
Time flies, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and ten years have passed since the Tongtian Peak battle.

In the realm of self-cultivation all over the world, the friction between the righteous and the demonic factions is becoming more and more serious.

Since the destruction of the Wandu Sect, the Ghost King Sect has integrated the three sects. Except for the Longevity Hall in the dead marsh, the Demon Sect has basically been unified, and its momentum has grown.

Moreover, Tianyin Temple, one of the three sects of the righteous way, was destroyed, and only Qingyunmen, whose vitality was seriously injured, and Fenxiang Valley, which lived in southern Xinjiang, remained in the righteous way.

Therefore, in the battle, the Demon Sect had the upper hand. If the members of the Demon Cult hadn't taken into account the Qingyun Sect's Zhuxian Sword Formation, the general situation of the world would have been rewritten long ago.

Recently, within the Great Western Swamp, a strange light suddenly shot up into the sky. For several days, it was rumored that a shocking treasure would be born.

The demon sect took the opportunity to move westward, with unknown intentions, and Zhengdao also sent elite disciples there to prevent the treasure from falling into the hands of the demon sect, and another battle between good and evil was about to begin.

Dawang Village was originally just a small village on the edge of the death swamp, so it got its name because the villagers believed in a mysterious god called "Dawang".

It's just that this god has always been ineffective. It neither blesses the villagers here to be promoted and rich, nor does it bless them with a good harvest and a good food and clothing. Moreover, because it is close to the dead marsh, from time to time, a monster will suddenly appear from nowhere, or It was a poisonous insect that ran out.

Therefore, people with a little ability have already left this ghostly place, and the population is extremely sparse.

But in the past few days, Dawang Village has suddenly become lively, and all the people who come and go are masters of cultivation.

Although Dawang Village is not the only entrance to the Death Swamp, it is the closest inhabited place to the Death Swamp.

Before entering the dead marsh, most people will come here to buy some dry food and water.

After a few days, the villagers here in Dawang Village have actually made a small fortune, and they are a little more angry.

On this day, two young men, a man and a woman, suddenly came to the gate of the village. The man was dressed in white, handsome and unrestrained, while the woman was dressed in yellow clothes, extremely beautiful.

Duandi is a pair of golden boy and jade girl, which has attracted the attention of countless people.

It's just that the two walked one in front and one behind, and the woman was half a step behind, but it seemed that their identities were different.

After walking for a while, the man looked at the many cultivators in the village, smiled lightly, turned around and said, "Jin Ping'er, how is your arrangement? Everyone is here?"

Jin Ping'er was taken aback, and hurriedly responded: "That's right, Monk Killing Life, Yan Hui and the others have already arrived and are just outside the village, there are more than a dozen other elders coming together, and..."

Unexpectedly, the man waved his hand and said, "I'm just asking casually, you don't need to answer in such detail. As I said before, this time I came here just to get treasure from the Dead Marsh. It's you who will take the lead in destroying the Hall of Eternal Life. No matter how you say it, he is now the famous Young Master Miao of our Holy Cult, so there is no need to be so cautious."

Hearing this, Jin Ping'er smiled wryly and did not answer.

You are asking casually, but I can't help but answer!

Although this person's temper has improved a lot since the Wandu Sect was wiped out, and he has been in-depth and simple in the past few years, rarely making a move, but it doesn't mean that Jin Ping'er has forgotten what the other party did before.

None of Liu Xu's city and cultivation level is within her reach, especially Jin Ping'er and the other party have the kind of identities that cannot be spoken to by outsiders. She doesn't want to accidentally follow in the footsteps of her master. It became Liu Xu's plaything.

He seemed to see what Jin Ping'er was thinking, but the man smiled lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I didn't force you to do that with your master, it's just that she was unwilling to please me. I'm not those hypocrites who are righteous." , I will never refuse to eat the delicious food delivered to my door. If you don't want to, I won't force you, although your beauty really makes me tempted!"

Jin Ping'er's complexion changed slightly, she lowered her head and said: "Ping'er has the appearance of a thin willow, not comparable to Master and Miss Bi Yao, and cannot be praised by the deputy leader."

The man shrugged and said nothing.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a voice of yelling coming from the street in front of me, and someone shouted loudly: "Foretelling the future fifty years ago, you can tell the fortune for three hundred years. If you want to know the future, come here." Take a look!"

