"Then lure him out, I think you may need those things over there."

Yan Hong followed Liu Xu's gaze, her pupils shrank slightly.

In the dark corner of the hall, there were three corpses lying, an old man, a middle-aged man, and a monster with a fish head and a human body.

"Elder Lu, Sun Tu, and the murloc patriarch!"

Just seeing these three corpses, Yan Hong guessed what Liu Xu was up to, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

As if he didn't notice Yan Hong's strange behavior, Liu Xu asked blankly: "Is it not enough? Then maybe I should go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains and bring more things out!"

"No, master, these things are enough. Elder Shangguan is the banner to frighten the sixty-three alien races in the southern border. Now that the murloc patriarch is dead, I am [-]% sure to lure Elder Shangguan out!"

Gritting her teeth slightly, Yan Hong said directly.

"Really?" Liu Xu was noncommittal, and waved at Yan Hong, "Then you can make arrangements! As soon as possible, I don't want to waste more time here."


Yan Hong replied in a low voice, turned around and walked outside.

But just as she was about to leave, Liu Xu suddenly asked again: "I heard that there are domesticated gray dolphins outside Fenxiang Valley to warn you, find time to slaughter them for me!"


Yan Hong paused, then walked out of the hall.

At the gate of the ancient temple, Jin Ping'er was still standing there, seeing Yan Hong coming out, she just smiled and nodded.

Then when the two passed by, Jin Ping'er's voice suddenly came from Yan Hong's ear.

"Sister Yanhong, there are some things that you and I cannot intervene in, nor can you and I violate them. Don't play with those small thoughts. If you are not careful, you may really get yourself involved. If you really have something in Fenxiang Valley If you want someone, it’s best to keep him with you for a few days.”

Hearing these words, a trace of gratitude flashed in Yan Hong's eyes, and then she smiled wryly, and said in the same voice transmission: "There is no one I can't let go of, it's just that my master has raised me for many years, and some people don't want to see this scene. If possible , I also ask my sister to say a few words, and help me persuade the master to let Fenxianggu survive."

This time it was Jin Ping'er who smiled wryly, and said: "Sister thinks highly of me, I am not the one who returned to the God Sword itself, nor the one who returned to Hu Qishan. Although I have been with him all the time, I am afraid that I have a place in his heart How could it affect his decision if he couldn't even catch up with the one from Qingyun Sect?"

The two women looked at each other, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy for each other.

"No matter what, I still hope that my sister will give it a try. Yanhong will definitely thank you in the future!"

Shaking her head, Yan Hong turned and left, and disappeared into the night in a short while.

"Fenxiang Valley?" Jin Ping'er laughed, but a gloomy look flashed in her eyes, "I didn't even keep the Acacia Pie, how could it be possible?"


In the middle of the night, in Fenxiang Valley, the lights that had been extinguished due to the darkness of the night were lit up one by one.

People's voices from far or near, mixed with some low-pitched angry curses that disturbed sleep, gradually rang out.

But amidst the growing noise, angry shouts and questions were mixed with the strange howling of wild beasts, coming in from the entrance of Fenxiang Valley.

Moments later, the sound of fighting, the ringing of bells and the ringing of alarms echoed over the valley at the same time.

At the mouth of the valley, blood flowed like a river, and corpses were strewn across the field. More than a hundred tall and strong barbarians with fish heads and human bodies were holding all kinds of strange weapons, fighting with the surrounding Fenxianggu disciples.

Blood was flowing on the ground in the arena, and stumps could be seen everywhere. Among the casualties were many disciples of Fenxiang Valley, but most of them were murlocs.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Yan Hong bit her lower lip, a trace of unbearableness flashed in her eyes, but her eyes swept towards a direction in Gu Nei.

I saw a gray cloud galloping over there from a distance, before the cloud arrived, an incomparably powerful force overwhelmed it, and a voice like thunder suddenly sounded: "Old man Shangguan Ce, stop!"

The next moment, a tornado with a diameter of several feet rushed down from the night sky with a sharp sound, blowing dozens of murlocs into the air.

Then the wind gradually dissipated, revealing the figure of an old man in gray clothes inside.

Looking at the squeaking murlocs with a gloomy expression, Shangguan Ce looked at Yan Hong who was in charge of the command.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Yan Hong took a deep breath, and then said in a low voice: "Elder Lu, Sun Tu, and the patriarch of the murlocs who were in charge of contacting the murlocs were killed at the same time. The murlocs thought that we killed the murlocs and came to take revenge. The disciple wanted to appease them first, so as to find out the truth of the matter, but during the discussion, there was a sudden scream from the murlocs, and a murloc at the edge was killed for some reason. Suddenly, I rushed up like crazy..."

"But our people did it?" Shangguan Ce asked suddenly.

Yan Hong shook her head and said, "No! But the disciple looked at the corpse as if it was a cultivator's attack!"

"Heh! So someone plotted against us in Fenxiang Valley? It's really courageous!"

There was a knife-like gleam in his eyes, but Shangguan Ce smiled back in anger, and strode towards the leader of the murloc.

Behind him, Yan Hong lowered her head and said silently in her heart: "Uncle Master, this is the last thing this disciple can do for Fenxiang Valley!"


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1051 Profound Fire Altar, Sky Fox Girl

Fenxiang Valley, Xuanhuo Altar.

Standing in the hall of flames, Liu Xu, who sneaked into here secretly, smiled lightly.

