"Liu Xu!"

Like the voice of an evil spirit from hell, with boundless anger and killing intent, Ku Chan kept attacking Liu Xu, his limbs glowed with golden light, and his whole body turned into a weapon for subjugating demons.

Punching, kicking, and knee bumping, Da Fan Prajna was pushed to the peak by him, and every blow carried great power.

With an inexplicable look in his eyes, Liu Xu did not retreat or avoid, also running Dafan Prajna and Kuchan collided together.

The two of them collided continuously in the air like two golden meteors, and they had fought for dozens of rounds in the blink of an eye.


There is only one thought left in Ku Chan's mind now, he wants to crush the bastard who destroyed Tianyin Temple into pieces.

But no matter how he attacked, Liu Xu easily intercepted him. No matter how strong the bombardment of Dafan Prajna outside was, the world he guarded was as solid as gold, as if that was the real Dafan Prajna.

"Liu Xu!"

Roaring loudly, Ku Chan's fist hit Liu Xu's head with unprecedented light.

But it was Liu Xu who greeted him with a sneer.

"Your Dafan Prajna is only this level? I'm really disappointed!"

With the same punch, the invincible Dafan Prajna on Liu Xu's fist rippled like water waves.


There was a loud noise, like thunder in the clear sky.

Ku Chan could only feel the incomparable force coming wave after wave from above the opponent's fist, continuous like ocean waves.


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Chapter 127 Tianyin Temple Destroyed, Demon Sect Civil War

"W-how could it be? Dafan Prajna..."

There was an unquestionable look in Ku Chan's eyes, and his whole body was blown away.

"Because you are too weak!"

There seemed to be golden wings flying out from behind, and Liu Xu rushed to Ku Chan like a golden lightning.

"Now, die here for me!"

One punch!

If Ku Chan's Brahma is an indestructible rock, then Liu Xu's is the surging waves. No matter how hard the rock is, under the continuous bombardment of the waves, it will only end in pieces.

One explosion after another, the speed continued to increase.

Liu Xu descended from a high altitude, his hands constantly bombarding Ku Chan's body.

The huge explosion blew away all the clouds in the sky, and the two descended from the sky at an extremely fast speed, and finally hit the ground like meteors.

The earth was shattered, countless cracks stretched out, and spread to the distance. The majestic Daxiong Palace collapsed amidst the wailing, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust that covered the brilliance of the sun.

The formidable force made everyone in the Devil's Cult and Tianyin Temple stop fighting, and everyone looked at the center of the smoke screen.

"No, impossible!"

Lying on his back in the big pit, spitting blood, Ku Chan's eyes were fixed on Liu Xu.

"What kind of exercise do you use, Dafan Prajna will never look like this!"

But Liu Xu didn't answer, he raised his hand slightly, and Zhan Xiangsi appeared in his hand again, with a clear light, the next moment he waved his hand and chopped off Ku Chan's head.

Stretching out his hand to hold the head in his hand, Liu Xu murmured, "Of course it's Dafan Prajna, it's just that you haven't learned it yet."

In fact, Liu Xu's Dafan Prajna is the true form of Dafan Prajna, which combines hardness and softness with long stamina.

Although the Dafan Prajna of Tianyin Temple is good, it has taken a detour. It is too strong and not varied enough. At the same time, it does not pay much attention to controlling the power of heaven and earth.

The original Dafan Prajna was enlightened by the founder of Tianyin Temple from the Wuliang Jade Bi, which is the fourth volume of the Heavenly Book.

No matter how extraordinary the talent of the founder of the Tianyin Temple is, what he has learned is somewhat biased if he lacks the understanding of the general outline.

Although Liu Xu hadn't practiced Dafan Prajna for a long time, he had the general outline of the Heavenly Book in his hand, and he also practiced Taiji Qingxuan Dao, which also evolved from the Heavenly Book.

The understanding of Dafan Prajna is higher than that of old Zen masters like Kuchan who have practiced for hundreds of years. With various changes, the power may not be inferior to that of Puhong, who was known as one of the three masters of the righteous way back then. .

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, Liu Xu walked out of it slowly, looked at the onlookers around, and threw Ku Chan's head out casually.

The chubby head rolled continuously on the ground, making a rumbling sound, but it struck the hearts of everyone in Tianyin Temple like a heavy hammer.

"Kill them!"

The same words have a different flavor.

There was a burst of laughter from the entire Demonic Dao, and everyone bravely killed the remaining monks.

The treasure temple was brilliant, but it was sunk in the sea of ​​fire, and the dharma was solemn, but it was covered by blood rain.

Looking at those monks who were screaming, fleeing desperately, or resisting desperately, there was no trace of pity in Liu Xu's eyes.

He glanced at Jin Ping'er who appeared behind him at some time, and slowly ordered: "I'll go to check the Wuliang Jade Bi, I'll leave it to you here, don't forget to go to the Little Tianyin Temple to get the astrolabe. "

After all, he walked slowly in one direction.


Looking at the figure that was gradually going away, Jin Ping'er replied in a low voice, but the awe in her eyes was even greater.

In this battle, Tianyin Temple, one of the three righteous ways in the world, was destroyed by the Demon Sect. Since the god monk Pude went down, the whole temple was destroyed except for the monks who wandered outside, and the inheritance of Dafan Prajna was almost cut off.

