The raging thunder is like a violent dragon, swimming against the current in the black ocean, heading straight for the God of Poison.

"Give me a court!"

The God of Poison yelled ferociously, and under his control, countless poisonous insects desperately pounced on the lightning bolt, trying to block the blow with their bodies.

But it was useless, like a moth to a flame, everything turned into dust in the electric light.

In the dazzling light, the huge thunder crashed down.


The Poison God could only let out a scream, and was immediately submerged in the thunder.

The Wandumen's residence was built on the swamp of the Poisonous Snake Valley, and there was plenty of water vapor. Under that blow, a thin layer of mist rose from the entire valley.

He cast a spell casually to blow away the cloud and mist that filled the sky.

Looking at the half body scorched figure crawling in the deep pit, Liu Xu just smiled and fell down slowly.

At this time, the ghost king and others all rushed out of the hall, no one made a sound, and they all watched all this quietly.

The oldest person in the Demon Cult is finally going to end here, but the one who killed him was only a young man in his early twenties, which made people sigh with regret, as if the waves behind the Yangtze River were pushing the waves ahead.

"Why, why?"

With only his last breath left, the God of Poison, half of his body turned into coke, looked at Liu Xu who was walking step by step, his eyes became clearer. He pursed his dry lips and asked Liu Xu in a low voice. road.

He still couldn't figure out why the disciple he was most proud of chose to betray in the end.

No matter from which point of view, inheriting the Wandumen should be his best choice.

If Liu Xuri wants to have other ideas in the future if he does what he did today, it may not be easy for him. He has just handed over the foundation of Wandumen.

Wan Poison Gate is over, now the God of Poison just wants to know the answer.

After a moment of silence, Liu Xu suddenly said softly, "You shouldn't have said that back then."

"That sentence?"

The Poison God froze for a moment, and then a scene from many years ago flooded into his mind, the confrontation between good and evil, the boy whose eyes were about to burst into flames, and the fainting girl below.

"You, you, just because of such a woman, are you going to destroy my Wandumen?"

Coughing violently, the Poison God suddenly opened his eyes wide, and looked at Liu Xu in disbelief.

"Just, just for that one woman!"

Resentment, remorse, unwillingness!

Hearing the truth of the matter, Poison God couldn't accept it at all. He even wanted to hold Liu Xu and asked him loudly if Liu Xu's head was broken. great cause?

"Yes, just for such a woman!"

Dodging the poisonous god's hand, Liu Xu stepped on his Yuexiong with one foot, bent his whole body down, and looked into his eyes.


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Chapter 1031 God-binding chains, poison god falls

"Wandumen is just a tool for me to play games. I have never paid attention to it. When I am in a good mood, I may still use it, but if it itself makes me very unhappy, then I will keep it." What's the use of it."

With a little force under his feet, Liu Xu just crushed it, and the poisonous god spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Blood sprayed on Liu Xu's body, and the original white robe was instantly stained with red spots, but Liu Xu didn't care, instead he showed a ferocious smile and kept increasing his strength.

There was a crunching sound, and a moment later, the bones of the Poison God Yuexiong were crushed by Liu Xu.

"You, you traitor!"

Spitting out blood, the God of Poison was tormented by the pain until only the last gleam of brilliance remained in his eyes.

But Liu Xu turned a blind eye, and said to himself: "But that stupid woman is different, she is a very important existence to me, even if I lied to her and hurt her, at the end , she still left me a treasure that is thousands of generations more precious than the Poison Sect, no, the entire Demon Sect."

"So, if I don't destroy the Wandumen, what face will I have to meet her in the future!"

Maybe it was to see that the poisonous god was about to die, or to prove that what he said was true, Liu Xu made a slight move of his hand, and red chains emerged from the void behind him, and under his control, the poisonous god was suddenly tied up.

That was the "Amber Scarlet Silk" left to him by Tian Linger, but now it has been refined into "God-binding chains" by Liu Xu.

Crying continuously, the layers of chains were continuously tightened, strangling deeply into the flesh of the Poison God, and the bones of the opponent's body were broken one by one under the tremendous force.

In a blink of an eye, the God of Poison was no longer in human form, but turned into something like noodles, and the scene was extremely bloody.

But the Poison God didn't die, Liu Xu controlled his strength, and at the same time sent a little real energy into the opponent's body from time to time, not to save his life.

But before he had played enough, he would never let the God of Poison die.

The complexions of the several high-ranking members of the Devil's Cult present changed slightly. It's not that they couldn't bear this kind of scene. There is a sense of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox.

The Holy Envoy of Qinglong took a step forward and said, "Liu Xu, that's enough! The Poison God is also one of the elders of my Holy Cult, so just give him a pain..."

