Qi Hao secretly groaned in his heart, he did not expect to meet this evil star here, this is almost the worst result.

Although he is not afraid of figures at the level of the Demon Sect's suzerain, it does not mean that Qi Hao is not afraid of Liu Xu.

Let's put it this way, Qi Hao and Lu Xueqi can still rely on the miraculous maneuvers of Tai Chi and Xuan Dao when they meet demon giants, but when facing Liu Xu, they can know who they know and who they don't. How can they fight?

Moreover, it is also the supernatural realm, Liu Xu had already broken through ten years ago, and with the other party's aptitude, his cultivation might have reached an extremely advanced level in the supernatural realm.

Just because Qi Hao and Lu Xueqi are far from being opponents, if they are not careful, they might not even save their lives.

Before the fight, Qi Hao became afraid of the old man in front of him who had not cultivated for a fraction of his time, and wanted to run away.

The corners of Qi Hao's mouth were a little dry, and he lowered his voice and said: "Junior Sister Lu, the devil is powerful, I think it's better for us to withdraw first!"

At the same time, he scolded Fang Yuan, his cheap apprentice, half to death in his heart, Master Pit, he has never seen such a fool as you.

But Lu Xueqi didn't react at all. At this moment, in her eyes, there was only that figure in the distance.

As if aware of the master's intentions, the Tianya Sword uttered a low cry, and rose out of the scabbard little by little. The light of the sword flowing on it turned the whole street blue.

Over there, Liu Xu also seemed to have noticed the arrival of the two of them. Looking at the slim figure, there was a gleam in his eyes unconsciously.

Smiling slightly, Liu Xu picked up the teacup, but asked Zhou Yixian who was sitting in front of him: "Daoist Zhou, do you know how to look at marriage? Do you think I have a relationship with that woman in blue over there? Will she marry?" give me?"

At this moment, Zhou Yixian focused all his attention on the gold that Liu Xu had just given him. Hearing this, he almost didn't even look at it and said casually: "There is destiny, of course there is destiny. If you can marry her, the two of you will definitely marry her." A house full of children and grandchildren, long-lasting good fortune!"

The voices of the two were not loud, but they could hear them clearly with the ears of a cultivator.

"Liu Xu!"

That night ten years ago flashed again in her eyes, remembering what she had encountered before, Lu Xueqi let out a coquettish cry, and Tianya from behind blatantly got out of her sheath, and slashed at Liu Xu with her sword.


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Chapter 1037 Lovers Meet, The True Art of Yu Lei

"Junior Sister Lu, no!"

When Qi Hao saw this, he was anxious and wanted to dissuade him, but Lu Xueqi didn't care. In the blink of an eye, the blade had already reached the top of Liu Xu's head.

Looking at the blue sharp light, Liu Xu didn't care. One hand was raised slightly above his head, while the other hand was still holding his teacup to his mouth.

The cyan Tai Chi gossip appeared from Liu Xu's hands, spinning and supporting Tianya, no matter how Lu Xueqi urged her, she couldn't break through.

“Good tea!”

Taking a leisurely sip of tea, Liu Xu just smiled when he saw Lu Xueqi who was in mid-air.

"It's been ten years, and you're still at this level?"

Biting her cherry lips, a flash of determination flashed in Lu Xueqi's eyes, and the next moment, a faint golden light appeared on the blade of Tianya Sword, and the power of the entire Tianya Sword exploded.

Ka Ka Ka, there was a slight sound, and the Tai Chi Bagua seemed to be overwhelmed, and it shattered little by little.

Seeing this, Liu Xu was not in a hurry. Instead, he smiled with satisfaction, nodded and said, "It's not bad, but it's not enough to want to kill me."

Zhenyuan swallowed, and the entire Taiji gossip burst into a dazzling blue light, and it shattered.

Lu Xueqi felt a strong force coming from above, and was blown away involuntarily.

When she stabilized her figure, Liu Xu had already left the spot and flew into the midair.

Glancing at Zhou Yixian and Xiaohuan, Liu Xu said to Lu Xueqi lightly: "It's not convenient to do it here, let's change to another place."

After finishing speaking, his whole body turned into a blue light and flew towards the outside of the village.

"Don't run!"

Almost without thinking, Lu Xueqi chased after Yu Jian.

"Junior Sister Lu!"

Qihao was so angry that he jumped up and looked at Lu Xueqi's disappearing figure, his expression changed for a while, but finally he turned around and flew towards the direction he came from.

After almost a moment of effort, only Jin Ping'er and Zhou Yixian's grandfather and grandson were left on the spot.

Xiaohuan blinked her eyes, and asked Jin Ping'er, "Sister, don't you want to follow me?"

No matter what, Jin Ping'er came with Liu Xu, and she seemed to be his subordinate, so it was a bit strange to ignore her at this moment.

But Jin Ping'er shrugged her shoulders and said: "I'm going to meet my old lover, why should I go with me?"

From Lu Xueqi's body, Jin Ping'er could feel something very familiar, so she wasn't worried about Liu Xu's safety at all.

Since she wasn't asked to follow, why was she joining in the fun?

Xiaohuan didn't know the complicated relationship between Jin Ping'er and Liu Xu, but she covered her mouth and smiled when she heard this, and said, "Sister, why do I smell so jealous?"

