Liu Xu looked at the Ghost King, raised the teacup in his hand, and said, "I want the second volume of the Heavenly Book!"


"wishful thinking!"

Suzaku and Baihu yelled and cursed almost at the same time, but Wan Wan raised his eyebrows and said, "What about the conditions? The Book of Heaven is the most precious treasure of my Ghost King Sect!"

"In the future, I will hand over the Wandu Gate to you!"

"What?" Suzaku and Baihu exclaimed at the same time.

It's not that the two made a fuss, it's just that what Liu Xu said was too shocking, but after realizing it, the two of them breathed quickly at the same time.

This person in front of him is the most valued closed disciple of the Poison God. With his cooperation, maybe the Ghost King Sect is really possible...

But Wan Wan Xiang looked calm, and slowly picked up the teacup in front of him, but the slightly trembling hand showed his mood.

In the quiet tea stand, the sun was shining brightly, only Xia Chan was singing softly on the tree. After a long time, the ghost king looked at Liu Xu and suddenly laughed.

"make a deal!"


Half an hour later, Liu Xu set up a ray of blue light and flew towards the sky, while behind him, Wan Wan Xiang, Bai Hu and others stood silently in place, each with complicated expressions, both happy and worried, and their eyes were a bit dazed .

It's not that they didn't have enough concentration, but that what they heard in the past half an hour was too important. It involved the three top sects of demons, Taoism, and Buddha, and almost influenced the world's major events.

After hesitating to speak a few times, Baihu gritted his teeth for the last time, and asked the Ghost King softly, "Sovereign, do you really trust that kid? I don't think he is a good person, so we need to be careful."

When talking about Liu Xu, he unconsciously lowered his voice, his tone full of fear. For the first time in his life, he felt fear of a boy who was not even a fraction of his age.

Wan Wan looked at him, and asked, "Why don't you believe it? He is just a young man, and he can really turn the world against me in my hands?"

As he said this, the tone of the ghost king also had some doubts, his voice raised half a point unconsciously, but then he realized what was wrong, his voice softened again, and said in a low voice: "And even if it is So what about the trap? If we miss this opportunity, I am afraid that we will have no hope of unifying the Holy Cult within a hundred years. Therefore, even if there is danger, we have to jump."

After saying that, he looked back at Bi Yao, who was crying in You Ji's arms, and felt a headache again. The resentful and grief-stricken expression of his daughter undoubtedly told him that the newly eased relationship between the two had fallen to the bottom again.

"Stinky boy, it's up to you to brush your clothes, but he took all the advantages. What do you mean handing over the Wandumen to me? In the end, even the ghost king's sect fell into his hands, and this villain still wants to kill me." I'll do it."

Cursing in a low voice, ten thousand people would hate to mention a certain little fox, but at this time his eyes were full of unprecedented ambition.


One month later, on the Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea, there was a drizzle, and countless streamers filled the sky, and blood mixed with rainwater kept falling.

The big red tripod trapped the one-legged giant beast. Amidst the ferocious laughter of the elders of the Demon Cult, the figure of a young man was exceptionally thin.

"Old eight!"

Looking at the disciples who were in danger, Tian Buyi was tearing apart, but he was entangled by the masters of the Demon Sect, and he was powerless to rescue him at this moment.

The cyan and golden light suddenly appeared, and amidst the exclamation of everyone, the figure of that young man looked extraordinarily lonely.

"Da Fan Prajna!"

I don't know who shouted, but the boy's posture froze because of this, and then his head drooped.

In the sky not far away, holding Soul Devourer and fighting with others, Liu Xu and Baihu looked at each other, and there was a gleam of joy in each other's eyes.

Chapter 1001 Tianyin burns incense, Qingyun confronts

When Zhang Xiaofan saw Qingyun Mountain again, it had been nearly two months since he went down the mountain last time.

Ever since he was carrying Tianyin Temple's Supreme Dharma Dafan Wisdom, he was suspected by the door, and Zhang Xiaofan was almost put under house arrest all the way back from Liubo Mountain.

Everyone in Dazhu Peak asked him about the origin of the formula several times, but Zhang Xiaofan gritted his teeth and refused. He promised Master Puzhi that he would not tell the matter even if he died.

It's just that Zhang Xiaofan's heart is slightly uneasy now, the Seventh Senior Brother Liu Xu occasionally looked at him very strangely, as if he knew something.

