Chapter 1011 Buddhist kung fu fights, poison is used in the battle

Also being blown several feet away, Liu Xu stabilized himself, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, sneered, and said, "I told you, you want to kill me just because you want to kill me, it's just delusional!"

Lifting up a mouthful of true essence, Liu Xu held the soul-eating stick in both hands, lifted up the Dafan Prajna again, and threw himself towards Pukong again like a golden Buddha.

"Junior, you are courting death!"

Seeing all this, Pukong's eyes were blood red again. As a disciple of Tianyin Temple, he was hit on the head with Dafan Prajna by a demon cultist. How could he bear this humiliation? The golden bowl threw it at Liu Xu.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Like the sound of a huge iron strike, Liu Xu and Pukong were also revolving Dafan Prajna, fighting in a ball, and their rough postures were like two giants fighting there.

As if igniting the wire of explosives, someone shouted, and everyone from the Devil's Cult and Zhengdao were killed together again.

Magic weapons flew, streamers scattered, and the broken Tongtian Peak was once again stained red with blood.

The Demon Cult had a large number of people, and there was a lot of beatings around Qingyunmen, and the four major sect masters even shot together, strangling and killing everyone protecting Daoxuan.

The Qingyun sect was already seriously injured, and it was even more unfavorable to protect the head of the sect at this time.

Although Tian Buyi and the others tried their best to support them, they were helplessly outnumbered, and were immediately pushed back. They narrowly escaped death several times, and the situation gradually became critical.

Protected by everyone behind him, looking at the audience, Daoxuan Daoxuan's eyes were as if they were about to breathe fire.

In one day, Qingyun Mountain, which was sacred and inviolable in the past, was killed by these members of the demon sect.

But what is more important is the current predicament. He no longer has the strength to activate the Zhuxian Sword Formation. He gritted his teeth slightly, but Daoxuan finally made up his mind and pulled an elder to his side, whispering a few words sentence.

The elder was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and suddenly exerted strength, but broke out of the encirclement, and rushed towards a direction behind a mountain.

Although those members of the Devil's Cult felt a little strange, they didn't take it to heart.

For them, as long as they can get rid of Daoxuan, then victory is at hand.

Blood gradually stained the entire battlefield red, and every member of the Demon Cult was laughing wantonly, venting the resentment accumulated over hundreds of years, towards Qingyun, towards the entire Righteous Way.

But the most intense place on the battlefield is not the siege and killing of Daoxuan by the four masters, but the battle between Liu Xu and Pukong.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Two incomparably thick golden lights kept colliding in the air, and the ground shattered and blood flew everywhere they passed. No matter whether it was the righteous way or the magic gate, as long as they approached the golden light, they would be sucked into it and blown to pieces.

There was a light golden halo all over his body.Liu Xu was waving the soul-eating stick in his hand, and there were Sanskrit voices singing faintly around his body, and ghosts and gods were crying, the weirdness and grandeur merged into one.

On the opposite side, Pukong is solemn and majestic, like a vajra with glaring eyes.Not intimidating but self-indignant, holding the golden bowl of the Buddha in his hand, every blow is extremely powerful.

The two of them also used Dafan Prajna, fighting together like two barbarians, you punched me, and I punched you back, like crazy.

Pukong is better than Liu Xu in his profound skills, Dafan Prajna is far superior to Liu Xu, and the golden bowl of Buddha in his hand is also a Buddhist treasure, and the power is greatly increased when they complement each other.

On the other hand, Liu Xu excels in the wonders of Taoism. Dafan Prajna, under the unification of heaven and earth, combines the strengths of Taiji, Qingxuan and Demon Sect skills, which is even more weird and changeable. Moreover, his consumption is far more than that of ordinary people in the battle with the Demon Sect. The space should be small.

The two of them could be considered to be opponents in chess, and they fought for fifty or sixty rounds in the blink of an eye.


There was another violent collision, and both Pukong and Liu Xu were blown away.

Taking a deep breath, Pukong had an extremely strong fighting spirit in his eyes, adjusted his real energy slightly, shouted loudly, and rushed towards Liu Xu again.

But there were some changes in Liu Xu on the opposite side. The blackness in his eyes slowly dissipated, and he seemed to have regained his clarity. Looking at Pukong who rushed forward, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The soul-eating stick was infused with Dafan Prajna's true energy again, and Liu Xu blocked the Buddha's golden bowl with one hand, and at the same time held the other hand slightly, with a faint golden light flowing on it.

