"Didn't you say you won't interfere this time? Why did you kill Yuyangzi in the end?"

Jin Ping'er looked at Liu Xu's back, and there was a slight gleam in his eyes.

But Liu Xu didn't seem to notice it, and said casually: "I fought with those guys from Qingyunmen once and got a nice sword, so I want to find someone to try it out!"

"Liar!" Jin Ping'er wrinkled her nose, and said to Liu Xu coquettishly, "You came here non-stop after you clearly had a fight with Zhengdao, otherwise it would be such a coincidence!"

I don't know if it's because of her natural beauty or amazing charm, this glance really has all kinds of love, it just makes people want to sink into those eyes like autumn water and never wake up.

Smiling lightly, Liu Xu took two steps closer. The two were originally standing side by side on the big tree, but at this time Jin Ping'er was forced by Liu Xu to the side of the tree trunk.

With a slightly blushing face, Jin Ping'er lowered his head and said softly, "My lord, what do you want to do?"

Liu Xu gently picked up a strand of Jin Ping'er's hair, and played it back and forth in his hands, until Jin Ping'er's ears turned red with embarrassment, and then said: "If Ping'er thinks that I am helping you because of pity, then It's all right, who told Ping'er to be so attractive!"

Hearing this, Jin Ping'er's face turned even redder, her eyes kept dodging, her autumn eyes were almost dripping water.

"Bottle, I like you!"

With a slight smile, Liu Xu bowed his head and opened his mouth to kiss her.


Suddenly, Jin Ping'er seemed to have thought of something, her face changed, and anger seemed to flash across her face, she pushed Liu Xu away abruptly.

"You have told this nonsense to countless women, right? You still want to lie to me, hmph! Men really don't have a good thing!"

The beauty was slightly angry, but all kinds of feelings, as if the light anger had also turned into a soul-stirring beauty, written lightly on her cheeks, captivating the soul.

"To each other, isn't Ping'er's expression just now three points true and seven points false? But..." Liu Xu shrugged, "That little girl is really cute, if I don't cooperate, it will be wasted Is Ping'er thinking about it?"

"You! Shameless!"

Jin Ping'er just jumped up, gave Liu Xu a hard look, and then drew the purple blade and flew away.

Seeing the beautiful woman going away, Liu Xu stretched his waist, and said indifferently: "She is much smarter than her master, but since she wants to play, I will play with her. It's never going to be my fault."

With a smile in his eyes, Liu Xu turned into a green light and chased after Jin Ping'er.

Liu Xu and Jin Ping'er kept walking towards the depths of the death marsh.

On this day, in the distance of the relentless rain, suddenly there was a loud noise like the roar of a tiger and the chant of a dragon.

Then the wind and clouds in the sky changed and turbulent almost at a visible speed, the clouds were transpiring, and the layers and scenes were like roaring and rushing waves, which really changed the color of the sky and the earth.

In the depths of the darkness in the distance, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared, gradually brightened and thickened, and turned into an incomparably huge golden beam of light at the back.

Amidst the roar, it rushed straight up to the sky, pierced into the clouds, and instantly illuminated the sky and the ground extremely brightly, with golden light everywhere.

Clouds are golden clouds, and trees are golden trees.

Looking at the tall, mountain-like trees that towered into the clouds, Liu Xu unconsciously smiled.

"Has it finally appeared? After getting this book from heaven, only the volume of Huanyue Ancient Cave is left!"

Suddenly speeding up, Liu Xu turned into a ball of blue light and flew towards the giant tree, followed by Jin Ping'er.

And in the other direction of the Dead Marsh, a beautiful figure in white also noticed the abnormality, gritted his teeth slightly, and flew towards there as well.

On the outskirts of the death swamp, a giant snake with an unknown length lifted its head, looked in one direction with its eyes as huge as a lantern, and then let out a roar that shook the sky, as if it was roaring at the sky .

And as if responding to it, there was a clear howl like a phoenix from an unknown distance in the sky, and an orange-yellow cloud could be seen faintly.

