The black water snake, the strange beast with ancient blood, the giant snake that has lived for thousands of years, its huge body and huge spiritual power are all its powerful weapons.

Seeing the Black Water Profound Snake obediently being used as a mount by Liu Xu, Lu Xueqi took a deep breath, a glint of haze flashed in her eyes, she turned around and left after sacrificing the Tianya Sword.

Now that the black water mysterious snake has been subdued by Liu Xu, there is no point in her staying here, no matter in terms of her cultivation or the support around her, she has no hope of revenge now.

But a cloud of black smoke suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

"What do you want to do?"

The breeze blew up the corners of the clothes, and the blue hair floated. Lu Xueqi looked at Liu Xu coldly, with dancing anger in her beautiful eyes.

But Liu Xu shrugged and said, "I just want to give you a gift, don't be so guarded!"


Lu Xueqi answered firmly, Tianya adjusted his angle and was about to leave.

But Liu Xu stopped in front of her again, and said with a smile, "It's the Book of Heaven, the second and fourth volumes of the Book of Heaven!"


Lu Xueqi hesitated for a moment, but then she refused in a cold voice.

Having practiced the general outline of the Heavenly Book and read the third volume of the Heavenly Book, she naturally knows the breadth and depth of the Heavenly Book, and its effect on the simultaneous cultivation of Taiji, Qingxuan Dao and Dafan Prajna, but Lu Xueqi cannot accept it.

Even if her previous exercises came from the other party, Lu Xueqi couldn't accept it. To get revenge, she had to rely on her own hands. She was not someone else's marionette.

As if he did not expect Lu Xueqi to answer like this, Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, and then gave the beauty in front of him an appreciative glance.

It's really proud!

But it wouldn't be interesting otherwise.

The god-binding chains sprang out from behind Liu Xu again, shooting towards Lu Xueqi like a huge spider web.

Tianya at the foot withdrew his hand, holding the divine sword, Lu Xueqi swung the sword without hesitation.

The huge blue light tore apart all the chains, and broken iron rings slid down from the sky one by one.

Amidst the sound of "ding dong", a ray of green light suddenly shuttled from the iron ring that filled the sky.

Zhanlong slashed fiercely at Tianya's sword, the strong force made Lu Xueqi's mouth numb, almost unable to hold the sword in her body.

But Liu Xu took advantage of this opportunity to sneak in, and he had already come in front of her.

With a cold snort, a golden light flashed from Lu Xueqi's empty left hand, and she hit Liu Xu head-on.

But on the opposite side, Liu Xu also used Dafan Prajna, grabbed Lu Xueqi's palm with a gleaming golden hand, pulled her into his arms with all his strength, and then bowed his head to kiss the cherry lips without waiting for the other party to react. Down.

Lips meet.

Lu Xueqi's eyes widened suddenly, and the next moment Tianya slashed down with a decisive aura.

Withdrawing and flying back, looking at the sword light that flashed across the front, Liu Xu smiled and touched his lips.

"It tastes really good, it seems to be sweeter than ten years ago! As a gift in return, please accept the exercises I gave you!"

Laughing loudly, Liu Xu put away the black water snake, turned around and turned into a blue light, and disappeared into the sky.

And Lu Xueqi stood quietly in the air, motionless.

After a long time, a trace of blood suddenly slid down the corner of her mouth, but her teeth clenched unconsciously bit her cherry lips.

Tears welled up in her eyes, Lu Xueqi looked at the empty sky and clenched her fists.

"Liu Xu, one day, I will kill you!"


Stepping on the dragon-slaying sword, Liu Xufeng galloped through the dead marsh like an electric gallop, and he was close to the edge of the dead marsh in a short time. At this moment, a purple light flashed past, and a beautiful figure appeared beside him.

Liu Xu seemed to know who the visitor was, and he was not surprised, so he asked casually, "Where did you go just now?"

The person who came was Jin Ping'er, who went to the Dead Marsh with Liu Xu to hunt for treasure. Hearing Liu Xu's words, she wrinkled her nose and said angrily, "At first, I wanted to help, but after seeing the master, you and Sister Lu is flirting there, so I don't think it's necessary."

Hearing the faint sourness in Jin Ping'er's words, Liu Xu didn't care, and flew forward on his own.

Jin Ping'er made fun of herself, just hummed softly, didn't speak, and followed silently.

Then after a while, the periphery of the Dead Marsh appeared in front of his eyes, but Jin Ping'er suddenly said: "How do you plan to deal with the matter of the ghost king subduing the yellow bird?"


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Chapter 1049 Fenxiang Valley, Night Beauty

Even though the Demon Cult is now headed by the ghost king, Jin Ping'er knows who she is messing with, so naturally she doesn't want Liu Xu to suffer.

The Fulong cauldron in the hands of the ghost king obviously had some ulterior secret, and if Liu Xu was not told, it meant that it was probably the backhand to deal with Liu Xu.

But Liu Xu obviously didn't take this matter very seriously, he waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I know what the ghost king is doing, he is just making a wedding dress, and in the end he can only take advantage of me."

Seeing that Liu Xu didn't mean to go into details, Jin Ping'er wisely didn't ask, but asked casually: "Then what are you going to do next, are you going back to the ghost king's sect, or do you have other plans? Is there anything I need?"

Liu Xu thought about this for a while, glanced at Jin Ping'er, but asked seriously: "Ping'er, what do you think of us destroying Fenxiang Valley now?"


