A strong look of unwillingness burst out in her eyes, Lu Xueqi clenched her Tianya sword tightly and was about to catch up, but a purple light was flying in the air, and a beautiful figure stopped her.

"Sister, the master has orders, so you should stay here with me!"

"Step aside!"

Lu Xueqi's face became colder and colder, and Tianya behind her uttered the sounds of swords.

But Jin Ping'er smiled lightly, with a playful look in his eyes.

The next moment, the divine lights of Tianya and Zimang surged at the same time.

During the fight, the two of them didn't notice, at some point, the stone gate, which was half opened about three feet wide, suddenly stopped and continued to move.

After a while, they actually began to close together, and the golden light inside gradually dimmed.

And at this moment, the Blackwater Profound Snake under the tree seemed to feel something, its huge body suddenly stretched straight, and let out an earth-shattering roar.

It didn't care about other things, and rushed directly towards the tree, even though the yellow bird's sharp beak left deep and visible bone wounds on its body, it didn't stop.

With incomparable greed in the snake's eyes, the black water black snake that climbed up to the top of the tree, looked at the stone gate that was gradually closing, let out a roar, and slammed into it head-on, Lu Xueqi and Jin Ping'er, who were fighting in front of the gate, didn't notice at all. It puts it in the eyes.

The huge black shadow rushed to the two women in an instant.

Jin Ping'er was startled when she saw this, her face was slightly pale, and she drew back, but Lu Xueqi's eyes flashed a flash of determination, Tianya Sword suddenly swung a blue light at the Black Water Profound Snake, but the whole person drew back and moved towards the black snake. The gap in the stone gate rushed away.

The magic weapon of human beings' cultivation lies in stimulating their own power, but under the force of the black water snake's impact, they can't even block it for a moment, they can only disappear in smoke.

The huge recoil force even bounced directly to Lu Xueqi's body through the space. Her meridians almost turned upside down, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Even so, she did not hesitate, gritted her teeth, and plunged directly into the gap.

And just after Lu Xueqi's figure disappeared, the huge stone door closed again with a loud noise, and the gap in the middle suddenly disappeared inconceivably.


The huge snake head of the Blackwater Profound Snake hit the stone gate with such a huge force that it overwhelmed the sea, and the trunk of the huge tree tens of feet thick trembled violently, as if it was about to break.

The Black Water Xuan Snake flew away as if seeing the delicious food in its mouth, and fell into an uncontrollable rage. The huge snake head began to crazily hit the stone gate. The power of this snake was shocking.

With lingering fear in her heart, she patted Yue Xiong's chest. In mid-air, Jin Ping'er looked at the crazy black water snake, then at the closed stone gate, and muttered to herself.

"This sister Lu is really crazy, but if she knows that what she is pursuing so hard can only be an illusion in the end, what will she do?"

But at this moment, another huge shadow fell on Jin Ping'er's body, but the yellow bird also rushed over.

The two prehistoric beasts fought together again, until the sky and the earth were darkened, and everything turned pale.

Jin Ping'er wrinkled her nose, and moved a little further away. Although the man said that she is now an immortal existence, she didn't want to put herself in danger, so she went to try it out for herself.


In the darkness, Lu Xueqi slowly opened her eyes. She had just been hit by the Black Water Profound Snake head-on. Now her internal organs were about to burst, but she still gritted her teeth and walked towards the mysterious path in the depths of the cave. walk in the light.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she gradually approached the mysterious light, and smelling the strange fragrance, her body seemed to relax a lot.

At the end of the light is a wooden platform erected in the darkness.

The wooden platform is half the height of a person, and a round wooden pillar about the thickness of a baby's arm is connected to the ground, and a small platform about one foot in size is supported on the top.

There seemed to be something on the platform originally, and a small area was obviously different in color from the surrounding area, but now it was empty.

But beside the platform, there was a figure standing at this moment, holding a small wooden cup in his hand.

The wooden cup was about three inches high and two inches wide, with a transparent liquid in the middle, and floating on top of the liquid in the cup was a small transparent stone with five flat sides, crystal clear.

