"Get out of the way, I'm going to see her!"

In the dark night, the moonlight was extremely cold, but when it reflected in Liu Xu's eyes, it was as bright as water.

Suru was stunned, looking at the young man whose mouth was bleeding slightly under the moonlight, she was suddenly speechless.

"Ling'er is in your room, get lost if you see her!" Pointing to a room, Suru suddenly yelled, "From now on, never come here again!"

Liu Xu turned his head, looked at the room that was obviously familiar but extremely strange, nodded, opened his mouth slightly, and finally closed it in vain, just looking at the shape of his mouth, it seemed to be the word thank you.

Looking at Liu Xu who was slowly walking in, and then at his wife with trembling shoulders, Tian Buyi suddenly thrust the Chiyan Sword into the ground, looked up to the sky and sighed: "Oh my injustice, my injustice!"

Familiar hut, simple table and chairs, a bed made of bamboo, under the moonlight, a figure curled up on the bed, with his arms wrapped around his knees, his whole head buried in it, without even noticing that someone came in.

The cold moonlight shone in through the window and sprinkled white silver frost on the ground, but it did not illuminate the figure at all.

"Senior brother, senior brother..."

Sobbing and reciting a name, the girl curled up in a ball is so distressing.

Liu Xu hesitated for a moment, stepped forward, and silently hugged that figure into his arms.

Feeling the familiar temperature, Tian Linger was stunned for a moment, raised her head, and saw that extremely familiar face.

"Brother, I am not dreaming, are you back?"

Murmuringly cupping Liu Xu's cheeks, Tian Ling'er's red and swollen eyes gradually formed a layer of mist.

"No, Linger, I'm really back!"

Holding Tian Linger tightly, Liu Xu whispered in her ear.

"Really?" Tian Ling'er sobbed slightly, pinching Liu Xu's body with her little hands in disbelief, feeling the real feeling, not as fragile as before.

She suddenly burst into tears with a "wow", beating her little hands desperately in front of Liu Xuyuexiong.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1019 Helpless to leave, stubborn girl

"Why did you lie to me? Why did you abandon Linger? Why did you marry another woman? Why, why!"

Hearing Tian Linger's hoarse cry, Liu Xu didn't speak, but endured everything silently, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

I don't know how long it took before everything calmed down.

Lying quietly in Liu Xu's arms, Tian Linger whispered: "Brother, take Linger away!"

After hesitating for a while, Liu Xu shook his head.

"Where I go, Ling'er can't go now!"

The hands around his waist tightened suddenly, looking at the eyes that were empty because of despair, Liu Xu felt a pain in his heart, and there was a faint white light on his hands.

Gently handed a small blue mountain ancient sword into Tian Linger's hands, and then Liu Xu said softly: "Linger, if you really can't stand it, just leave first! I will take care of Master and Mistress .I promise you it will be all right when you get back, I promise you!"


Walking in the black bamboo forest, under the moonlight, there was no expression on Liu Xu's face, it was as cold as ice.

Everything around is so familiar, as if everything happened yesterday.

"Junior Sister Ling'er, it seems that senior brother is better at it!"

"Liu Xu, I'm not finished with you!"

"Brother, after getting married, Ling'er will depend on you!"


The palm of the hand grasped the black-jointed bamboo hard, and under the force, a bamboo body that was comparable to steel was crushed to pieces.

In his feeling just now, a new sword spirit has appeared, and it has returned to the original body of the ancient Lanshan sword.

Looking up at the moon, Liu Xu muttered to himself, "Did you still choose to leave?"

Soul Devourer appeared in his hands without a sound, and then an evil breath suddenly spread out. Wherever it passed, the vegetation was withered and the wind was blowing. land.

As if aware of the master's killing intent and anger, Soul Eater glowed with a faint light, cheering and jumping in the dark night, full of thirst for blood.


Roaring up to the sky suddenly, Liu Xu's hostile energy swept out, lingering in the air like a black mist, and his whole body was like a ghost of the nine secluded worlds.

"Poison God, I want you to die!"

Roaring, black flames kept beating in Liu Xu's eyes.

Frantically venting the hatred in his heart, the howling sound continued for a long time in the forest.

After one minute, two minutes, the black bamboo forest finally calmed down again.

Taking a long breath, Liu Xu's face suddenly turned cold again.

"Xueqi, I didn't come to see you today."

