Someone took the lead, and the crowd immediately stirred up. In a short while, almost everyone ran over, even those who were originally from the lineage of the Poison God. After all, no one is willing to wait for death.

Looking at the escaped crowd, God of Poison raised his hand slightly, then put it down in vain, smiled miserably, and said, "I never thought that the Wandu Sect would die in my hands today."

Standing alone in the hall, the figure of the Poison God is particularly sad, like a hero in the twilight.

Then he suddenly looked at Liu Xu, with some confusion in his eyes.

"Wuyan, can you tell me why you did this? The old man asked himself that what the Ghost King Sect can give you, I can give you as much as the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, and I can even give you more. Why do you have to betray the sect? Could it be that you want to Unify the entire Demon Cult by the hands of the Ghost King Zong? That’s right, the only daughter of the Ghost King is your wife, and the foundation of the Ghost King Zong will also be yours in the future. But why don’t you wait for the old man for a few years, when the old man passes away, the Wan Poison Sect will be yours Forget it, whether it's the surrender of the faction, or the secret passage of the song, it is safer and more beneficial to you, after all, you will have to do it at that time...Why did you do this?"

At the end of the sentence, the voice of the Poison God changed, as if he really had a puzzled heart.

The ghost king shook his head, the old guy did not forget to provoke dissension when his death was imminent, but the poison god's last words hinted at the ghost king, Liu Xu may want to follow the power of the ghost king's sect to complete the unification of the holy religion, and then turn his head around He shot at himself, and wanted to raise his murderous intentions against Liu Xu.

The Poison God really underestimated him, the Ghost King. The little sympathy he had originally felt vanished in an instant. He took a step forward and opened his mouth to say something, but Liu Xu stretched out a hand, and he quietly Looking at the Poison God, he suddenly smiled.

"Master, you want to ask me why I did this, why I didn't wait a few years? I can tell you right now... because I am not reconciled!"

"If you don't let you watch the Wandumen perish with your own eyes, and if you don't let you watch your life's hard work come to an end, I won't be willing to die!"

"Let you die of old age a little bit, and die quietly with the expectation of the future of Wandumen? You are dreaming!"

"I just want you to die without regret, to make you utterly grieved, and to make you shameless to meet the Patriarchs of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect after death!"

"I want you to regret it forever!"

With an unforgettable hatred in his eyes, Liu Xu said softly to the Poison God: "Of course, Master, before you die, let this disciple give you another big gift!"

"Do you think that a few years ago, you let the disciple you secretly recruited escape by feigning death? The arrangement was seamless, and it left a trace of incense for the Wandumen. Let me tell you, on the night he left, I personally took action , sent him to see the King of Hades."

Hearing about Jueyanzi, the Poison God's expression changed, and he could no longer control the anger in his heart, so he rushed towards Liu Xu.

"Traitor, I will kill you!"


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Chapter 129 Black Demon Palm, God of War Poison

"Traitor, I will kill you!"

The last glimmer of hope was cut off, and the God of Poison finally couldn't suppress his murderous aura any longer, and all the true energy in his body exploded, roaring and rushing towards Liu Xu.

He has traversed the world for hundreds of years, enjoyed all the splendor and wealth in this world, and his own lifespan is approaching. For the current Poison God, no power or prestige is on his mind, and even his own life is not important anymore. .

The only thing he cares about is the foundation in his hand, the inheritance of incense from the Wandumen, but now that the good situation has been defeated by Liu Xu, and he doesn't even give him a way to survive, how can he not be angry?

With a sharp right hand, the God of Poison waved towards Liu Xu, the real essence came out, and a huge black palm slapped towards the top of Liu Xu's head.

The giant palm quickly filled the entire hall, and the space seemed to have shrunk a lot because of it, and the black air was lingering on it, and there was also a strange fishy smell.

Before the power of the palm reached, everyone present felt a little dizzy, obviously there was a strong poison on it.

