eater in his hand, Liu Xu smiled lightly and said, "So what? Miss Yan, does she think she can get out alive today? Dead people don't tell secrets. Walk out of this cave, I am still the most outstanding disciple in Qingyun Sect, the leader of the righteous way. And Miss Yan, you will probably be buried here with your senior brother. Maybe one day the younger generation of Fenxianggu will occasionally mention your two names as Representatives of idiots who overestimated themselves and were killed instead of killing demons...don't try to escape! When you fought with that three-tailed fox, I had already set up a formation in front of the cave entrance. Although it was not powerful, it was enough Give me time to kill you easily."

Not in a hurry to make a move, Liu Xu had time to chat with Yan Hong instead.

After hearing what he said, Yan Hong pursed her lips, and said in a low voice: "What purpose do you have? If you don't do it, I'm afraid it's because you want to talk nonsense to me! Tell me, if you can save your life , I will think about it too!"

Hearing this, the smile in Liu Xu's eyes grew stronger, he couldn't help clapping his hands, and said: "Smart, Miss Yanhong is really a smart person, much better than your senior brother, except for her cultivation, she is simply Nothing!"

"Sign it, and I'll let you go! Otherwise, stay with your brother!"

With a swipe of his hand, a small sword that was neither gold nor jade, but shining brightly appeared in Liu Xu's hand, and he threw it to Yan Hong.

Although he only got in touch with two sides, Liu Xu discovered that this Yan Hong was a smart person, and most smart people must be more life-saving. It's not like he has no chance to recruit the other party, and it doesn't matter if he fails. Anyway, we can get rid of him today. Otherwise, no one else can get out alive.

Yan Hong took the "Blue Mountain Ancient Sword", glanced at it twice, and then her face changed drastically, then she gritted her teeth and looked at Liu Xu, and said, "Do you think I will agree to sacrifice my body and soul to become a sword spirit?" ?”

Liu Xu didn't care, picked up the Xuanhuo Jian on the ground, but walked towards the six-tailed white fox, and said softly: "If I were you, I would think about it carefully. I don't have much patience. You'd better give me an answer before I'm done with this end."

"Actually, the conditions are not too bad. At least the long life that many generations of predecessors have been striving for is in front of you. You must know that it is long life! The three schools of Taoism, magic, and Buddha have been pursuing the highest state that cannot be obtained for thousands of years. You just lost your freedom, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?"

Yan Hong's complexion changed for a while, but she still couldn't decide to pay attention. After all, everything in front of her was too shocking, and none of them were things she had never considered before.

Although she doubted whether the news transmitted by the small sword was true, her intuition told her that what she said was true.

At this time, Liu Xu had already walked up to the six-tailed white fox, with a complicated look on his face. He put the body of the three-tailed white fox on the ground into the opponent's arms, and then said softly: "To be honest, I am quite envious of you. As a beast, I can sacrifice everything for love, but as a human, I am afraid that I will never experience this kind of emotion in my life! I have many women, but none of them can make me do anything for her!"

In the cave, he glanced softly at the companion in his arms. The white tail of the six-tailed white fox curled up, wrapping it in the body, as if feeling the warmth of the opponent.


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Chapter 998

At this time, listening to Liu Xu's words, he smiled wryly and said, "If it's possible, I wish I hadn't met her before, so that she is still a carefree little white fox on Huqi Mountain, and can be happy." live!"

The two were speechless.

After a while, the white fox spoke again.

It glanced at the woman in its arms, and said quietly: "Young man, do me a favor and throw the two of us into the magma below!"

Liu Xu nodded, and lightly shook his hand, the white fox and the woman flew up together, slowly drifting towards the magma.

"Do you hate me?" Just before the two bodies were about to be engulfed by the flames, Liu Xu suddenly asked: "Before, I actually had a chance to save her!"

The white fox shook his head and said, "No, I'm very grateful. Because of you, at the end, I was able to walk so peacefully, without any regrets!"

A faint light flashed, and in the air, the woman in white took off her worldly clothes and revealed her real body, a beautiful three-tailed fox.

Two foxes who lost their lives but are still beautiful embrace each other tightly, rolling in the air and falling down.

Until with a deep sound, they melted into the lake and disappeared without a trace.

Watching all this quietly, after the two figures disappeared, Liu Xu suddenly let out a sigh of relief, turned around, and looked at Yan Hong.

"What's your answer?"

Liu Xu had no expression on his face, but Yan Hong could feel a strong killing intent from it.

Gritting his teeth, this Fenxianggu disciple asked in a low voice: "Is what you said true, can you really live forever?"

"Is it really possible to live forever?"

Hearing this, Liu Xu smiled lightly.

"Whether it's real or fake, what else do you have?"

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