
But Wan Jianyi didn't say a word, just watched Baguio leave with Liu Xu in his arms, until all the devils on Tongtian Peak left, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, and slowly fell down.

A group of Qingyun sect elders quickly surrounded him, each one was heartbroken and full of resentment towards Wan Jianyi.

"How can you let him go? Do you know that he possesses the Buddha, Dao, and Demon three schools of practice, and he will surely be a catastrophe for me in the future?"

"How can you let the tiger go back to the mountain after eradicating the evil?"

"If you can't kill him this time, it will be difficult next time!"


This time Qing Yun Sect encountered a catastrophe and suffered heavy losses, and seeing the culprit escaped at this time, they were naturally very annoyed, and everyone was a little unscrupulous.

What's more, he even pointed at Wan Jianyi and said suspiciously: "Wan Jianyi, you have been unclear with these demon cult monsters back then, and if you don't kill them now, do you have any ideas?"

Hearing these accusations, Tian Buyi and the others glared, while Wan Jianyi's wry smile deepened and his face flushed.

"Why, how to kill?"

With a sound of wow, under the attention of everyone, Wan Jianyi spurted out a mouthful of blood, holding the Zhuxian sword in his hand, fell backwards and fell down.


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Chapter 1017 Zhu Xian sword breaks, the treasure brings disaster

"Senior Brother Wan!"

When Tian Buyi and the others saw this, they were in a hurry, they hurriedly squeezed away those elders and rushed in, helping Wan Jianyi to his feet.

After checking, Tian Buyi's eyes turned red, and he yelled at those elders.

"Senior Brother Wan's internal organs have been shattered. What do you want him to do, what to do!"


Hearing this, Shuiyue let out an exclamation, threw Wan Jianyi in front of her, hugged him into her arms, shook the other person's body vigorously, and kept crying, "Senior Brother Wan, wake up, wake up, Don't leave me anymore! Don't leave me anymore..."

That miserable voice made people feel a pain in their hearts when they heard it.

Everyone was silent, and those elders who criticized him lowered their heads in shame.

Up to now, they still don't know why, but the battle just now hurt both sides. Wan Jianyi was afraid that the Demon Cult would make a comeback, so he persisted till now.

Silent and silent, everyone was immersed in grief, with Wan Jianyi's skill, holding on with a mouthful of true energy, maybe he wouldn't die now, but his internal organs were all broken, and his unique life would not last long.

In other words, this former genius, today's savior of the entire Qingyun sect, is about to go.

Being supported by someone and walking over, Reverend Daoxuan looked at Wan Jianyi lying in Shuiyue's arms, a trace of mourning flashed in his eyes, but in the end he staggered and stretched out his hand to Zhu Xiangu who was holding Wan Jianyi in his hand. Jian, he is the master of the sect, he must calm down.

But when his hand touched the quaint hilt, Master Daoxuan's expression could no longer remain calm.

"Crack, click..." There was a crisp sound, and a crack visible to the naked eye came out from the middle of Zhu Xian's ancient sword, which became thicker and longer.

In the end, under everyone's attention, the Qingyunmen's treasure, which had been passed down for thousands of years, unexpectedly broke into two pieces and slowly separated.

The lower half was firmly held by Master Daoxuan in his hand, but the sword blade of the upper body was inserted into the ground.

In the ninth month of Qing Autumn, when the breeze blew past, everyone in the Qing Yun Sect felt a biting cold when looking at the two gleaming sword blades, but what was colder than this coldness was their hearts.


Not to mention that everyone in the Qingyun Sect here is extremely terrified, and the situation in Baguio on the other side is not very good.

Under Tongtian Peak, she who almost cast the infatuation spell was still stained with blood, but she hugged the unconscious Liu Xu tightly, and her expression sank when she saw the malicious eyes.

"What the hell are you guys trying to do?"

Beside Baguio are the members of the Demon Cult, and because of her, the Ghost King clan has the most members.