Black Demon Palm, this is the kung fu of the Poison God pressing the bottom of the box. Combined with the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra, hundreds of poisons have been smelted before it can be cultivated, but because the power is too overbearing, the various toxins on it are not careful, and it is very easy to backfire on the cultivator. In itself, even the God of Poison would not use it under normal circumstances, but at this time he has already started to desperately think about it, so naturally he has no scruples.

Seeing that the Poison God had such an extraordinary power as soon as he made a move, all the people present changed their expressions slightly. The secret road is indeed the longest-lived demon giant, and this level of cultivation should not be underestimated. Qinglong and others sacrificed their magic weapons one after another. To shoot.

But the next moment, a cold voice came over.

"Stop it all, the God of Poison is mine!"

The bright light lit up in the hall, and then expanded rapidly, turning into a half crescent in just an instant, cutting off the giant palm in the air.

After the aftermath landed on the ground, the stone slabs in the hall made a sizzling sound, and were corroded, forming two long black scorched marks.

When the foul wind came, many disciples of the Demon Cult retreated one after another, with black air appearing on their faces. It was obvious that only the aftermath had poisoned them.

Only the King of Ghosts, Mrs. Sanmiao and the others, relying on their profound magic skills, did not retreat half a step, but quietly looked at the figure in white standing in the middle of the traces.

Holding Acacia Cutting in his hand, Liu Xu's complexion turned blue and red, and the poison was dispelled in an instant.

Looking at the stunned Poison God, he just smiled and said: "Master, have you forgotten? My talent in the Ten Thousand Poisons Manual is higher than yours! So if you want to kill me, you have to use other skills Bar!"

Although the understanding of the scripture of ten thousand poisons may not be as high as that of the God of Poison, but with the green flood dragon and the white snake by his side, Liu Xu is immune to most of the God of Poison's poison skills, and the rest can be overcome by relying on cultivation.

In other words, the poison god's greatest reliance was abolished in front of Liu Xu.

The only thing he can do is the skill he has cultivated for hundreds of years.

Seemingly having figured this out, Poison God's face became even more ugly.

But Liu Xu was so powerful that he shook the glowing dagger in his hand and sneered, "Oh, but I forgot, the master even gave me the magic weapon in my hand, so it's not like I'm at the end of my rope Now, there's nothing you can take out!"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, looking at the Acacia Zhan in Liu Xu's hand, the Poison God yelled angrily, and cursed: "I can kill you little bastard even if I don't have a magic weapon!"

As he spoke, his whole body turned into a stream of black light and rushed towards Liu Xu.

The brilliance of blue, red and gold circulated on Liu Xu's body.

He stomped the ground violently, and a large piece of slate was chopped into pieces by his foot, and then he used his whole body to meet the God of Poison.

The main hall rumbled, the stone pillars collapsed, the gravel splashed, the colorful lights collided with the black lights, and waves of huge waves swept across the hall.

In the first few rounds, the Poison God was still able to hold on with his anger and profound skills, but soon fell to the disadvantage.

After all, the Myriad Poison Sutra mainly wins by being weird and vicious, and controlling poisons. Against Liu Xu's Taiji Qingxuan Dao and Dafan Prajna, there is no doubt that there are inherent weaknesses in fighting methods.

After a few rounds, a golden light glowed on Liu Xu's body, and his whole leg was like a golden razor slamming towards the Poison God, directly smashing the black layer of true essence, and then kicked him fiercely. On the side of the Poison God.


The Poison God spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball, knocking down several stone pillars before stopping, but before he could stand up, another gust of wind hit Liu Xu. Appearing in front of him again, he kicked out fiercely again.


With a muffled sound, the entire hall shook, and the entire body of Poison God was embedded in the wall, and the wall that had been reinforced by countless layers of formations began to crack slowly.

"Cough cough!"

Coughing blood in his mouth, looking at the young man who was walking step by step, a stern look flashed in the eyes of the Poison God, and he stretched out his hand to an inconspicuous cloth bag on his waist.

