The Poison God was furious when he saw this, and immediately rushed towards Liu Xu as soon as he turned around.

Although he had a lot of conflicts with Liu Xu just now, he still counted on this apprentice to carry forward his Wandumen, so how could he let Liu Xu be here?

The ghost king hesitated for a moment, and also turned around to save him.

The two masters shot at the same time, where Cang Song couldn't resist, in an instant he was cut off by the Poison God with Zhan Xiangsi, and then he was slapped on the back by the King of Ghosts, blood mixed with internal organs spurted out.

But even so, Cangsong still laughed out loud, wrapping around Liu Xu tightly like snowflakes, never letting him get away.

"Haha, I, Cangsong, are the sinners of Qingyun Sect. Since Senior Brother Wan is not dead, it's time for me, Cangsong, to make amends. Come on!"

The corner of the mouth was bleeding, but Cang Song laughed and shouted, the madness and determination made the Poison God and Ghost King, who are also old demons, palpitate.

But at this moment, Wan Jianyi, who had already strangled a group of low-level disciples of the Devil's Cult, set his sights on this place.

Looking at the colorful air swords all over the sky, and Liu Xu who was entangled by the pines, the Poison God stomped his feet, became ruthless, and turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the Zhuxian sword formation.

At a critical moment, he actually abandoned Liu Xu, a closed disciple.

The Poison God knew very well that it might be very difficult to train disciples after they are gone, but there is still a glimmer of hope, but if he dies here, the Wandu Sect will be completely finished.

On the other side, seeing the Poison God retreating, the Ghost King hesitated for a moment, and also ran away.

Although it is a pity to lose the opportunity to annex Wandumen, Baguio can't explain it, but since rescue is hopeless, he will not force it.

The two powerful supporters fled one after another, Liu Xu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, but facing Cangsong who was dying, he couldn't do anything. Don't think about getting rid of it in time.

Wan Jianyi above has turned his spiritual power, and all the colorful air swords in the sky are shining brightly together, especially the seven-color main sword of the formation, which is surprisingly half bigger. It's boring, it feels like the end of the world.

The fight time has been running, and Wan Jianyi has received a voice transmission from Daoxuan, telling him to keep Liu Xu.

However, this person possesses Qingyun Sect and Tianyin Temple's two true methods, and he has an unworldly evil thing in his hands. He also possesses scheming and courage.

As for Cang Song, regardless of what Daoxuan said, Wan Jianyi could tell that he had the will to die, and that he died under Zhu Xian's sword, it can also be said that he died for what he deserved, and that he sought benevolence to obtain benevolence.

There was a bang, shaking the world, and the colorful giant sword rushed down like the fury of an ancient god, hitting Liu Xu and Cangsong.

"Hahaha..." Feeling the huge sword of energy coming towards him, Cang Song laughed even louder, and a radiance appeared abnormally on his face, as if he was about to be relieved.

However, Liu Xu's face became extremely ugly, a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, and then he gritted his teeth suddenly, as if he had made some decision.


Looking at this scene, Tian Linger, who just woke up, let out a scream and passed out again.

And Lu Xueqi tightly held the Tianyan Excalibur, her face was pale, and even the Tianyan in her hand trembled slightly, but in the end she let out a long sigh, lowered her head, and the whole body became dead silent.

Suddenly, there was another accident at this time, and a few beautiful petals suddenly appeared beside Liu Xu and Cangsong, flashing a faint white light, and then flew towards Cangsong suddenly.

Under Zhu Xian's sword, Cang Song's expression was a bit dazed, but he was caught off guard by the white petals of the sad and strange flower that cut off half of his head.

A figure quietly appeared beside Liu Xu, holding his hand with a cold little hand.

"Come on!"

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, but when he looked up, he saw a familiar figure.

At this time, the heart-piercing cry of the ghost king came from afar.


Wearing green clothes and holding sad flowers, who else could it be if she wasn't Baguio, the only daughter of the King of Ghosts?

However, her little face was much thinner than when they met last time, and she was a little haggard, and she was urging Liu Xu to run away.

In this battle between good and evil, Liu Xu never saw her figure, and thought she hadn't come, but unexpectedly, she appeared at the last moment.

Feeling a little moved in his heart, he shook his head and smiled wryly. Liu Xu said, "We can't go anymore!"

Others might not feel it, but Liu Xu couldn't feel it being locked by the Zhuxian Sword.

They were actually already under the power of the big formation at this time, and they couldn't escape. Instead of running around, it's better to resist on the spot and have a higher chance of surviving.

The shocking giant sword was struck head-on, but before it reached the ground, there was a loud rattling sound. The ground within a ten-foot radius around Liu Xu was cracked, and the howling wind enveloped him and Biguio. It was already a fatal situation.