Because the matter involved Tianyin Temple, another major sect in the Righteous Way, Qingyun Sect couldn't deal with it without authorization, so after Zhang Xiaofan came back, the matter was still delayed, but what should come will always come.

This day, early in the morning.

Tongtian Peak, Yuqing Palace.

On the huge hall, many people were standing and sitting.

They all silently stared at Zhang Xiaofan standing in the hall, he just swept away, only saw a few familiar faces among the group of people.

At this time, he was standing respectfully behind an old monk sitting at the top.

Seeing the young man with nervous and fearful eyes, unconsciously clenched his hands, Reverend Daoxuan sighed slightly in his heart, and said slowly: "Zhang Xiaofan."

Zhang Xiaofan's body seemed to tremble slightly, he knelt down slowly, and said in a low voice, "This disciple is here."

Master Daoxuan looked at him and said: "The seniors next to me are all experts in my righteous path, and this time I'm here for you. This is the priest Puhong, the host of Tianyin Temple. Sitting next to him is It is also the priest Pukong of Tianyin Temple, and the Shangguan of Burning Incense Valley..."

Reverend Daoxuan couldn't lose his courtesy, so he naturally wanted to mention the names of all the famous people behind.

Puhong is the first of the four great monks in Tianyin Temple, and has always been listed as one of the three great masters in the world along with Master Daoxuan of Qingyun Sect and the owner of Fenxiang Valley. His status is far from comparable to others.

It is even more difficult for ordinary cultivators to meet him, but this time they broke the century-old rule by accident, and shocked the supreme method to drive to Qingyun Mountain. Prajna "True Dharma spread to outsiders, how much attention is paid to it.

After introducing everyone present, Master Daoxuan said slowly: "Zhang Xiaofan, now I'm going to ask you a few things, you have to answer honestly."

Zhang Xiaofan whispered: "Yes."

Reverend Daoxuan seemed to be pondering his words, and after a long while, he slowly said: "This trip to Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea, some Taoist friends from Tianyin Temple pointed out that the Taoist method you used when you fought with the elders of the Demon Sect was actually Tianyin Temple The true Dharma of "Dafan Prajna", which has never been circulated, is there such a thing?"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't speak, suddenly the atmosphere in Yuqing Hall seemed to be slightly tense.

Tian Buyi turned his head uncomfortably, but found that everyone was silently staring at Zhang Xiaofan.

In the air, there seemed to be some invisible things beating gently.

After a long while, Zhang Xiaofan's voice said slowly, "Yes."


Suddenly, there was an uproar in the hall.

Although he had expected this answer, but after Zhang Xiaofan said it, the monks in Tianyin Temple still looked excited.

Only Puhong and Pukong sitting in front, including Faxiang standing behind them, remained silent and remained silent.

But here in Qingyun Sect, Tian Buyi's face became more and more ugly, Tian Ling'er, Lin Jingyu and others who had good friends with Zhang Xiaofan also looked extremely pale.

In the amazement, only Liu Xu looked at the lonely figure, and Liu Ming's luster flashed in his eyes.

Reverend Daoxuan raised his hand to signal the noisy crowd to be quiet, his expression was a little ugly, and he asked in a low voice: "How did you get this formula? Did someone give it to you, or did you learn it secretly from others? "

At the end, the voice suddenly rose to a higher level, and the tone became sharper. When Zhang Xiaofan was drunk by him, there was a hum in his mind, but it went blank. He opened his mouth slightly, wanting to tell the whole thing, but inadvertently his eyes caught a red monk robe, A holy monk with white eyebrows like snow.

Suddenly, the benevolent old monk from many years ago also appeared in front of his eyes, gritted his teeth, and lowered his head again.

Master Daoxuan's pupils contracted, and he said coldly: "Aren't you telling the truth?"

Stealing other schools' kung fu is a big taboo in the righteous way, Master Daoxuan can't help but not take it seriously.

In fact, up to now Master Puhong has not said a word, which already made Master Daoxuan suspicious.

Maybe he did such a scandal in Tianyin Temple, but in the end Qing Yunmen was the one who took the blame for him, so he was really angry at this time.

Reverend Daoxuan slapped his hands on the coffee table heavily, stood up abruptly, frowned, and shouted angrily: "Niety! Don't think that if you don't speak, I can't do anything about you!"