It is from this stone that soft light is emitted, forming a semicircular light curtain on the small wooden platform, refracting various colors of light, and radiating them around.

"Yo, are you still in?"

The hand holding the wooden cup emitted a faint white light, Liu Xu looked at Lu Xueqi but smiled, his face relaxed as if he was greeting an acquaintance.

"Let go of that thing!"

Although she didn't know what was in the wooden cup, it didn't hinder Lu Xueqi's determination.

But Liu Xu shook the cup in his hand indifferently, and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Lu Xueqi pulled out Tianya, and said again: "Let go of that thing!"

"This is the fairy medicine that is rumored to be hidden by the Emperor of Heaven. The wooden platform and wooden cup are connected with the strange tree under his feet. The spiritual energy of the strange tree itself is used to preserve the medicine. The black water outside The Black Snake came here just for this thing, even going against the natural enemy of the elixir, the yellow bird, which shows how extraordinary this elixir is."

Liu Xu explained lightly, the white light in his hand continued to spread, soaking the liquid in the wooden cup, and even the stone in it was rendered more than half.

Frowning slightly, Lu Xueqi faintly felt that something was wrong, but for some reason, she didn't rush over.


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Chapter 1045 Three Volumes of Heavenly Book, Mysterious Man

She took a deep breath, looked at Liu Xu and asked lightly: "Do you just want to rely on this thing to attack the realm of Taiqing?"

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "Of course not. The Taiqing state is so profound, and it is impossible to succeed if it is not in the state. This fairy medicine is full of heaven and earth aura and has strange effects, but it is not effective for us humans. It’s not too big, at most it’s about strengthening the body, prolonging lifespan, and healing wounds. But for those desolate beasts outside, it’s a rare treasure, which can promote the growth of their blood vessels and strengthen their own potential.”

As if confirming Liu Xu's words, suddenly there was a loud noise, and the entire Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House trembled violently. At the same time, the terrifying roar of the Black Water Snake was heard. It seemed that this ancient giant beast was extremely angry, but still refused to give up its spirit. medicine.

There were rattles and explosions all around, the world was spinning, and the pained groans of hard trees echoed everywhere, and the continuous twisting sound made people's heart skip a beat.

Lu Xueqi stood firm, and then looked at Liu Xu again.

"Then what are you talking about that can help you step into the realm of Taiqing?"

If the fairy medicine is just like what Liu Xu said, then he must have worked so hard to come here for another purpose, and it is something she wants to stop.

The white light finally covered all the stones, Liu Xu looked at Lu Xueqi and smiled lightly, and flicked the wooden cup with his hand.

"You can see for yourself."

A golden light that was much thicker and more dazzling than before rose suddenly from that strange stone. It suddenly formed a pillar, rushed straight up, and shone on the dome of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House.

In the treasure house, a mysterious and distant voice suddenly sounded, like the mysterious Sanskrit singing in the scenic spot of Lingshan Mountain, or like the soft whisper of the lonely soul of Jiuyou.

In Lu Xueqi's line of sight, golden characters the size of a bucket appeared one after another in the air under the shining golden light: "The world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog!"

"Book of Heaven!"

Lu Xueqi bit her lip, then suddenly turned around and stared at Liu Xu.

"You already knew that, didn't you?"

After studying the general outline of the heavenly book, Lu Xueqi understood this strange book far better than the original book, but this was not the result she wanted.

The azure blue sword light hit the dome directly, but passed through it easily, like a flower in a mirror, without leaving a trace.

Looking at Liu Xu who was concentrating on reading the heavenly scriptures, Lu Xueqi considered whether to do something to Liu Xu.

But his eyes were locked on the bold characters, and Liu Xu suddenly said: "I advise you not to do that. With my cultivation and talent, I can fight with you and write all the heavenly scriptures at the same time." Read it all, but you don’t have to. Without this book, I’m afraid you won’t be able to kill me in this life.”

After a moment of silence, in the end Lu Xueqi still didn't make a move, but just like Liu Xu, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to the wonders of the Heavenly Book, ignoring everything around her.

