Lu Xueqi didn't waver at all, and said: "Senior Brother Qi, you misunderstood, I didn't say to let other people follow, it's just that I just want to go to the dead marsh to see, it has nothing to do with others!"

"Nonsense! What can you do by yourself? Wouldn't you die for nothing!" Qi Hao was even more ashamed, and thought to himself: "Why is this woman so ignorant, always trying to be brave, is she trying to contrast my lack of guts? Lu Xueqi is a woman If you dare to venture into the dead marsh alone, how will others think of yourself who ordered the retreat?"

Immediately, he wanted to say something to dispel Lu Xueqi's thoughts.

But Lu Xueqi gave him a cold look, and said expressionlessly: "Whether or not my death is in vain is my own business, so I don't need to worry about it. I have made up my mind, let's go first!"

After finishing speaking, the Tianya sword was unsheathed, and Lu Xueqi turned into a blue light and flew towards the depths of the dead swamp.

"You..." His face turned blue and then pale, seeing Lu Xueqi's disappearing figure, Qi Hao finally let out a cold snort, and walked away with many disciples of Qingyun Sect.

Although he likes beauties, he never thought of risking his life for it.


The other end of the Dead Marsh.

Yu Yangzi, the master of the Eternal Life Hall of the Devil's Cult, was dressed in white, and looked ahead quietly, with a flash of struggle in his eyes. The night wind in the swamp blew his skirts and fluttered slightly. He looked extraordinary, like a fairy.

Except for his left hand, the sleeves are empty, adding a bit of inexplicable humor.

That was the battle in Qingyun Mountain that year, and he was unfortunately injured by the world's most legendary sword, the symbol of the Jade Immortal, and it was also a merciless mockery of fate.

The night breeze was slightly cool, and the air was filled with the smell of water vapor, but Yuyangzi felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

Behind him, in the darkness, there was a faint sound of tense breathing, that was someone from his Changsheng Hall.

But in front of his eyes were densely packed, blood-red eyes, and there was a faint sneer, that was a member of the Ghost King Sect.

The young girl in yellow clothes smiled lightly, so charming and charming.

"Has senior Yuyangzi thought it over? The ghost king said that as long as you can lead the crowd to surrender, senior, you will definitely have a place among the elders in the sect!"

"Elder?" Yu Yangzi laughed self-deprecatingly, "I thought that the ghost king's Yuexiong lapel would be the next deputy leader! I don't want to be so stingy, could it be that I look down on the disabled old man?"

Jin Ping'er blinked, chuckled, and said: "It's not that the ghost king can't give you the position of deputy leader, but now my demon sect only has one deputy leader, and Senior Yuyangzi wants to compete with Du Gongzi for the position of deputy leader? "

"Hmph! It's just a kid with some talent, do you really think you're so great?" His face moved unnaturally, but Yuyangzi turned his head away, looking dismissive.

Over the years, Liu Xu killed the God of Poison, destroyed Tianyin Temple, and shocked the entire Demon Cult, so Yuyangzi naturally knew about it.

It's just that at this time, it is absolutely impossible to lose momentum. The Changshengtang, which has been passed down for seven generations and has gone through [-] years, has reached a critical moment tonight.

The Ghost King Sect has annexed the two major sects of Demon Dao, and now the poisonous hand has reached out to him Changshengtang.

In the first battle ten years ago, Changshengtang's vitality was severely injured, even he himself lost an arm, and he was no longer able to resist the growing ghost king sect.

But if he were to give up now and hand over the [-]-year-old foundation of Changshengtang to others, Yuyangzi would not be willing either.

Especially a few days ago, a strange omen suddenly appeared in the swamp of death. If you can get a rare treasure like Qingyunmen's "Zhuxian Ancient Sword", Changshengtang can turn the crisis into safety, and then Xu Tuzhan, it may not be possible in the future. There is no possibility of turning over.

Fight, or surrender?

Two thoughts were constantly weighing in Yuyangzi's mind, and then he groaned slightly, and asked Jin Ping'er: "Are you the only one who came to see this old man this time? Your master Sanmiao, or the ghost king?" Did none of Zong’s Four Great Sacred Envoys come? You are only a junior, so what qualifications do you have to talk to this old man?”

Jin Ping'er smiled sweetly, and said: "My master and the four great envoys have other important matters, but they can't come at this time, I hope seniors don't blame me. As for whether the little girl is qualified, I will ask seniors." Ask the group of disciples behind me!"

As if to match Jin Ping'er's words, there was a burst of crying and howling from behind her, like a group of demons dancing wildly. In this silent night, the sound spread far away...


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Chapter 1041 The Yin-Yang Mirror, the Unification of the Holy Religion

"Really?" Hearing Jin Ping'er's threat, Yuyangzi sneered in his heart, and he had already made up his mind. Since none of the senior officials of the Ghost King Sect came, then don't blame his subordinates for being ruthless.

He intends to get rid of the yellow-haired girl in front of him here, and then he will take his men to the Dead Marsh to hunt for treasures. Instead of going to the Ghost King Zong to be an incomparable elder, Yuyangzi is more willing to fight with his own ability.

"Little girl, if you dare to threaten the old man, let the old man tell you how much you weigh!"

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, Yuyangzi summoned a strange mirror with black and white sides, and was about to strike.

However, at this moment, a low voice suddenly came from the dark night: "How many catties? Yuyangzi, are you talking about yourself?"