The name of the devil son Liu Xu spread throughout the world, and his reputation was so strong that he went after the four masters of the devil sect.


Qingyunmen, Xiaozhufeng, a girl holding a crystal clear sword is sitting quietly in the forest practicing.

After a long time, she suddenly turned the sword in her hand, and a bright blue torrent mixed with golden light burst out, cutting countless green bamboos to nothing.

Putting her sword back and standing up, the fairy-like woman looked at the sky in the distance, but the expression in her eyes was extraordinarily complicated, and finally she said two words lightly.

"Liu Xu!"


"It's not good, Lord Sect Master! Ghosts, Ghost King Sect and Hehuan faction joined forces to attack!"

Listening to the disciple's report, Poison God's pupils shrank, and then roared angrily: "Impossible! Didn't I let Baiduzi plant ten thousand poisons outside the valley to return to the sect formation? Even if the Ghost King Sect and Hehuan Sect join forces It's impossible to call in so quickly, that bastard Bai Duzi, let him come to see me!"

There was a hint of crying in the disciple's tone, and he hurriedly said: "Master, the elder Baiduzi has surrendered to the enemy a long time ago, he was the one who took away the seal of the Wandu God, destroyed the formation, and let the Ghost King Sect and Hehuan faction attack the valley Those who came, and those subordinates of the deputy sect master also turned against each other, and followed suit, the disciples were outnumbered..."

Before he finished speaking, a blue light hit from behind, blasting the disciple's upper body into pieces.

Blood flowed all over the floor, but a few figures walked in calmly behind the door.

The leaders are a man and a woman, the imposing ghost king, the slightly pale but increasingly charming Mrs. Sanmiao, the Qinglong envoy who is like a white-faced scholar, You Ji with a light veil, and the pretty and charming Mrs. The charming Jin Ping'er followed closely behind.

Looking at these top Demon Sect masters, Poison God's body swayed slightly, but his heart was cold.

But after all, he is a giant of the Demon Sect, and he quickly calmed down.

Looking at the King of Ghosts and Mrs. Sanmiao, he chuckled lightly and said, "It's been a long time since you two have seen each other. I don't know why you have such a good mood to come to my Wandu Sect today?"


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Chapter 1028 Threats and lures, the poisonous door is destroyed

The ghost king smiled, bowed his hands, and said with a smile: "I hope that seniors will forgive me for taking the liberty to visit today, but for the sake of the unification of my holy religion, I don't think the seniors will blame me!"

After all, he ignored the God of Poison, swept his eyes towards the hall, and said loudly to the disciples of the Wan Poison Sect: "All the disciples of the Wan Poison Sect, you have also seen that the energy of the Wan Poison Sect has been exhausted, if you are sensible , quickly come to our side, and still survive.”

Following his words, figures outside the gate floated, and countless people holding magic weapons and sharp blades poured out in the darkness, blocking the intersection of the hall tightly. There are also many original disciples of the Wandu Sect.

All the members of the Wandu sect looked at each other in blank dismay. At this time, everyone could see that they were besieged by the two great masters of the demon sect and their own traitors, and the only way out was blocked. If they did not surrender, they might not have a chance of survival.

Immediately, the crowd started to move a little. Those who hadn't made a move quietly moved towards the side of the door, and the faces of those who were loyal to the God of Poison all had uncertain faces, as if they were thinking about something.

Poison God was secretly anxious, but he refused to give up hope, his eyes rolled, but he looked at Mrs. Sanmiao.

"Mrs. Sanmiao, the Ghost King sect is powerful now, and your cooperation with him is like seeking skin from a tiger. Don't you fear that he will swallow up your Acacia faction in turn? Why don't we cooperate..."

In the middle of the conversation, she was interrupted by Mrs. San Miao waving her hand.

"Senior Poison God, our Hehuan faction has surrendered to the Ghost King Sect a few days ago. I'm afraid we cannot accept your proposal."


The Poison God was really shocked and angry, he never expected that the Hehuan faction would be taken back by the Ghost King Sect without knowing it.

He originally planned to provoke the relationship between the two factions and look for a chance of life, but he didn't want this to be the result.

There was a slight pause in the voice, but Mrs. Sanmiao glanced at Liu Xu at this moment, and then said bitterly: "All this is thanks to your precious apprentice!"

"you again!"

The Poison God was so angry that his lungs exploded at this moment. Looking at Liu Xu in the audience, his voice trembled for a while.

Liu Xu took a step forward with a sneer, and said, "Yes, it was me! I was the one who arranged to attack Tianyin Temple and greatly damaged the strength of Wandumen! I gave Bai Duzi, and I was the one who let him open the formation in the Viper Valley! How about it? Old guy, are you satisfied with my gift?"

"you you……"

Pointing at Liu Xu, the God of Poison was almost speechless. Liu Xu's actions almost handed over the entire Demon Sect to the Ghost King Sect, leaving no way for the Wan Poison Sect to survive.

Then Liu Xu yelled at the disciples of the Wandu Sect, and said angrily: "You guys, if you don't surrender, do you really want to die?"

Liu Xu had accumulated a lot of prestige in the Ten Thousand Poison Sect. As soon as he finished speaking, someone shouted: "I surrendered, I surrendered..."

As he spoke, he ran out and ran to the side of the gate.

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