Following Liu Xu's low drink, the surroundings were silent for a moment, and then suddenly a red light shot up into the sky from the sea of ​​flowers, it was an ancient tripod that was all red.

There was a person standing on the ancient cauldron with a calm expression and muttering words, it was the ghost king.

The mysterious incantation reverberated in the air, and Qinglong and Youji also appeared in front of everyone at the same time.

They waved their hands again and again, and under the certain spiritual power of the ancient cauldron, two more red lights appeared, connecting with the previous one and turning into a dark red light curtain.

Then I saw the ghost king stretch out his hand, and the red light swept away, trapping the yellow bird that had just left the giant tree and couldn't dodge it.

The yellow bird was startled at first, but then flapped its wings and rushed left and right, and its sharp beak also rushed desperately.

I don't know whether it was too much power consumed after fighting the black water snake, or the magic power of the magic circle transformed by the red light was too strong, the yellow bird hit a wall several times, and couldn't get out no matter what, but was returned by the mysterious force. Shocked, the injuries all over his body looked more serious.

On the other side, a stern light flashed in the eyes of the Black Water Profound Snake. The huge torso stretched out, and the snake's head was raised slightly, but it aimed at the direction of the yellow bird in the sky.

It doesn't know what happened, but it also knows that this is the best time to get rid of its old opponent. As for whether its actions will make the yellow bird escape from the trap, and whether it can really kill the opponent, it is not up to it. It's under consideration.

After all, although it has some intelligence, it still acts on instinct most of the time.

On the Fulongding, the ghost king's face changed slightly when he saw this, he wanted to wait for the yellow bird to leave a certain distance before making a move.

It was because of the scruples about the black water snake, but Liu Xu had to stand up because he lost his whereabouts after being drunk.

At this time, if the Black Snake made a blind move, it would really be possible to break through the trapped Dragon Fault by cooperating with both inside and outside.

Fortunately, things didn't go to the worst step after all. I saw the black water black snake's head receding slightly, and when it was about to fly away, there was a black shadow standing in front of it.

Stepping on Zhanlong, Liu Xu patted the ashes on his shoulder, stretched out his hand and pointed at the black water snake.

"go with!"

Xiao Hui jumped down, and in mid-air, a faint golden light slowly radiated from his whole body, like a god or Buddha.

Between its eyebrows and on its forehead, that dark trace suddenly began to squirm.

A moment later, with a tearing sound and a deep cry, the dark mark split open, and a brilliant golden light shone out from it.

Roaring up to the sky, Xiao Hui's originally thin body suddenly bulged with countless thick and strong muscles. Amidst the sound of creaking joints, his body gradually grew bigger. The human-tall monkey quickly turned into a giant ape with three eyes, fangs in its mouth, and cold claws.

With a muffled sound, the giant ape fell from the air, directly hugging the head of the black water snake and overturned it.

The three-eyed spirit monkey, a strange beast in the mountain behind Qingyunmen, is proficient in the magic of the five elements and can see thousands of miles away.

Although the giant ape is only a few feet tall, far less than the size of the black water snake, its strength is astonishing, and its claws firmly grasp the head of the black water snake.

The two giant beasts tumbled and fell from the giant tree, wrestling and colliding non-stop along the way, crushing countless branches of the giant tree, and finally with a loud bang, both of them hit the bottom of the tree at the same time .

His pupils shrank slightly, and the ghost king looked at Liu Xu, and suddenly said: "I never imagined that Xu'er, you have such a strange beast under your command. It looks like it's not much inferior to the black water snake!"

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders and said, "Let's go to each other, father-in-law, you don't seem to have ever used the Fulong cauldron to catch a strange beast like a yellow bird, and if I remember correctly, Kui Niu ten years ago It also fell into the hands of my father-in-law, there seems to be some connection between them."

The ghost king was silent for a while, then chuckled lightly, and said, "I didn't tell you before, but I just thought it was unnecessary. Why does a mere yellow bird need the two of us to fight together?"

