Chapter 1007 Dafan Prajna, a sudden killer

Before he could finish his sentence, Tian Buyi and others shot out one after another and stopped Lin Jingyu.

Although Lin Jingyu's cultivation was not weak, but he was only at the sixth or seventh floor of the Jade Clear Realm, no matter how he was the opponent of the elders, he was pushed aside immediately, unable to struggle.

Seeing that he was still chanting "Kill you! Kill you!" and kept calling Lin Jingyu, Tian Buyi opened his mouth slightly, just about to comfort him, but then he exclaimed: "Old Qi!"

The next moment, everyone's expressions changed, only to see that Liu Xu was holding Soul Eater, but he was rushing towards Master Puhong quickly.

In an instant, thin cold sweat broke out on almost everyone's foreheads.

Liu Xu is different from Lin Jingyu, as the most outstanding genius of Qingyun sect for hundreds of years, he has already reached the supernatural realm at a young age, and his strength is even more impressive.

Just now against the masters of the Demon Sect, Liu Xu held a black stick and a six-fold mirror on his head. He was able to defeat many demons, and even killed several of them.

If he goes crazy, who else can stop him?

Especially now, the attention of all the elders is attracted by Lin Jingyu, now besides Master Daoxuan, there is no other master in front of Master Puhong.

Seeing this, Tian Buyi was in a hurry, and while rushing towards this side, he shouted loudly: "Lao Qi, stop me!"

If Liu Xu was really allowed to kill Puhong, the matter would become a big mess, and the other elders were desperately rushing to this end, but they fell behind a lot, and they could only watch Liu Xu rush towards Puhong.

"Senior brother, don't!"

Seeing Liu Xu rushing out regardless, Tian Linger was taken aback for a moment, and then exclaimed.

Beside Shuiyue, looking at Liu Xu, Lu Xueqi's face suddenly changed, and she stretched out her hand to Tianya behind her, but looked at the distance between them, and then relaxed with a wry smile.

Among the junior disciples, only Faxiang gave Liu Xu a complicated look, chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, and suddenly stepped forward to stop Liu Xu.

Among the crowd, he was the only one who could stop Liu Xu, but he didn't make a move. He just stood there quietly with his hands clasped together.

"Amitabha, Liu Xu's benefactor, the little monk is willing to bear the sins of the past. The head abbot is in the safety of my Tianyin Temple, and I hope the benefactor will be merciful!"

The soul-devouring blue light flowed in his hand, and with a "bang", Faxiang flew upside down, spitting out blood.

Facing Faxiang who had no intention of fighting back, Liu Xu showed no intention of showing mercy, and in a blink of an eye, he stepped over him and rushed in front of Puhong.

The zhenyuan, which contains Taiji Qingxuan Dao, kept circulating in his hand, and Liu Xu slapped Puhong on the head with his palm.

Reverend Daoxuan on the side raised his brows, and he turned sideways to block between Liu Xu and Puhong, regardless of his injury.

"Presumptuous, don't stop for me!"

With the blue light in his hand, Master Daoxuan met Liu Xu's outstretched arm.

Reverend Daoxuan, who is also practicing Taiji Qingxuan and has reached the realm of Taiqing, is sure to stop Liu Xu's blow even if he is seriously injured. The power of power can definitely subdue him, and the situation will calm down, at least Master Daoxuan thinks so.

Cyan and cyan palms meet, the expression of Daoxuan Daoxuan who was full of confidence suddenly changed, he was extremely shocked, as if he saw something unbelievable.

Under everyone's attention, the blue light on Liu Xu's palm turned slightly, but suddenly turned into an incomparably bright golden color.

That's really...

Dafan Banruo!

The domineering true energy completely different from Taiji Qingxuan Dao rushed into the body of Daoxuan Daoxuan, who was already seriously injured, was immediately sent flying, and his snow-white long beard was stained red by the blood he spurted.

Daoxuan was blown away with one blow, and there was no obstacle in front of Liu Xu. Under Pu Hong's astonished gaze, he raised the Soul Devourer in his hand with a smirk.

The next moment, the black rod was glowing with a faint light, and it was inserted fiercely from Pu Hong's eye sockets, and then poured out from the back of his head.

Cruel, ruthless, without a trace of hesitation.

"Tick, tick..."

Master Pu Hong's blood flowed down the body of Soul Eater's stick, which was particularly piercing in this silent scene, and everyone was stunned.

In just a short moment, so many things happened that they couldn't even think about what happened now.

Dafan Prajna, severely wounding Daoxuan, killing Puhong...

Tian Buyi opened his mouth slightly, but looking at his most outstanding and proudest disciple, he couldn't make a sound.

Putting his hand on Soul Eater, Liu Xu shook it lightly, and a black air gushed out from Soul Eater.

Master Pu Hong's body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, this one of the world's three great masters turned into a pile of dry bones.

The Soul Eater in Liu Xu's hand became more and more beautiful, and the blood on the stick became brighter.



"Liu Xu!"

The next moment, as if recovering from the petrified situation, all kinds of voices erupted suddenly, and the entire Qingyun Mountain suddenly became chaotic.

The people from Tianyin Temple rushed towards Puhong's pile of bones, crying and screaming, while the disciples of Qingyunmen rushed towards Daoxuan who was lying on the ground in a panic.

More people surrounded Liu Xu, glaring at each other, with puzzlement, resentment and a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Liu Xu, what's the matter with the exercise you just performed? How can you know the Dafan Prajna of Tianyin Temple? And your magic human blood. Are you in collusion with the Demon Cult? Tell me!"

Among the crowd, Qi Hao stood out more and more, staring at Liu Xu quietly, with surprise and joy constantly changing in his eyes.


