Seeing that Lu Xueqi didn't eat oil and salt, Shuiyue was both happy and anxious, happy because her apprentice didn't teach in vain, and could still miss herself at this time, anxious because Lu Xueqi was too reckless.

Under such a big situation, she herself was not sure that she could protect herself. Wasn't Lu Xueqi looking for death if she stayed?

In Shuiyue's eyes, although Lu Xueqi has entered the supernatural realm, her cultivation base is short after all, and her cultivation base is still not as good as hers.

"You traitor, do you want to drive you away for the teacher yourself?"

Taking a step forward, a blue light flashed in Shuiyue's hand, and she pressed towards Lu Xueqi silently, but she wanted to restrain her and hand her over to Wenmin's care.

But the next moment, Shuiyue's face froze, the Tai Chi Qing Xuan Dao that she had injected into Lu Xueqi's body was pushed back by another tyrannical true essence.


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Chapter 1062 Entanglement, Enemies Meet

Caught off guard, she was bounced away even by people and her hands, and even took a few steps back, making the people around her stunned.


After greeting the people around, and explaining casually, Shuiyue looked at Lu Xueqi again, but her expression kept changing.

The real energy that shook her back was somewhat familiar to her, and also somewhat unfamiliar, like the Taiji Qingxuan Dao of my own sect, but it seemed to have added many other things, which seemed wonderful and extraordinary.

But this is not what Shuiyue really cares about. Which disciple who goes down the mountain won't have some adventures?

The only thing she cares about is that many years ago, Shuiyue seemed to have seen something similar, it was on the biggest traitor in our sect, but compared to that traitor, Lu Xueqi's true energy at this time seemed to be more strange and magnificent .

With a slight sigh, Lu Xueqi suddenly raised her head, her back turned to the others, her bright eyes had three colors of light, gold, blue, and red, and only Shuiyue, who was opposite her, noticed this phenomenon.

"Master, now the disciple's cultivation level is enough to protect himself, so you can let the disciple stay!"

Listening to Lu Xueqi's answer, Shuiyue's expression was a little dazed, and her face kept changing.

After a long time, she asked in a low voice, "What's your relationship with him?"

Different from the love-hate entanglement between Lu Xueqi and Zhang Xiaofan in the original book, except for Wenmin from Xiaozhufeng who knows something about Lu Xueqi and Liu Xu, no one else knows about it.

After all, the only contact between the two at the beginning was Qingyun Dabi and Wankushan and his party, and they were accompanied by the same sect twice, so it wouldn't make people think, so Shuiyue never expected that her disciple would be with her closest friend. Those who hate are entangled.

Yes, the person I hate the most!

The person who hates Liu Xu the most in Qingyunmen is not Tian Buyi and his wife who lost their daughter because of him, nor is it Zhang Xiaofan who vowed to avenge Tian Linger.

At best, they were just venting their anger, because Tian Linger committed suicide, and what drove her to death was not so much Liu Xu, but the gossip in the Qingyun sect and the despair in her heart.

It was Shuiyue who really hated Liu Xu to the bottom of her heart. That day Shuiyue saw Wan Jianyi come back to life with her own eyes, the joy in her heart can be imagined, but only a moment later, she saw with her own eyes that Wan Jianyi was shattered alive by Liu Xu Her internal organs were destroyed, and finally died in her arms.

From heaven to hell, there is only such a thin line, and the despair of gaining and losing again makes Shuiyue not hate Liu Xu, the chief culprit.

"Say, what's your relationship with him?"

Seeing that her most beloved apprentice got mixed up with the person she hated the most, Shuiyue finally couldn't control it anymore and yelled out.

Although everyone in Yuqing Palace was discussing and encouraging each other, Shuiyue's voice still made people look sideways.

Everyone looked over in amazement, seeing that Qingyun was the most beautiful master and apprentice.

Looking at Shuiyue's red eyes, Lu Xueqi also had a sore nose. She didn't blame her master, after all, she knew what happened back then and what Liu Xu did.

It's just that Shuiyue's words undoubtedly uncovered the scar in her heart again, her eyes were a little red, Lu Xueqi bit her cherry lips, and said in a low voice: "Master, don't worry, this disciple swore to kill her!"

On the other side, Shuiyue's face was also extremely complicated. In fact, she had already regretted it just after she yelled out.

Lu Xueqi was brought up by her alone, and Shuiyue, the master, knows what kind of person she is.

At this moment, seeing his disciple's shoulders trembling slightly and his eyes turning red, he naturally knew that there was something else hidden in it.

It's just that under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shuiyue couldn't let go of her face to ask, so she could only walk away.

"We'll discuss this matter after this battle. Now that your wings are hardened, you can do whatever you want! I can't control you as a teacher!"

She gave Lu Xueqi a complicated look, but finally Shuiyue disappeared into the crowd.

Silently looking at Shuiyue's back, Lu Xueqi held Tianya behind her tightly.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will give you an explanation!"


On the back mountain of Tongtian Peak, a person walked quietly in the forest.

After a while, when he came to a small path that divided into three branches, the man suddenly stopped.

I only heard bursts of thunderous bangs, continuous sounds like drumming from the foot of the mountain, and the hissing of monsters, endlessly, like the Milky Way pouring down from the nine heavens, constantly beating earth.

"Have you started yet?"

Glancing into the distance, Liu Xu rubbed his chin and whispered softly as he watched the birds constantly flying in the forest, "I hope the situation in the Huanyue Ancient Cave will be as I expected, otherwise there will be some troubles! But it’s nothing, the big deal is that we can make a move at that time. Although there is no prior arrangement, the aura of the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Formation is not enough, not comparable to the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, but it should be enough, after all..."

