The leader is a young woman with picturesque features and a slender waist, and her every move is filled with all kinds of affection.

Master Pude wanted to preside over the Vajra Demon Demon Formation, so he didn't speak. Instead, the haggard Master Kuchan led the rest of the Tianyin Temple monks to meet him. , the momentum is also quite.

"Who is here! If you dare to offend Tianyin Temple, you must die!"

Listening to Master Kuchan's questioning, Jin Ping'er covered her mouth and smiled lightly. The laughter was as crisp as a silver bell, and her whole face was even brighter. Some monks in Tianyin Temple who were not deep in Taoism couldn't help but see Fascinated, he took a few steps forward.

Upon seeing this, Master Kuchan frowned, took a deep breath and let out a loud shout.

"Hey! The witches of the Hehuan faction dare to harm people with their charms. What purpose do you have, so hurry up and recruit them!"

Listening to Ku Chan's lion's roar, those fascinated monks immediately woke up as if they had been poured with cold water.

Seeing that the charm technique was broken, Jin Ping'er's expression did not change, she just turned her back on Master Ku Chan.

"Jin Ping'er of the Hehuan School, I have met Master Kuchan of Tianyin Temple!"

"Golden bottle?"

After chanting this name, Master Kuchan was taken aback for a moment, but he was a little confused.

The person who came was the leader of these demons, why did he never know the name of the other party, but the few people behind her could barely recognize it, where did this golden bottle come out of?


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Chapter 1025 Devil son, Qin Wuyan

In fact, it’s no wonder that Master Kuchan didn’t know him. Firstly, he didn’t have enough lifespan. Although he was in Tianyin Temple, he seldom took care of things; secondly, because of Liu Xu’s appearance, he almost crushed the younger generation of the Demon Cult and covered everyone up. of brilliance.

In this life, there is no longer any "Three Masters of the Demon Sect", only Qin Wuyan, the devil son, is famous in the world.

It's just that although he has never heard of Jin Ping'er's name, Master Kuchan is not confused. He knows that Jin Ping'er can lead the people of the Demon Cult. What are you waiting for?"

Asking again and again, but it's not that Master Kuchan really wants to investigate the purpose of the Demon Cult. The difference between good and evil is life and death, so how can there be so many questions?

He was just trying to delay the time. Under the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation, the golden swastika was about to overwhelm the heads of those demons.

Jin Ping'er didn't seem to notice this, and she wasn't in a hurry, but smiled and answered Master Kuchan's question: "For the sake of my holy religion, I'm here today to send all the masters of Tianyin Temple back to bliss."

Hearing such a provocation, Master Kuchan didn't feel annoyed, but glanced at the crowd behind Jin Ping'er, and then sneered.

"Just relying on you shrimp soldiers and crab generals? Where are the Poison God, Ghost King and Mrs. Sanmiao!"

To put it bluntly, Tianyin Temple was careless. Although there had been rumors that the members of the Demon Cult were plotting something wrong, and the personnel transfer was a bit abnormal, the senior officials of Tianyin Temple believed that this was the prelude to the Demon Cult's upcoming fight.

After all, the conflicts between the four major factions of the Demon Cult have intensified in the past few years. For the great cause of unification, there have been countless rounds of fighting between open swords and dark guns.

Moreover, there was no sign of the top masters being transferred this time. It should be just a test for each other, so they didn't take it to heart.

After all, as long as the top masters of the Demon Cult are not around, with the power of Ku Chan and Pu De, coupled with the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation, Tianyin Temple can be said to be impenetrable.

So he became careless, and suffered a big loss by being caught off guard, but at this time, seeing so many demons gathered and destroying the Tianyin Temple in one fell swoop, Ku Chan already had some doubts about the news he had received before. Authenticity gone.

Jin Ping'er spread out her hands, but her peach eyes narrowed into crescents, and said crisply: "Several suzerains need to sit in the Holy Cult, but they can't come, so this time, only us juniors are asking for advice."

