
In Tongtian Peak, a thick bloody atmosphere enveloped the fairy family's blessed land of singing birds and flowers in the past. There were corpses all over the place, including monsters and humans. dyed red.

On the huge sea of ​​clouds square, the battle was still going on, and in the light of the magic weapon that filled the sky, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and screams and howls could be heard endlessly.

The dark tide formed by the monsters rushed in wave after wave, and the few hundred righteous masters left formed a defensive formation.

Countless magic weapons formed a bright light curtain, constantly strangling the approaching monsters, and among the crowd, the most dazzling place was in the center of the light curtain, a man holding a divine sword, like a nine-day fairy A woman standing proudly in the clouds.

I saw that under the ten thousand zhang rays of light, the divine sword seemed to turn into a bloody massacre knife. Wherever it passed, blood rained and bones were piled up. It turned into a small mountain under her feet.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1064 Bone Demon Snake, Heavenly Wizard

Not only those vicious beast monsters were scruples about this cold woman who was dressed in pink all over her white clothes, but even the righteous people behind Lu Xueqi were also startled by her.

On this battlefield where life and death are intertwined, Lu Xueqi actually looked at life and death as nothing, galloping freely, and every time she killed the beasts and monsters without any gaps, causing bloody storms one after another.

However, on her face, there was no joy, no fear of pain, no horror and disgust, and even Lu Xueqi didn't have any reaction to the bloody and foul-smelling animal blood splashing on her who had always loved cleanliness.

Lu Xueqi just fought like this, exhausting all her strength, in the bloody wind.

Her icy and glamorous face seemed to be extraordinarily touching, which made people startled suddenly.But he didn't dare to come any closer.

With the huge roar that resounded through the sky, Lu Xueqi killed the monsters again and again, and the strongest among the monsters could no longer sit still.

A snake demon with white bones and six wings on its back rushed out from the herd of beasts. The tongue on the snake's head kept swallowing, and gushes of black air gushed out.

Wherever it passed, the grass and trees were scorched black.

Quite a few junior disciples just fell down after inhaling a small amount of black air.

The white-bone monster snake stalked among the righteous people, as if entering a land without people, with black air and fangs, many disciples of the righteous way were killed by it in an instant.

And its three-foot-long body, with its huge mouth opening and closing, actually threw itself directly at Lu Xueqi, apparently intending to swallow her in one gulp.

"Sister, be careful!"

All the disciples in Qingyun Sect were shocked when they saw this, they had seen the ferocity of this monster snake before, even one of the elders in the sect died at its hands, if it really let it get close to Lu Xueqi, would it be better?

All of them rushed towards her, especially Qi Hao and the others who admired Lu Xueqi, put forth all their might.

But seeing the monster snake rushing towards her, and the fangs that were a bit bigger than a human being shining with cold white light, Lu Xueqi remained expressionless.

The radiance of the Tianya Divine Sword was even brighter, soaring into the sky, in the black air like a phoenix crowing for nine days, it cut off the black air in an instant, split the dark clouds, and chopped on the head of the bone demon snake before it could react Three feet below the bones.


The low and muffled sound seemed to come out suddenly from the depths of the figure. It was a low voice at first, but in a blink of an eye it was like the roar of a ferocious beast.

The white bone demon snake was stunned for a moment, and temporarily stopped attacking. Looking down, I saw a faint crack suddenly appeared on the bone of Yuexiong's mouth, on the bone near the bone hit by Tian Yu, and then expanded rapidly, crackling in a moment There was a crackling sound, and the splash shattered away.

The Bone Demon Snake let out an earth-shattering roar, two will-o'-the-wisp flames burst out from the sockets of its deeply sunken face, it was obviously extremely angry, not as good as the others, the giant swayed, and rushed towards Lu Xueqi again.

Seeing that the attack failed, Lu Xueqi also embroidered eyebrows, turned around to avoid the pounce of the monster snake, turned around and circled behind the monster snake, the blue sword glow surged again, and the golden and red lights flashed In an instant, Lu Xueqi slashed the monster snake's back with a backhand sword.


