Suspended in the sky, the ghost king's face was cloudy and uncertain, he didn't know what he thought of, but in the end he just smiled and didn't care about it, but the face of Yuyangzi holding the yin and yang mirror was particularly ugly.


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Chapter 1005 The ancient sword Zhu Xian is invincible

Down below, the God of Poison also smiled with satisfaction when he saw the result he had caused. If he was able to develop this kind of poison, it was thanks to Liu Xu.

The two spirit beasts beside Liu Xu are not only of extraordinary aptitude, they are born with the ability to swallow all kinds of poisons to enhance their own virulence, and one ice and one fire, mutual generation and mutual restraint. On top of the seven-tailed centipede that he has painstakingly cultivated for hundreds of years.

Thinking of this, Poison God glanced vaguely at the direction where the disciples of the Qingyun Sect gathered, and his eyes fell on a handsome and extraordinary figure dressed in white Shengxue, his eyes were full of relief.

But then he frowned, but he saw that during the battle, his most proud disciple was still holding the hand of a female disciple of Qingyun Sect, clasping each other tightly, with a very intimate expression.

But after a while, I don't know what happened, a smile appeared on the corner of Poison God's mouth, and he ignored it.

The situation that was slightly improved due to the appearance of the water unicorn, was reversed because of the supernatural power of the poisonous god. Even Liu Xu gradually felt the pressure increased, and the halo formed by the Liuhe mirror also swayed.

And just when Qingyunmen's side was in danger and the battle line was about to collapse at any time, a low and strange howl suddenly came from the distant sky.

Suddenly, the entire Qingyun Mountain Range, the giant peak that has stood tall for thousands of years, seemed to tremble slightly.

All of a sudden, the swords and treasures in everyone's hands became slightly hot and moaned, and turned towards the brilliant light.

Tongtian Peak soared into the clouds, and the sky that had been clear for thousands of years gradually darkened.

Only that dazzling light in the sky, like unrestrained thermoelectricity, broke free from confinement, soared above the nine heavens, and came at a gallop.

After hundreds of years, Gu Jian Zhu Xian once again showed its edge to the world.


In the sky, someone held a sword and pointed it at the sky, and a spirit beast roared, echoing endlessly.

Into the eyes, there is a bright sword light, and in the blooming light, there is a strange sound of reciting mantras, like the singing of gods and Buddhas all over the sky, or like the laughing of nine secluded demons.

The nameless sense of awe overwhelmed everyone on Qingyun Mountain.

Taoist Cangsong's face turned pale, and he looked at the figure holding an ancient sword, powerful in the world, and said in a raving voice, "Zhu Xian! Daoxuan!"

At the same time, the Ghost King and the Poison God exchanged glances and shouted at the same time, "Let's go!"

The disciples of Ghost King Sect and Wan Du Sect seemed to have received the instruction a long time ago, they gave up their respective opponents by coincidence, gathered together, and evacuated towards the place down the mountain under the leadership of their suzerain.

Mrs. San Miao blinked her beautiful eyes, and then she reacted, her face also changed, and she shouted at her own door: "Get out!"

Among the four sects of the Devil's Sect, only Yu Yangzi, the head of the Changsheng Hall who presided over the attack on Qingyun, was unwilling to reconcile and cursed: "No matter how powerful he is, he is just one person with one sword, you gangsters without courage!"

But he was not stupid, the three factions had already withdrawn, leaving only the Changshengtang faction would not be able to please, so he also asked his subordinates to leave, but after this delay, it was already too late.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, and there was a loud thunder.

From the unknown places of the other six peaks of Qingyun Mountain, six brilliant and strange lights flew over, divided into six colors of yellow, blue, red, green, orange, and blue, and shrouded together, and finally seven strange lights converged on the Dao On top of the ancient sword Zhu Xian that had been brilliant until now in Xuan's hand, a huge and incomparably colorful Qi sword appeared on the top of Tongtian Peak, and that figure was even taller than the mountain.

In mid-air, Master Daoxuan's calm voice came.

"Since you are here, don't leave!"

The voice is grand, like a god's mansion.

The next moment, a burst of light flickered on the ancient sword of Zhu Xian.

A moment later, countless small swords splintered from the huge air sword, charged down with incomparably fierce momentum, and rushed straight towards the people of the Demon Cult.

The sword fell like rain, and the world chilled.