Pukong was not surprised when he saw this, he had seen this move before, and the free hand also had a golden light, and he planned to take Liu Xu's blow.

In this world, the physical achievements of the Buddhist exercises far exceed those of the Taoists. Compared with the Taoist imperial weapon attack, they prefer close-to-hand combat, which is powerful and more flexible.

But this time Pukong miscalculated, Liu Xu held his hands falsely, but this time he didn't attack, but threw out two things suddenly.

The distance between the two was approaching, caught off guard, Pukong didn't get out of the way, and was hit straight, and then he felt the two places on his body become cold and hot, and he lost consciousness instantly.

Pukong was startled, and with a loud roar, Dafan Prajna's kung fu circulated his whole body, sending those two things flying, and at the same time he pulled away and flew back.

With a distance of five or six feet, Pukong looked down, and saw that the sides of his chest were pitch black, obviously poisoned, but Liu Xu raised his hand and knocked a green One white and two small snakes were hidden in the sleeves.

"You, you actually poisoned?" Pukong yelled angrily, feeling the sluggish true essence and surging poisonous energy in his body.

Liu Xu snorted coldly with disdain, and said, "You deserve it, who told you to forget that I am a disciple of the Wandu Sect!"

After all, Liu Xu jumped forward and hit Pukong head-on with the soul-eating stick in his hand.

"You die for me!"

At this time, Pukong was filled with grief and anger, but he did not dodge or evade the blow to Liu Xu. Instead, he raised the golden bowl of the Buddha and hit Liu Xu head-on. He knew that he would not survive, so he wanted to Pull Liu Xu back.


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Chapter 1012 God Monk Falls, Thousand Swords One

It's a pity that Liu Xu couldn't do what he wanted, because of Tian Ling'er's incident, he lost his mind just now, and was taken advantage of by the evil spirit of eating souls, so he followed Pukong to fight Dafan Prajna without thinking.

Now it's almost time to vent, and the evil spirit has been suppressed by Buddhist exercises, so how could he do such a stupid thing.

I saw Liu Xu slammed Soul Eater, hit Taiji Bagua and met the golden bowl of the Buddha, and took it aside with a flicker.

Poor Pukong was poisoned, and his combat strength fell to the bottom. He was easily diverted by Liu Xu's desperate blow, and then he was inserted into Yuexiong's chest by Soul Devourer.


The red light was flashing, and accompanied by a miserable cry, the divine monk of Tianyin Temple followed in the footsteps of his senior brother and was sucked into a human by Soul Devourer.

I don't know if Pukong's screams were too shocking, or if everyone was paying attention to this place, but just a moment after Pukong's death, the battlefield fell silent for a while.

Regardless of the righteous or the devil, they all quietly looked at Liu Xu who was holding the Soul Devourer in his hand, with a look of solemnity and awe. You must know that the one who died in his hands was not a cat or a dog, but one of the four great monks of Tianyin Temple what!

Even if it was a series of battles, and then Liu Xu poisoned and sneaked in, this is not something that ordinary people can kill, and first Puhong and then Puzhi.

Two divine monks in Tianyin Temple died at the hands of this young man who was just over [-] years old. No matter what the reason is, this is enough to make Liu Xu famous, and it is enough to make all the old masters regard him as his peers. treat.

But Liu Xu now belongs to the Demonic Way. After being surprised, except for Yuyangzi and Mrs. Sanmiao, the faces of the rest of the Demonic Cult were overjoyed, laughing and killing towards the Righteous Way, while those in the Righteous Way were as mournful as concubines. , Morale plummeted, the defense line was loosened almost immediately, and the situation became more and more unfavorable.

But at this moment, the mutation regenerated, and in the direction of the back mountain of Qingyunmen, only a long roar was heard, and an astonishing old man rushed out and went straight to the battlefield, and behind him was the elder whom he had not seen before.

The old man's face was haggard and his clothes were plain, but his aura was astonishing. With his bare hands, he killed several members of the Demon Sect in a row. In the end, he pulled up a huge pine tree and swung it into the center of the battlefield.

Wherever he passed, there were shadows of trees all over the sky, rushing towards him like huge surging waves, and also like endless tides. Down, a mountain of mist also seemed to tremble, really invincible, unstoppable.