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Chapter 1008 Astonishing Qualifications, the Supreme Treasure of the Holy Religion

Liu Xu didn't pay attention to him at all, he stroked the body of Soul Eater's stick, wondering what he was thinking.

With this kind of attitude again, Qi Hao's face turned blue and white, and he gritted his teeth and wanted to call someone to do it.

At this moment, a particularly desolate voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"Brother, what is going on?"

Tian Linger stumbled out of the crowd, looked at Liu Xu and asked loudly.

Her face was extremely pale, and her beautiful eyes lost all energy, and she just looked at Liu Xu blankly.

"Brother, what the hell are you doing! How could you kill Master Puhong, how could you hurt the Master Master! Hurry up and apologize with me, father and mother will also intercede for you, everything will be fine of……"

Tian Linger was talking in a hurry, walking towards Liu Xu step by step, she instinctively refused to think about what happened, because it was too cruel and terrifying for her.

But others naturally couldn't watch Tian Linger approach Liu Xu, Suru took a step across and pulled her back forcefully.

Tian Ling'er stretched out her hands in vain, but she couldn't close the distance with Liu Xu.

So close...but like the end of the world.

Liu Xu watched all this quietly, but his expression was somewhat complicated, but he didn't notice that in another direction in the crowd, Lu Xueqi was holding the Tianya Excalibur, and her expression was also extremely ugly.

She didn't know that her cherry lips were bitten, but the blood slowly flowed down Lu Xueqi's mouth and landed on the ground, like bright red plum blossoms.

Opposite...but don't know each other.

Holding Soul Eater's hand tightly, a moment later, Liu Xu laughed out loud and said, "What am I doing? I'm plotting against Daoxuan and Puhong! Can't you see it?"

Wanton and indulgent laughter resounded throughout the entire Tongtian Peak. The similar and familiar scene made all Qingyun disciples terrified, especially the Longshou line. In their eyes, Liu Xu's figure had already been compared with another person. overlapped together.


Outside the main hall, Liu Xu's laughter was interrupted by a shout.

Tian Buyi walked out with red eyes, staring at Liu Xu firmly.

"Evil barrier! If you don't want to catch him without a fight, you have to do it yourself for the teacher!"

Heartbroken, angry, puzzled, but finally turned into a gleam of determination, Tian Buyi's red flame sword rose suddenly with a red light.

"Honestly tell me everything about you, where did your Dafan class come from? What's the matter with your magic weapon? And why did you take action against the senior brother in charge and Master Puhong? Tell me clearly! "

Staring at the enraged Tian Buyi, Liu Xu suddenly chuckled, and the originally sunny smile suddenly became evil, giving people an indescribably strange feeling.

Obviously the same person, this completely different feeling made everyone feel chills.

"If the Dafan class was taught by that bald donkey Puzhi back then, how else would it have come?"


The decisive voice, when everyone saw it, it was Faxiang who stood up from the ground holding his wound, and glanced at Puhong's body, his eyes were full of sadness.

"Master Uncle Puzhi said before his death that Dafan Prajna was passed on to Junior Brother Zhang alone. Because you and Lin Benefactor are too talented, he was afraid of being exposed, so he didn't pass it on to you two at all!"

Regarding this, Liu Xu revealed a trace of sarcasm, and said, "Did he tell you that when he taught Zhang Xiaofan the "Da Fan Prajna", Lin Jingyu and I were lying beside him. At that time, Zhang Xiaofan took three hours to memorize it by force, I only listened to it once and memorized it. Later, I thought he could pass down some secret methods of Tianyin Temple, but who knew that he only passed down one Dafan Prajna, I was so disappointed at the time!"

Fa Xiang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at Zhang Xiaofan as if asking for help, after all, it was impossible for Puzhi to explain these details before he died.

Zhang Xiaofan was originally in a trance because of Puzhi's matter, but at this time he nodded subconsciously, and whispered: "Yes, my aptitude is dull, Pu, Pu, that person taught me for a whole night, I just Recite the Dafan Prajna."

Everyone shook their heads slightly when they heard it, and looked at Zhang Xiaofan with a trace of pity in their eyes.

The same teacher taught the art, one only listened to it once, and the other recited it all night, the difference in qualifications is really immeasurable.

But obviously not thinking about these times at this time, Tian Buyi took a step forward, and shouted: "Even if you obtained Dafan Prajna in this way, then what's the matter with your magic weapon, sucking human blood, this is clearly something from the Demon Sect , are you a spy of the Demon Cult?"

Liu Xu didn't answer, but Fa Xiang thought of something, but he exclaimed.

"Bloodthirsty bead, bloodthirsty bead! The bead on the top of your magic weapon is the bloodthirsty bead of the black hearted old man? Hand over the blood-thirsty bead to Junior Brother Zhang and ask him to find a cliff where no one knows to throw it away, how could the blood-thirsty bead be on your body?"

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan, the latter shook his head in confusion, and said: "That's right, he, he did give me a small bead back then, but once I went to the back mountain with senior sister, Liu, and senior brother Liu. It was lost, and I couldn't find it no matter how I looked for it later..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan looked at Liu Xu suspiciously, because he remembered that not long after that incident happened, the black magic weapon appeared in Liu Xu's hand.

For the first time, he felt that the brother who went up the mountain together seemed very strange.

Noticing Zhang Xiaofan's suspicious gaze, Liu Xu smiled lightly, staring at the blood-red bead on the top, and said calmly: "Yes, I took it secretly, combine it with the one in my hand. The soul-destroyer sticks have been forged together with blood to form the current divine weapon."

Raising the Soul Devourer in his hand, Liu Xu snorted coldly in disdain, and said, "How could the treasure of my Holy Cult fall into the hands of outsiders!"


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