"Master, calm down!"

Suddenly, a cry came from the disciples of Qingyun Sect, Lin Jingyu came out in a row, walked to the middle, stood beside Zhang Xiaofan, and knelt down.

"Master Rong, Xiaofan grew up with his disciples and knows the root and the bottom. He is definitely not a spy of its sect. There must be another reason for the Dafan Prajna incident. I hope the master will learn from him!"

With Lin Jingyu's intelligence, he naturally saw the problem, and knew that the sect leader's fury was due to suspicion, so he didn't care much, and directly pleaded with Master Daoxuan.

And Liu Xu also came out of the crowd when he heard the words, stood on top of the main hall, and said to Master Daoxuan: "I can also testify to this matter, Zhang Xiaofan really grew up in Caomiao Village since he was a child, and has never gone out, so It can't be a spy from another faction."

Looking at the monks at Tianyin Temple, Liu Xu sneered again and said, "I remember a few years ago, an eminent monk from Tianyin Temple passed by Caomiao Village, maybe that master pulled him down. Junior Brother Zhang picked up something by accident! Or is there someone who thinks that Junior Brother Zhang is young and ignorant, and wants to do something with an excuse?"


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Chapter 1002 Cangsong plots, seven-tailed centipede

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of Puhong and Pukong of Tianyin Temple changed slightly, and they bowed their heads in silence, while the people of Qingyunmen were also in an uproar, looking at the people of Tianyin Temple with some unkind eyes.

Because what Liu Xu said was that Tianyin Temple secretly passed down the exercises, and wanted to use Zhang Xiaofan to make some articles.

One must know that for so many years, as the leader of the orthodox sect, the Qingyunmen sect, if they said that the monks of Tianyin Temple had no idea, they would not believe it.

"That's right! Maybe there are some people with evil intentions. They quietly made some cheats and other secrets to ruin my reputation in Qingyunmen. I do not know!"

Tian Linger also jumped out at the side, she has always been on good terms with Zhang Xiaofan, seeing the opportunity to clear him of the charges, how could she hold back.

You must know that stealing other sects' skills and being secretly passed on by other sects are two different things. The former will definitely be severely punished by the sect, and the cultivation level may be abolished, while the latter is just being scolded by the elders .

Tian Ling'er stepped forward, but all the disciples of Dazhu Peak also stood up one by one, pleading for Zhang Xiaofan.

Listening to what Liu Xu and others said, Reverend Daoxuan's expression turned pale, and he didn't speak, but looked at Master Puhong with his eyes, forcing the other party to make a statement.

Saint Monk Puhong frowned slightly, but sighed, and opened his mouth to say something, but at this moment a voice suddenly came.

"and many more!"

Everyone looked at it, but it was the old man whose surname was Shangguan in Fenxiang Valley sitting under the head of the two divine monks in Tianyin Temple.

Just now Zhang Xiaofan's attention was focused on the two monks of Tianyin Temple, he didn't pay attention to him.

Looking at him now, he has a thin face and a rather slender figure, and even the words he speaks are somewhat sharp.

"Why do I hear these people mean that Tianyin Temple is deliberately spreading Dafan Prajna privately, just to ruin the reputation of Qingyunmen? Why didn't I know that the reputation of Qingyunmen is so valuable, let Tianyin Temple not hesitate The exodus of the best knowledge is also going to be ruined, we gathered here today to seek justice, but not because of your Qingyun sect's confusion of right and wrong."

Master Daoxuan and the other chief elders of the various factions immediately turned ugly, but they had to admit that what the elder Shangguan said was reasonable.

After all, this Dafan Prajna is the foundation of Tianyin Temple, and it is somewhat unreasonable to take risks with it.

Tian Buyi couldn't sit still, after all Zhang Xiaofan was his disciple, he finally had a chance to get rid of the crime, how could he give up so easily, he immediately snorted dissatisfiedly: "Brother Shangguan Ce, the reputation of our Qingyun sect I'm afraid it's up to you to decide whether it's important or not, maybe in some people's eyes, it's worthwhile to exchange the Zhenpai's unique knowledge, and besides, Zhang Xiaofan may only have learned a little superficially, which is irrelevant to some sects. !"

The spearhead was directed at everyone in Tianyin Temple.

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