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Chapter 1009 Three Schools of Cultivation Techniques, Poison God Disciple

holy religion!

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar again. Although there were speculations before, everyone was shocked when they heard the words of the holy religion spit out from Liu Xu's mouth. The genius turned out to be a member of the Demon Cult.

Tian Buyi only felt his head humming, and the blood kept pouring up. The disciple he had spent so much effort to cultivate turned out to be a spy of the Demon Cult. This was the biggest irony for Liu at this time.

But there was someone who was more sad than him. Hearing Liu Xu confess all this, Tian Linger suddenly burst into tears.

Looking at Liu Xu, she shook her head desperately, rushed forward, and shouted loudly: "No, no, brother, you lied to lied to me, right? You can't be a spy of the Demon Cult, Right, right? You tell me!"

The sound was like a cuckoo weeping blood, which made people feel sad when they heard it.

On the other side, Lu Xueqi bit her lips tightly, and there was no trace of blood on her face.

As soon as she grabbed her daughter, Suru's eyes were full of distress, and then she saw her yelling at Liu Xu viciously: "Tell me, how did you collude with Cangsong?"

From Suru's point of view, Liu Xu grew up at the foot of the mountain since he was a child, if there is any chance to get in touch with the Devil's Cult, it would only be possible in Cangsong.

But listening to what Suru said, Liu Xu smiled disdainfully.

"Cangsong, is he worthy?"

Suru was taken aback when she heard that, but Lin Jingyu at the side reacted.

After Liu Xu's scene, his killing intent towards Tianyin Temple's people was suppressed for the time being.

He looked at Liu Xu with cold eyes, and suddenly said: "The Liu family was not from the village back then, they moved here later. Liu Xu, you have been a member of the Demon Sect since the beginning!"

Liu Xu glanced at Lin Jingyu in surprise, and then said playfully: "Yes, you are smart, but unfortunately you are a bit of a waste, and you can't even avenge your parents. Tsk tsk, when Pu Zhi did it back then, I Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I could smell the bloody smell in the grass temple, it's really miserable!"

"You..." The wound was opened by Liu Xu again, Lin Jingyu was furious and stared at Liu Xu viciously.

Immediately, he turned his head again, looking at the eyes of everyone in Tianyin Temple, but once again there was murderous intent.

Seeing that Lin Jingyu was once again instigated by Liu Xu's few words to get revenge, Qi Hao secretly thought that something was wrong, so he took a step forward and cursed at Liu Xu: "Shut up, evildoer, your death is imminent!" Don't forget to provoke the relationship between me and the righteous way! In the tragedy that year, someone in your family also lost their lives, and you use this as an excuse, you really have no conscience."

Liu Xu sneered at this, and looked at Qi Hao with a look of a buffoon.

"It's said that I was a member of the Demon Cult from the beginning, and my parents are also members of the Demon Sect. How could I follow to the foot of Qingyun Sect? The so-called Liu family members who died were just found by me in the Jianghu. What does life and death have to do with me?"

Qi Hao shook his head when he heard this, and said decisively: "Impossible. Back then, the Caomiao Village tragedy was a sensation. We, Longshou Peak, were in charge of this matter, and we also conducted a special investigation. A child of the Liu family, otherwise you would not have been admitted that day."

Liu Xu laughed even louder when he heard this, and said disdainfully, "Of course your investigation is correct, it's just some omissions! I, Liu Xu, started from the Zongmen when I was ten years old. It took me three years to start this matter. You spent a lot of time mixing with the Liu family, and spent another two years at the foot of the Qingyun sect, and it took a total of five years to enter the Qingyun sect. It took so much effort, and with your means What can you find out?"

The Liu family did have an heir named Liu Xu, but he was taken away by the demon sect a few years ago, using this as a threat to let Liu Xu mix in.

The child was not very old at first, so naturally he would not attract the attention of others, and as he grew up, it was natural for his appearance to change.

Before the Liu family moved to Caomiao Village, Liu Xu had already arranged everything seamlessly.

But listening to Liu Xu talking about this matter in a flat tone, all the righteous people present felt cold.

This child must not stay!