Liu Xu also returned a bright smile, and said, "My monkey has just been in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, and it turned out to be what it is now after some adventures, or it's just a plaything."

Both of them were smiling, but only they knew what they were thinking.

After taking a deep look at Liu Xu, the Ghost King withdrew and left.

"Xu'er, spend more time with Yao'er when you have time, I'm still waiting to hug my grandson!"

He slapped the Fulong cauldron under him fiercely, and the red light imprisoning the yellow bird suddenly became brighter, dyeing half of the sky bloody.

The yellow bird, which was still struggling, let out a whine, stopped in the red light curtain, stopped moving, and was taken into the Fulong cauldron.

Without hesitation, the ghost king turned and left.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1047 God-binding chains, the black snake surrenders

Liu Xu watched all this silently, and after the ghost king disappeared into the sky, he turned around and drove Zhanlong towards the bottom of the giant tree.

Before they arrived, they heard bursts of huge roars, and the three-eyed giant ape and the black water snake were fighting there.

They are both prehistoric and alien, and both of them have great power in every gesture, landslides and ground cracks, rocks splashing, and the area within a few miles is like being swept by a hurricane, making it a mess.

But in the end, there is still a big gap in body size. Although the giant ape has infinite strength, it is still gradually losing the wind.

When Liu Xu arrived, the body of the Blackwater Xuan Snake had already wrapped around the giant ape twice, strangling the opponent's body, and its big mouth grew even bigger, facing the giant ape. Just swallow it in one gulp.

On the other hand, the giant ape opened its arms wide, supporting the black snake's big mouth up and down, its muscles swelled up, its face turned red, and it kept roaring, but it still couldn't stop the bloody snake. The big mouth moved towards his head one by one.

Seeing this, Liu Xu let out a cold snort, and with a move of his hand, countless blood-red chains spread out in the void, binding the whole body of the Blackwater Profound Snake tightly at once.

God-binding chains.

"Come here for me!"

The blood-red chains seemed to have a strange power. After the black snake was entangled, its aura and strength weakened at the same time.

With a shout, the huge snake head was pulled up abruptly by Liu Xu.

At the same time, the three eyes of the three-eyed giant ape erupted with extraordinary splendor at the same time. With a vigorous pull and pull with both arms, it grabbed the body of the black water snake and threw the opponent completely out. Then it turned over and rode on He landed on Xuan Snake's body, pressing down on the opponent's head like riding a horse.


The black water snake let out a long cry unwillingly, struggling desperately, the huge snake body kept sweeping back and forth, trying to throw the giant ape off its body, its tail hit the giant tree beside it like a drum Usually, the big tree is smashed so that the branches tremble.

It's a pity that the god-binding chains seem to have the power to restrain it. Under its suppression, the aura and strength of the black snake can't reach the seventh level. In addition, the previous battle with the yellow bird caused serious injuries, so But it can no longer escape the oppression of the great ape.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Liu Xu pulled the chain in his hand hard, and the red locks suddenly tightened, trapping the black snake like a flower roll, unable to move any more.

The person flew down from the air, and Liu Xu floated in front of the lantern-sized eyes of the Black Water Profound Snake, and smiled softly.

"How? If you are willing to be my pet, I will spare your life, otherwise, I will take off your snake skin!"

The Blackwater Xuan Snake has lived countless thoughts, with ancient blood flowing through its body, how rebellious it is, how can it easily bow its head to a human being?

Although the whole body was restrained, it neighed angrily, then opened its mouth slightly, the front half of its body expanded and contracted strangely, and a jet of black venom reached its mouth.

But before it could spray out the black venom, the three-eyed giant ape on its head let out a roar, and the third eye on its forehead suddenly opened, and the next moment a thick golden light hit Heishuixuan on the snake's head.


