"Junior Sister Lu, are you okay!"

Qi Hao rushed over immediately, he first glanced at Lu Xueqi with concern, he was relieved to see that she was fine and exhausted, then turned his head and shouted loudly at Liu Xu.

"Liu Xu, you traitor still dare to appear in front of us? Today we will do justice for the heavens and destroy you, a monster!"

Liu Xu chuckled, looked at Qi Hao with a half-smile, his eyes were full of contempt, and said: "I said Qi Hao, I said back then that you have no real ability at all except for that mouth. I don't know who saw it just now I turned around and ran away without a bit of character, and now that I have found a helper, I started to speak loudly again, you are really thick-skinned!"

"You..." Qi Hao's face turned red abruptly, Liu Xu's words were harsh and poisonous, almost didn't save him any face, how could he not be annoyed.

He didn't need to look, he already knew how those Qingyun disciples behind him viewed him at this time.

"You monster, don't try to sow discord, I, Qihao..." Qihao was about to say something to save face, but a figure stepped forward, stood in front of him, and stared at Liu Xu.

Holding a sword in his hand that looks like jade but not jade, and is one foot shorter than ordinary swords, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes are blood red, his face is as ferocious as a ghost.

"Liu Xu, do you remember me?"

Looking at the sword with green marks, Liu Xu's expression was a little dazed, but he soon calmed down.

"So it's my junior brother. I didn't expect my wife to give you the Mo Xue sword."

Liu Xu's voice was very calm, as if he really reunited with his senior brother, without the slightest ripple.

But Zhang Xiaofan's response made people shudder, with incomparable resentment and hatred, he said almost word by word: "Yes, it is Mo Xuejian. On the day my wife handed it to me, I faced it This sword has sworn to kill you to avenge Senior Sister!"

"It's just you?" Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Not enough qualifications!"


Without saying another word, Zhang Xiaofan yelled, swung Mo Xue and struck Liu Xu on the head.

Green and gold lights appeared on the water-like sword, Zhang Xiaofan's blow was extremely brutal, almost disregarding his own life and death, there was not a single leeway between opening and closing.

"So you're not qualified enough!"

Liu Xu sneered, and Acacia in his hand burst out a ray of light, green, gold, and red lights intertwined together, hitting Zhang Xiaofan's blow head-on.


Like thunder in the clear sky, a large crater that expanded rapidly appeared in the low mud.

The ground turned over, like mud prints pressed by fingers.

Suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, Zhang Xiaofan flew upside down, was embraced by Song Daren, Mo Xuejian screamed incessantly in his hand, while Liu Xu blushed slightly, shook his body, and stood up again stabilized.


Lin Jingyu who has a good relationship with Zhang Xiaofan's eyes turned red immediately, the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand lit up with a blue light, and he blatantly charged towards Liu Xu.

Like the fuse that ignited the fuze, a dozen magic weapons hit Liu Xu together in the next moment.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, looking at the magic weapons rushing towards him, Liu Xu unhurriedly held up a small mirror.

A faint yellow halo spread.All the magic weapons hit on it were bounced back, and the faces of those Qingyun disciples turned slightly pale.

"Sixfold mirror!"

Qi Hao gritted his teeth with hatred, this Liu Xu actually used Qing Yunmen's magic weapon to deal with them.

With the clear and crisp sound of dragon chant, the dragon-slaying sword, under Lin Jingyu's control, ruthlessly smashed on the halo of Liuhe mirror.


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Chapter 1039 Dragon Slaying Sword, Young Master Demon

I don't know if he just suffered too many attacks, but in the green light, the light yellow halo quietly melted away, revealing the figure of Liu Xu inside.

Lin Jingyu was overjoyed when he saw this, poured his whole body of true energy into it, and planned to kill Liu Xu on the spot.

But not far away, when Lu Xueqi saw this, her pupils shrank, she exclaimed, "Junior Brother Lin, step back, it's a trap!"

Lin Jingyu was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, a golden palm had already gripped the blade of the Dragon Slaying Sword and firmly grasped it.

Like a divine dragon being touched against its scales, the dragon-slaying sword suddenly glowed with blue light, and kept ringing, as if it wanted to teach this madman who dared to provoke him a lesson.

It's a pity that the hand glowing with golden light remained motionless like a pliers, the golden light on it kept spreading, no matter how much Zhanlong struggled, he couldn't escape.

"You inherited Wan Jianyi's ability to kill the dragon, but you didn't inherit his ability. What a shame!"

Accompanied by the cold words, Liu Xu swung Zhan Xiangsi with his other hand.


Blood splattered, Lin Jingyu let out a scream, clutched his shoulders and staggered back.

His right arm holding Zhanlong was cut off by Liu Xu Qigen!

Cang Song died early, and Wan Jianyi died in Liu Xu's hands, so Lin Jingyu had no one to teach him. Even if he was very talented, he had only reached the ninth level of Yuqing in ten years. Liu Xu was too different, so his arm was crippled in one blow, and Zhanlong was taken away.

Casually throwing Lin Jingyu's severed arm aside, holding Zhanlong in his hand, Liu Xu couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Well, yes, it's really a good sword, and it's easier to use than Zhan Xiangsi!"

A white light rose from his hand, spreading towards Zhanlong's sword bit by bit, and as soon as he touched the white light, Zhanlong let out a low cry, as if he was unwilling to be humiliated, and resisted desperately.

"Liu Xu, return my sect's treasure!"