Poison God and others who were besieging Daoxuan and the others turned serious when they saw this, and said inwardly: "This Qingyun is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there is such a master?"

But he didn't take it too seriously, he still strangled the people around Daoxuan, after all, no matter how strong the old man is, there is only one person, and Daoxuan's Zhuxian Sword Formation is the main enemy.

Everyone in the Qingyun Sect was a little puzzled. They didn't know when such a master appeared in their own sect. There were only a few elders and heads with high qualifications. Looking at the old man, they were slightly familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere.

But when Liu Xu looked at the old man, his pupils shrank, but he remembered a character in the original book, and then saw his face change for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

Although Liu Xu wished for that old bastard who killed the Poison God with the Jade Immortal Sword now, he knew better that if the Jade Immortal Sword Formation was launched, he would probably be the first to be hacked.

The Soul Eater was shining with a dazzling blue light. When everyone was affected by the old man's aura and retreated, Liu Xu was going upstream.

With a loud "bang", Liu Xu was thrown flying horizontally, and the old man also took a few steps back, the momentum of advancing stopped for the first time, and the pine tree in his hand was also turned into a pile of dust.

"Huh? Taiji Qingxuan Dao?" The old man let out a sigh, looked Liu Xu up and down a few times, his eyes were full of doubts, "Which lineage are you a disciple, and you are quite capable at a young age, but why stop me? "

But Liu Xu couldn't control much. After one round of fighting, he knew that he was definitely not the old man's opponent.

The person who was as famous as Daoxuan back then was not something that he, a person who had just stepped into the supernatural realm, could stop him, so he immediately yelled at the battle group besieging Daoxuan.

"Master, be careful! He is Wan Jianyi! He can also drive the Immortal Execution Sword Formation!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Wan Jianyi, the three words are like a nightmare, evoking the memories of many people present.

That unstoppable genius who is dressed in white like snow, roams the world.

In the Battle of the Wilderness, a hero who entered the hall alone with only a sword, wrote a book with his sword, and left with a loud roar.

But then those who had seen Wan Jianyi had a trace of doubt in their eyes.

How handsome and unrestrained Wan Jianyi was back then, how could he have aged like this after not seeing him for a hundred years, is he really the person in front of him?

But after all, some people carved something into their bones, and saw Shuiyue, who was fighting a demon cultist, let out a scream, abandoned her opponent, and rushed towards the old man without hesitation.

Her eyes were slightly red, and her indifference was greatly different from the past, and her voice was full of surprise and sorrow.

"Senior Brother Wan, it's really you! You're not dead!"

On the Devil's Cult side, Cang Song's face paled for a while, and he murmured: "This, how is this possible... Wan, Senior Brother Wan is not dead... But I saw it with my own eyes back then, so everything I did... no, No, it's impossible! You dare to impersonate Senior Brother Wan, what are your intentions?"

At the end, he roared out, his eyes were blood red, and the people from the Devil's Cult looked sideways.

Taking revenge for Wan Jianyi has been Cangsong's obsession for hundreds of years. For this reason, he did not hesitate to betray the sect that raised him and plot against his senior brother. At this time, Wan Jianyi was reborn, and he naturally couldn't accept it.

As for Ghost King Zong, You Ji also had a flash of surprise in his eyes, but then it dimmed again.


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Chapter 1013 Slaying the Dragon Sword, Destroying the Dead

Looking at the old man standing in the field, she was slightly disappointed. In You Ji's mind, Wan Jianyi was the invincible strong man with a sword, not the crooked old man in front of her.

A hundred years ago, You Ji tied a thread of affection to Wan Jianyi, but that was not love, but just being attracted by his strength and boldness, it was a kind of longing.

After a hundred years of continuous beautification, You Ji never forgets Wan Jianyi, but seeing the real person at this time, she is more disillusioned and disappointed.

Noticing that the people around him were watching with curiosity or surprise, the old man sighed lightly, his expression was indescribably sour and miserable.

He glanced at Liu Xu, and said mockingly: "Unexpectedly, the old man will not be born for a long time, but there are still juniors who can recognize me as an old man at a glance. Hey, should I say that I made a good name back then?"

But then the old man let out a long breath, and suddenly raised his body a little, and his stooped figure suddenly gave people a sense of indomitable spirit.

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