The golden light exploded, and the Blackwater Profound Snake let out a mournful cry. Not only was the venom cut off, but the entire head was blown to pieces, the scales were broken, and the bones inside were faintly visible.

Then it seemed to be dissatisfied with the performance of the black water snake, the three-eyed giant ape raised its huge fist, and suddenly hit the head of the snake, one blow after another, like beating a drum, only hitting the snake letter of the black water snake He spat out long, black blood kept flowing from the corner of his mouth.

He raised his hand to signal Hui to stop, but a wooden cup suddenly appeared in Liu Xu's hand.

Immortal medicine, the precious medicine that is said to be refined by the Emperor of Heaven, has various magical effects, can strengthen blood vessels, and heal injuries.

Smelling the strange fragrance, the somewhat dim eyes of the Black Water Profound Snake instantly brightened up, full of greed.

And looking at the expression of the black black snake, Liu Xu just smiled.

"Surrender, this thing will be given to you, otherwise I will die!"

Wei Wei was a little hesitant, but this time the Blackwater Profound Snake didn't directly resist, it seemed to be a little moved, Liu Xu's smile grew stronger when he saw this, and he opened his mouth slightly to ask for something, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

A blue light suddenly shot from not far away, pointing directly at the god-binding chains in Liu Xu's hands that bound the black water snake.

From far to near, the blue sword light came to Liu Xu almost instantly, and slashed at the God-binding lock in his hand.

The eyes of the Blackwater Black Snake, who had been a little shaken at first, burst into surprise. In its view, as long as it can get rid of these annoying chains on its body, it will not be easy to clean up this human and ape. Not only will it be able to regain freedom, Maybe even that precious medicine...

It's a pity that the fantasy of the Black Water Profound Snake was shattered by a blue light in the next moment, and with a hand extended, Liu Xu manipulated Soul Eater to stop Tianya's sword light at once.

Looking at the rushing figure, a smile appeared in his eyes.

"Well done, Xueqi, much better than before."

"At least know how to hide first, and then wait until the critical moment before making a move!"

"However, you are still too weak!"

With a sudden stamp of her feet, opposite Liu Xu, a huge Jiugong Bagua suddenly appeared under Lu Xueqi's feet, the light flashed, and she disappeared from the spot in a blink of an eye.

Qimen Dunjia, a thaumaturgy containing the number of qimen spells, can be used not only to trap people, but also to escape.

After temporarily throwing Lu Xueqi into Qimen Dunjia, Liu Xu turned his head with a smile and looked at the black water snake.

"What's your choice?"

Plain words, but at this moment, Blackwater Xuan Snake felt that this ant-sized human being in front of him was extremely dangerous.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1048 Molesting Xueqi, Giving Bao a Strong Kiss

In line with Liu Xu's words, the crack between the three-eyed giant ape's forehead kept wriggling, and the third eye seemed to be about to open again.

After only thinking for a moment, the black water black snake lowered its huge head with a low hiss as if accepting its fate.

It's just a snake after all.

Although it is extremely violent, it doesn't have as many rules and regulations as humans, and it doesn't know what it means to die rather than submit. If it can save its life, it is not unacceptable to this result.

Looking at the lowered head of the Black Water Profound Snake, Liu Xu showed a trace of satisfaction on his face, and with a faint white light, he touched the pitch-black scales with one hand.


In the vast white mist, the light blue sword glow kept flickering.Finally, there was a crisp sound like glass shattering, and Lu Xueqi's figure appeared in the dead swamp again.

But what appeared in front of her at this time was an extremely huge black snake, with half of its body hovering on the ground, but the standing part was several tens of feet high.

A pair of huge lantern-like snake eyes were staring at her closely at this moment, and on the giant snake's head, a boy in white was lying there leisurely.

Looking at Lu Xueqi who was out of trouble, Liu Xu stretched lazily and patted the giant snake under him.

"It's coming out, isn't it slow? Look at my new pet, it's mighty enough!"

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