The Acacia Zhan in his hand was whistling, looking at the dusty figure, Liu Xu showed a happy smile at the corner of his mouth.

As if stung by the smile, the Poison God staggered to his feet and glared at Liu Xu resentfully.

"Rebel, do you think you have won? Today I will let you see the treasure of my Wandu sect!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly pulled the cloth bag open and pointed the mouth of the bag at Liu Xu.


Hearing a sound like sea waves, the mouth of the cloth bag suddenly enlarged, and a black torrent sprayed out from it.

Countless poisonous insects and poisonous substances swarmed out, spiders, centipedes, toads, poisonous bees, poisonous snakes, almost all kinds of poisonous substances that can be named were among them, and they rushed towards Liu Xu with their teeth and claws. Like black waves.

"Die, traitor! You forced me to do this!"


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Chapter 1030 The treasure of the town gate returns to the sect bag, the magic sword and thunder control

The Wandu Guizong Bag, the treasure of the Wandumen, and the "Fulong Ding" of the Ghost King, the "Blood-devouring Orb" of the Blood Refining Hall, and the "Acacia Bell" of the Hehuan School are also known as the four wonders of the Demon Sect. Treasures are born with the ability to contain all kinds of poisons and cultivate highly poisonous things.

Usually the disciples in the sect catch the poison and throw it into the bag for cultivation, but they are rarely used against the enemy.

One is that it is not easy to collect poisons. Instead of using them to fight the enemy, it is better to let them kill each other to cultivate more poisonous things; second, it is not easy to control the poisonous return bag. The various poisons inside will not let them go just because they are disciples of the Wandu sect.

"not good!"

Seeing the black mass of poison, everyone's expressions changed.

The black torrent directly engulfed Liu Xu, who was at the front, and rushed towards everyone without losing momentum.

There was a muffled bang, and there was a black torrent spurting out from the gate of the grand hall in the Viper Valley like a toppled hill.

Once outside, they spread out again, some flying in the sky, some running on the ground, and finally covered the whole world.

Screaming and wailing, figures rushed out of the hall one by one, looking at the boundless sea of ​​poison in horror.

And in this sea of ​​poison, a figure flew out quickly, and flew out of the valley.

Looking resentfully at the panicked disciples of the three sects behind him, the God of Poison cursed in a low voice: "Rebel, ghost king, you wait for me, I won't just give up like this, I will definitely come back!"

But suddenly there was a cold voice in the air.

"Really? But this disciple thinks that Master, you can't go anywhere this time!"

The next moment, there was thunder in the sky.

The color of the world changed, and the wind and cloud gathered. Under the huge and deep dark vortex, a figure in white stood proudly.

Zhan Xiangsi attracted Lei Ting, Liu Xu looked down quietly, and chanted a spell in his mouth.

"Jiutian Xuansha, turned into divine thunder. Huanghuang Tianwei, lead it with a sword!"

Seeing that majestic, solemn figure like a god's mansion, the Poison God gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Excalibur's true art of controlling thunder! Traitor, you will die!"

He hadn't expected that the Ten Thousand Poisons Guizong Bag could kill Liu Xu. Those poisons were only good against miscellaneous soldiers, but against real masters, they could only delay for a while.

He just wanted to take advantage of this, and wanted to escape from birth, so that he could make a comeback, and no matter how bad it was, he would keep the inheritance of the Wandumen, but he didn't expect Liu Xu's reaction to be so quick.

Before the Poison God escaped very far, he was locked by the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, and now he can't do it without desperately.

Gritting his teeth tightly, the God of Poison manipulated the Ten Thousand Poison Returning Bag, causing the poisonous insects to pounce on Liu Xu in the sky.

The black insect swarm beat towards Liu Xu like a huge wave, and would drown him in a blink of an eye.


With a low shout, a dazzling thunderbolt struck across the sky.

Wherever it passed, countless bugs were reduced to ashes, and the entire ocean wave was split into two.

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