He pressed his hand to Xuanhuojian, but his gaze was extraordinarily cold.

Perhaps the death of the white fox touched his heart slightly, or perhaps he was even more agitated after tasting Li Xun's blood. Now Liu Xu has a bloodthirsty impulse, and Yan Hong's questioning made him extremely dissatisfied.

A faint white light gushed out from his hand, spreading towards the Xuanhuojian, and then heard the latter humming, trembling constantly in the white light.

Although the magic weapon in Jade Immortals has no self-awareness, nor does it have the existence of so-called weapon spirits, but it has its own spirituality more or less.

The more top-notch the magic weapon, the stronger this spirituality.

In the original book, Lu Xueqi's Tianya Excalibur and the Bloodthirsty Bead have an enemy-like reaction, and among them, the Xuanhuojian's spirituality may be the strongest, because there is likely to be a trace of the remnant soul of the witch Linglong in it.

As far as Liu Xu knew, the magic weapon Xuanhuojian even took the initiative to protect Zhang Xiaofan. Obviously, the actions of Xuanhuojian now told him that it did not choose Liu Xu.

"So what if it's not mine? My things are all stolen!"

Liu Xu didn't care about this, he let out a smirk, and the white light in his hand became stronger and stronger, spreading upward amidst Xuanhuojian's continuous mourning.

Gazing at everything in front of her with dumbfounded eyes, Yan Hong's heart suddenly moved. This seemed to be a good opportunity.

Liu Xu is currently busy recovering the Xuanhuojian, and now, she seems to have a chance...

But in the next moment, Yan Hong suppressed this thought in her heart, she met Liu Xu's eyes, those cold, ruthless and extremely deep eyes, she dared not resist, nor could she resist.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe it has been a long time, Linglong's remnant soul in the Xuanhuojian has lost its power, or in the rage, Liu Xu's power has become stronger, and finally the Xuanhuojian stopped beating, and all of them were killed. Shrouded in white light, he lay obediently in Liu Xu's hands.

Xuanhuo Jian, the supreme artifact, the essence of all fires.

If he can really master its power and usage, Liu Xu can use the Xuanhuojian to summon the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon, which will burn everything in the world. Cooperating with the "Eight Fierce Xuanfire Formation", it has the amazing power to destroy the world.

His face turned slightly pale, Liu Xu put away the Xuanhuo Jian, but looked at Yan Hong.

The latter took a deep breath, but lowered his head, and shook the ancient Lanshan sword vigorously.

The blade cut through the palm, and the blood soaked in.


Accompanied by Yan Hong's murmur, Liu Xu suddenly burst out laughing, and that laughter lasted for a long time in the cave.


Outside Xiaochi Town, Liu Xu was playing with the Xuanhuojian with one hand while flying in the air. He had separated from Yanhong half a day ago.

As for how Yan Hong would explain Li Xun's death in battle when he went back, it was out of his consideration, he just had to plant a nail of his own in one of the three righteous sects.

There was a gentle breeze, and not long after, Liu Xu had already reached the sky above an official road.

Although Xiaochi Town and Kongsang Mountain are located in the Central Plains, they are closer to the borderlands, so there are few people, even this official road.

After walking for a while, Liu Xu frowned, smiled wryly, slipped down from the air, and came to a small tea stall by the side of the road.

It was already noon, the sun was in the middle of the day, and it was very hot. There were already five or six customers sitting in the tea stall, enjoying the cool while drinking tea, which was not uncommon.

I don't know whether Liu Xu's movements were too fast, or the guests didn't pay attention to check. When he came down from the sky, the people here didn't react at all, but drank tea on their own.

After buying a pot of tea, Liu Xu went straight to find a table and sat down, tasting it slowly, looking at the roadside forest, but he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

After a while, I heard a gentle voice from the side of the road: "Boss, bring me a bowl of tea."

A rare breeze blew past at noon, causing the branches and leaves of the big tree to sway, revealing bits of broken sunlight, and scattered them to the ground.

The owner of the tea stand in his fifties agreed and leaned over to pour tea, but a middle-aged scribe walked over and sat down at Liu Xu's table.


