The black water snake and the three-eyed monkey still wanted to chase them down, but they were stopped by Liu Xu.

Although these two spirit beasts are powerful, their speed is not very good. Most likely they will not be able to catch up, and so what if they catch up?

If Fenxianggu really put their lives together, they probably won't be able to please them. It's just to get the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox back. There's really no need to do it for the sake of it.

One of the two beasts stayed where they were, quietly watching the people in Fenxiang Valley leave, while Yun Yilan stayed at the end, watching Liu Xu warily, ready to strike at any time.

Finally, the last Fenxianggu disciple also disappeared into the night, and Yun Yilan breathed a sigh of relief.

Glancing at the black water snake and the three-eyed monkey, he said coldly to Liu Xu: "The master is very capable, this time we are the ones who fell in Fenxianggu, but one day, this blood debt will have to be repaid by your lord." !"

Liu Xu chuckled at this, and said with some playfulness: "For debt collection, I am naturally waiting for you at any time, but please don't forget, Master Yungu, that you want to seek revenge for breaking the valley, but there are also people who want to report to you for the extermination of the clan hate!"

Hearing this, Yun Yilan's pupils shrank, and then he saw a dazzling blue light suddenly lit up in the night behind him, followed by the sound of commotion and fighting.

A moment later, amidst the darkness, a ray of white light flew out.

There were bloodstains all over her body, and her expression was a little tired, but at this moment, Xiao Bai's face was full of carefree smiles, and in her hand was holding a dead head.

That's Shangguan policy.

After the battle started, Xiaobai quietly hid himself. Taking advantage of Fenxianggu's relaxation of vigilance, Xiaobai finally killed his own enemy with one blow.

Poor Shangguan Ce was beaten half to death by Liu Xu before, and he was beaten so badly that he couldn't fight anymore before he had reached half of his cultivation. In the end, he died under Xiao Bai's sneak attack without any resistance.

It's unlucky enough for a generation of masters to be mixed up to this point, no wonder they can't die with peace.

"Good good!"

Looking at Shangguan Ce's tragic death head, Yun Yilan gritted her teeth with hatred, and wanted to make a move several times, but seeing the black water snake and the three-eyed monkey who were staring at him, she could only bear it by herself, turned around and left, not wanting to die. It disappeared into the night in a short while.

"We have recorded this grudge in Fenxiang Valley, the leader, please take care of it yourself."

"To each other, Gu Master Yun, I have promised to avenge the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox's clan annihilation. You, Fenxiang Valley, should be more careful when walking outside!"


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Chapter 1056 Qilidong is destroyed, a hundred thousand mountains

No one wanted outsiders to know about the humiliation of Fenxiang Valley in the night, so they tried their best to conceal it, but after all, paper could not contain the flames. At some point, rumors still spread throughout the cultivation world.

And faintly, Liu Xu's prestige in the world soared again, almost surpassing the suzerain of the Ghost King Sect.

But as the instigator of all this, Liu Xu didn't care about all of this, but led Xiao Bai and Jin Ping'er into Shiwan Dashan.

In Qilidong, the sea of ​​fire is raging.

The whole night was lit up, one after another the wooden houses were set on fire, struggling and wailing, countless Miao people sank in the face of death, giant beasts roared, and corpses were everywhere.The originally quiet and peaceful village turned into a purgatory on earth in an instant.

In the raging flames, a figure slowly walked out, holding a long sword glowing with blue light in one hand, and a short black stick in the other, like a messenger from hell, the flames seemed to be everywhere he passed. Fearing his might, he automatically gave way, and the man walked up to the altar in the village step by step.

On the stone altar, an old wizard crawled there, his eyes full of despair.

"You, who are you? Why did you want to destroy my Miao people?!"

The night is burning and people are mad.

The river in Qilidong was also gradually dyed red.

Hearing the question from the last Miao man, that man was not moved at all, but kicked the old wizard's hand away, and took an ancient staff inlaid with black jade into his hand.

Looking at the hellish scene around him, and at the man's actions, the old wizard suddenly realized, and let out a stern cry.

"Beast monster, beast monster, you came here for that beast monster! Do you know what you did, you will never end well if you dance with that monster!"

"You talk too much!"