The Ghost King and the Four Great Sacred Envoys were among them, but there were also quite a few members of the Wandu Sect. Although the God of Poison could not be seen now, he must be here soon.

It's just that now these people are all staring at Liu Xu greedily, the burning heat in their eyes makes even Biguio feel burning pain.

After all, many of the people present also saw the power of Liu Xu's "treasure" that could rival Zhu Xianjian. Seeing him unconscious at this time, how could they not feel malicious?

"Sect Master?" The White Tiger Sacred Envoy glanced at the Ghost King, and suddenly lowered his voice and said, "The Poison God hasn't come yet, as long as we make a move, that treasure may fall into our hands. It might be more powerful than four The Spirit Blood Formation is even bigger..."

The ghost king also hesitated for a while, and took a few steps forward, but met Baguio's eyes.

"Father, don't force me to hate you!"

Hugging Liu Xu tightly, Bi Yao stared at the ghost king.

Looking at those red eyes, the ghost king trembled in his heart, his face changed for a while, and finally he sighed and took back his steps.


Bai Hu was anxious when he saw this. To be honest, ever since he met Liu Xu last time, he had a feeling of jealousy towards this kid.

Without it, the scheming is too terrifying, the alliance between Wan Du Sect and Ghost King Sect was facilitated by him alone, and it was also he who asked the elders to deal with Zhang Xiaofan, forcing the other party to expose Dafan Prajna, and thus facilitated the journey of the four sects to Qingyun.

Although in the end because of the sudden appearance of Wan Jianyi, the corpses of Qingyunmen were scattered all over the field, and the arrogance of the demon sect was greatly increased. What's more, Ghost King Zong and Wandumen took this opportunity to jointly plot Changshengtang and Hehuan faction fought together, causing heavy losses to both of them, especially Changshengtang, even the head of the hall, Yuyangzi, had an arm crippled by Wan Jianyi, and he was no longer able to fight against the combination of Ghost King Zong and Wandumen.

It can be said that the strength comparison of the four major factions of the Demon Cult has changed drastically. For the Ghost King Sect and the Wandu Sect, the opportunity to unify is in front of them. From the hands of this young man in his early twenties, how can you make Baihu not afraid?

And at this time Liu Xu showed that rare treasure again, that kind of overwhelming power, that rampant domineering in the world, which made Bai Hu still terrified in his heart.

With clever calculations combined with unparalleled force, Bai Hu couldn't even imagine that when this young man woke up, who else could suppress him.

The poison god can't do it, and the ghost king can't do it either!

Therefore, seeing that the ghost king wanted to let go, Bai Hu became anxious and shouted: "Sect Master, it will be too late if you don't do anything now! You can't be kind to women! If you are afraid that the lady will complain, the subordinates are willing to take action on your behalf. Apologize with death."

All the sects of the Devil's Cult are united by the Ghost King Sect, especially the Four Great Sacred Envoys, all of whom are overwhelmed by the personal charm of this generation of Ghost Kings and are willing to die for them.

But seeing Baihu's actions, the Ghost King waved his hands, smiled faintly, and said, "Are you sure you can get that treasure by killing this kid?"

Bai Hu was taken aback for a moment, and then felt a little guilty. No one had seen or heard of that treasure before, as if it appeared out of thin air, and had no way of understanding it.

Moreover, the divine sword looked as if it was summoned by Liu Xu. If he really tried it, he couldn't guarantee that he would succeed.

Bai Hu insisted: "Then we can't let it fall into the hands of Wan Du Sect!"

"Wan Du Sect?" Hearing the words, the ghost king chuckled, "Before today, I was still worried about whether this kid would fulfill the condition and hand over the Wan Du Sect to us, but today I feel relieved, maybe The Holy Church of Tomorrow will fall into the hands of this son. But it will never fall into the hands of Wan Dumen. The God of Poison has been a hero all his life, but in the end it is still..."

Chapter 1018 Linger Tears, Injustice

Halfway through the speech, the Ghost King kept his mouth shut slightly, but there was some melancholy in his eyes.