The bad land in the southern border is located in the extreme south of the vast land of Shenzhou. It is said that there are poor mountains and bad waters, and it is rich in poisonous insects and beasts.

And the most obvious boundary with the Central Plains is in the extreme south, suddenly rising like a flat ground, with tall and majestic mountains connected one after another, towering into the clouds, separating the north and the south.

Because of the steep roads, many beasts, poisonous insects, miasma and bad water, the southern border has been rarely visited by people, but some practitioners have not forgotten this place.

It is said that there are barbarians of different races in this land of southern Xinjiang. They are cruel and easy to kill. Among them, the most famous one is called the sixty-three foreign races in southern Xinjiang. They are all different from ordinary people, possess supernatural powers, and are not tolerated in the Central Plains.

And the reason why these people of other races have lived in peace with the Central Plains all these years is that the righteous sect "Fenxiang Valley" has really contributed a lot.

Among the righteous sects, the Fenxianggu lineage has the most mysterious origin. As early as [-] years ago, there were disciples of this lineage who walked the world.

Eight hundred years ago, this faction found a valley on the side of the only passage between southern Xinjiang and the Central Plains, and settled down. Since then, it has called itself "Fenxiang Valley". Guarding the southern border, it was once known as the three major sects of the world's righteous way together with Qingyunmen and the destroyed Tianyin Temple.

Yun Yilan, the contemporary valley master, is also one of the best figures in the Righteous Way today. In terms of fame, he is hardly inferior to Master Daoxuan and the late Master Puhong.

Among the mountains in southern Xinjiang, the night is already deep. This night, the moon is in the sky, the clouds are quite thick, and there are not a few stars, but the moon is shining brightly, shining on the world.The hills that were originally shrouded in smog were quite brightly illuminated.

A green light suddenly appeared in the night sky.

Under the clear brilliance of the moon, it swept across the sky and fell towards a mountain in the south.

The green light flew for a while, and finally landed in a mountain, where there was a desolate ancient temple, and then saw a flash of light, and a beautiful girl with a graceful figure appeared in the green light.

She looked up at the ancient temple.He seemed to be hesitant, his expression kept changing, he raised his foot a few times and then retracted it.

"Since you're here, come in quickly, the master is still waiting inside!"

At this moment, a young girl in yellow clothes suddenly appeared at the gate of the ancient temple, and said softly to the visitor.

The person who came was startled, and when he looked intently, his heart was inexplicably moved.

Under the moonlight, the other party's soft clothes were gently swaying in the night wind, and there were a few thin strands of hair hanging down between the temples, slightly messy, but seemed to have an inexplicable provocative feeling.

The eyes are full of water, and there seems to be a picture of spring between the brows.Elegant and elegant, for a while.Even the night seemed to be softening.

An ancient temple in the deep mountains, a beauty in the cold night!

Even though her own beauty is quite outstanding, the girl was still absent-minded for a moment.

At this, the woman in yellow clothes chuckled, and said with a smile: "Sister Yanhong, if you look at it like this again, my sister will be shy!"

After being said by the girl in yellow clothes, Yan Hong's face turned red slightly, she hummed, and walked towards the ancient temple.

But when she passed by the woman in yellow clothes, her expression changed, and she asked in a low voice, "Jin Ping'er?"

The girl in yellow clothes raised her eyebrows, then chuckled lightly, and said, "How did my sister know?"

Yan Hong's complexion was extraordinarily complicated, as if she had thought of something, she lowered her head and smiled wryly, "There is no one in the world who can have your beauty and cultivation, and can be brought by his side, except for the famous Mr. Miao, I am I can't think of anyone else!"

Jin Ping'er laughed, and said: "That's not necessarily true, maybe it's the ghost king's beloved daughter, that one is also from us, and she looks like a beautiful woman!"

Yan Hong shook her head when she heard the words, took a deep look at Jin Ping'er, and then walked towards the ancient temple.

"That person probably won't take Miss Baguio out for an adventure..."

Jin Ping'er was thoughtful, but after a while she laughed lightly and said: "He is also a smart person, it seems that we are going to get close to each other."

This ancient temple has obviously been abandoned for a long time. There are ruins everywhere in the temple. Even the main hall looks extremely dilapidated from the outside, with holes everywhere.

The night wind blew coldly, the dilapidated windows creaked and shook, and the low voice seemed particularly desolate in the night, and there was also a faint sense of eerieness.

When Yan Hong walked in, the candlelight had already been lit in the hall, but the candlelight was very weak, swaying and shaking, bringing flickering black shadows one by one, which seemed a bit eerie in the night, making people Heart palpitations.

At this time, a young man in white was standing in the center of the hall, looking up at the sky through the hole in the roof.


Yan Hong was a little uncomfortable, but still bowed to the man.

"Well, you're here?" The man turned around upon hearing this, and under the moonlight, he had a very handsome face.


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Chapter 1050 Yanhong Ping'er, the same life and pity

"I want to enter the Xuanhuo Altar, you can arrange it."

Looking at Yan Hong calmly, Liu Xu said bluntly.

Yan Hong was in a bit of a dilemma. Although she knew that Liu Xu must have some tricky things to do when she came to find her, she didn't expect it to be so tricky.

"The Xuanhuo Altar is the important place of my Fenxiang Valley. It has been guarded by the elder Shangguan personally. I am afraid that there is no way for the subordinates to let the master get in."

After glancing at Liu Xu, Yan Hong explained carefully.

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