He suddenly yelled, and said: "That's right! This old man is Wan Jianyi, and the youngsters from the Demon Sect dare to kill Tongtian Peak. Do you really think that there is no one in Qingyun Sect?!"

The sound shook hundreds of miles and was deafening, but the voice and spirit were indescribably heroic. In front of dozens of people from the Devil's Cult, Wan Jian's eyes were full of contempt and disdain, making all the devils gasp I can't breathe.

Looking at the familiar figure, his boldness, Tian Buyi's eyes turned red, as if he had returned to a hundred years ago, and he was behind that figure, fighting in the wilderness, enjoying grievances and enmity, and there was a little more strength in his body out of thin air .

It wasn't just him, the members of the wild party back then and the elders who had seen Wan Jianyi's power were all shaken, and their morale was greatly boosted in a blink of an eye.


Under the leadership of the elders and the chief seat, the eruption of the disciples of the Qingyun sect even suppressed the masters of the devil's sect. The crazy appearance made people feel chilling.

And during the battle, Tian Buyi did not forget to shout to Lin Jingyu, "Senior Nephew Lin, give the Dragon Slaying Sword to Senior Brother Wan!"

Lin Jingyu was stunned for a moment, even though the matter involved his own life and death, he didn't hesitate at all, and directly threw his sword towards Wan Jian.

"Senior takes the sword!"

Wan Jianyi was taken aback, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar thing, he slowly stretched out his hands.

It was a pair of haggard and old palms. I don't know how many winds and frosts they have experienced, but they touched the hard and cold hilt of the sword again, and then, they clenched it tightly!

There was a faint sound of bells and tripods.


Suddenly, the originally dim Dragon Slaying Sword suddenly burst into green light, and the radiant light was like the scorching sun in the sky, dazzling and impossible to stare at.

The blade of the sword trembled, as if screaming excitedly, and the dragon chant was endless, and the soul-stirring voice echoed.

Straight to nine days.

Wan Jianyi stroked Biguang Dasheng's Zhanlong gently with his hand, just like touching a beloved woman

And the Dragon Slaying Sword roared, as excited as reuniting with an old friend.

"Old man, we meet again." The old man said calmly in the surging blue light: "I never thought that one day we would fight side by side."

As soon as the words fell, suddenly the green light burst out, and the whole open space was instantly covered with green, covering the sky and covering the ground.

Amidst the sharp whistling sound, the Dragon Slaying Sword galloped out of the old man's hand, rushing out like a flash of lightning.

Seeing that the old man was so imposing, everyone in the Devil's Cult had been on guard for a long time, and at this moment they shouted, and at the same time seized the magic weapon to attack.

The densely packed magic weapons made people feel terrified, but unexpectedly, the old man ignored the magic weapons attacking him at all, and the dragon-slaying sword turned into a pillar of light, overwhelming mountains and seas, and the whole person was like a long dragon Killed among the people of the Demon Cult.

With a backhand sword, a demon with a magic weapon was split in half. Wan Jian continued to charge forward without looking back. For a while, the entire battlefield was soaked in green, blood splattered, and stumps flew.

Wherever Wanjian passed, there was no enemy.

Dozens of Demon Cult masters were terrified by Wan Jian's one-by-one sword killing, and their momentum dropped even more. Even the Poison God and others were taken by the opponent's power, and they couldn't recover for a while.

After all, Wan Jianyi was terrifying, and they knew better than anyone else that the two prides of Qingyun Sect had become famous by stepping on the bones of the demon sect's followers.

But at this moment, only a cold snort was heard, and a figure rushed forward, directly towards the green dragon transformed by Wan Jianyi.

A small mirror on top of his head gave off a faint halo, and the man watched Wan Jian's overwhelming offensive without evasiveness or retreat.


Facing the small yellow cover, it was the first time that the dragon-slaying sword that cut iron like mud returned without success.

Although after a moment of stalemate, the dragon-slaying sword glowed with blue light, cutting the shield to pieces, but the figure blocking Wan Jianyi had already flown to the side, safe and sound.