After hissing twice, the giant snake's eyes flashed a trace of fear in a human way, and then began to crawl towards the depths of the death swamp.

In Dawang Village, hearing the strange noise, a middle-aged scribe suddenly put down the teacup in his hand, looked into the distance, and then smiled slightly.

"Has it finally come out? I've waited so long for nothing! Qinglong, Youji, let's go!"

With a wave of his sleeves, the middle-aged scribe turned around and strode away, not to mention turning his head back. There was an aura of contemptuousness in his strides, which slowly spread away.


Looking at the Sect Master of the Ghost King, Qinglong's eyes flashed eagerly, and he responded in a low voice, while You Ji on the other side hesitated, hesitated to speak, and finally gritted his teeth, and asked in a low voice: "Sect Master, the Deputy Hierarch is also here?" , don’t you inform him about this?”

Qinglong's expression changed, and he hastily winked at You Ji, while the Ghost King slowly turned his head and took a deep look at You Ji.

"Do you think you should tell him?"

You Ji's face changed slightly, but she still bit her bullet and said, "Sovereign, he is Yao'er's husband after all, and he has devoted himself to my holy religion for so many years, and he has never had any disagreements. I don't think so. I understand why the suzerain is still on guard against her, if there is any suspicion in the future, wouldn't Yao'er be in a dilemma."

The Ghost King was silent for a moment, then suddenly sighed.

"The reason why I want to hide it from him is because I have never seen through him for so many years!"

"I am Yao'er's father, but I am also the leader of the Holy Church. For the future of my Holy Church, sometimes I have to save a hand, otherwise, I am really worried that one day, the Holy Church will not be destroyed in his hands." !"

"How could it be..." You Ji was in a hurry, wanting to explain that she really didn't want Liu Xu to fall out with the Ghost King, otherwise what should Bi Yao do in the future.

The ghost king waved his hands, didn't speak, and walked with his hands behind his back, but he was indescribably rebellious.

Chapter 1043 Heavenly Emperor's Treasury, Wife and Lover

An evil beast that has come from ancient times, the black water black snake's huge snake body is wrapped around the trunk. Wherever it passes, the branches and leaves are messy, and the huge snake head continuously neighs towards the sky.

The wings covered the sky, and the yellow bird spread its wings and flew, circling in the air, like a cloud that could not be seen, and let out a clear howl like a phoenix.

A snake and a bird are wild beasts, they are natural enemies. In order to fight for the treasure in the giant tree, they constantly confront each other. The huge bodies come and go, and the whole giant tree trembles in the battle between the two.

At the top of the giant tree, covered by countless vines, the flowers competed in splendor, from top to bottom like a sea of ​​flowers, condensed into a wall, and in the sea of ​​flowers, stood a stone gate impressively.

The stone gate is five feet high and three feet wide, embedded in the trunk abruptly, surrounded by countless vines and flowers, leaving only a thick boulder in the middle, engraved with four big characters in ancient seal script.

"The Emperor's Treasure House!"

Accompanied by the endless Sanskrit sounds, there seemed to be a faint voice like Huang Zhong Dalu, echoing in the blue sky, shaking the soul.

Liu Xu looked at the black water snake and the yellow bird that were constantly fighting under the giant tree, then retracted it, and landed on the white figure in the sea of ​​flowers in front of the stone gate.

"Junior Sister Lu, you actually followed me here, do you miss me so much?"

Holding the Tianya Divine Sword in her hand, she clenched it tightly and then loosened it several times, but Lu Xueqi took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in her heart.

It's not the time yet, she is not Liu Xu's opponent, the purpose of her trip is to prevent that treasure from falling into Liu Xu's hands.Can't do it yet.

Lu Xueqi said coldly: "I will not let this rare treasure fall into your hands, and then go to harm more innocent people."

Liu Xu didn't speak, but Jin Ping'er next to him smiled coquettishly.

She looked Lu Xueqi up and down among the flowers, with a strange expression on her face, as if she saw something extremely funny.