Hearing that those masters were really gone, Ku Chan also heaved a sigh of relief, and opened his mouth to say something, but Jin Ping'er's expression on the other side suddenly changed.

"Master, do you really think that the future masters will not be able to deal with you when I wait for the younger generation? You must know that the leader of the team this time is the it!"

Halfway through the speech, Jin Ping'er yelled loudly and gave an order, and immediately the demons around her attacked together, all the magic weapons scattered all over the sky, but they all aimed at the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation in the sky.

Ku Chan was stunned for a moment, furious, this Jin Ping'er actually said to do it, he was really cunning, but after seeing the target of their attack, he sneered again, signaling to the monks behind him to calm down.

The Vajra Subduing Demon Formation is one of the several major temple formations in Tianyin Temple. It is both offensive and defensive. It is so easy to break through. If they do it as soon as they come, there may be a little chance to rescue the demons inside, but it is too late now. up.

Sure enough, there was a sound of Sanskrit, and a golden circle of light suddenly lit up on the big formation. All kinds of magic weapons hit it, but there was a ripple, but they couldn't get in. On the contrary, the golden swastika kept breaking through. Press down, and it seems that the devil inside will be crushed to death.

"Demon girl, my Tianyin Temple's Vajra Subduing Demon Formation is so easy to break, you should give up your heart and wait to collect the corpses of the demons inside!"

While laughing at Jin Ping'er and letting her attack the Vajra Formation, Ku Chan gestured behind him, signaling to everyone in Tianyin Temple to get ready and join forces to attack after Pude suppressed those demons.

But after hearing this, Jin Ping'er smiled even more happily, and looked at Master Ku Chan charmingly, but she said unhurriedly: "I didn't make it clear to Master just now, It was not the little girl who led the team to attack Tianyin Temple for the first time, but that adult!"

That adult, Ku Chan was slightly taken aback, and then a name appeared in his mind, a name that belongs to the younger generation, but is more terrifying than the old generation's devil.

The Qingyun traitor who stole the teaching method of Tianyin Temple.

A cold air came from the spine, and my heart suddenly became uneasy, and Master Kuchan cried out in horror.

"Liu Xu, that traitor, where is he?!"

Although the real name "Qin Wuyan" has been restored, many people still call him the name "Liu Xu" that he used when lurking in the Qingyun Sect.

What responded to him was a dazzling brilliance, a ray of blood soared into the sky from the glittering golden vajra demon formation, Pude's huge head flew up suddenly, his eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe the sight in front of him until he died. everything.

The next moment, the originally impregnable magic formation swayed rapidly. First, the swastika Buddha seal was blasted away by the magic weapon rolled up below, then the outer layer of protection was smashed by the magic weapon all over the sky, and finally came from all directions, countless The black light instantly drowned the exposed monks in the formation.


Seeing the blood rain all over the sky and the endless stumps, Master Kuchan wept bitterly.

In the rain of blood all over the sky, Master Kuchan burst into tears.

Those monks are not only the elite of Tianyin Temple, but also the pillars of their Tianyin Temple!

Tianyin Temple is over!

In just a few blinks of an eye, the originally good situation was ruined.


In the mist of blood and bones, a figure soared into the sky, standing above the sky, coldly looking down at everything below.


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Chapter 1026 The formation breaks the god monk's death, and the god soldier kills lovesickness

It was a monk dressed in blood, but now none of the monks in Tianyin Temple thought he was one of them.

Then, like an ink painting encountering water, that figure gradually became blurred, and finally turned into another figure.

A handsome face, cold eyes, and an expression of disdain for the world.

Liu Xu.

Before that, Ku Chan had only heard of this name from some disciples, but without any words at this time, he had already recognized the person.

In Zhu Xian's world, simply changing his appearance can no longer hide the truth from the masters of this world. There are too many ways to identify a person's identity due to the characteristics of breath and skills, but this time it is a little different.

