But looking at Mrs. San Miao, Jin Ping'er smiled sweetly.

"Master, those who know the current affairs are heroes, you taught me this, don't blame me!"

She turned her head slightly to look at Liu Xu, and said, "Mr. Liu, Qie Liu forgot to promise the little girl."

Liu Xu waved his hand indifferently, and said, "It's easy to say, after taking refuge in the Wandu Sect, the Hehuan Sect will still be under your management."

After finishing speaking, he just smiled and waved his hand, and a gust of wind blew by, and the dishes and wine fell to the ground.

He couldn't wait to press Mrs. Sanmiao on the stone table. Looking at the exquisite and graceful female Qiao's body, Liu Xu swallowed slightly and laughed softly.

"I heard that the Hehuan Sect is mainly based on the Three Palaces. The Jade Girl Palace, the Hehuan Palace, and the Bixiao Palace all have good inheritances. Among them, the Hehuan Palace inherits the way of the witch, which pays attention to how to donate the body and nourish others; It is the way of charm, which pays attention to using spells to charm people's hearts and minds, and takes people's lives invisibly; while the Jade Maiden Palace is a way of self-cultivation inherited, the successor cannot easily break the body, but it can increase its own charm and improve qualifications.

"For many generations, the head of the Hehuan Sect has always been a person from the Jade Maiden Palace, and Madam is no exception, and I have heard that although the people from the Jade Maiden Palace cannot easily break their bodies, their virgin son Yin Yuan is very serious about the cultivation. There is no shortage of benefits for people, but today it is cheaper."

On the side, Jin Ping'er covered her mouth and smiled softly, "No, Master is the master of this generation's Jade Maid Palace. You will know the benefits of it once you try it."

Mrs. Sanmiao gritted her teeth with hatred when she heard this. She glared at Jin Ping'er and cursed: "You poor servant girl, you will be punished for deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors!"

Jin Ping'er's complexion changed slightly, then she brushed her temples nonchalantly, bowed to Liu Xu, and said, "My lord, if there is nothing wrong, Ping'er will go out first."

"Oh?" With a sneer, Liu Xu looked at Jin Ping'er, a strange light flashed in his eyes, "Aren't you going to stay together?"

Jin Ping'er's complexion changed, and then she forced a smile and said: "Ping'er is also a member of the Jade Maid Palace, she has not yet reached home in practice, and she can't accompany you, so please forgive me first!"

Fortunately, Liu Xu didn't make it difficult for her, and waved her back.

With a smile, Liu Xu looked at Mrs. Sanmiao who was ashamed and indignant and said in a low voice: "Ma'am, I am a junior from a junior school, and my cultivation base is not enough. Madam is a senior of my holy religion. Naturally, I will not be stingy to help this junior. !"

"Shameless adulterer!" Gritting her silver teeth tightly, looking at Liu Xu who was fascinated, Mrs. San Miao felt that she had never seen such a shameless person in her life, what a pity for such a good skin.


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Chapter 1023 The secret method backfired, I lost my wife

Liu Xu didn't care, and his hands were wanton, stirring up Mrs. Sanmiao's emotions in an instant.


In the end, only Mrs. Sanmiao groaned, and Liu Xu took her body.

Feeling the comfortable feeling and the real essence in his body that was ready to move, Liu Xu just smiled and said: "I can't imagine that the number one beauty of the Demon Cult in the past is cheap today..."

In the middle of speaking, Liu Xu's face suddenly changed, and he felt that the true essence in his body rushed into Mrs. Sanmiao's body uncontrollably.

"You didn't get poisoned?"

Liu Xu was really shocked and angry, and subconsciously wanted to push him away.

But Mrs. Sanmiao's face, who was originally ashamed and indignant, changed, and she smiled. Under the frosty expression, there was an astonishing obsequiousness, which was captivating.

Mrs. Sanmiao breathed in his ear, smiled softly, and said, "My Hehuan Sect does have the inheritance of the Three Palaces, and I am indeed the master of this generation's Jade Maiden Palace, but Ping'er must not have told you However, our Jade Maiden Palace has a secret method that can transfer what we have learned into the Hehuan Palace, and the power of nourishment and charm will be greatly increased, otherwise, how can our Jade Maiden Palace become the head of the three palaces?"

There was a faint fragrance all over her body, but at this time Mrs. San Miao was too beautiful.