Speaking of this, the man's voice suddenly paused again, he smiled lightly, and said: "Come out, I never thought that I would meet you here in the end, should it be said that we are destined to be close?"

On the mountain behind Qingyun, at the three-way crossing, a man came out with a dark green dagger in his hand, with an extremely ordinary appearance, with unresolved hatred in his eyes, who else could it be if it wasn't Zhang Xiaofan.

"Liu Xu!"

Like a ghost like Jiuyou, Zhang Xiaofan looked at the person coming, gritted his teeth, roared, and spit out two words, that voice was colder than the thousand-year-old Xuanbing.

Liu Xu didn't care, he glanced around, and then showed a "suddenly enlightened" expression, looking at Zhang Xiaofan with a half-smile.

"You were allowed to stay here? If Qingyun wins, you can intercept the monster here, saying that it was arranged in advance. If you lose, you are here too, and the chance of escaping is greater than staying in the Taiqing Palace Quite a few. Master and mistress, they really took great pains for you, they really love you!"


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Chapter 1063 Forced Fusion, Nine Heavens Fairy

"To shut up!"

Mo Xuejian turned into a dark green light and came straight towards Liu Xu, but the latter just turned slightly to avoid it.

"You are not qualified to mention the names of master and mistress, you are not worthy!"

Zhang Xiaofan yelled at Liu Xu, his eyes were blood red and his face was extremely ferocious.

"If it weren't for you, the senior sister wouldn't have died, and the master and wife wouldn't have been unhappy all these years. They taught you for many years, is this how you repay them! You traitor! You bastard!"

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan mention Tian Linger's name, the smile on Liu Xu's face also subsided, and he looked at him coldly.

"Do you know? If you hadn't promised her to take care of everything in Dazhufeng, you would have died just based on what you just said!"

"What happened back then, right and wrong, I don't want to mention it anymore, you'd better be honest with me now, don't force me to kill you!"

"Then let's see who kills who!"

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Zhang Xiaofan was furious, recalled Mo Xue, holding it in his hand, it was like a sword to the head.

Gold and green were intertwined, and a huge Qi sword swept towards Liu Xu.

There was a sneer of disdain on his face, Liu Xu waved his hand, Soul Devourer appeared in his hand, and the next moment a huge cyan gossip appeared on top of his head, holding the Qi sword firmly.

The buzzing sound kept ringing, and there was a flash of light between the Qi Sword and the Eight Diagrams, but no matter how Zhang Xiaofan pushed it, the Qi Sword could not break through the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams.

"You want to kill me just because you are a three-legged cat?"

After studying four volumes of heavenly scriptures, even Taiji Qingxuan Dao has stepped into the realm of Taiqing, Liu Xu is far from being able to deal with Zhang Xiaofan, only relying on Taiji Qingxuan Dao, Liu Xu can remain invincible.


His face flushed for a while, Zhang Xiaofan let out a roar that didn't sound like a human scream, he saw the golden and blue light on his face intertwined, he kept wriggling, his whole body seemed to swell up, and his skin seemed to be ripe , showing a strange red color.

Accompanied by his loud shout, the golden and blue rays of light on the Qi Sword actually began to merge, turning into a color similar to gray.


The entire Qi sword became very powerful immediately, and the Taiji gossip continuously made the sound of breaking glass, and was suppressed little by little.


Liu Xu glanced at Zhang Xiaofan in surprise, should he be said to be the protagonist in the original book?

Although it's just a forced fusion, Zhang Xiaofan can still do this without the heavenly scriptures and extraordinary talent. It's really extraordinary to combine the Dafan Prajna and Taiji Qingxuan Dao, two completely different skills.

Ordinary Taiqing Realm masters might not be able to get a bargain with this trick, but unfortunately what he met this time was Liu Xu, a master who also integrated Taiji Qingxuan Dao and Dafan Prajna.

With Liu Xu's low shout, a burst of gold suddenly appeared on the huge Taiji gossip, from small to large, covering the whole gossip in an instant, two kinds of light, blue and gold, harmoniously intertwined Together, there is me in you and you in me, showing a brilliant brilliance.

The gossip that was constantly breaking was like taking a tonic. The light was so bright that it directly pushed the Qi sword back, and the cracked place quickly healed.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan was about to burst into tears, desperately pouring the true energy in his body into it, completely ignoring his body's continuous painful whine due to the forced fusion of the two Dafa.

The strength is weak, the gap between him and Liu Xu can't be made up by desperate efforts, just for a moment, Zhang Xiaofan's body bursts into small openings continuously, blood spurts out continuously, the whole person becomes a blood man.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan, who was soaked in blood and still fighting to the death, Liu Xu's eyes flashed a strange light, that thin but stubborn figure made him tremble slightly, subconsciously one hand maintained the Tai Chi gossip above his head, the other But he held Soul Eater with his hand, and shook it at Zhang Xiaofan.

As the foul wind hit his face, Zhang Xiaofan felt a sense of nausea welling up in his heart, and then the blood all over his body began to flow backwards.

With a puff, a large amount of blood mist sprayed out from the small wounds all over his body, covering his whole body in it.

Unable to maintain the huge Qi sword any longer, Zhang Xiaofan fell backward involuntarily.

His vision gradually became blurred, and the true essence cultivated in his body kept running away. At the last moment when he was conscious, he saw Liu Xu's figure going away.

"Fortunately, if your current skill is not enough to threaten me, you would have passed away long ago."

"For Ling'er's sake, I won't kill you this time!"

"But there will be no next time!"

Liu Xu's voice echoed in the empty forest, and all Zhang Xiaofan could do was helplessly grab the grass under him, watching Liu Xu gradually disappear, and then he was slowly swallowed by the darkness.


"Why am I so weak!"

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