Shaking his head, Liu Xu chuckled lightly, and said, "Lord Beast God, I advise you to give up your mind! You haven't escaped from the predicament yet, and you can't take away the sacred object in my hand with this little trick. of."

The Yin wind stopped, and a voice echoed softly with an icy chill.

"Who are you?

The tail sound is very long, echoing between the rock walls of this ancient cave.

"Me?" Liu Xu shrugged, "I'm just someone who wants to make a deal with you. As for the pair of brothers and sisters, I'll send them back for reincarnation!"

The voice was silent for a moment, then asked again: "What do you want?"

The departure of the two old friends did not seem to have the slightest impact on him.

"The spell of the eight fierce mysterious fire array!" Liu Xu didn't beat around the bush either.

There was another dead silence, and the voice suddenly said playfully: "Since you know the Eight Ominous Fire Formation and I know its spell, you should also know that this formation is my nemesis. What do you think? Shall I give it to you?"


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Chapter 1058 Linglong witch, the beast escapes

"Does Lord Beast God not want to go out?" Liu Xu asked back.

"Hahaha..." The Beast God laughed and said, "I can wait, I am immortal. Although you are powerful in Taoism, given my current situation, there is almost no hope of getting those two sacred pieces from you." things, but you will die after all. My time is long enough, I am not in a hurry! And there is never a shortage of people in this world who want my power, I always have a chance..."

The beast god's voice was a little leisurely, with a hint of ridicule.

But Liu Xu was not in a hurry, but asked calmly: "You can wait, but Linglong Witch may not."

Linglong, the word seems to have a strange magic power.

In an instant, there was a strong wind in the entire cave, stronger than ever before, as if ferocious beasts were roaring crazily.

"What did you say? Linglong is still alive? Where is she?"

The dark wind was rolling and swept towards Liu Xu, almost submerging him in darkness.

For the first time, the Beast God's voice was no longer so calm, and his tone was full of urgency.

"I don't know about her, but her stone statue is still standing on the outside hole..."

The Yin wind calmed down, and there seemed to be something brewing in the darkness.

"Stone statue, stone statue, so Linglong, did you mean to accompany me? But why didn't you let me see you..." the beast god whispered, seeming a little dazed and nostalgic, but then his voice became condensed, "You Do you think that just relying on a stone statue can make me step back and hand over the spell of the Eight Ominous Profound Fire Formation to you?"

"You will!" Liu Xu said in a firm tone: "Linglong witch has passed away for thousands of years, and there are very few records about her in this world. Maybe this statue is the last thing that will let you see her." , and I'm really a little embarrassed, the evil spirit that has been guarding the statue has been wiped out by me. Now there may be something like thunder, fire, birds and beasts that will destroy the statue, after all, it's just It's a statue after all."

Speaking of this, Liu Xu felt that the air around him was a little more dignified, and even the temperature seemed to have dropped a lot, and the dim light in the cave was also flickering. It could be seen that the beast god had been shaken.

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth, but Liu Xu made up for the final blow.

"And I think the statue is so lifelike, it doesn't look like it could be carved by hand, but I'm inclined to think that someone used some kind of secret method to forcibly turn a living person into..."

"Enough!" The Beast God suddenly roared loudly, "I will entrust you with the spell of the Eight Ominous Profound Fire Formation, and you let me out!"

Hearing some news about Linglong, he couldn't stand being trapped here any longer, not even a second, but then he added: "But you have to let me out first, I don't believe you!"

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "But I don't believe your Excellency either. You are so powerful. What if you want my life after you get out of trouble? Wouldn't I lose my wife and lose my army?"

"Damn it! Then what do you think we should do?" The Beast God cursed loudly in a panic.

The smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger, and Liu Xu said slowly, "So I found a middleman whom both you and I can trust, and we can exchange what we need through her hands."

"Xiaobai, come out, it's your turn to appear!"


Liu Xu's figure had long since disappeared in Zhenmo Ancient Cave. After receiving the incantation of the Eight Ominous Profound Fire Formation from Xiaobai, he left straight away.

Based on his understanding of the Beast God, the series of coercion and lure just now, although each takes what he wants, will definitely make the other party feel murderous.

Although he was somewhat sure of saving his own life, he didn't intend to confront the Beast God head-on, at least not yet.

In the pitch-black ancient cave, Xiaobai stood on the spot holding a black jade bone stick and a jade piece, and carefully looked at the life-sized bone on the altar. There were five very clear fractures, namely the right hand, left ankle, The larynx, the skull, and the entire spine of this skeleton are gone.

But at this moment in this dark cave, the bones are emitting a faint light, a white ball is placed on his right hand, a jade plate is placed on his left ankle, and a ring is placed where his throat is broken.

"This is your body?"

Xiaobai slowly pulled out the bone jade inlaid on the black staff bit by bit, and then inlaid it into the small hole on the skull of the skeleton, just enough to fit it in.

The Beast God didn't answer, but instead asked, "Who is he?"

Although he didn't say who it was, the two people present knew who the beast god was asking.

