Chapter 1052 Good figure, the person who killed you

Especially Tianhu girl's peerless face, soft lips, charming eyes, small nose, and graceful beauty, seem to be flowing gentle water waves, which make people intoxicated; The beauty of the beauty, after the wind and snow, is more beautiful and beautiful.

This is a woman who is charming to the bottom of her heart. Even with the eyes of Liu Xu who has seen many beauties, she can't pick out a single flaw from that fair-skinned female Qiao.

Feeling a little uncomfortable being watched by Liu Xu, the woman blushed slightly, and said softly, "Master, can you lend me a piece of clothing?"

Liu Xu shrugged, took off his robe casually, threw it over, and praised: "You have a good figure!"

Then, without seeming to avoid suspicion at all, he just watched the beauty get dressed like that.

His shameless appearance made Xiaobai a little annoyed, but Liu Xu had just rescued her from a difficult situation, and she also swore to be loyal to him, so it was hard to say anything, so she could only suppress her shame and put on her clothes .

Her figure is graceful and slender, and even unfit clothes can't cover her beautiful figure.

Liu Xu's clothes looked a bit loose to her, and they were a little damaged because of the battle with the Red Flame Beast.

At this time, even though she was wearing a cloak, she still couldn't cover the light white skin exposed in the gaps and cavities.

In this kind of night, on the contrary, it adds a bit of charm, as if there is a faint seductive voice rippling.

After getting dressed, Xiaobai wanted to say something, but his slender eyebrows raised, and he looked in one direction, as if he had noticed something.

Not far from here, a long howl came, and the figure of an old man was flying at full speed with incomparable anger and astonishment.

"Shangguan Ce!" There was a hint of hatred in Xiaobai's voice, but then he smiled wryly again, and whispered to Liu Xu: "My lord, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave first!"

Liu Xu glanced at her, and asked lightly, "You don't want to take revenge?"

But Xiaobai shook his head, and said in a low voice: "Why don't you think about it, it's just that my skill has not recovered yet, and I'm in the important place of Fenxiang Valley. I'm afraid..."

The words were not finished, but the meaning behind the words could not be more obvious.

Although he had fought against Liu Xu once in the Xuanhuo Altar, Xiaobai was trapped by the Xuanhuo chain at that time, and his strength could not reach the third level, so he didn't know how high Liu Xu's skills were.

It's just that he's not very old, so he wouldn't be so smart if he thought about it, but Shangguan Ce is the number two figure in Fenxiang Valley, and he is even more vicious with the Nine Cold Ning Ice Spike in his hand. Not optimistic about Liu Xu.

Liu Xu didn't take it seriously, and made a false move with both hands, and a sword and a stick appeared in his hands.

"I said that I would help you destroy Fenxiang Valley. Although there is no Eight Ominous Xuanhuo Formation, it would be unrealistic to completely kill this lineage, but killing a mere Shangguan Ce is still a no-brainer."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Xu turned into a ball of green light and soared into the sky, but he didn't dodge or avoid, and rushed directly towards Shangguan Ce.

"Young Master..." Xiao Bai couldn't stop him, so he had no choice but to fly to follow.

The entire Fenxiang Valley was shrouded in a fiery red light. From the Xuanhuo Altar, a huge pillar of fire shot up into the sky, penetrating the sky and the earth.

The surrounding black clouds were dyed into the color of flames, burning ashes, huge stones, and ashes fell from the sky, and magma billowed on the ground, burning everything.

Seeing the miserable situation near the Xuanhuo Altar at this time, Shangguan Ce was about to burst into tears. He has been guarding this place for hundreds of years, and he accidentally made such a big mistake.

But at this moment, in the sea of ​​flames that filled the sky, a ray of green light surged up, and it flew towards him rapidly.

Looking at the young man wrapped in green light, Shangguan Ce's face darkened and he asked loudly.

"Who are you?"

"Did you release that demon fox!"

"Quickly tell the old man the truth, otherwise the old man will tell you to live or die!"

His eyes were already reddened by the tragedy of the Xuanhuo Tan, seeing someone approaching, Shangguan Ce's first thought was to do something.

With one move of his hand, a hurricane swept towards Liu Xu immediately. Before the wind arrived, the strong wind made people's face ache.

But Liu Xu turned a blind eye to it, and the Zhanlong in his right hand suddenly burst into a burst of emerald green light, smashing the hurricane with a single sword, and continued to rush towards Shangguance.

"I'm here to kill you!"

The dragon-slaying sword glowed with green light, and it slashed at Shangguan Ce's head.

"The junior is so brave!"

Shangguan Ce was so angry that he laughed back, seeing Liu Xu rushing over recklessly, he didn't even have the intention to arrest him and torture him.

He opened his hands abruptly, and a vortex appeared between his palms, which grew from small to large, and finally turned into a tornado with a diameter of several feet, constantly spinning and tearing, even the surrounding space faintly trembled.

"Give me death!"

The next moment, the violent hurricane swept directly towards Liu Xu, cutting across the distance between the two like a giant whip.


Without dodging or dodging, Liu Xu rushed directly into the center of the hurricane, disappearing without a trace even with his sword.

"do you died?"