Countless Demon Cultists who were left behind raised their troops to resist, but the Qi Sword pierced down mercilessly, as if it was invincible, and those with lesser skills were immediately driven deep into the ground, causing blood to splatter.

On the Tongtian Peak, ghosts and wolves howled suddenly, and the screams were endless, and countless broken limbs and meat were scattered.

Flesh and blood flew all over the place, it was like hell, even the Ghost King Zong and the Wandumen who were one step ahead were injured, and the casualties were not light.

But Master Daoxuan was injured in the end, and the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation had not reached its peak. In the end, the Ghost King and the Poison God combined forces to forcibly tore a gap in the easternmost part of the formation, and fled with his congregation Going out, even many masters from the Hehuan faction who suffered heavy casualties before and the Changshengtang who suffered a lot of casualties escaped.

The sword rain that filled the sky finally weakened and slowly stopped.

Countless scattered blood flowers fell quietly, turning into a shocking bloody scene, shrouding Tongtian Peak in blood.

Daoxuan in the sky slowly descended with the water unicorn, but the current situation of this man and beast is extremely miserable.

Reverend Daoxuan's face was as yellow as paper, the wound on Yuexiong's mouth was torn open again, Shui Qilin's whole body was pitch black, and the scales on his body were broken a lot.

Just now Daoxuan Daoxuan sacrificed the ancient sword of Zhuxian, this beast desperately broke through the interception of Poison God and Mrs. Sanmiao, and came to the other side, at this time it seemed to have suffered serious injuries.

After swallowing three big yellow pills that Tian Buyi handed over in a row, Master Daoxuan's complexion improved a bit. Looking at the messy Tongtian Peak main peak around him, he asked desolately, "Injury... how about the casualties?"

Standing closest to him, Tian Buyi hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Senior brother in charge, you'd better take care of your injuries first..."

Daoxuan said firmly, "Say it quickly!"

Tian Buyi was suffocated, looked around, and then said with a sad face: "Fourteen of the twenty-five elders died in battle, and four or five were seriously injured. Brother Shang from Chaoyang Peak and Brother Tianyun from Luoxia Peak Unfortunately, he died, other, other junior disciples..."

Halfway through the speech, Tian Buyi's voice was a little sobbing, but he couldn't continue.


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Chapter 1006 The Truth Comes Out, The Murderer

Reverend Daoxuan shook his body, but his face became even paler.

Qingyunmen's proud strength in the past was almost completely lost in this battle.

With a long sigh, Daoxuan closed his eyes and stamped his feet: "I'm sorry to the Patriarchs of Qingyun Sect!"

His tone was desolate, with indescribable pain, everyone heard it, and fell silent for a while, they could only whisper comforting words around him.

At this time, Master Puhong and others who were escorted to a safe place by Shuiyue leader just now were also sent back.

At this time, the other party's complexion was much better than the paleness just now. Presumably, the injury had improved a little, but he was still extremely weak.

Panting for a few moments, Master Pu Hong looked around, but he saw rivers of blood, dead people and dilapidated palaces everywhere, he sighed, and chant: "Amitabha!"

Reverend Daoxuan nodded slightly to Master Puhong, smiled wryly, and said, "How is Master's injury?"

Master Puhong shook his head, and said: "The old monk will not die, but the head master must take care of himself!"

Reverend Daoxuan shook his head and sighed, looked into the distance, and suddenly landed on Zhang Xiaofan standing outside who was talking to Lin Jingyu for some reason.

It should be said that he is worthy of being the protagonist of the world. Although he lost Soul Eater, Zhang Xiaofan still survived the melee by relying on the two unique skills of Taiji Qingxuan Dao and Dafan Prajna, but the current appearance is extraordinarily embarrassing, covered in blood , It seems that the injury is not light.

Sighing slightly, Master Daoxuan turned his head to Tian Buyi and said, "Junior Brother Tian, ​​please ask your apprentice Zhang Xiaofan to come here."

Although the Qingyun Sect has undergone major changes, the explanation that should be given still needs to be given, especially for this matter, no matter who is right or who is wrong, he Qingyun Sect and Tianyin Temple have to come to a conclusion.

Maybe Zhang Xiaofan has to make some sacrifices, after all, the Qingyunmen family is still powerless to fight against the Demon Sect, and they still need the help of Tianyin Temple.

Tian Buyi's expression changed, obviously he had thought of something, but he didn't dare to disobey his orders, so he turned around and said, "Old Ba, come here, the Master Master has something to say to you."