"What a handsome little man, I really don't want to turn you into those puppets like dogs, but for my Hehuan faction, I have to wrong you a little bit."

The whole person hung on Liu Xu's body, stroking that handsome face, but Mrs. Sanmiao suddenly accelerated the operation of her body skills, and at the same time, her whole person became more and more beautiful.

Her watery autumn eyes looked at Liu Xu's eyes obsessively, as if she wanted to suck his mind into them.

But at this moment, a voice that made Mrs. San Miao feel cold came from Liu Xu's mouth.

"So that's how it is! Madam is well-planned. If you control it, it is equivalent to controlling the Wandu sect. Even the ghost king's sect can influence one or two. It's really a good plan! But there is one thing Madam is wrong, Jin Ping'er Not only did I tell my subordinate the Jade Maiden Seizing Soul Dafa, but even this secret method is very dangerous and very vulnerable to backlash."

At this time, Liu Xu's eyes were clear, even though Mrs. San Miao was amazingly charming, he didn't show the slightest strangeness. How could he be like Brother Zhu before?

Mrs. San Miao subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and she was about to get away, but Liu Xu held her down and stroked a few acupuncture points on her back.

As soon as he breathed out his true energy, Mrs. Sanmiao collapsed powerlessly.

The suction stopped, and Liu Xu's primordial energy that had been sucked back surged back, and even took away a lot of Mrs. Sanmiao's own primeval energy.


Under the guidance of her true energy, Madam Sanmiao felt that her state of mind was also extremely unstable, which was obviously a sign of madness.

However, Liu Xu didn't care, and sneered and said, "Although Madam's idea is good, she is a bit stupid. If my Ten Thousand Poison Sect really has such a poison that can make a master of your level lose combat power, how can I do it?" It takes so much effort to deal with other sects, which sect does not have our nails? Jin Ping'er has never been in contact with our people before, but this does not mean that she cannot become ours. How do you feel now, and My disciples staged a good show together, including innocence, but in the end it ended like this?"

Liu Xu's words pierced Mrs. Sanmiao's heart like a knife. In order to plot against Liu Xu, she sent away most of the disciples, leaving only the most trusted Jin Ping'er.

Now, Mrs. Sanmiao really doesn't even have anyone who can save her life.

Thinking about the failure of this calculation and falling into the opponent's hands, what would happen to me and the Hehuan faction...

This is really "losing my wife and losing my army"!

Mrs. Sanmiao's Yuexiong's mouth was sweet, and she spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then all kinds of distracting thoughts came to my mind, but Mrs. Sanmiao couldn't keep clear anymore, her body lightened up, and her whole body seemed to have entered a strange dream, empty and confused, and she didn't want to wake up again.

Looking at Mrs. San Miao, who was backlashed by the secret method and corrupted by greed, a sneer appeared on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth.

The ancient blue mountain sword on his right hand glowed softly, taking advantage of the counterattack of the opponent's skills, but mercilessly pressed towards Yuexiong's chest.



In the main hall of the Jade Girl Palace, Jin Ping'er's face turned pale when he heard the scream, then he lowered his head and smiled wryly: "Master, I can't help myself!"

After a while, the well-dressed Liu Xu came out from the back of the palace, the expression on his face did not change at all, as if he had never met a top beauty Chun Feng just now.

He glanced at Jin Ping'er indifferently, and then said: "Take care of the matter with your master as soon as possible. As soon as the Ghost King Sect's people arrive tomorrow, we will call together and send people to Tianyin Temple."

"Yes." Jin Ping'er replied in a low voice. Her awe of Liu Xu was deeply rooted in her bones. She still can't figure out how she fell into the hands of Liu Xu.

Three years ago, she just heard that there was an elixir plant near the East China Sea that was beneficial to her practice, so she rushed over, and met an old Taoist priest who spoke nonsense but could be fooled.

As a result, Jin Ping'er was fooled into being possessed by a demon spirit for a while, and was in danger of dying. The granddaughter of the Taoist priest wanted to damage her own lifespan, and used the "Soul Harvesting Formation" to heal herself, but the dead Taoist priest claimed that she had Other methods can still save my life. I believed it was true and held the small blue sword, and it turned out like this...

If it were said that Xiaohuan and her grandfather were bought by Wan Dumen, Jin Ping'er was the first to not believe it, but because she couldn't figure it out, she became more and more in awe of Liu Xu, not daring to show any resistance.