Before he finished speaking, a hand was placed on his shoulder, and he was pulled violently, but it was the ghost king who made a sudden move.

The next moment, a blue light flashed across Qinglong's cheek, and then hit the ground not far away with a "bang".

The cheeks were slightly tingling, Qinglong wiped it with his hand, and the hand was actually bright red.


Qinglong was furious, Qiankun Qingguang ring had a faint luster, and he was about to strike, but the ghost king held him firmly.

"Sovereign, this kid is too much, we must teach him a lesson!"

Qinglong was impatient, thinking that as one of the four great envoys of the Ghost King Sect, his status was so high, how could he bear this kid who was attacking him without making a sound.

But the ghost king shook his head, motioning him to turn his head away.

Qinglong was puzzled, looked over, and then took a deep breath.

At some point, Liu Xu's eyes were already blood red, and wisps of black air kept flowing in them.

Liu Xu didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face, he just stood there quietly.

But Qinglong knew that as long as he said a word, Liu Xu would definitely attack immediately, and he would never stop dying.

Subconsciously turning his head away, Qinglong stopped talking to Liu Xu.

After all, Liu Xu is the ghost king's son-in-law, so it is impossible for him Qinglong to kill him. Of course, there is one thing Qinglong will never admit, that is, under those red eyes, he is a little afraid.

Seeing Qinglong softened, Liu Xu stopped paying attention to him, and even turned his attention back to Poison God.

"Master, do you know how much I have been looking forward to this day for the past five years? Don't worry, I will never let anyone disturb you. We can play for a long time!"

The chains that bound the gods were tightened and loosened under Liu Xu's manipulation, leaving the God of Poison on the verge of pain and sobriety, unable to survive and unable to die.

But the physical pain was far less severe than the pain in his heart. At this moment, the God of Poison just wanted to cry bitterly, and his Wandumen went to destruction just because of a woman.

He is sorry for the ancestors of the Wandu Sect!

Gritting his teeth in pain, with engraving hatred, the God of Poison suddenly raised his head and stared at Liu Xu.

"You traitor! This old man only regrets that he was blind and accepted you as his disciple. And that lowly maidservant, if he hadn't died early, this old man must..."

With a "bang", the poisonous god's head exploded like a watermelon.

Looking at the headless corpse of the Poison God, and then at his bloody hands, Liu Xu frowned.

"Cut, cheap old guy!"

He casually threw the corpse into the swarm of insects that hadn't dissipated in the distance. Seeing the bones being devoured by the poisons bit by bit, Liu Xu took a deep breath, but turned and left without saying a word.

Wherever he passed, the members of the Devil's Cult consciously gave way.

What Liu Xu did today made them unforgettable in this lifetime.

Fierce, vengeful, and extremely cultivated, no one wants to run into Liu Xu's bad luck at this time, whether it is Wandumen, Ghost King Zong, or Hehuan faction.

It's just that watching his back gradually leaving, the crowd is also slightly commotion, and some people are hesitant to follow.

After all, for the group of people who surrendered at Wandumen, it is a good choice to keep up with Liu Xu at this time, to be close and show loyalty.

They are traitors, and Liu Xu is their boss. If they form a group, they can occupy a considerable position in the unified holy religion.

Not only them, looking at Liu Xu, Mrs. San Miao also seemed to be a little moved, she lowered her head, thinking about something.


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Chapter 1032 Miao Gongzi Jin Ping'er, the fairy of Dawang Village guides the way

Seeing this, You Ji frowned slightly, exchanged a glance with Qinglong, and wanted to say something to the Ghost King.

The Ghost King chuckled, and suddenly said loudly to Liu Xu's back: "Xu'er, the Holy Cult is about to be unified, how about I give you the position of leader?"

As soon as this remark came out, the scene became tense, everyone looked at the ghost king, not knowing what he was paying attention to.

As members of the Devil's Cult, they didn't think that the Ghost King would be so kind as to let go of the easy-to-get position of leader.

Could it be that another battle is about to start just after the Wandumen is wiped out?

The faces of You Ji and Qing Long changed slightly, while Mrs. San Miao stared at the Ghost King without blinking her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see through his true thoughts, but at this moment Liu Xu's voice came.

"I'm not interested, I want to go back to Baguio!"

The King of Ghosts had such an expression on his face, he seemed to want to explain it to You Ji and Qinglong only, but also said to everyone: "Don't worry, as long as Yaoer is around, there will be no trouble between us Weng and his son-in-law." Frustrated."

Hearing these words, Mrs. Sanmiao smiled wryly and said nothing, and the commotional crowd calmed down.

After all, no one is stupid. If Liu Xu doesn't want to fight for that position, do they want to die if they jump out?

It seems that the holy religion is really going to be unified this time!

Looking at the ghost king with a radiant face, everyone thought secretly in their hearts.

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