Jin Ping'er feigned anger, stretched out her hand to touch Xiaohuan's waist, and said angrily: "Wow, I haven't seen you for a few years, the little girl dared to tease my sister, see if my sister will teach you a lesson today!"

After saying that, she scratched her itch, and Xiaohuan fought back, not to be outdone.

The two of them made a fuss at the tea stand, and the people around were taken aback by the beautiful scenery.

After a while, a man in black hurried over, as if there was something wrong.

Seeing him hesitant to speak, Jin Ping'er frowned and stopped his movements.

Jin Ping'er asked Xiaohuan, "Sister, do you want to go into the Dead Marsh to watch the excitement?"

Xiaohuan frowned slightly, and said, "But there is really..."

Jin Ping'er chuckled lightly and said, "What are you afraid of? I'm here! Can people still bully you? Even if you don't care, I will feel sorry for you!"

Xiaohuan gave her a blank look, but couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's okay, anyway, we may not have seen each other for a long time, and I also want to talk to my sister more."

Jin Ping'er was overjoyed, greeted his subordinates, stood up with Xiaohuan in his arms, and was about to walk out of the village.

"Okay then, let's go!"

"This one……"

Xiaohuan looked at Zhou Yixian.

Zhou Yixian stroked his long beard, and said with a smile: "It's just right, the old Taoist also wants to go to the Dead Marsh to take a look, take a chance!"

Unexpectedly, Jin Ping'er gave him a contemptuous look and said, "I didn't say to take you there, you can play here slowly!"

After all, he raised a purple magic weapon and flew outside with a small ring, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Witch, where are you taking my granddaughter!"

Zhou Yixian was in a hurry, and he didn't care to pack his things, so he grabbed the fortune-telling bamboo pole and chased after him.


Bright blue light spanned the sky, and the sky was as dark as ink, spinning rapidly.

Under the ferocious vortex, Lu Xueqi stood in mid-air, the wind was fierce, her peerless face was as cold as ice,

Standing in the air, walking seven steps in a row, she chanted a curse, and the next moment a thick thunderbolt crashed down.

Stepping on the dead marsh, Liu Xu chuckled when he saw it.

"Use the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue on me, have you forgotten what happened back then?"

He raised one hand, and Zhan Acacia glowed with blue brilliance.

As if attracted by an inexplicable attraction, the thunderbolt from the sky split into two, half fell on Tianya, and the other half landed in Liu Xu's hands.

Gritting her teeth slightly, Lu Xueqi still blasted the sky thunder down, and in the same way, when Liu Xu waved her hand, the lightning also shot up into the sky.

Up and down, two bolts of lightning pierced the sky, and the same source of thunder light collided together, entangled and bit each other like two thunder dragons, and finally went to annihilation together.

Yue Xiong was panting slightly, and sweat gradually rolled down Lu Xueqi's forehead. From the edge of Dawang Village, she had fought all the way with Liu Xu into the dead swamp.There were originally scattered trees around, but now there were only lush aquatic plants left, and there was a faint smell of decay in the air.

The two fought against each other for countless rounds, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't help Liu Xu at all. Even now, she was a little bit unsustainable, but Liu Xu didn't even take a breath.


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Chapter 1038 Mo Xue Sword, Liuhe Mirror

Tilting his head, Liu Xu looked at Lu Xueqi and touched his chin.

"You know? Actually, I still miss that night, your soft body, and that sweet cry..."


Tianya, whose light was soaring, slashed at Liu Xu, but the latter just waved with Zhan Xiangsi lightly, and Lu Xueqi flew out with her sword.

"Ha ha……"

Breathing more and more quickly, holding the Tianya Divine Sword in her hand, Lu Xueqi looked at the figure in front of her, feeling more and more unwilling.

Why, in the past ten years, I have cultivated desperately, but the distance from him is getting bigger and bigger, so how can I take revenge?

Seemingly seeing what she was thinking, Liu Xu dissipated like a black mist, and after a while, he gathered in front of Lu Xueqi strangely.

The golden left hand easily suppressed the brilliance of Tianya Excalibur and Lu Xueqi's resistance, while Liu Xu's right hand lifted the latter's white chin

Looking at each other, he said slowly: "Using Taiji Qingxuan to integrate Dafan Prajna and Tianshu, although it is not wrong, but after all, it is not as grand and smooth as taking Tianshu as the general outline. Why bother?" Stick to those boring things, because you are from the Qingyun sect, so you never give up your own path, even if you know it will affect your strength?"

When Liu Xu raised her chin, a trace of humiliation flashed in Lu Xueqi's eyes, but she still said coldly: "Don't worry about it, I'm different from a traitor like you!"

"Really?" Liu Xu shrugged, took a step back, and let go of Lu Xueqi, "Then you will never want to seek revenge from me. A friendly reminder, I have already set foot on the sky. Cleared the realm, I believe that as long as you can get the thing in the dead marsh, you will be able to advance. If you don't change your mind, you will only be pulled further and further away by me, and there will be no hope of revenge."

Biting her cherry lips tightly, Lu Xueqi did not speak, but the expression in her eyes was a little shaken.

But at this moment, Liu Xu's head suddenly turned to the other side.

"Hey, those flower protectors are here, it seems that there is still some fun today!"

While speaking, dozens of black dots approached quickly on the far horizon.

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