Having already made a decision in his heart, Liu Xu now calmly looked at the huge sword that was approaching, and the ghostly light of gold, red, and blue glowed in Soul Eater's hand.

Do your best and take a life-and-death blow, if you succeed, you will retreat, if you lose, then... let's start all over again!

Even the current Liu Xu vaguely hoped that it was the latter, because he was somewhat unable to face that person.

The wind was strong, and the sword energy was fierce. In Liu Xu's eyes, only the huge sword that came from the sky remained in the world.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1016 Infatuation Curse, The Killer

At this moment, suddenly, the world suddenly became quiet, and even the earth-shattering momentum of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation held its breath for an instant...

Next to Liu Xu's ear, Bi Yao's faint voice suddenly came: "I hate you, and I hate daddy too. One of you only cares about the important affairs of the Ghost King Zong, but the other doesn't love me at all! But, I still don't want you to die!"

"Nine ghosts, gods and demons of the heavens, use my blood body as a sacrifice..."

In the violent wind, the woman in green clothes looked at Liu Xu with slightly red eyes, but there seemed to be a faint smile on her fair face.

Then I saw her, opened her arms, facing the rain of swords all over the sky, towards the giant sword that took away the power of the world.

"...Three lives and seven lives, eternal fall into Yama, just for the sake of love, even if you die, you will not regret it..."

Although he had read this scene from the original book, Liu Xu only felt his heart tremble when he saw the scene in front of him, and a feeling that he had never felt before came to his heart.

What it was, he didn't know.

But looking at Baguio who had no hesitation at this time, and then looking down at Tian Linger who was unconscious below, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

That laughter shook the entire Tongtian Peak in the wind, and under the giant sword, Liu Xu laughed like a maniac.

One hand pressed Bi Yao's shoulder, and the true essence circulated, abruptly breaking her infatuation spell.

A pair of eyes had turned into pitch-black whirlpools at some point, Liu Xu looked at the huge sword that was approaching across the sky, and let out a long howl.

"If you want to kill me, you are worthy?!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Like thunder, it seems the heart of the world is beating.

"Crack, click, click!"

Cracks appeared in the endless void, as if the world was crying out overwhelmed.

Behind Liu Xu, a heavy divine sword slowly appeared, and its brilliance even concealed the demeanor of Zhu Xian's ancient sword.

Blue Mountain Ancient Sword, main body.

The sky and the earth turned pale, everything was silent, and the only thing left in everyone's eyes was the divine sword, as if it was everything in the world.

Time was fixed at this moment, Liu Xu looked at the colorful giant sword and laughed.

He raised his arm into a sword and swung it violently.

Then I saw the divine sword move lightly, at first it was extremely slow, but it became faster and faster, and finally it slashed towards the Zhuxian Sword Formation like a shooting star.

There was no sound or vision, but everyone could feel the overbearing will.

whatever you are ,

I do not care who you are?

Now... go to hell with me!



"Give me death!"

Amidst Liu Xu's roar, the ancient Lanshan sword flew upwards like a shooting star. Before the main body arrived, the hurricane it brought up blew away the sword aura of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

In the sky, Wan Jianyi's expression suddenly changed.

On Tongtian Peak, all the auras from the other six meridians were poured into the seven-color giant sword, and the light shone brightly. The giant sword doubled in size out of thin air, and then slashed down in the air.

The next moment, there was a crash!

The brilliant brilliance is so dazzling that no one can open their eyes.

The loud noise that could not be described in words shook the entire sky.

The sea of ​​clouds thousands of miles away was blown away in an instant, the mountain trembled violently, and rocks flew across the mountain. Countless huge cracks appeared on the mountain like knives, as if the end was approaching, and the whole world trembled from the collision.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know what happened, before everything returned to calm.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked at everything around them, feeling a sense of rebirth after a catastrophe.

The original seven-colored sea of ​​sword energy in the Zhuxian Sword Formation has disappeared.

After the blow, the sky was cloudless, leaving only a piece of blue, as clean as if it had just been wiped with a cloth.

Three figures stood there quietly.

Liu Xu held Baguio's hand and looked at Wan Jianyi.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Liu Xu opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly his face changed, a big mouthful of blood spurted out from his eyes, nose, and mouth, and he fell down on his back.

"Liu Xu! Liu Xu!..."

Seeing Liu Xu's seven orifices bleeding, and passed out, Bi Yao just recovered from the blow of the ghost Liu Ce just now, gave Wan Jian a vicious look, but ran away quickly holding Liu Xu .

On the ground, those righteous people felt uneasy for a while, wondering who would win and who would lose in this battle, and whether the ancient sword of Jade Immortal could compete with the mysterious sword, but they felt relieved when they saw this situation, and they cheered heartily.

Among them, several elders even jumped out, shouting loudly.

"Wan Jianyi, don't let that demon go!"

"Kill him!"

"kill him!"

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