I don't know how long it has passed, the golden characters all over the sky finally disappeared little by little, Lu Xueqi took a long breath, and then retreated from that wonderful realm.

On the other side, black and white lights glowed on Liu Xu's body, entangled and switched, sometimes it was all white, and sometimes it was all black, unpredictable, the power contained in it made Lu Xueqi feel chilling.

In the end, everything returned to calm, and the black and white energy converged back into Liu Xu's body at the same time. Except for a little light in his eyes, Liu Xu was no different from an ordinary person at this time, but Lu Xueqi knew that the other party had become even more terrifying.

There was a long silence, and there was continuous loud noise from outside. The Blackwater Profound Snake seemed to have fallen into madness, hitting the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House non-stop. At the same time, Fengming Qingxiao amidst the roar became more and more angry and passionate!

Under the oppression of the huge external force, the entire Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House finally began to deform slowly. The walls on all sides began to sag inward slowly, and the cracked pieces of wood fell like rain one after another.

Seeing the doomsday scene, standing on the platform, Lu Xueqi suddenly asked, "What exactly do you want?"

Lu Xueqi didn't understand, she used to think she knew this man very well, but on that dark night, the other party told her with actions that she actually knew nothing.

For the sake of power, the other party could not hesitate to abandon Da Zhufeng, who had taught him for five years, and could watch Ling'er junior sister die, but in the end, he handed over the position of the leader of the demon sect, and pushed the ghost king Zong away. Ascended to the supreme throne of the Demon Cult, but broke the Wandu Sect he was in to the bottom of the valley.

If he is ruthless, she still remembers how this man screamed at the sky that night, destroying everything crazily, and how he handed over the Heavenly Book and Dafan Wisdom to herself, so that she would have the strength to take revenge.

Even in the battle a few days ago, there were many casualties in the Qingyun sect, but Lu Xueqi observed secretly, no one was killed in Dazhufeng, even Zhang Xiaofan who rushed to the front was only seriously injured.

Lu Xueqi felt that Liu Xu was a contradictory existence, and sometimes she even felt that the other party was crazy.

Being calculated and deceived again and again, Lu Xueqi became more and more unable to understand Liu Xu. The other party was like a ghost, playing aimlessly in the world.

Lu Xueqi asked again: "What exactly do you want to do?"

Liu Xu didn't answer, a white light flashed on his hand, and a little gray monkey with a shrugging face appeared on his shoulder.

Passing the wooden cup in his hand, Liu Xu stretched his waist and said casually, "I don't know what I will do in the future, but now I want to catch a long worm as a pet."

The sound of tearing resounded through the heaven and earth, and with a loud bang, the dome of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House was flipped open, and then, one black and one yellow, two gigantic heads protruded in at the same time.

Four pairs of eyes the size of four lanterns stared at Xiao Hui on Liu Xu's shoulder, no, to be precise, it was the wooden cup in Xiao Hui's hand.


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Chapter 1046 Black Snake God Monkey, Yellow Bird Kui Niu

Xiao Hui was frightened immediately with a "monkey-faced face", screaming "Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi" incessantly, and stretched out his hand to throw the wooden cup, but Liu Xu glared at him, and could only hold back a bitter look. Monkey face, like a strong man going to die, raised his head and poured it.

Grunt, Grunt, Grunt...

The Black Water Snake and the Yellow Bird were stunned at the same time, but they didn't realize it for a while. How dare a mere monkey drink their treasure in front of them?

The cup was very small, and the liquid it contained was only about half a cup, and Xiao Hui drank all the liquid just because the two giant beasts were in a daze, even the last stone was under Liu Xu's gaze. , crunched into pieces, and swallowed it into the stomach.

The next moment, amidst the roaring and howling noises, the black water black snake and the yellow bird rushed down in fury at the same time, with the head of the snake and the beak of the bird, and beat the monkey together.

But faster than them, a blue light shot up into the sky and flew towards the outside, followed by another blue light.

Looking at the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, which was smashed into dust by a blow behind him, Liu Xu laughed out loud.

"Since the suzerain is here, why don't you do anything? I'll leave the black water snake to my subordinates!"

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