Time seemed to stand still at this moment, the body of the Bone Snake Demon suddenly trembled, stopped strangely, struggled to raise its head to the sky and let out a long roar, the voice was extremely shrill.

Then I saw the huge bones supporting its body, from top to bottom, starting from the back, suddenly began to emit azure blue light, there were tiny crackling sounds in countless places, and pieces of broken bones began to fall from the back .

Finally, with a loud bang, the huge body exploded, abruptly smashing the hard white jade slab under him into the deep pit of the boss.

"Junior Sister, be careful!"

Qi Hao and the others were still shouting and rushing over, but what they saw was a rain of bones, and the goddess standing proudly in the rain of bones, everyone was dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Lu Xueqi frowned even tighter, and rushed to the sky in a flash.

"The Nine Heavens Profound Temple, turned into a divine thunder, radiates the power of the sky, and leads it with a sword!"

Accompanied by a soft moan, the entire sky of Qingyun Peak darkened, pitch-black vortex, shining thunder, at this moment Lu Xueqi was like the god of thunder descending into the world, solemn and sacred, making people dare not raise the slightest blasphemy. sense.

The huge thunderbolt is like a peerless sword. Wherever it passes, whether it is the herd of beasts or those huge monsters, they all howl and turn into coke. part.

Above the main hall, Master Daoxuan looked at this scene with both relief and doubt in his eyes.

He took a deep look at Shuiyue at the side, and then slowly said: "Senior nephew Xueqi is really amazingly talented, this divine sword and the true art of controlling thunder are no longer inferior to this old man!"

But also watching this scene, Shuiyue's expression is very complicated.

Hearing Daoxuan's question, she said indifferently: "Xueqi is a genius in the sky, and her Taiji Qingxuan practice is no longer inferior to mine. With the Tianya Divine Sword, it is not surprising that she has such a performance! "

"Really?" Daoxuan stroked his beard, didn't say anything, but sighed softly.

He turned around and said to the chiefs standing in the main hall: "Juniors, the time has come, go and open the Seal of Heaven's Secret!"

In the Yuqing Palace, several chiefs were ordered to leave, only Tian Buyi stayed behind, hesitating to speak.

Daoxuan waved his hand, pointed to the outside, and said, "Junior Brother Tian, ​​I know what you're going to say, but I can't wait anymore!"

I saw outside just being under the wind by Lu Xueqi's Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, the monsters who had lost all courage suddenly trembled, then roared in unison, bowed their heads towards the sky and worshiped, as if welcoming their king.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1065 The Beast God's Shot, The Way of the Magical Moon

In the sky, the billowing black clouds suddenly stopped, as if they had suddenly solidified.

Then, there was such a ray of light, which came out from the dark and quiet clouds.

White, tiny shimmer!

In an instant, the black clouds dissipated abruptly, like a gust of wind sweeping across the world, blowing through the sky and the wind and rain.

From the deepest part of the black cloud, a huge vortex suddenly swirled outward rapidly, and countless black clouds were swept into it and then dispersed without leaving a trace.

With blood spitting out of her mouth, Lu Xueqi fell headfirst from the sky, and she regained her stature only a few meters away from the ground, her pair of beautiful eyes were staring at the sky.

A young figure appeared there, looking at the war-torn mountain with a blank expression.

The bloody world, from high to low, is like a legendary god.

His black hair fluttered in the wind, and behind him a black monster, big and small, seemed to be moving around a little restlessly, roaring in a low voice.

That is, at the moment when he appeared, all the monster beasts looked up to the sky again, and shouted at the figure, as if they were cheering.

Thousands of beasts roared into the sky, and the black clouds receded, as if a wave of hostility was rising into the sky, wanting to ascend to the sky.

And a moment later, on the Qingyun Seven Peaks, thick beams of light shot up into the sky and converged on Tongtian Peak.