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Chapter 999 Promised marriage suzerain, ten thousand poisonous Qin Wuyan

He has a square face with slender eyebrows, his eyebrows look elegant, but his eyes are piercing, and his forehead is full, but in this elegance, he has an imposing manner without anger. There is a faint auspiciousness, and you can tell that it is not ordinary at a glance.

"Little brother, can I set up a table?"

Liu Xu shrugged and put the tea into his mouth.

"Can I say no? Your Excellency has been with me for a long time. The boss over there is not weak. There are people ambushing in the woods next to him. I don't want to ask for trouble."

At the same time, Liu Xu felt a bit of slander in his heart, shouldn't the master of the ghost king sect rush to Mount Liubo to subdue Kui Niu?Why do you still have time to come here and block yourself?

Liu Xu didn't know that although he didn't expose Soul Eater in front of Baguio this time, his series of performances in the Blood Dropping Cave were enough to make everyone suspicious.

After all, the Ghost King Sect has searched for hundreds of years and failed to find something, but a disciple of the righteous way knows everything well. This is far more worrying than the ownership of a magic weapon.

Therefore, although Liu Xu's movements are far faster than Zhang Xiaofan's, the effort of thousands of people to find him is far more than in the original book, plus the delay in Xiaochi Town, before going to Liubo Mountain, Liu Xu was killed by the ghost king Zong. People blocked.

Hearing what Liu Xu said, the middle-aged scribe was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing, with pride in his brows, he sat down opposite Liu Xu unceremoniously, and then waved to Xiao Lin on the side of the road.

"You all come here too, and get to know our little brother from the Qingyun Sect!"

As soon as his words fell, two figures walked out of the forest, one in purple clothes and the other in green skirts, but they were You Ji and Bi Yao who hadn't seen each other for a few days.

At the same time, the owner of the tea stall was not the old-fashioned one, with bright eyes and a mighty demeanor.

Bi Yao looked at Liu Xu with an extremely complicated expression, then hummed softly, walked over and took the middle-aged scribe's hand, and called Daddy affectionately.

But You Ji and the tea stall owner slowly approached from behind, faintly surrounded Liu Xu, and at the same time a tyrannical momentum pressed over.

Liu Xu turned a blind eye to this, and continued to drink tea slowly.

A hint of admiration flashed in his eyes, Wan Wan went to talk to Bi Yao, but suddenly he said to Liu Xu: "Little brother, do you know what I am here for?"

Liu Xu took a deep breath, took another sip of tea, and said casually: "Sourcing, recruiting is not enough to kill. It should be said that the suzerain of the Ghost King Sect personally went out with the two holy envoys, Baihu and Suzaku. I, a righteous boy, should say Are you honored?"

"Oh?" Ten thousand people frowned, "You are not afraid that I will really do something. Although you are outstanding among the younger generation, but the days of cultivation are short after all, I am afraid that you are not the opponent of me and others!"

Saying this on the lips, everyone felt a shudder in their hearts. The young man in front of him was too calm. His demeanor and calmness in the face of danger were not what he should have at his age. That not-so-weak cultivation level, for the first time, there was a trace of murderous intent in the eyes of thousands of people.

As if sensing something, Bi Yao, who was supporting Ten Thousand People on his shoulders, changed slightly, and looked at Liu Xu faintly with concern.

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "Who isn't afraid of the Ghost King's Sect Master's attack? However, I have some skills. Although the chance of escape is not guaranteed, it is always so sure. Besides, Your Excellency led me here. Come, it’s not just to kill me, is it?? Since there is something to talk about, it’s natural to talk about it first, maybe you don’t have to run away!”

The reason why Liu Xu dared to come down in this situation was naturally to be sure of his life.

With his current cultivation base, combined with Soul Devourer and other treasures, even if he loses to [-] people, the difference is not too much, and there is Baguio by his side.

Liu Xu didn't believe it and started fighting, and Baguio would watch him being killed by the ghost king.

Baguio alone can restrain Wan Wanqian and You Ji so that they can't do anything, then there will be only one white tiger left, how can they kill him?

Little did they know that Liu Xu had planned his mind on his daughter, but everyone admired Liu Xu more and more...

After all, judging from his words and deeds, he is a smart person, he has some confidence in what he will do, and he has some expectations.

