No matter how you say this Taoist priest is also a disciple of Qingyun, how can he bear to listen to others bluffing and cheating in the name of his sect, and his temper is a bit hot, if he doesn't clean up Zhou Yixian today, he will never swallow this breath, so even if Liu The same goes for Xu who said before that he wanted to protect him.

Seeing the palm as big as a cattail leaf fan grabbing towards him, Zhou Yixian wanted to cry but didn't have any tears. He thought to himself that he was really cheap, why did he blow nonsense in front of the disciples of Qingyun sect.

Immediately, I felt a little unhappy. According to my seniority, I can be regarded as the generation of Master Daoxuan. It is not wrong to say that the talisman in my hand was left by the ancestor of Qingyunmen. It is really polite for this junior to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor. There is no honor or inferiority.

But thinking this way in his heart, Zhou Yixian's kung fu is not slow.

A yellow talisman secretly appeared in his hand. This is not his deceitful thing, but a real Taoist talisman.

As soon as he used it, he could use his strength to escape. He had been cheated and abducted for so many years, and he relied on this thing to save his life.

It's just that before Zhou Yixian ran away, he suddenly heard a faint voice.

"If you are a disciple of other lines of Qingyun Sect, maybe today's matter will be left alone, but you are a disciple of Longshoufeng. Unfortunately, there are several disciples on Longshoufeng that I don't like. guy!"

Then there was a flower in front of everyone's eyes, and the bandit Taoist flew out and hit the ground fiercely, while Liu Xu stood where he was just now and sneered.

Qi Hao, Lin Jingyu, and Chang Yun back then were all from Longshoufeng's lineage, but this Taoist actually said that in front of Liu Xu, did he really think he was a vegetarian if he didn't teach him a lesson?

"You, you really dare to make a move!" Blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and the Taoist priest was startled and angry, pointing at Liu Xu tremblingly and asking: "Where did you come from the demon sect, how dare you declare your name?" Come?"

Liu Xu frowned, his face turned cold.

"Get out! Otherwise, you don't have to go!"

The Taoist priest was about to say some cruel words, but when he met Liu Xu's heartless eyes, he couldn't say a word, got up and ran outside.

He is not stupid, he knows that Liu Xu's strength is far beyond what he, a disciple of the fourth floor of Yuqing, can resist.

But looking at his back fleeing in embarrassment, Liu Xu's eyes flashed a few strange lights.

It seems that the situation of Qing Yunmen these days is not very good!

The Taoist priest in front of him is more like a bandit than a cultivator. In the past, no one would accept him in Qingyun Qimai, but now he can worship under the name of Longshou Peak.

This person doesn't know himself, that is to say, he only joined Qingyun within the past ten years, and his cultivation base has just reached the fourth floor of Yuqing. This kind of new disciple has been sent down the mountain. It seems that there is really a shortage of manpower .

The truth is exactly as Liu Xu thought, because of his appearance, the Qingyunmen suffered more casualties than those in the original book because of his appearance. trampled on the ground in a mess, and his heart has not recovered until now.

Coupled with the destruction of Tianyin Temple, Qingyun Sect was a little helpless, so it had to open its doors and walls to accept disciples in the past few years to cope with the increasing pressure from the Demon Cult.


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Chapter 1035 Metaphysical physiognomy, crooked way

Of course, Qingyunmen doesn't really want all the disciples, after all, there is Liu Xu, who has learned from the past.

Although the Taoist priest just now had a bad image and a bad temper, he was not too bad, and his aptitude was not bad. He reached the fourth floor of Yuqing after seven years on the mountain.

Although it can't be compared with Liu Xu's evildoer, but it is also much better than Liu Xu's few cheap brothers on the Big Bamboo Peak, so that he can be accepted by the Qingyun sect.

Considering the current strength changes of the Qingyun Sect, Liu Xu subconsciously wanted to calculate whether there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, but then chuckled lightly, wondering if this was an occupational disease.

How about the Qingyun sect, it has little to do with Liu Xu now, with the help of him, the Demon Cult has become stronger day by day, and it is enough to deal with any difficulties.

Liu Xu is now the deputy leader. With his status, it is basically impossible for him to be beaten more or less by the righteous way. This is enough.

If Qingyunmen, the great enemy, is really eliminated, there may still be some troubles between Liu Xu and the ghost king, so it's better to keep it as it is now.