With the skills of Buddha, Dao, and Demon, he has first-class scheming, aptitude, and courage. If he is let go today, who will be able to restrain him in the future?

Sensing the direct killing intent of those around him, Qihao's eyes flashed with joy.

Looking at the young man who was on top of his head in the past, he said coldly: "Even if you pass the test by hiding it? I, Qing Yunmen, gave you, and naturally I can take it back. Do you think you can leave alive today?"

But Liu Xu still looked at him with that contemptuous look and said nothing.

The next moment, I heard a cold whistle outside.

"The old man wants to see, who dares to hurt my beloved apprentice!"

Suddenly, there was a sharp howl outside the Yuqing Hall, and strange lights flashed randomly, and the screams were endless for a moment.

On the top of Tongtian Peak, there were people flying around and magic weapons in chaos, but it was everyone from the Demon Cult who came back after killing them.

I saw the God of Poison rushing over first, followed by the King of Ghosts, Mrs. Sanmiao and Yuyangzi, although their faces were ugly, but they also followed.

In the blink of an eye, the four major factions of the Demon Cult killed Tongtian Peak again.

Suspended in mid-air, looking at Daoxuan Daoxuan who was being supported and unable to get up, and then at Master Puhong who was wrapped in cassock, leaving only the skeleton, the poison god suddenly laughed out loud.

"My apprentice Wuyan, well done, Daoxuan, you are an old man, you never thought you would be defeated by my apprentice one day! And that old bald donkey, Puhong, is still one of the three masters, but the result is not good. Being slaughtered by my apprentice, hahaha, there are apprentices like this, old man, I have no regrets in this life!"

And the ghost king was also smiling, and he cupped his hands at the poison god, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, senior, with such a good disciple, he will surely make the Wandu sect famous. Today's encirclement and suppression of Qingyun, another disciple is the first achievement!"

On the side, Yuyangzi and Mrs. Sanmiao looked at Liu Xu a few times, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes, but they still complimented the God of Poison involuntarily.

Although Poison God's face was calm and his mouth was constantly humble, everyone could see the smile on his brow.

Hearing the shameless flattery among those devils, Daoxuan Daoxuan, who was helped up by several people, had a flush on his face, and suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, his eyes fixed on Liu Xu.

Chapter 1010 Yin Yuan has been lost, gap between master and apprentice

"Good! Good! Good! I didn't expect that when I was blind, the old Taoist, I didn't realize that Your Excellency is actually a master disciple of the Poison God. This time, my defeat at Qingyun Sect is not unfair!"

He said so, but the deep hatred in Daoxuan's eyes was beyond words.

But Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders indifferently, turned around and was about to fly towards the demon sect members.

Daoxuan was first attacked by Cangsong, poisoned by the seven-tailed centipede, and then received a sword, and then forced to use the Zhuxian sword formation to increase his injuries, and finally got Liu Xu's blow to Dafan Prajna, and now he can wake up It's all a miracle. It's delusional to imagine driving the Jade Sword Formation again like in the original book.

But the next moment his body froze, only to hear behind him, a voice like cuckoo weeping blood suddenly came.

"Brother, don't go!"

Tian Ling'er broke free from Suru's hand, and flew towards Liu Xu, driving Amber Scarlet Silk.

Looking at the familiar figure, Liu Xu's eyes became a little dazed, and he wanted to apply subconsciously.

Immediately this movement froze, but Tian Linger was caught by Suru and Tian Buyi who rushed over, and pulled back.

Looking at Tian Linger who was struggling non-stop, Liu Xu took a deep breath, raised his hand slightly, and put it down again. This move was very secretive, but it was also noticed by those who cared.

Slightly squinting his eyes, looking at Liu Xu who flew back, the God of Poison suddenly said, "My disciple Wuyan is still so suave and charming!"

"I see that the little girl below has lost her yin essence, and she has lost her gate. I'm afraid you have already captured her! It's really better than blue, your master didn't have the ability to deceive a fairy of the righteous way back then." , how is it, how does it taste?"

The poison god's voice was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears like thunder.

Liu Xu suddenly raised his head, staring intently into the eyes of the Poison God.

Down below, Suru's face turned pale suddenly.