The sculpture of the fierce god, the scarlet fire well, and in the blood-red flame, a huge flame totem slowly rose.

I don't know when, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the main hall with the gate closed. The wind was so fast that the clothes on Liu Xu's body rattled, as if he was in the center of a storm.

A deep roar came from the red light in the sky, and the whole hall seemed to be trembling in an instant, and all the gods shouted together at this moment.

The flowing red light was like the rain of blood from hell, with an unbelievably high temperature, the whole body was burning with flames, and a giant beast descended from the sky.

The Zhanlong in his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling green light, and Liu Xu slashed down with his sword without hesitation.

"Come, let me see how powerful the Eight Ominous Xuanhuo Formation is!"

Biguang and Huoyan were entangled together, and the whole hall was filled with Liu Xu's wild laughter.

The blue ocean intertwined with the red rain of fire, giant beasts roared, sword shadows flew, and the hall of flames trembled.

Booming, exploding, and the sound of flames bursting and shattering, it seemed that the whole world was dying in that loud noise.

In the end, everything gradually calmed down, the flames dissipated, and the blue ocean also subsided, revealing Liu Xu's figure.

The white gown was scorched a lot, it was tattered like a beggar's clothes, his face turned black and white, and even his hair was a little burnt.

Liu Xu looked very embarrassed at this time, but he didn't pay attention to these, but looked at the non-gold and non-jade seal in his hand, frowning and wondering what he was thinking.

"Although the power is not bad, it is far inferior to the Sword Formation of the Immortal Executioner. Sure enough, without the incantation to summon the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon, can't the power of the Eight Ominous Profound Fire Formation be unleashed even with the Xuanhuo Jian?"

Shaking his head and laughing, Liu Xu flew towards the hole leading to the second floor.

"It seems that we still have to meet that beast god!"


Waves of blue light refracted from the hard and cold ice to the surroundings, and in the depths of the darkness, a huge figure slowly appeared.

White fox, a huge white fox!

The pure white fur is as smooth as silk, and the nine long tails flick freely, the body is tightly locked by red chains, but the dark eyes are full of confusion.

A desolate and surprised voice sounded in Liu Xu's ear.

"Who are you? You are not a disciple of Fenxiang Valley, and you are able to go up to the third floor of the Xuanhuo Altar. You really have some skills. Is the Shangguan old ghost dead? But even if he is not there, you can actually break through the red flame beast!" 'Guarded by the 'Eight Ominous Black Fire Formation'..."


Shaking his head, the white fox's eyes widened suddenly, pain, surprise, sadness, and despair flowed continuously in those dark eyes.

"No, no matter how high you are, except for the old ghost Shangguan, there is only... only the Xuanhuojian can open the third floor of this altar. You, do you have the Xuanhuojian on your body?"

"What about Xiao Liu, what did you do to Xiao Liu?"

The mournful fox chirped, the blue light suddenly flourished, the ice and snow gathered, and countless large and small ice cubes slowly floated into the air, and the next moment they hit Liu Xu like falling meteors.

But what greeted them was the soaring glory of the dragon-slaying sword. The green Julong tore through the ice all over the sky, and then roared towards the nine-tailed white fox.

With a sharp howl, the white fox was startled when he saw the sharp sword light. The beautiful white fur all over his body moved without wind, and he swung his front paw, but he wanted to use some kind of strange magic.

But the dark red light suddenly jumped up from behind it, as if struck by thunder, the white fox's body was shaken, all the demonic power dissipated in a moment, and the body fell down wearily.

Looking at the oncoming blue sword light, it closed its eyes slightly, as if it was preparing to welcome the arrival of death, and it also seemed to be walking towards liberation.

But the expected pain did not come, and the white fox opened his eyes, only to see the sword with green light shining silently in front of him.

There was an evil smile on the corner of the boy's mouth in front of him. He had gone through many vicissitudes of life, but Baihu still felt a pang in his heart when he saw that smile. thing.

"I've seen the Six-Tailed Demon Fox. He died. He was exhausted by Shangguan Ce's ice thorn and died!"

"Do you want to avenge him?"

"If you are willing to become my thing, I will rescue you and help you destroy Fenxiang Valley."


The pitch-black night sky suddenly turned red, and countless clouds that seemed to be burning flames moved quickly, spinning around the Xuanhuo Altar, and the sound of wind and thunder continued, like the end of the world.

Between ice and fire, darkness and light, the huge nine-tailed celestial fox looked up to the sky and roared.

The voice was shrill and distant, and it spread far away, and finally merged with the angry roar of the volcano below, high-pitched and endless.

The next moment the world was turned upside down, and endless magma spewed out from the ground, sweeping everything around.

Faint white smoke rose, and in the seemingly real and illusory smoke, a slim figure gradually appeared.

On the side, putting away the Xuan Huo Jian, Liu Xu watched all this silently, but the expression on his face was somewhat excited.

In the world of Naruto, Liu Xu naturally dealt with Jiuwei, but Jiuwei is male, or he is male, he has no interest at all, but the white fox in front of him is different.

She is different from the three-eyed monkey and the black water snake, this white fox can transform into shape.

I saw a graceful figure slowly walking out of the thin white mist.

Her hands, as white as jade, were faintly transparent under the blazing fire light, as if she could see thin blood flowing gently.

The smooth shoulders are round without any flaws, and the faint undulations are like gentle peaks, showing an amazing charm.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

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