"Miss Lu Xueqi, are you serious?"

Lu Xueqi raised her eyebrows, looking at the woman who came with Liu Xu, she hummed softly and did not reply.

And Jin Ping'er was not angry when she saw this, she smiled brighter and brighter, and the boundless sea of ​​flowers seemed to be eclipsed by that smile.

Regarding this, Lu Xueqi frowned, Tianya sword brazenly unsheathed, and a bright blue light directly slashed at Jin Ping'er.

"Sorceress, put away your charms!"

The purple awns soared, Jin Ping'er restrained her smile, chopped Tianya's sword awn with one blow, and then frowned.

"Don't be afraid of charms, as expected you are too...but why can you..."

Her voice was a little ethereal, as if she was thinking about something, but her eyes were on Liu Xu.

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "It's just a game. I gave her a chance to kill me, so she is different from you now."

Jin Ping'er was stunned, and immediately looked at Lu Xueqi with a hint of envy, but there are some things that cannot be envied.

Can a wife and a lover have the same status?

Lu Xueqi is Liu Xu's fiancée, and the two came to the world of Jade Immortals together, but the latter's memory was obviously sealed, so she became another person, with a personality completely different from that of Lu Xueqi in the real world.

Of course Liu Xu also likes tall and cold beauties, but Lu Xueqi has her own personality, but the world of Jade Dynasty distorts her essence, so Liu Xu didn't regard Lu Xueqi in front of him as Lu Xueqi in the real world, but completely regarded her as someone in the world of Jade Dynasty. people.

Jin Ping'er is completely from the world of Jade Immortals, as a lover, naturally she doesn't enjoy the treatment of Lu Xueqi as the main palace.

Inexplicably, under those gazes, Lu Xueqi became a little irritable, as if something extremely important to her happened, but she was kept in the dark.

But out of consideration of the situation, she could only endure it by herself.

I don't know how much time has passed. Under the giant tree, the black water snake and the yellow bird fought more and more fiercely. Both giant beasts were scarred, and blood was pouring down like rain.

At the same time, the sound on the stone gate of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House gradually became louder, and finally accompanied by a roar. Under the sunlight, the huge stone gate, which was originally a complete piece, suddenly split a gap in the middle, and then slowly moved to the side.

Golden, dazzling rays of light burst out from the gap, even in the daytime, it was so brilliant that even the rising sun in the sky seemed to be bleak at this moment.

It seemed that there was something roaring in the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor, roaring in the golden light.

"Stop her!"

Liu Xu gave Jin Ping'er an order, and then his whole body turned into a ball of blue light and rushed towards the gap.

Like a tacit understanding, Lu Xueqi shot almost at the same time.

With a whistling sound, the sword of the Heavenly Excalibur was radiant. When she turned her wrist, Tianyan seemed to have grown ten times, and struck towards the clear light transformed by Liu Xu.

The sword light was so sharp that it tore apart mountains and seas.

The brilliance of blue, gold, and red is mixed into it, which is extremely gorgeous and dangerous.

But in the face of this shocking blow, Liu Xu was not surprised, but laughed, and said, "You still choose the same path as me after all!"

A short black stick appeared in his hand, and with his left hand he continued to draw strange diagram formulas. In an instant, a black and white Tai Chi pattern appeared in front of him. Jianmang.

Completely different Tai Chi Qing Xuan Dao, at this time the Tai Chi gossip in Liu Xu's hand is no longer the faint green color, but the more mysterious black and white colors, the black is deep, and the white is dazzling.

There was only a muffled sound, and in the blow of the two of them, a hurricane came out of nowhere and swept all directions. The sea of ​​flowers, which was like a fairyland on earth, suddenly turned into a mess, with dead flowers and dead branches everywhere.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1044 Sister Lu, the Immortal Medicine

After all, her cultivation level was inferior, Lu Xueqi was sent flying by the shock, but Liu Xu rushed into the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House in one fell swoop by virtue of the counter-shock force.

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