I saw an old wooden table on the side of the street, with a bamboo pole inserted beside it, and a piece of canvas was hung on it, with the words "immortal guiding the way" written on it.


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Chapter 1033 The old friend reunited and caused trouble

On the side of the bamboo pole, an old man with extraordinary bearing shouted loudly, and he was the one who made the voice just now.

Beside him, there was a drowsy young woman with a rather pretty face, lying on the edge of the table with a helpless expression.

"Zhou Yixian? Zhou Xiaohuan?" The man smiled lightly, and said, "We really met here. Jin Ping'er, she should be your acquaintance too! If it weren't for them, many things would not have gone so smoothly. Go, come with me." Go and have a look!"

In the original book, Jin Ping'er was rescued by Zhou Xiaohuan when she was seriously injured, and the two have become sisters ever since.

Now because of Liu Xu's intervention, some changes have taken place.

When Jin Ping'er first saw Xiaohuan, she was overjoyed. Although she was hurt by Zhou Yixian, she still liked Xiaohuan, a well-behaved and kind-hearted girl.

It's just that Jin Ping'er's complexion changed when she thought of this person who was still by her side. Hearing this, she felt a little bit reluctant, but in the end she didn't dare to disobey, so she could only follow along.

Xiaohuan was sighing in a low voice right now, having a money-greedy grandfather is really hard, not only have to sit for several hours every day to sell those talismans that cannot be sold at all, but also worry about whether they will be sold by others. debunk...

If it really came to that time, it would be absolutely impossible to walk around, toiled and worried, and it would be impossible to live this day.

But who told her to have such a grandpa, she can only accompany her.

It's just that her grandfather is desperately trying to hold back a cultivator who doesn't seem easy to mess with, but Xiaohuan can't sit still anymore.

She was about to stand up and call Zhou Yixian to stop, when suddenly a gust of fragrant wind wafted behind her, and she heard someone behind her say calmly: "Xiaohuan, long time no see, you have become more beautiful!"

As soon as Xiaohuan turned her head, her eyes lit up, she held the hand of the visitor, and said excitedly, "Sister Jin, why are you here?"

Jin Ping'er smiled slightly, and was about to strike up a conversation, but someone behind him coughed lightly, his face was slightly stiff, and he could only say helplessly: "I'm here with the young master!"

After speaking, he moved sideways.

Xiaohuan looked around, and saw a young man with a face like a crown of jade, who looked like Pan An, came over.

The other party looked her up and down, then smiled and said, "Well, long time no see, Xiaohuan, you've grown up!"

"Uh, who are you?"

Xiaohuan remembered the appearance of the visitor very clearly. After all these years, this person was the most handsome she had ever seen, and she would never forget it.

It's just that back then, she and Zhou Yixian partnered to cheat this man of a lot of money, and then ran away. Now she has a guilty conscience and dare not admit it.

The person who came was stunned, and thought: "You remember Zhang Xiaofan in the original book, why don't you remember me now?"

But then he thought of something, chuckled lightly, and gestured with his hands: "It's me, that Liu Xu, the brother who invited you to dinner in Xiaochi Town, I remember you were arguing after dinner... ..."

In front of Xiaohuan, Liu Xu directly used his real name, and Jin Ping'er didn't care about "Qin Wuyan" calling himself Liu Xu from time to time, because it had appeared many times in these years, and even the ghost king sometimes called Liu Xu "" Xu'er", probably to downplay "Qin Wuyan", Liu Xu's influential name in Wandumen.

"Ah!" Xiaohuan yelled in a hurry, and almost reached out to cover Liu Xu's mouth. She didn't want her embarrassing things to be told again, so she said anxiously: "Mr. Liu Xu, of course I remember, Back then, you and my grandpa had a great conversation! By the way, my grandpa always wanted to meet, but there was no chance, and he is over there now."

In the spirit of being a dead fellow and not a poor one, Xiaohuan sold her grandfather again in the blink of an eye.

But this time she made a bit of a miscalculation, and before Xiaohuan finished speaking, she heard a roar from the side.

"Where did the charlatan come from, dare to lie to you and me, Daoist, I really don't know how to live or die, it seems that Daoist is not killing harm for the people today!"

"Don't, don't, Master Dao, the old man made a mistake. I took the wrong Dao talisman just now. Is this talisman really a fake!"