Looking coldly at the demons around him, Liu Xu let out a loud shout.

"What are you afraid of? He is only one person, and he can kill all of us!"

Seeing Liu Xu's fearless expression, the devils felt relieved, and their morale was restored.

Immediately, he thought that people like himself had practiced Taoism for hundreds of years, but no child in his early twenties could take it easy, his face turned slightly red, and he looked at Wan Jianyi with a particularly unfriendly expression, but he started to desperately think about it.

The people of the Devil's Cult are fierce and ruthless, but that doesn't mean that these guys are bloodless.

The great defeat of the Demon Cult a hundred years ago was a disgrace to almost all disciples. In this journey of Qingyun's revenge, there is never a shortage of guys who dare to go all out. They are not even afraid of death, so why are they afraid of Wan Jianyi?

Seeing the morale gathered again by the members of the Demon Cult, Wan Jianyi frowned slightly, and glanced at Liu Xu, but secretly murderous intent rose in his heart.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 114 One Against Three, Colorful Qi Sword

"Not bad! Let's go together and kill this old guy!"

At this moment, the Poison God and the others also came to their senses, leaving Mrs. Sanmiao alone, while Yuyangzi, Ghost King, and Poison God rushed towards here.

Compared with a half-dead Daoxuan, Wan Jianyi, who was obviously also able to control the Zhuxian Sword Formation, was a greater threat.

Seeing the three major masters of the Demon Sect rushing towards him, Wan Jianyi's arrogance remained undiminished, while the dragon-slaying sword, Biguang Dasheng, slashed across the sky first.

"Poison God, you dare to come out of the mountain even if you are an old man, today I will see you cut down with a sword first, and then I will see how your disciples and grandchildren who are playing poison are jumping around?"

"The new suzerain of the Ghost King Sect is right, yes, much better than your senior!"

"There are also clowns from the Hall of Eternal Life. If you dare to come out if you don't hide in the wild temple, you are not afraid that I will burn down the temple you guard again?"

Laughing wildly in his mouth, relying on his fearless killing attack, Wan Jianyi even won one against three without losing the wind.

Among them, although the three members of the Demon Cult did not use their full strength to guard against each other, it was enough to show their strength.

It's just that seeing Wan Jianyi being entangled by the three of them, the members of the Demon Cult breathed a sigh of relief, and backhandedly put the right side at a disadvantage again.

If things go on like this, defeat is a matter of time.

Protected by the disciples behind him, Daoxuan frowned when he saw this, and saw that he said something to the water unicorn who had been lying beside him all the time, and the latter suddenly roared and rushed out, with extremely violent momentum .

The strength of this kind of ancient giant beast is by no means inferior to that of any master of Taoism. This attack was so loud that it was no joke to be beaten to that extent.

In a blink of an eye, a gap was opened in the circle besieging Daoxuan, and then Shui Qilin was seen rushing towards Wan Jianyi.

But at this moment, Liu Xu suddenly appeared in front of the water unicorn, a blue light flashed on the Soul Eater, and a huge Tai Chi gossip appeared in front of the water unicorn.

"Go back to me!"

The huge gossip shattered under the water kylin's claws, but the latter was also pushed back.

Knowing what will happen to the water unicorn in the past, Liu Xu is determined to stop it here.

If it was a spirit beast in its heyday, Liu Xu might not be the opponent, but after the opponent was poisoned, he was still somewhat sure.

What happened next was as Liu Xu expected, Shui Qilin tried to break through the siege again and again, but he blocked them all.

The spirit beast ran back and forth restlessly, but it couldn't help Liu Xu at all, especially when two different snakes appeared on Liu Xu's shoulders, it felt a certain aura that made it suffer a great loss, and it was even more of a trap. Don't dare to have the slightest change.

And Daoxuan also saw the situation here, but helplessly, Qingyun Sect was outnumbered, and couldn't find anyone to help.