Xiaobai paused for a moment, and then said nonchalantly, "It's been almost a thousand years since we first met, right? This seems to be the first time you've taken the initiative to ask someone else's background, when I got along with you It's been a long time, and I haven't seen you ask me anything!"

The beast god's voice was silent for a moment, and then he said with emotion: "It turns out that a thousand years have passed in a flash. I think that little white fox who just got the Tao has become a master in the blink of an eye, and has learned to play tricks!"

Xiaobai shrugged his shoulders, but he was not afraid at all, and said, "Being caught and imprisoned by that old bastard surnamed Yun for three hundred years, even the stupid monster should learn how to be smart!"

"Resentment?" Beast God's voice was playful, "If I hadn't given him the formation map of the Eight Desolation Xuanhuo Formation back then, maybe you wouldn't have been imprisoned for so long."

Xiaobai shook his head and said: "If I didn't have that formation map, I might have been slaughtered by the surnamed Yun directly. To trap me, they Fenxianggu just want that formation pattern, otherwise how could they save my life?" ?”

This is karma, and to a greater extent, it is reincarnation.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1059 The world is in chaos, what do you want

There was another short silence, and the Beast God suddenly asked, "He rescued you?"

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's right, so I won't let you kill him!"

"Are you in love with him?" The beast god's voice was a little strange, as if he had thought of something.

But Xiaobai shook his head again, and said, "No, although he is indeed handsome, but his temper doesn't get along with me!"

Someone in the darkness seemed to sigh softly, and then the beast god said: "For the sake of friendship between you and me, I advise you, if you don't love him, you'd better get away from that man." distance, he is dangerous."

"Is there anything more dangerous than you in this world?" Xiaobai laughed and said, "Even if you and I are not afraid, why would you be afraid of other people?"

After a moment of silence, the Beast God suddenly said slowly, "But I'm scared!"

In the ancient cave, there was a dead silence.

Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and it took a long time to come back to his senses.

She covered her mouth and let out a laugh like a silver bell.

"Ha, I haven't seen you in a thousand years. I never imagined that all the fierce beast monsters in the southern border have learned to joke!"

"Are you afraid? Or are you afraid of a human being?"


The Beast God didn't answer.


Ten days later, the beast gods in the southern border appeared, led the thirteen demon kings, recovered thirty-seven alien races, and attacked the Central Plains.

Yun Yilan, the owner of Fenxiang Valley, saw that the situation was not good, led the crowd to evacuate, and went straight to Qingyun, wanting to take shelter in the Zhuxian Sword Formation and compete with the beast god.

The monsters and beasts are brutal and bloodthirsty. Wherever they pass, blood flows into rivers and corpses are scattered all over the field. Near the southern border area, ten rooms and nine empty spaces, the world is shocked.

Righteous people rushed to Qingyunmen to discuss the matter of resisting the enemy.


Huqi Mountain was originally the location of the Ghost King's sect, and now it is also the head altar of the Demon Cult.

Between the green mountains and clear waters, Liu Xu was playing with Baguio, the two of them were enjoying themselves, and the tragedy of the whole world seemed to have nothing to do with it.

On this day, Liu Xu was grilling in the forest, the rabbit meat was burnt golden, and the tempting aroma made people's index fingers move.

Baguio sat with her hands on her knees, sitting beside the bonfire, smiling foolishly, wondering what she was thinking.

These days, Liu Xu neither practiced in seclusion nor went out to fight, but it was a rare time for the two of them to spend time together.

The two are tired of being together almost all day long, and they are even closer than when they were newly married.

It's just that the happy time is always short, and some uninvited guests always come to disturb.

At some point, the ghost king's figure appeared behind a tree and waved to Liu Xu.

Seeing this, Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders, talked to Baguio, and walked over.

Seeing the figure of Liu Xu gradually going away, for some reason, Bi Yao felt worried.

The two walked in the forest, and the ghost king's expression was particularly gloomy.

After making sure that Baguio would not hear the sound, he suddenly stopped and stared at Liu Xu fiercely.

"What the hell do you want to do?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"It was you who released the beast monster!"

Although Liu Xu's exact whereabouts are not known, with the strength of the Demon Cult, it is not a problem to find out about it.

Liu Xu has been to Shiwan Dashan, and the beast monster escaped from the trap not long after. If there is no connection between the two, the ghost king will never believe it.

"Do you know how many sub-altars of my holy religion have been broken down by those beasts these days, and how many church members have lost their lives innocently. What do you want to do?"

The Ghost King roared loudly at Liu Xu, unlike the original book which used the chaos of the beast gods to unify the Demon Cult. In the current situation where the Demon Cult is unified, the war caused by the beast gods also brought a lot of losses to the Demon Cult, especially Liu Xu. After Xu came back, he didn't mention it at all, which caught them off guard like Zhengdao, so how could the ghost king not be angry.

But looking at the ghost king with an extremely gloomy face, Liu Xu smiled lightly.

"That's it, it's nothing. I just made a deal with that beast monster, and each gets what he needs!"

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