Xiaohuan turned her head to look, and suddenly became angry, only to see Zhou Yixian pitifully being picked up by a middle-aged Taoist priest with a face full of cheeks, who looked more like a bandit than a Taoist priest, shaking back and forth, explaining and giving She winked for help.

Grandpa Xiaohuan, who has no eyesight at all and is still getting into Qian's eyes, is speechless. If he doesn't look at it for a while, he will cause such a big trouble, and there is still one person here who has not dealt with it. What's the use of winking for himself? With her small arms and legs, how could she beat that bandit Taoist priest?

Just leave him alone, Xiaohuan thought to herself, but after all, it was her grandfather, she still looked at Jin Ping'er as if asking for help, she still knew a little about the identity of this elder sister.

Jin Ping'er wrinkled her nose when she saw this, she really liked Xiaohuan, the two hit it off very much as soon as they met, like sisters, but Jin Ping'er also hated Zhou Xian very much.

If it wasn't for this old guy cheating herself, she wouldn't be in this situation today. Now that someone wants to teach Zhou Yixian a lesson, she couldn't be happier!

Then I saw Jin Ping'er pouted and said: "Don't worry about him, let him suffer a little, so as not to cause big trouble in the future!"

Xiaohuan also knew Jin Ping'er's resentment, so she couldn't speak again, so she could only look at Liu Xu again, after all, this person was very capable back then.

Liu Xu smiled lightly, he was different from Jin Ping'er, and he would not easily let go of things that could improve his goodwill.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Then he suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist, and when he reappeared, he was already standing behind the bandit priest, Xiaohuan and Jin Ping'er were slightly taken aback.


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Chapter 1034 Brother Taoist, save face

This trick was used by Zhang Xiaofan, who learned the three volumes of the Heavenly Book in the original book, it is a very wonderful spell, it is difficult to be discovered by others.

And Liu Xu successively obtained three volumes of heavenly scriptures from Dripping Blood Cave, Ghost King Sect, and Wuliang Yubi. A kind of spell, after all his talent far exceeds Zhang Xiaofan.

Putting his hand on the bandit Taoist priest's arm, Liu Xu pressed it down with a little force, causing Zhou Yixian to fall to the ground, and then smiled at the Taoist priest.

"This Taoist brother, how about some face?" Liu Xu said to the bandit Taoist with a gentle face.

But I don't know if it was because of his hot temper, or because he was so stupid because of his cultivation. The Taoist glanced at Liu Xu, and then slapped him casually.

"Get out! How can a little boy dare to meddle in your Taoist affairs!"

With a slight dodge, Liu Xu passed the slap, looked the Taoist up and down a few times, and then couldn't help laughing.

After so many years, there are still people who dare to talk to him like this. This bandit Taoist priest is really weird and funny enough.

But after being scrutinized by Liu Xu, the Taoist didn't know why he felt dizzy, and subconsciously took a step back.

But he quickly realized what he had done, his face turned red, a blue light lit up on his hand, and he patted Liu Xu, but this time he used real energy.

"Little boy, you are courting death!"

The whole person turned into a cloud of black smoke, and Liu Xu easily dodged aside, but when he saw the blue light on the Taoist priest's hand, he let out a sigh.

"Taiji Qingxuan Dao, are you a disciple of Qingyun Sect?"

After being dodged by Liu Xu several times in a row, no matter how stupid the bandit Taoist priest was, he would have noticed something was wrong.

At first, I was still a little nervous, and I was afraid that I would encounter some kind of master, but now when Liu Xu mentioned his teacher's school, he suddenly became energetic again.

"Yes, Daoist, I am the disciple of Longshou Peak of Qingyunmen. This old Taoist is using the name of Qingyunmen to deceive us. Your Excellency, it is best not to interfere."

This Taoist priest was not too stupid, he knew that Liu Xu was not easy to mess with, so he didn't bother him, and just reached out and grabbed Zhou Xian.

In fact, he met a charlatan, and the Taoist didn't intend to hold on to him.

He could tell what was going on with those Dao Talismans at a glance, but there was nothing wrong with him at all, he just wanted to watch Zhou Yixian perform happily, and then he would teach him a few lessons and it would be over.

It's just that Zhou Yixian saw that the other party was really listening carefully, so he immediately started talking nonsense, saying that his talisman was handed down from the founder of Qingyunmen, and its power is extraordinary, and this will poke a hornet's nest.

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