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Chapter 1024 Tianyin Temple Fumo Formation, Acacia Sect Jin Ping'er

Tianyin Temple.

"It's not good, abbot, the devil cultist has already killed up the mountain while taking advantage of the incense, and the senior brothers can't resist."

Hearing this, Divine Monk Pude immediately turned into a golden streamer and rushed down the mountain.

When he rushed to the Tianyin Temple at the foot of the mountain, seeing everything in front of him, he felt like tearing apart.

The dignified and solemn Great Hall of the Great Heroes in the past has been turned into a dojo of Shura. The group of demons are laughing wildly and slaughtering. The blood stained the white jade stone steps red. Many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have been beaten to pieces. Half of the head was cut off from the body.

What's even more infuriating is that the group of devils didn't even spare the innocent people who offered incense. There were quite a few corpses belonging to the monks of Tianyin Temple in the hall, but more of them belonged to those people.

In front of the hall, outside the hall, and above the hall, there were shouts of killing everywhere, and mutilated corpses were everywhere, and then some devil suddenly set a fire, and the whole hall was burned fiercely in the flames. The reflection made half of the sky blood red.

The monks of Tianyin Temple struggled to resist the attack of the Demon Sect, but the Demon Sect's attack was too sudden, and they wanted to evacuate the people, so they were beaten back steadily.

Especially during the battle, from time to time, a "commoner" hides behind the crowd and suddenly kills them, causing chaos in their lines and causing a mess of casualties.

"Evil, dare to harm people!"

Seeing with his own eyes a "common people" violently attack someone from behind, cutting off the head of a young monk with a sword, no matter how good-hearted Pu De was, he couldn't help it.

With one move of the hand, two magic weapons appeared beside him, a Zen staff and an alms bowl, but they were his and Pukong's famous magic weapons, the Jiuxi Zen staff and the golden Buddha bowl.

In the battle of Qingyunmen, Pu Kong died in battle, and the golden bowl of the Buddha was sent back to the gate and fell into the hands of Pude.

If the god monk makes a move, the devil will naturally die.


Tianyin Temple was overjoyed upon seeing this. Seeing reinforcements coming from its own side, its morale was greatly shaken, and it gradually stabilized its position. While strangling the demons into a group, they evacuated the people and evacuated down the mountain.

However, everyone in the Devil's Cult felt frightened, restrained their madness one by one, and dealt with it cautiously, but three-pointed their attention on Pu De, lest they would follow in the footsteps of that demon just now.

But Master Pude was not polite when he saw this, he shot again and again with the Jiuxi Zen staff and the golden bowl of the Buddha, killing several demons in a short time, his whole body was like a vajra glaring at him, and he started killing.

There were continuous sounds of piercing through the air, but it was the monks from Xiaotianyin Temple who came to support them.

The leader was a rather strange old monk, with a haggard face and a scorched yellow complexion, he looked like someone who was about to die, but although this man was old, he had great power in his gestures and movements. Dafan Prajna killed a demon with one blow.

"Uncle Ku Chan!"

"Bu King Kong's demon formation, Qie Liu let a demon escape!"

The next moment, the golden light flourished.

In the strange formation where all the monks are sitting, the golden light is flowing, and the Buddha's spirit is solemn.

After a while, there was a deafening roar, and a big golden "卍" mantra appeared on the magic circle, and slowly fell, covering all the devils together.

"Let's do it together!"

Hearing a stern shout from the group of demon disciples, dozens of black and red magic weapons flew up and hit the big swastika, shaking the swastika.

But then the Sanskrit singing in the sky became louder and louder, and the sky and the earth became solemn, and the golden swastika became brighter and brighter, and then pressed down against the magic weapons of the Demon Sect.

Putting his palms together and chanting the scriptures, looking at those Demon Cult monsters with desperate faces, Pude couldn't help feeling a little bit of joy in his heart.

It was these devil cultists who killed Senior Brother Puhong, Puzhi and Pukong, and today I will avenge the three of them.

With Dafan Prajna in his hand again, Pu De was about to kill the group of devils, but at this moment, he heard a crisp laughter not far away.

"Master Pude, don't the monks always have compassion? Why do you want to kill today?"

Black smoke billowed, and amidst the screams of ghosts crying and wind howling, several times and those trapped devils below surrounded them from all directions.

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