Those people from the Ghost King Sect suddenly fell silent, and a passage was opened in the crowd without a sound.

The sound of footsteps gradually sounded, as if coming from the depths of endless darkness.

He approached slowly, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

Affected by this, the people in Changshengtang opposite did not dare to speak loudly.

A white robe was already soaked in blood, holding a dark blue sword with a dragon pattern in his hand, a young man walked out slowly.

Awe, admiration, fear, all kinds of colors flashed in the eyes of the ghost king sect.

But Yuyangzi gasped, his face darkened, and he said coldly, "It's you! Why are you here?"

Without answering Yuyangzi's words, Liu Xu tilted his neck and glanced at him.

"It's just a brat with some talent! Did you say that just now?"

Yuyangzi's face froze, and then he let out a cold snort.

"That's right, so what if it's the old man who said it? Thinking back then, when I was on the same level as your master Poison God, how could you, a brat, have room to intervene? There really is no distinction!"

A wicked smile appeared on Liu Xu's face, and he said, "It's good if you admit it! Old man, die now!"

The next moment, the dragon chant shook the sky, and a green light shot up into the sky, turning half of the sky green.

"Junior dare!"

Seeing that Liu Xu drew his sword to face each other when he disagreed, Yuyangzi was shocked at first, and then furious.

He has always been arrogant and conceited, otherwise he would not have been fooled by the Poison God and the Ghost King, and lost most of the Changshengtang family property for the position of the leader.

Although Liu Xu's reputation has been greatly shaken in recent years, he is still a junior in his eyes. It is really unreasonable for him to dare to take the lead in attacking him at this time.

Black and white light alternated, and the yin and yang mirror hit Liu Xu head-on.


However, Liu Xu flew up against the sky, and the dragon-slaying sword in his hand slashed at the light.

The emerald green light rushed into the black and white two colors, and smashed the two colors of brilliance with just a stir.


Without stopping, Liu Xu flew straight to Yuyangzi with a fanatical fighting spirit on his face.

"How brave!"

Yuyangzi laughed angrily when he saw this, and flew back while shaking the yin and yang mirror in his hand.

The black and white rays of light echoed each other, bursts of mysterious light, and the force of traction and counter-shock continued to attack Liu Xu.


But Liu Xu ignored it, and shouted loudly, like a barbarian with a battle axe, he raised the Dragon Slaying Sword and slashed at it.

If you are taken away, you will make another strike, and if you are counter-shocked, you will fight back with greater strength.

In the green light that filled the sky, Liu Xu crazily killed Yuyangzi time and time again. He didn't regard him as a giant of the magic way who had been famous for hundreds of years, but like chopping up miscellaneous fish, with one sword after another. The sword slashed fiercely.

After being beaten all the way by Liu Xu, Yuyangzi's old face turned red. At this time, he felt like a peerless master in a martial arts competition, but was slapped hard by a barbarian with all his might.

"Junior, you are courting death!"

Seeing Liu Xu slashing at his head again with a sword, Yuyangzi couldn't take it anymore.

I saw the yin and yang mirror in his hand flickering again and again, suddenly the white light became bright and dazzling, Liu Xu's dragon-slaying sword slashed, and he was forced to fly away by the shock.

"Boy, you die here!"

With a ferocious smile on his face, Yuyangzi turned his right hand over and pointed the black side of the mirror at Liu Xu, and a huge black light hit Liu Xu directly on the head.

But in the next moment, the smug look on Yuyangzi's face froze on his face, and a small mirror suddenly flew out of Liu Xu's head, the yellow halo turned, and the black light was actually reflected return.

Flipping the yin and yang mirror in his hand again, Yuyangzi hurriedly used the white light to disperse the black light, but before he could do anything else, he suddenly felt Yuexiong's mouth cool down, and a small piece of dagger glistening with brilliance But it has passed through the moon.

The slight pain came from Yue Xiong's mouth, Yuyangzi looked at Yue Xiong's front, and then stared at Liu Xu.

"Zhan Acacia, boy, you're bullying me!"

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders, the previous enthusiasm was no longer on his face.Instead, he looked calm.

"It's you, you stupid."

Recalling the dragon-slaying sword with one hand, Liu Xu cut off Yuyangzi's head with a backhand sword, and then put the Yin-Yang mirror in his hand.

Looking at the black and white mirror, he just smiled softly.

"Well, the harvest is not bad!"

The yin and yang mirror, all the treasures of Yuyangzi in Changshengtang, the black and white sides have the power of anti-shock and traction, and their power is impressive.

Then everything will be easy to handle, without Yuyangzi, the Changshengtang will naturally be scattered.

Except for a few diehard loyalists, all of them were incorporated into the Ghost King Sect.

Since then, the Changshengtang, which has been passed down for eight hundred years, has been destroyed, and the entire Demon Cult has been unified under the Ghost King Sect.


In the early morning, there was a thick mist in the dead swamp, and the whole world was gray. Liu Xu stood on the top of a big tree and looked around.

This place is already in the depths of the dead swamp, and it is full of extremely poisonous miasma, and it doesn't look like the periphery. There is an unexpected dense forest growing here, and you can't see the edge at a glance.


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Chapter 1042 Love picks the bottle, the ancient tree of the dead marsh

Behind Liu Xu, a beautiful figure in yellow clothes floated over.

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