As long as Liu Xu can survive, the world is his, and everything is just a matter of time.

Shaking his head slightly to get these thoughts out of his mind, Liu Xu just smiled at Zhou Yixian.

"Senior, we meet again!"

"Ha, it's easy to say, easy to say! I haven't seen you for many years, Mr. Liu is still handsome!"

There was a slight cold sweat on Zhou Yixian's forehead. Others don't know who the person in front of him is, but doesn't he know?

The famous devil son Qin Wuyan, the deputy leader of the devil sect, one person is under one person and over ten thousand people, his cultivation level is advanced, he has already caught up with the three masters of the righteous way back then, and even three of the famous four great monks died in his hands.

Although Liu Xu has seldom made shots in the past few years, it does not mean that the other party should be a vegetarian. Being targeted by such a person, Zhou Xian couldn't help being nervous.

Liu Xu didn't care about this either, he waved to Jin Ping'er and Xiaohuan, and said, "Master Zhou, Miss Xiaohuan, it's fate to meet each other, why don't I invite some of you to drink tea? Just now I have some questions about metaphysical physiognomy. If you want to ask for advice, I hope Taoist Zhou Qie Liu will decline!"

Looking at Liu Xu who was bowing his hands and saluting, Zhou Yixian just smiled wryly, can he say no?


"So I really have no fate with this metaphysical physiognomy?"

Sitting at a small tea stand, Liu Xu flipped through a few photo books he got from Zhou Yixian, such as "Nine Calculations of Numerology" and "Yuzhu Physiognomy", frowned slightly, and muttered in his heart.

It stands to reason that with Liu Xu's talent plus the luck bonus of being a time traveler and other messy things, there should be nothing that he can't learn, but just looking at these few photo books, he can figure it out The meaning of each paragraph in it can also understand the truth contained in it, but I can't find the feeling of understanding the secret.

As if he had noticed Liu Xu's thoughts, Zhou Yixian took a sip of tea lightly, and said with a smile: "Little friend, you can't force fate. There are three thousand roads, all of which can be proved, but the way of mystery may not be suitable for you , it is better to give up as soon as possible, rather than wasting your thoughts in vain."

He has a childlike face, opens his mouth to be a friend, and shuts his mouth to show profound art. What Zhou Xian said is quite the same thing.

But if he didn't hold tightly the gold that Liu Xu gave him, maybe it would be more convincing.

At this time, Zhou Yixian's eyes were shining with golden light, but Liu Xu felt that what he said meant that I gave you something, and if you don't learn it, it's your problem, and I will never refund the money. Or the next moment you will say, "Forget it, as long as the little friend adds more money, the old man will use the law against the sky to help you achieve success."

Sitting next to Liu Xu, looking at Zhou Xian, Jin Ping'er murmured in a low voice: "Damn old liar!"

She gritted her teeth with hatred, apparently thinking of something bad, and across from her, Xiaohuan was adding a bunch of candied haws there, looking at Liu Xu from time to time, wondering what she was thinking.


While Liu Xu and his party were chatting and drinking tea, dozens of people were sitting quietly cross-legged in a dense forest outside Dawang Village. Suddenly, a boy in his twenties opened his eyes suddenly, as if A little confused.

His appearance was the same as before, without much change, but at this moment, the innocent smile on Zhang Xiaofan's face was gone, replaced by that kind of cold murderous aura, the whole person was like a block of ice.

Those who came together were all brothers from the same sect, but there was a lot of room around Zhang Xiaofan, it can be seen that his temperament has changed in the past few years.

At this time, a hurried voice suddenly came from outside the forest, "Master, I met those monsters from the Demon Cult in Dawang Village."

The two looked up, only to see a Taoist priest who looked like a bandit ran in, blood was still on the corners of his mouth and clothes, and he looked very embarrassed.

One person in the crowd suddenly stood up, but it was Qi Hao, the current leader of Longshou Peak.

He frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice: "Fang Yuan, what's the matter, did you encounter those evil spirits?"

The Taoist took a breath, then cupped his hands and said, "I was ordered by my master to inquire about the news, and I happened to meet a monk in Dawang Village. You are disrespectful to me, Qingyun, and this disciple suspects that he is a member of the Demon Cult who came this time."