Being stared at by Liu Xu, Poison God's face was very calm, and he asked lightly: "Why, I was wrong? That little girl is indeed not perfect."

Hearing these words, Qingyunmen, Tianyin Temple, Demon Sect, countless strange gazes looked at Tian Linger, but she didn't care, just stared at the figure in the sky bewilderedly.

In mid-air, without making a sound, the two masters and apprentices of the Poison God faced each other like that, and then a smile appeared on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, "No! The taste is not bad!"

As he said this, there seemed to be a flame burning in his eyes.

"I killed you shameless bastard!"

Below the crowd, in the Qingyun Gate, Suru yelled angrily, and was about to fly up to do her best, but Tian Buyi firmly held her back.

The latter's face was ashen, but he could still maintain the last sliver of clarity, just looking at his beloved daughter, his finger bones were pinched.

A tear fell from the corner of Tian Linger's eyes, but she didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. Instead, Lu Xueqi quietly grasped the Tianya Excalibur not far away, and a biting cold spread out, causing the people around Surprised.

On the other side of the Devil's Cult, seeing that there was something wrong between Liu Xu and the Poison God's master and apprentice, the Ghost King opened his mouth to smooth things over.

He patted Liu Xu on the shoulder, just smiled, and said, "Young man, young Fengliu is no big deal, it's just nephew Liu Xian, I can't get in touch with these upright women in the future, otherwise I won't worry about it. Baguio will be handed over to you!"

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu also calmed down, and said lightly: "Well, I understand, Senior Ghost King, don't worry, I will not let Baguio down!"

Hearing this, the Poison God frowned, smiled at the Ghost King, and said, "Brother, in my opinion, it's better to find a good day and auspicious day as soon as possible, so that my apprentice can marry your daughter-in-law, so that he can take him in." Take it easy!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Mrs. Sanmiao and Yuyangzi changed. How could the two of them not know that they were plotted by the Ghost King and the Poison God at this point.

It's just that they didn't expect that the two factions would be so close, that the last disciple of the Poison God would marry the ghost king's only daughter.

And everyone in the Qingyun Sect below was also in an uproar. They didn't expect Liu Xu to have such an identity, a disciple of the Poison God and the future son-in-law of the Ghost King. No wonder they looked down on Cangsong.

After all, Cangsong is only a traitor no matter how high his cultivation base is, but Liu Xu will be a successor who can inherit at least one line of the Demon Cult in the future.

Then, Suru shouted suddenly from the crowd.

"Linger, Linger! What's wrong with you, don't scare mother!"

But when she heard about Liu Xu's marriage, Tian Ling'er was so sad that she passed out.

Quietly looking at the figure lying in Suru's arms, Liu Xu clenched his hand and then loosened it, loosened it and clenched it again, but finally lowered his head in vain, wondering what he was thinking.

"That's enough! You demons heretics, don't brag about it here and there. The Buddha will kill this little bastard right now, and let your happy events turn into mourning!"

With a loud roar, the sound moved the audience, and everyone looked at it, but it was Pukong with blood-red eyes.

The brother died tragically, the Dafan Wisdom from the town temple was exiled again, everyone from the Demon Sect was killed, and the bad news came one after another. All this has already made the most popular of the four gods and haters go crazy.

Holding the golden bowl of the Buddha in his hand, and with a roar of a lion, the master rushed directly towards Liu Xu who was in the air.

"Little bastard, you die here!"

The golden bowl, the dazzling light, and the haze on the entire Tongtian Peak seemed to have dissipated a lot under this blow.

Slightly raised his head, watching Pukong's blow, at some point Liu Xu's eyes were filled with black air.

"You deserve it too!"

The same dazzling golden glow lit up in Liu Xu's hands, but the Buddhist magic formula was lit up on the dark stick of Soul Eater.

Without dodging or evading, Liu Xu hit the golden bowl of the Buddha with one blow.


Like a sun rising in the sky, the entire Tongtian Peak was illuminated by the sudden burst of light.

Boom, Pukong was bombarded from the air, retreated a few steps on the ground, his footprints went deep into the ground, his face was flushed, and he pointed at Liu Xu in horror, "You, you have cultivated Dafan Prajna to this point? How far?"

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