A huge sword shining with seven colors appeared out of thin air, facing the soaring hostility from afar.


Huanyue Ancient Cave, the most mysterious place in Qingyunmen.

At this time, the battle with the Beast God had already begun, and a huge colorful air sword was floating directly above the ancient cave.

Under Master Daoxuan's manipulation, it turned into waves of sword rain and continuously attacked the huge figure in the distance.

The mountains collapsed, the sea of ​​clouds rolled up, and half of the sky was rendered in strange colors.

As the place where the Qi Sword was born, this ancient cave has not changed at all. Under the scene of the earth collapsing that day, it is still the most inconspicuous and ordinary ancient cave, but it makes people feel a little strange.

Turning his head to glance at the Beast God and Master Daoxuan who were still fighting fiercely in the sky, Liu Xu smiled lightly, turned around and walked towards the ancient cave.

The ancient cave is not as deep and long as imagined, what appears in front of you is just a simple and unpretentious stone room, and you can clearly see all the furnishings in the cave at a glance.

A few stones are piled up in the corner of the wall, and there is faint moss in the slightly wet corner of the wall. The only difference from the outside of the cave is that it is very clean here. When you walk into the cave, everything seems to be quiet suddenly, as if you are cut off from the outside world. up.

And on the stone wall at the entrance of the cave, in the flat stone wall, there is a slab of Tai Chi pattern inlaid. This is the only thing in this cave that can be related to Qingyunmen.

There are many spots on the Taiji diagram, and there are signs of damage in many places, which is obviously something that has been around for a long time.

Gently placing his hand on the Tai Chi pattern, a faint blue light burst out from Liu Xu's palm, as if a person who had been sleeping for a long time had finally woken up.

The tranquility in the stone room was suddenly broken by a distant soft sound, like the whole cave sighed softly, something started to rotate, and then, the Tai Chi diagram also lit up with a blue light.

At the same time, the Tai Chi pattern began to rotate.

After turning from left to right for exactly one week, there was only a "click" sound, and everything stopped.

A smile appeared on Liu Xu's face, he withdrew his arms, and waited quietly.

The moment of silence disappeared in an instant, and there was a dull and rumbling sound in the cave.

Just to the right of the Taiji pattern, a crack in the shape of a ring suddenly appeared on the originally complete stone wall, and then slowly rotated and separated to the side, revealing a secret hole.

It's just that there is a strange gray-white water mist hovering around the entrance of the cave. It looks like mist, and it looks like water waves.

Walking into the mysterious mist, Liu Xu strode towards his goal.

The mysterious water mist was rolling, with the magical power of absorbing people's hearts, it kept rushing towards Liu Xu, as if it wanted to pull him into the eternal darkness and let him sink.

But only a faint white light appeared on Liu Xu's body, dazzling like a lamp in the mist, and all the mist that approached him was dispersed.

"The Way of the Illusory Moon?" Liu Xu sneered. It is said that the ancient road cannot be crossed without great determination and perseverance. Once the lust of longing sinks into it, it will never be able to get rid of it.

With a wave of his hand, a blue light appeared in Liu Xu's hand and shot into the water mist, and then he heard a "click" sound, the water mist subsided a little, and a simple and bright mirror fell from it. It fell to the ground and turned into several pieces.

The water mist stood still for a moment strangely, as if he had been deterred by some kind, but as Liu Xu took another step, it suddenly rolled back violently, like an enraged wild beast, drowning Liu Xu in an instant in it.


The surging water mist, like a turbulent river, kept rushing towards Liu Xu, but once it got close to Liu Xu, it was easily bounced away, and the faint white light seemed to isolate the two in different worlds No matter how the waves rolled, they couldn't get a piece of Liu Xu's clothes.

Walking around the courtyard, after a while, Liu Xu came to a strange place.

It's not a cave hidden deep in the mountainside, but a huge and desolate Gobi that has no end in sight.

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