Liu Xu raised his sword and dropped it, a blue light flashed, and the old wizard's head soared into the sky.

Carefully playing with the ancient stick in his hand, he turned his head and asked Xiaobai: "Do you think that if I use these two things as a gift, will your old acquaintance hand over the spell of the Eight Ominous Black Fire Formation to Xiaobai?" I?"

Xiaobai's originally charming and charming face flashed a complex look, and he didn't answer. Instead, he glanced at the purgatory-like scene around him, a look of unbearable flashed in his eyes, and said instead: "You use Blood-devouring orbs and soul-devouring, which are extremely vicious and evil things, can be used as treasures, and the evil power penetrates deeply into the body. Although you are strong in Taoism and forcibly refining this evil power, you are still affected. If things go on like this, you will definitely fall into Shura way!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu smiled indifferently, and said, "So what if you fall into the way of Shura? Anyway, when you return to my world, the negative emotions will be cleared."

Xiaobai naturally knew what Liu Xu meant by "My World".

Seeing the ruthlessness and ferocity on the man's handsome face, Xiaobai sighed slightly, and said softly: "Although these two things are the key to his escape, the spell of the Eight Ominous Black Fire Formation involves the person he loves." , which is also the location of its veins, it may not be handed over to you. With my friendship with the other party, it should be able to keep you safe, but whether you can achieve what you want depends on the situation."

"That's it!" Liu Xu touched his chin lightly, and then said softly: "It seems that I have to go to the Li nationality!"

Xiaobai frowned slightly, "What are you doing there, isn't the sacred object kept by the Li people in your hands?"

Liu Xu shrugged and said, "I heard that the Beast Monster has a subordinate who stays with the patriarch of the Li Clan. Over the years, he has been encouraging the Li Clan chief to go to war with the Miao Clan to help the Beast Monster take back these two holy objects. If he slaughtered it, if the beast monster wants to be resurrected, it can only rely on me, so it will be more confident."

Xiaobai seemed a little unbelievable, looked at him suspiciously, and said, "How do you know this? It is also your first time in southern Xinjiang, so how do you know such secrets, and you can guarantee that you will be able to go to the Li nationality?" Have you found the subordinates of that beast monster?"

"It should be!" Liu Xu chuckled and said, "The Li family is the key to that person's recapture of the sacred object. As long as I make another move like this, he should show up!"

Xiaobai's face changed slightly, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't help himself when he thought of his identity, so he just sighed softly in the end.


One hundred thousand mountains.

Passing through the black forest, and then turning over seven dangerous mountains, is a black mountain surrounded by black air and howling wind all year round.

And under this bare mountain without a tree or a single grass, there is a big hole.

The entrance of the cave is three feet high and five feet wide, and there is a constant wind howling from it all year round, mixed with sharp and abnormal noises, as if a certain fanatical soul is roaring non-stop.

In the middle of the entrance of the cave, there stood a stone statue upright, life-size, it looked like a beautiful woman, facing the depths of Zhenmo Cave, standing silently.

However, an unusual battle was taking place in front of the cave entrance. A tall man with a whole body of white gas, a huge sword in his right hand and a large shield in his left hand was roaring crazily and constantly attacking.

This is a rare ominous spirit, which was transformed by a person with profound cultivation who abandoned the afterlife and wandered in the world of the earth. But they are not ordinary cultivators.

Soul Devourer shone with a faint light, passed over the man again and again, and every time it collided, a trace of white air from the man was absorbed by the body of Soul Devourer.

The speed of Soul Devourer was extremely fast, almost weaving a giant net that shone with dim light, constantly revolving around the man.

Roaring and hitting, no matter how the man fought back or how unwilling he was, Liu Xu only used a Soul Eater to play with him in the applause. From the beginning to the end, he even just shook his fingers twice.


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Chapter 1057 Town Demon Ancient Cave, Lord Beast God

Soul Devouring is refined by the joint force of Bloodthirsty Beads and Soul Absorbing, among which Soul Absorbing is formed by burning ghosts and ghosts with ghost fire for thousands of years.