With the sound of rustling footsteps, a woman in blue came out quietly from the forest, a sword whistling behind her.

Without any words, under the moonlight, the fairy-like girl drew out the sword behind her.

In an instant, the entire black bamboo forest was immersed in a blue light, but in the bottomless blue, there was a sudden flash of mysterious light.


A mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out, but the girl took several steps back while leaning on the Tianya Divine Sword, half kneeling on the ground.

Although Liu Xu was injured, the gap in realm was not so easy to make up.

But after wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, the girl looked at the cold figure not far away, and stood up resolutely.

Tianya slashed out again with azure blue light.

The cyan Tai Chi gossip emerged, and the girl was blown away even with her sword.

Frowning and looking at the girl who rushed forward again, Liu Xu's eyes gradually became black.

"Lu Xueqi, I'm really in a bad mood right now."

Soul Eater mixed with endless black air spewed out, and before the magic weapon arrived, the huge suction force made Lu Xueqi's blood flow backwards, and the next moment, the Soul Eater Stick hit Lu Xueqi's body hard, It sent her flying upside down.

Watching the figure fall to the ground with cold eyes, Liu Xu turned and left without looking back.

But just after taking two steps, his steps stopped, and then he dodged to the side. The next moment, a blue sword slashed from where he was just now, and flew into the black bamboo forest whistling, cutting off a piece of wood. Row of black knotted bamboo.

Being provoked again and again, the blackness in Liu Xu's eyes was about to condense into substance. Looking at the figure who staggered to his feet, his tone was extremely cold.

"Silly girl, I really want to enforce the family law."


Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye it will be five years later.

In the Snake Valley, in a quiet and secluded place, there is a simple yet cozy hut, with blue bricks and red tiles, combined with the exotic flowers and plants planted around, it is like a paradise.

The furnishings in the room are exquisite and luxurious. The murals are from the hands of the famous masters of the previous generation. The ink is suitable and the artistic conception is profound.

But in the middle of the room is a large bed covered with light gauze, on the bed is a quilt woven with beautiful embroidery, under the quilt, there seems to be two people, a man and a woman, sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, the man moved slightly, as if he had come to his senses. He glanced at the woman who was still sleeping soundly. He carefully got up from the bed, picked up the clothes beside him and put them on softly.

But for some reason, even though the man's actions were very careful, he still alarmed the sleeping woman.

"Husband, are you awake?"

The woman hugged the quilt and sat up, the thin quilt couldn't hide the woman's exquisite curves, the snow-white skin also exuded a faint luster behind the light veil, and combined with the beauty's coquettish attitude when she first woke up, it was really admiration The country is alluring.

"En." The man was still wearing his clothes, and then said casually: "It's still early, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

The woman shook her head, half-wrapped in the quilt, pulled back the veil, stretched out her hand to the man, and began to help him straighten his clothes.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1020 Marrying a Husband and Wife, Acacia Faction

"I don't know either. As soon as you left, I woke up, and then I couldn't fall asleep."

Under the light veil, that charming and angry face, as gorgeous as a peach blossom, who else would it be if it wasn't Baguio?

It's just that five years have passed, and the years haven't left a trace on her face. On the contrary, it has added a bit of the charm of a mature woman to her, making her look even more mysterious.

Three years ago, she finally married Liu Xu.

Gently arranging Liu Xu's clothes, Bi Yao suddenly asked, "Are you going out again today?"

In the past five years, Liu Xu fought everywhere for the Wandu sect, and gained a great reputation in the entire holy religion, and his reputation was close to that of the four elder sect masters of the older generation.

But every time he went out on business, Baguio was still uneasy, worrying about what might happen.

Even now that Baguio knows that this kind of worry is completely unnecessary, she still can't control her thoughts.

"Yeah." Liu Xu let Baguio tidy up his clothes, and then said softly, "I've already contacted You Ji, after a while, you can go back to Ghost King Sect with her!"

Baguio's hands trembled slightly, then she raised her head to look at Liu Xu, and asked in a low voice, "Are you finally going to make a move?"

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Although we have to wait for a while, for safety's sake, you'd better leave first!"

Looking at Liu Xu who walked out the door, Bi Yao frowned slightly, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

After putting on her dress, Baguio sat in front of the vanity mirror, and began to comb her long hair slowly, and tied it into a bun.

Beauty is born beautiful, but there is no smile in the mirror.

"Yao'er, why do you look unhappy, but that kid bullied you?"

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