Seeing the water unicorn crawling on its forelegs but not daring to pounce on it, Liu Xu just smiled lightly, and just about to say something, his face changed, and he shouted in surprise and anger: "Cangsong, how dare you! "

It turned out that at some time, Cang Song had quietly come to his side, and the celestial sword in his hand was shining brightly, but it struck Liu Xu head-on.

He was originally on the side of the Devil's Cult, so no one took action to stop him, but he was allowed to sneak into Liu Xu's side.

Hearing Liu Xu's loud questioning, Cang Song didn't pay any attention to it, and swung the fairy sword in his hand with an indomitable momentum, wishing to die with Liu Xu.

You must know that Cang Song, as the head of Longshou Peak, was only under the head of the sect in the past, and his cultivation was naturally extraordinary. At this time, when desperation came, even Liu Xu had to retreat and dodge to the side, and taking advantage of this skill, But Shui Qilin rushed towards Wan Jianyi.

Seeing the water unicorn leaving in the dust, Liu Xu's face turned ashen. He stared at Cangsong, and said viciously: "Cangsong, do you know what you are doing?"

Cangsong let out a miserable laugh, and said: "I, Cangsong, am a sinner of Qingyun sect, death is not a pity, if I can make up for some mistakes, even if I die, I will rest in peace!"

And at this moment, on the battlefield between Wan Jianyi and Poison God and the others, there was an exclamation, and then a burst of hot white light suddenly rose.

Accompanied by the sound of chanting mantras, the incomparably brilliant seven-colored qi sword appeared in the sky again, continuously separating monochromatic qi swords, radiant with brilliance.

Looking at the brilliant brilliance, Cangsong's eyes were filled with relief, loss, confusion, and helplessness, but in the end everything turned to determination.

Looking at Liu Xu, he said lightly: "You are also a traitor of Qingyunmen, so you can stay with me!"

Looking at the expressionless Cangsong, Liu Xu only felt a biting chill.


Above the sky, Qi swords are like mountains and seas, and under the control of Wan Jianyi, the Zhuxian sword formation has already launched an attack on the Demon Sect and others.

Unlike the seriously injured Daoxuan Daoxuan, this time not only was the rain of swords falling from the sky, but the huge seven-colored main sword in the sky was also controlled by invisible magic power, rushing down with a momentum of breaking the sky.

Flesh and blood flew within a few feet away, and nearly ten Demon Cult masters lost their souls without even shouting.

Even Yu Yangzi, one of the four masters, couldn't dodge as far as Yu Wei could reach, and even his left hand was cut off.

Immediately, Yuyangzi screamed, his body turned into a sharp light like electricity, and fled through the air.

Glancing at the exhausted Qingyun sect present, both the ghost king and the poison god felt unwilling.

This time is a rare opportunity for the Devil's Cult. Liu Xu, Cang Song and others acted as internal support and made a sudden attack to beat Qingyunmen, the number one sect of the orthodox way, into this state.

It will be difficult to find such an opportunity in the future. How can they be willing to let the tiger go back to the mountain like this?

But both of them are heroes in the end, and they have made decisive decisions at critical moments. Knowing that there is the Zhuxian Sword Formation, they will not even think about exterminating Qingyunmen no matter what.

As a last resort, he could only wave his hand to greet his subordinates and wanted to break out of the encirclement.

Thanks to Master Daoxuan, although Wan Jianyi's cultivation is not weak, he is a little rusty in manipulating the sword formation. The operation of the sword formation is not satisfactory.

It's just that as time goes by little by little, these flaws become less and less, and if you don't leave, you can't leave.

Chapter 1015 Sad flower, Baguio love

"Young sect master!"

Just when the two were about to fly away, a demon suddenly pointed at the back and exclaimed.

Only then did the Ghost King and Poison God realize that Liu Xu was still staying where he was, entangled with Cangsong.

Cangsong didn't know what kind of evil it was, he looked like a madman, and he didn't want to die in the fights. He clung to Liu Xu and refused to let Liu Xu leave even though Liu Xu beat him up and down all over his body.

"you wanna die!"

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