Naturally, it has the effect of restraining all kinds of Yin spirits. Although this fierce spirit is far stronger than Tongji, it is still a Yin spirit after all, so it will naturally be restrained by Soul Devourer.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the man's original tall figure continued to shrink, and his aura became weaker and weaker, but the madness and determination in his eyes did not change at all.


Accompanied by a roar, the Yin spirit completely abandoned the defense, put aside the shield with one hand, and slashed towards Liu Xu with the sword in both hands.

Soul Devourer pierced directly into his body, absorbing the man's body like a black hole, but he seemed to be unknown, only reflecting Liu Xu's figure in his eyes, and slashed down with his sword.


The sand was flying, and a huge deep pit appeared before the entrance of the cave. The stone walls of the entire ancient cave trembled, as if they were about to collapse.

But... where the long sword cut, there was nothing.

A cloud of pitch-black smoke appeared behind the man, and Liu Xu showed his figure again.

"As stupid as your brother!"

Accompanied by those ruthless words, Soul Eater's upward suction power suddenly increased.

The body was shaking like a candle, and the whole body gradually became transparent, but the man showed no fear at all, but turned his head to look at the stone statue beside him.

"Ma'am, I'm here to accompany you..."

Sobbing softly, the sadness and vicissitudes from another world, with a faint trace of relief, quietly echoed between the heaven and the earth.

And his figure gradually drifted away, turning into a cloud of white mist and refined by Soul Devourer, leaving only a black stick suspended in the air.

Liu Xu watched all this quietly, but after a long time, he withdrew Soul Eater, waved in one direction, and said, "It's ok, the trouble is solved, let's go in now!"

A charming and charming woman came out of the forest, glanced at the stone statue, and then said with both sigh and resentment: "This southern border warrior has guarded the mission of the witch for thousands of years, and he can be regarded as a loyal man. To be killed by you casually like this, do you have a heart made of iron and stone?"

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think I did a good deed. This man has been guarding the beast monster's cave for thousands of years. I'm afraid he's tired of it. I killed him, but let him He was relieved. Didn't you hear the last thing he said was 'My Lady, I'm here to accompany you'? Obviously he didn't mean to hate me!"

Xiaobai pouted, and didn't refute Liu Xu's intentions. Instead, he looked serious, took a deep breath, and asked him, "Are you sure? You know that you will bring the beast god to the world if you release it." What is coming? I have been trapped for thousands of years, I suspect that guy may have gone crazy long ago, maybe once he comes out, he will bring disaster to the whole world, are you sure you want to do this?"

Regarding this, Liu Xu scratched his head indifferently, and said relaxedly: "It doesn't matter, as long as I can get the spell of the eight fierce mysterious fire array, it has nothing to do with me as to what the beast god will do. It's high, but I'm still confident that I can keep the few people I care about, and if things get out of hand, I can release him and destroy him again!"

Xiaobai frowned, his charming eyes were full of worry, and said: "You don't even know the true strength of the Beast God, no one in the world is his opponent, and he is still immortal! Can't kill him!"

Liu Xu sneered at this, and said with disdain: "Immortal body? Maybe it used to be, but not necessarily now!"

His pupils shrank, Xiaobai frowned even tighter, and said, "The Beast God is transformed by the hostility of heaven and earth, how could he lose his immortal body? And how did you know?"

Liu Xu curled his lips. It's not good to have no restrictive means. If you talk too much, you will become suspicious, and you won't work honestly at all.

"It doesn't matter how I know, what matters is what I do."

After a few words casually, Liu Xu turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave. Xiaobai hopped his feet angrily when he failed to ask, but he had no choice but to follow.

The calmness returned in front of Zhenmo Ancient Cave, as if nothing had happened, only the stone statue of the woman was still standing there quietly, and there was a never-ending cold roar, shouting non-stop from the depths of Zhenmo Ancient Cave.

The voice seemed to be even more horrific.


Thirteen skeletons surround the altar of bones. On the three-inch-high white jade platform, there is a life-sized bone lying quietly, covered with silk. I know how many years have passed, under the light, The silk eyes were still extremely bright.

The dark wind roared, like countless tentacles of a devil, sweeping towards him, but Liu Xu just gently stretched out a hand, and a golden light suddenly appeared.

Under Dafan Prajna, those winds are like snowflakes under the scorching sun, disappearing quickly.

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