Qi Hao was in a hurry when he saw this. The Dragon Slaying Sword is the Nine Heavens Divine Weapon and a rare treasure of Qingyun Sect. He was a little envious when he saw it. How could he let it fall into Liu Xu's hands.

The Frost Sword flew up, and a stream of icy air quickly hit Liu Xu.

The other disciples also came to their senses, sacrificed magic weapons one after another, and besieged Liu Xu.

Holding the Dragon Slaying Sword in one hand, Liu Xu didn't fight back, but dodged back and forth like a butterfly among the flowers, no matter how those Qingyun disciples attacked, they couldn't touch half of his clothes.

At the same time, the white light in his hand still rushed towards Zhanlongjian firmly.

Finally, amidst the mournful cry of the Zhanlong Sword, the white light finally spread all over the sword, and Zhanlong also calmed down, lying obediently in Liu Xu's hands.

The dragon-slaying sword, forged from the ten-thousand-year-old green crystal in the extremely bitter place in the southern border, kills countless treacherous evil spirits, led by attack, and has great power.

Holding the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand, Liu Xu looked at the disciples of the Qingyun Sect with a wicked smile on his lips.

"Come on, let me show you the true power of the Dragon Slaying Sword!"

The emerald green light soared into the sky, and Liu Xu turned into a green dragon and charged into the disciples of the Qingyun Sect.

Charge vertically and horizontally, unstoppable.

Wherever it passed, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

There is no single enemy!

Although he has never learned Wan Jianyi's slaying ghosts and gods, Liu Xu is also practicing Taiji Qingxuan after all. He is about to enter the realm of Taiqing. in that year.

Crazy, hot, blood and brilliance dancing together, in the vast dead marsh, that green light is so heart-palpiating.

"Ha, everyone of Qing Yun Sect, let me take a step ahead today, so I don't have to send you off!"

The dragon-slaying sword swung across the sky with a dazzling blue light, and a sword-wielding disciple Qing Yun split into two halves. Amidst loud laughter, Liu Xu turned into a blue light and disappeared into the sky.

No one chased after them, and the rest of Qingyunmen looked at each other with blank eyes.

Is this the end?

There were more than [-] corpses lying on the ground in disorder, and nearly [-]% of the elite disciples of the Qingyun Sect stayed here forever.

Liu Xu has only one person, even if he has a good cultivation base, he also practiced the three schools of magic, Taoism, and Buddha, and stepped into the realm of Taiqing with one foot, he is by no means a match for the dozens of elite disciples here, so in the end he He had no choice but to retreat, but just to force him to retreat, Qing Yunmen paid an incomparably tragic price.

I don't know where it started, someone in the crowd began to sob.

The newly recruited disciples within ten years all turned pale.

In the past, Liu Xu's name only represented a secret and a shame to them. Even though the elders repeatedly emphasized the danger of this person, they didn't take it to heart.

After all, it's just a betrayed disciple, so it's no big deal, Qingyun Sect is the most righteous sect, so how can they be afraid of a sect traitor?

But the current Qin Wuyan, today's bloody lesson told them that the meaning of the name Mo Gongzi is definitely the deepest nightmare in the hearts of everyone in the Qingyun sect. As long as he is here, no disciple of the Qingyun sect can rest assured Come.

Covering the front of Yuexiong with one hand, looking at the long and narrow wound, Zeng Shushu still had lingering fears in his heart. With that brutal and domineering sword, he was just a little bit short of being cut in two.

Having reached the supernatant realm, he was so powerless facing that person.

If it wasn't for the timely rescue from the same sect, he might have died in the other party's hands long ago!

Taking a deep breath, Zeng Shushu suppressed the fear in his heart, and asked Qi Hao, who was also pale, "Senior Brother Qi, we have suffered a lot this time, do you think we will continue?"

He was very unwilling in his heart, Qi Hao was the team leader on this trip, he originally wanted to use this opportunity to establish his prestige among the disciples and pave the way for the future.

Unexpectedly, just after entering the Dead Marsh, nearly [-]% of the people were beheaded by Liu Xu, and the rest of the people were even more frightened and had no fighting spirit.


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Chapter 1040 Changshengtang, Yuyangzi

Things have come to this point, it is no longer under Qi Hao's control, even if he is unwilling in every possible way, the mission of this trip has already failed.

Sighing, Qi Hao seemed to have aged ten years all of a sudden, and waved his hands and said: "Now all the brothers and sisters are injured, and a large number of people from the Demon Cult have disappeared. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, we will return to Qingyun!"

As soon as this remark came out, the remaining disciples were silent for a while, and rushed away with high spirits, which was undoubtedly a great shame to them.

But at this time, no one objected...

They were already terrified by that mad figure just now, as long as they could get out of here, away from that demon, a little humiliation was nothing.

But it seems that not everyone thinks so, just listen to a cold voice from the periphery of the crowd.

"Senior brother Qi, I still have things to do, so I won't accompany you back to Qingyun!"

Her complexion had recovered a little, and Lu Xueqi looked into the depths of the Dead Marsh, her eyes full of determination.

Qi Hao frowned slightly, a little displeased, he glanced at Lu Xueqi, and said, "Junior Sister Lu, do you know what you're talking about? Now is not the time to joke around, the Demon Sect's brigade may arrive at any time, The demon was not seriously injured just now, and he may return at any time, do you want these disciples to be buried with you for your waywardness?"

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