Everyone was surprised for a moment, especially the disciples of Dazhu Peak.

Zhang Xiaofan was shocked even more, but the teacher's orders are hard to disobey, so he had to bite the bullet and walk over.

After a while, the crowd dispersed into an open space, Zhang Xiaofan stood alone in front of Daoxuan Daoxuan, and said in a low voice: "Master."

Reverend Daoxuan looked at him for a while, then said in a low voice: "Are you still refusing to tell me now?"

Zhang Xiaofan's body trembled, his face was extremely painful, two thoughts kept fighting in his mind.


Suddenly there was a loud roar, the sound moved the audience like thunder, startled everyone, but it was Pukong, one of the four great monks of Tianyin Temple.

Among the four great monks of Tianyin Temple, Pukong ranks the lowest, but has the most violent temper. When he grew up, he gradually realized the meaning of Buddha, and then he gradually lived in seclusion in Tianyin Temple.

But today's Qingyun bloody battle, Pukong launched a killing ring, using the Buddhist way to fight against the devil, but it aroused the fierceness of the past. You must know that this time, the people of Tianyin Temple came to Qingyun Mountain with the intention of provoking their masters to ask their sins In my heart, Tianyin Temple never spread the supreme true Dharma "Dafan Prajna", but it was actually learned by a young disciple of Qingyunmen. How could this be possible?

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan hesitating, Pukong was indescribably upset, couldn't help but let out a Buddhist lion roar.

At the same time, he shook the golden bowl in his hand, and said viciously to Zhang Xiaofan: "Don't tell me, the Buddha will kill you today!"

"Amitabha, sin, sin! Sow evil, and you will reap evil results. Brother Pukong, don't embarrass the benefactor anymore, this is my Tianyin Temple's fault!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience fell silent in an instant, and Pukong's body was like a piece of wood. After a long while, he slowly turned to face Master Puhong, and said in a shy voice, "Senior brother, what did you say?"

Master Pu Hong's face was pale, and he didn't know whether it was a physical injury or guilt in his heart, but he closed his eyes and lowered his brows, and said in a low voice for a long while: "Faxiang."

Dharma Xiang, who was taking care of Master Puhong, shook his body and said, "The disciple is here."

Master Puhong said slowly: "There's no need to hide it, you can tell them all about it! Junior brother did something wrong back then, and today we must never wrong this benefactor Zhang again."

Fa Xiang walked forward slowly, looked at countless astonished faces, then landed on Lin Jingyu, Liu Xu and Zhang Xiaofan in the field, and finally stopped at Zhang Xiaofan.

"The Dafan class Ruo learned from Master Zhang was passed down by my Uncle Puzhi from Tianyin Temple. It's not that I secretly learned my own kung fu!"

His voice paused, and then he said harshly: "Besides, back then, it was our Tianyin Temple who killed all the villagers in Caomiao Village at the foot of Qingyun Mountain..."


In an instant, countless voices of horror, shock, disbelief, and anger erupted in the Yuqing Hall of Qingyun Mountain like an explosion. Even Daoxuan Daoxuan, Tian Buyi and other well-cultivated masters couldn't help but change their faces. .

Zhang Xiaofan's face turned pale, his body was shaking.

Liu Xu raised Soul Eater, his expression was particularly ugly.

And Lin Jingyu pulled out the Dragon Slaying Sword, and the blue light rippled.

Facing everyone's censure, Faxiang lowered his head slightly, and continued to speak: "The murderer is my third uncle, Master Puzhi, one of the four great monks."

"Back when Master Puzhi came to Qingyun, he met the head of Daoxuan and persuaded him to practice the two true methods of Buddhism and Taoism together, so that he might be able to solve the mystery of longevity. Unexpectedly, he was politely rejected by the real head... After going down the mountain, Uncle Puzhi walked to Caomiao Village on foot. Seeing that it was getting late, he stayed overnight in the ruined temple in the village. On that night... he passed on Dafan Prajna to Junior Brother Zhang, but afterward Puzhi Master's uncle's Buddhist power was greatly reduced, and he was invaded by the evil power of the bloodthirsty bead, like a ghost possessed him. He even thought of it, and thought of killing all the villagers in Caomiao Village. That child must be included in the sect,"

"Ah!" Lin Jingyu yelled, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, he slashed his dragon sword and body towards Fa Xiang, "I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

Daoxuan became anxious when he saw this, and shouted: "Quick, stop it!"

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