First, Liu Xu is pregnant with the one-yuan pearl, which restrains the characteristics of the two sects of Taoism and Demon Sect. Second, the sudden attack of the Demon Sect makes Tianyin Temple in chaos. Third, Liu Xu himself has practiced the Dafan Wisdom of Tianyin Temple. The law is of the same origin, but he got mixed up in it.

The monk that Liu Xu transformed into just now was originally a monk who went out to wander in Tianyin Temple, but he arranged for someone to secretly arrest him, torture him severely, coerce and lure him, and obtained the location and direction of his Vajra Subduing Demon Formation from the other party. , and the run method.

This was nothing at all, because apart from the elders like Pu De, these ordinary monks only knew their own position, and even if outsiders knew about it, it wouldn't make much sense.

But relying on this little thing, Liu Xu took advantage of those bait fights, and safely mixed into the crowd of Tianyin Temple this time.

Although some people were surprised when the wandering monk returned to the temple, but the foreign enemy didn't think about it at the moment, but let Liu Xu mix into the Vajra Demon Demon Formation, and at the last moment, he succeeded in a surprise attack and beheaded Pu. Germany.

Originally Pude's role in the Vajra Demon Demon Formation was similar to that of the formation's eye, but Liu Xu's move immediately brought the formation to the brink of collapse, and it was breached in an instant.

There are countless demons attacking outside, and those baited are desperately counterattacking below.

Caught off guard, it was difficult for these monks of Tianyin Temple to survive. After a wave of attacks, it can be said that none of them survived, and the few remaining people were all injured.

"Liu Xu!"

Seeing the voice that appeared, Master Kuchan let out a mournful roar.

The thousand-year foundation of Tianyin Temple was destroyed by this son.

But Liu Xu didn't respond to this, but gently raised the gleaming dagger in his right hand.

Cutting Acacia, the Nine Heavens Divine Soldier of Wandu Sect, it is rumored that holding this dagger can cut off the suffering of lovesickness.


Liu Xu laughed, the dagger in his right hand flickered, and suddenly walked five steps in a row, with a handsome figure, and said in his mouth: "The beauty is far away, the lovesickness is bitter, and the love is hard to pay. Ten years of love and a hundred years of love, don't cut lovesickness I can't bear it!"


Five steps, under the lovesickness, seventeen fallen monks.

These people are all around Liu Xu, the people who set up the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation.

Losing these people, it will be extremely difficult for a while to build the Vajra Subduing Demon Formation again.

"Kill them!"

Liu Xu's eyes were indifferent to the flat voice, as if what he saw was not Tianyin Temple, one of the three great sects, but a group of cats and dogs.

The next moment, the group of evil spirits cheered, and all ghosts worshiped.

Liu Xu's plain voice was like a torch, igniting the murderous desire and tyranny in their hearts.

Roaring and laughing, countless black winds blew towards the monks of Tianyin Temple, and the torrent of black and red magic weapons continued like waves, and half the sky was covered by blood rain .

The number of people was already at a disadvantage, and morale was at its lowest point at this time.Everyone in Tianyin Temple was defeated almost immediately after meeting each other, and fell into chaos.

"Liu Xu!"

Grief and anger intermingled, and in the vortex of black and red, Master Kuchan roared again, turning into a golden light and rushing into the sky.

A demon wanted to intercept him, but hit Master Kuchan with a magic weapon, but there was a sound of metal collision, and then Kuchan punched his head.

The only thing in his eyes was the figure who killed the three divine monks before and after Tianyin Temple, and single-handedly caused the destruction of Tianyin Temple. Ku Chan roared crazily, his eyes were blood red, and without any trace of Buddhist mercy, he rushed towards Liu Xu like a Shura .

The corner of Liu Xu's mouth cracked slightly, and he put away the lovesickness, and a golden light also appeared in his hand, and he rushed down.

Dafan Prajna!

With the deafening roar, the wind and waves rolled up by the two even directly blown away a few devils who couldn't dodge.

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