Looking at the sky without a single ripple, Shangguan Ce showed a disdainful smile, but his expression changed immediately.

Streaks of dazzling green light burst out from the tornado, and then the green light became brighter, turning the entire whirlwind into blue in an instant.


With a bang, Liu Xu rushed out with the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand without any injuries, raised the sword in his hand and dropped it, and the Dragon Slaying Sword drew an arc towards Shangguan Ce.

Blood splattered everywhere, and although Shangguan Ce's reaction was not slow, he was still cut with a long and narrow wound in front of Yue Xiong.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1053 Fenxiang Valley Master, just take a look

Withdrawing and flying back, Shangguan Ce looked at Liu Xu almost bursting into flames, and said angrily, "Your younger brother, you are courting death!"

His Shangguan policy has been famous all over the world for hundreds of years, but he didn't expect that he was injured in the hands of a junior in a moment of carelessness today.

I saw the blue light in his hand skyrocketing, and an ice thorn gleaming with cold light appeared indistinctly, but he wanted to use his magic weapon of fame, the Nine Cold Ning Ice Spike.

But faster than him, Liu Xu's left hand suddenly lit up with a red light.

Shangguan Ce felt a fishy smell rushing towards his face, and the blood in his body boiled almost uncontrollably.

With a "poof", a large amount of blood turned into blood mist and sprayed out from the wound in front of Yuexiong.

The massive blood loss made his mind shake, and he suddenly thought of a treasure from the Devil's Cult.

"Bloodthirsty Bead, this is Bloodthirsty Bead, you are Liu Xu, the deputy leader of the Demon Cult!"

Suffering heavy injuries, Shangguan Ce staggered and flew backwards, Shangguan Ce was startled and angry, pointed at Liu Xu and suddenly yelled.

"That's right, but unfortunately there is no prize!"

His whole body turned into a cloud of black mist in the air, spreading in all directions.

Liu Xu condensed again in front of Shangguan Ce strangely, a golden light glowed on his feet, and he stepped towards Shangguan Ce Yuexiong.

He had never seen the thaumaturgy in the heavenly scriptures before, so he was caught off guard.

Before Shangguan Ce could react, he was kicked hard in front of Yue Xiong.


Shangguan Ce rushed towards the ground like a meteor.

" is this possible?"

Seeing the slipping figure, Xiao Bai opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

She had just rushed to support when Shangguan Ce was shot down from the air.

That's Shangguan policy!

The number two person in Fenxiang Valley is also the top person in the Tianxia Zhengdao, although he is a little careless and underestimates the enemy.

But she shouldn't be overthrown by a young man in a few moments. She has been imprisoned for too long and can't keep up with the times, or is it that Shangguan Ce has regressed in the past few hundred years?

But then Xiaobai's eyes lit up, no matter what the reason was, now was a good time for her to take revenge.

"Shangguan Ce, give me your life!"

I saw that she stretched out a white and flawless jade hand and held it against the air, the cold wind gusts.

In the next moment, countless ice and snow gathered together, turning into a big iceberg, which was snapped fiercely in the direction where Shangguan Ce fell.

A huge iceberg fell from the sky with infinite power, and it was about to smash Shangguan Ce into a pile of meat sauce.

But at this moment, a small amber-like flame appeared out of thin air under the iceberg, and then burst violently.

Accompanied by a "boom", it suddenly turned into waves of fire and rolled away, covering the entire iceberg in just the blink of an eye.

Hearing a hissing sound, the white mist rose up, and the iceberg that Xiaobai condensed was burned into mist in the air.

An old man with an old face who seemed a bit sluggish suddenly appeared in front of Shangguan Ce, helped him up, fed him a pill, and then helped him dissipate the power of the medicine.

"Incense and Jade Book? Are you Yun Yilan?"

Although the old man didn't exude any power, Xiao Bai's expression was extremely fearful, and he didn't make another move, but retreated to Liu Xu's side.

"My lord, be careful, this person may be Yun Yilan, one of the three great masters of the Righteous Path."

Although Xiaobai was a little disappointed that she didn't kill Shangguan Ce in one fell swoop, she didn't want to leave her life here, so she whispered in Liu Xu's ear: "Young Master, Yun Yilan's Incense and Jade Book may have arrived in Yuyang In this situation, we are afraid that we are not opponents, so it is better to retreat first."

Liu Xu didn't reply when he heard these words, he just looked down and watched quietly.

Xiaobai couldn't, he wanted to run away, but he couldn't leave Liu Xu alone, so he could only worry on the sidelines.

After a while, Shangguan Ce spat out a mouthful of blood with the sound of "Wow", but with Yun Yilan's help, he got rid of the blood in his body.

Although he still couldn't move his hands, he could speak without hindrance.

"Master, senior brother, he is Liu Xu, the deputy leader of the Demon Cult, you, you have to be careful!"

Stretching out a finger tremblingly, Shangguan Ce looked at Liu Xu with fear in his eyes.

Yun Yilan stretched out a hand, signaling him to take a good rest, then stood up, cupped his hands towards Liu Xu, and said, "It turns out that the leader is here, so I don't know why you came to Fenxiang Valley?"

Do you know why Yun Yilan is the owner of the valley and Shangguan Ce is just the elder?

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