"Liu Xu, right? Why don't you join my Ghost King Sect? I can decide to betroth Baguio to you. After a hundred years, this Ghost King Sect will be yours!"



When thousands of people said this, the three people around them exclaimed. The difference is that the voices of Baihu and Suzaku are full of surprise and worry, while Baguio's voice is full of surprise and surprise.

Looking at Liu Xu, a blush rose on her face involuntarily.

However, Wan Wan turned a deaf ear to this and just stared at Liu Xu intently.

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly, and shook the teacup.

"Baguio, the Ghost King Sect, it's really a tempting offer...but how much do you really know about me, Sect Master?"

Ten thousand people smiled slightly, and said boldly: "These are not important, the important thing is whether you are sincerely willing to join my holy religion."

"Then what if I'm a disciple of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth.

The scene was silent, and the smiles on Wan Wan's faces were restrained, and they looked at Liu Xu and said, "What did you say?"

Liu Xu put down his teacup, bowed solemnly to all the people, and said, "Qin Wuyan, under the Poison God's sect, has seen Your Excellency the Ghost King, and I would like to say hello to the Ghost King on behalf of my master!"

"Qin Wuyan?" Wan Wanxiang frowned slightly, glanced at Liu Xu, with unprecedented murderous intent in his eyes, and asked word by word: "The closed disciple of Senior Poison God, who may inherit the mantle of Wan Poison Sect in the future?" Qin Wuyan?"

Liu Xu nodded, while Bi Yao's face turned pale, and Suzaku and Bai Hu's hands touched the magic weapon on their bodies.


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Chapter 1000 The transaction becomes a flicker, and Huai Buddha's dharma body is exposed

No one doubted what Liu Xu said about the location of the Dripping Blood Cave and the statue of King Ming. If Liu Xu was the most senior disciple of the Poison God in the Demon Cult, then all doubts would be resolved.

All the ghost king's worries were easily solved, but Liu Xu's troubles became bigger.

The intrigue within the Devil's Cult is actually a battle between Wing Sheng and the Righteous Way, and the senior officials of Qin Wuyan's name Ghost King Sect naturally know about it.

It is said that he is the person with the strongest cultivation talent in the generation of Wan Poison Sect, and the city is quite deep, and he has high hopes from the Poison God, but this is the reason why everyone in the Ghost King Sect is murderous.

You must know that the current Demon Sect is divided into four major factions. The Ghost King Sect is thriving under the leadership of the suzerain Ten Thousand People, and it is not impossible to unify the Demon Sect in time. god.

The Poison God has a very high seniority, good cultivation, and a cunning and cunning person, which makes everyone in the Ghost King Zong fearful. It can be said that if he is around, the Ghost King Zong will have to slow down his progress, lest he will be tricked by the other party.

But the God of Poison is old after all, he doesn't have many years to live, and most of his disciples are not talented, so ten thousand people can bear it, but this Qin Wuyan is said to be a genius who can take over the mantle of the Poison God, this is called ten thousand people How can we not be more vigilant?

What's more worrying is that the ghost king has already considered Liu Xu's current identity...

Qing Yun sect disciple!

With the scheming of thousands of people, it is not difficult to see Liu Xu's intentions and the benefits he will get in the future. It can be said that once Liu Xu successfully completes the task of overthrowing Qingyun, there will be no obstacle for him to take over the Wandumen, no matter in terms of prestige Still from the perspective of cultivation.

He also practiced magic and Taoism, and was willing to take risks at a young age. The more he thought about it, the more murderous he was in his heart. However, he was also a hero after all. He drank the tea in front of him in one gulp and looked at Liu Xu. Asked lightly: "Nephew Qin Xian, what else do you have to tell me, you need to know that you are Qingyun's disciple just now, I can spare your life for Yao'er's sake, but now I'm afraid Kill you and hurry up, you and I both know the reason."

Clenching his hands slightly, the true essence of Ghost King's whole body fluctuated, and the temperature around the tea stand dropped several degrees in an instant.

Baguio opened his mouth to say something, but was held down silently by the ghost king.

Liu Xu took his time, filled the ghost king's teacup again, and said slowly, "Wuyan revealed his identity but wanted to make a deal with the suzerain."

The Ghost King was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled lightly, and said, "Speak!"

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