Frowning slightly, Qihao sized up his cheap apprentice suspiciously. Seeing that he was covered in blood, and he didn't look like he was lying, he pondered for a moment, then decided to pay attention.

"Since you are a Demon Cult demon, you can't just leave it alone, it's better to make sure again! Maybe you can use this to find out about the Demon Cult's plan for this trip!"

I don't know what came to mind, a fiery look suddenly flashed in Qihao's eyes, and he shouted in one direction in the crowd: "Junior Sister Lu, would you like to accompany Brother Wei for a walk, with your and my cultivation, there is no trap You can also get away! This matter is related to my safety on this trip, and I hope my junior sister will help me."


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Chapter 1036 Look at the marriage, marry Xueqi

In that direction was a young girl in white clothes, there were not many people around her, but different from Zhang Xiaofan, all the male disciples looked here from time to time, their eyes full of admiration.

With a long sword on her back and a white dress, she looked like a fairy. Even if the girl closed her eyes and meditated, she couldn't hide her beautiful figure.

Hearing Qi Hao's words, the girl slightly opened her eyes, those eyes were as clear as running water, seemed to reflect everyone's figure, which made people fascinated.

"it is good!"

She faintly uttered a word, her voice was extraordinarily cold, like an eternal snow peak.


"Junior Sister Lu, your cultivation has become more and more advanced these years, and in a few years, I'm afraid you won't even be a match for Brother!"

On the path in the forest, a man and a woman were quickly shuttling, heading towards Dawang Village.

Looking at Lu Xueqi's beautiful face, her supernatural temperament, and her elf-like figure in the forest, Qi Hao's eyes flashed with heat, and he couldn't help but praise.

In fact, when Qimai met martial arts back then, he had noticed Lu Xueqi's beauty, and inexplicable thoughts had arisen in his heart, but at that time, for his future status in Longfeng, and for the support of Tian Buyi and his wife, he put his mind to it. All of them were put on Tian Linger, but in the end they ended up in a crushing defeat.

But now after Cangsong's death, he has become the seat of Dragon Peak, and happened to be the leader of this trip. Looking at the more mature and beautiful Lu Xueqi, his long-silent mind became active again.

Frowning slightly, Lu Xueqi only replied four words indifferently: "Brother's praise".

Immediately, without saying a word, they continued to rush towards Dawang Village.

Qi Hao didn't care either, Lu Xueqi's coldness was well-known in the entire Qingyun Sect, especially since the battle at Tongtian Peak ten years ago, she seemed to be affected by the tragic battle that year, she devoted herself to hard work, and almost never went out.

If it weren't for the fact that the appearance of the strange treasure in the Death Swamp was so important, I'm afraid we wouldn't have seen her.

Both of them are cultivators, so they are faster than ordinary people. Even without the flying sword, they arrived at Dawang Village in a short time with all their strength.

Looking at the nearby village, Qi Hao shook his head regretfully. Along the way, he found many topics to chat with Lu Xueqi.

It's a pity that the other party responded with a few casual words at first, and then fell silent at all.

Suppressing regret to the bottom of his heart, Qi Hao took the lead and walked towards the village.

"Junior Sister Lu, according to Fang Yuan, the devil's cultivation is not weak, we'd better be careful, if we encounter any situation that we can't handle, we should save our lives first!"

He said so, but Qi Hao didn't take it very seriously in his heart.

He had just broken through the realm of Yuqing two years ago, when he was full of ambition, he only felt that with the help of Lu Xueqi, who was holding Tianya in his hand, the two of them would be able to fight even against the suzerain-level figure of the Demon Sect, how could they meet so easily? In danger?

He said so, but he could focus more on the second half of the sentence.

"If you encounter a large group of Demon Sect members, serve as the queen, and the younger sisters will go back and gather..."

Halfway through speaking, Qi Hao noticed that Lu Xueqi's body froze slightly, her bright eyes widened suddenly, and her hand involuntarily moved towards Tianya behind her.

Dawang Village is not big, and from the position of the two of them, they can already see a small tea stall on the roadside.

One old, three young, the four of them sat there, sipping tea leisurely, and one of them, a young man in white, looked very familiar.

"Liu Xu!"

Two voices sounded almost at the same time, but one was full of anger, while the other was full of fear.

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