What he wanted to say was that the Poison God had never experienced love between a man and a woman, so when he saw Liu Xu and the righteous woman in a vague way, he deliberately broke the relationship between the two, forcing Liu Xu to break with each other, and even wanted to borrow The machine forced the woman to death.

In Ghost King's view, if Liu Xu hadn't just turned his back on the righteous way at that time and was forced to the foot of the wall, and couldn't turn his back on Wan Dumen, maybe that kid would have been able to stab the God of Poison on the spot.

At this time, although Liu Xu was in a coma, his mind was not calm.

In a sea of ​​white consciousness, Liu Xu sat quietly on the projection of the ancient sword of Blue Mountain.

This time, the body of the ancient Lanshan sword descended to cut off the Excalibur Excalibur, which consumed the energy accumulated by Liu Xu traveling through several dimensional worlds. This trump card can only be used once.


Three nights later, lying on the bed in a commoner's house not far from Tongtian Peak, Liu Xu suddenly opened his eyes.

In the Qingyun battle that day, he was actually not injured. Although the Zhuxian sword formation is infinitely powerful, the ancient Lanshan sword gathered the power of several dimensional worlds.

So even if Wan Jian and Yi Jian destroyed everyone in the end, and the entire Jade Immortal Sword Formation was shattered, Liu Xu did not suffer any damage.

His injury was to prevent Baguio from casting the Infatuation Curse, but he is almost healed now.

Looking at Bi Yao who was lying on his body tiredly, Liu Xu showed a smile on his face, gently brushed her hair with his hands, carefully picked her up, put her on the bed, and gently covered her with the quilt.

Taking one last look at Baguio who was deeply asleep, Liu Xu quietly turned and left, walking into the night.

He still has a place to go.


On the Big Bamboo Peak, Chiyan's flames soared into the sky, and Tian Buyi's roar erupted together.

"You villain, you dare to come back!"

Kneeling halfway on the ground, he wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his hands, but Liu Xu stood up and looked at Tian Buyi coldly.

"For the sake of Ling'er and your many years of teaching, I will accept your move, but if you do it again, don't blame me for being rude, get out of the way now!"

Tian Buyi was so angry that he smiled back, and the Scarlet Flame Immortal Sword suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance.

"Nie Zhan, who do you think you are? Come on! I want to see how unrestrained you are, and how dare you go back to Qing Yunmen. Are you not afraid of being beheaded?"

Liu Xu sneered at this.

"Kill me? Why?"

"Is it that Daoxuan whose injury is still not fully healed, or that Wan Jianyi who is about to die, or the ancient Zhu Xian sword that I have already discounted?!"

"Now you Qingyun sect still dare to surround and kill me?"

Pupils shrunk slightly, Tian Buyi's face changed for the first time, but then he gritted his teeth and was about to strike when he raised the fairy sword.

Liu Xu's words immediately hit Tian Buyi's weakness, but the current Qingyun Sect can no longer bear any losses.

No one wanted to face that mysterious Liu Ce's Excalibur again, if Tian Buyi hadn't been extremely afraid of that thing, Tian Buyi would not have talked nonsense with Liu Xu.

But his temperament is extremely stubborn, and listening to Liu Xu's words, he felt like he was going to burn everything.

But Liu Xu looked at Tian Buyi's appearance, but he was not moved at all. Sure enough, the next moment, he saw a plain hand holding Tian Buyi's palm, but it was Suru who stood aside and pulled her husband back. , shook his head slightly.

Holding back her husband, Suru turned her head, but Liu Mei pointed at Liu Xu and shouted.

"What are you doing back here, bastard? Haven't you hurt Ling'er enough?"

Suru's eyes were reddish, almond eyes wide open, if it wasn't for her own daughter, if it wasn't for Liu Xu's strength, she would definitely rush up and do her best, looking at Tian Linger who hasn't had a drop of water for three days, Suru has never Hate someone so much.

Liu Xu fell silent and did not speak for a long time.

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