There are no trees, no birds and beasts, only dark gray rocks and sand, and the strong wind blows across the Gobi, with a whistling sound.

Above his head, he couldn't see the sky, only thick dark purple clouds mixed with white lightning, shining non-stop.


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Chapter 1066 Heavenly Book Appears, Heavenly Secret Seal

And not far in front of Liu Xu, there is an altar.

The dark gray boulder is the seat, with steps on all sides, seven floors up and down, and seven giant pillars on the altar, divided into seven colors, each of which is tens of feet high, and it takes three people to surround it.

In the center of the altar, there is also an ancient tripod in a clumsy form.

At this time, seven red lights of seven colors are shining on the seven giant pillars, dazzling and dazzling, straight to the sky.

The panicked Hongguang went deep into the cloud layer, and a huge gap was split in the entire cloud layer, revealing the true face of the sky.

It was a round of flickering and changing moon, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, all kinds of colors flashed on this psychedelic moon, emitting beautiful and mysterious light, and Gradually the magic moon kept changing.

A moment later, a seven-colored Qi sword was transformed into the midair.

Wherever it passed, all the dark clouds evaded and dissipated one after another, with an incomparable power, piercing straight through the sky and extending to nowhere.

"Is it the Immortal Execution Sword Formation?"

Feeling the similar aura, Liu Xu easily recognized the colored Qi sword.

Should it be said that it is the most mysterious place in Qingyunmen?

This Huanyue ancient cave turned out to be the center of the entire Zhuxian sword formation. The massive spiritual energy gathered by the seven veins flowed here continuously, and then passed on to the Zhuxian ancient sword from here. The truth about manipulating such a strange formation as the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

If he destroys this place with his own hands now, then Daoxuan Master outside will definitely go crazy!

Involuntarily, such a thought came to Liu Xu's mind, but he immediately left it behind.

What he wanted was for Daoxuan and Beast God to end up with both losers, not for Beast God to kill each other directly.

Moving his eyes lightly, Liu Xu focused his attention on the giant sword.

Looking at the rows of huge golden characters floating in the empty void under the brilliance of the phantom moon, a hint of excitement could not help showing on his face.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs!"

After all, Liu Xu was betting right. The fifth volume of the book of heaven was not engraved on the ancient sword of Jade Immortals, but engraved in this ancient Huanyue Cave.

If you think about it, you must know that Zhu Xian was interrupted by the beast god in the original book. If it is really engraved on it, doesn't it mean that part of the content will be lost?

If so, how can Zhang Xiaofan learn all five heavenly scriptures?

With a happy smile on his face, Liu Xu was about to take a few steps forward and carefully observe the bible.

Suddenly, he paused under his feet, turned his head suddenly, and looked towards the passage behind him, his eyes were full of disbelief.


The footsteps sounded extremely light, but in Liu Xu's ears it sounded like a startled drum.

Blood was all over his body, his face was gray and white, but a figure staggered forward step by step in the path of the phantom moon, leaving a long trail of blood behind him.

"Zhang Xiaofan! How did he come here?" Liu Xu frowned.

Looking at the approaching figure, his eyes were full of astonishment.

Immediately, a complex look flashed in Liu Xu's eyes, no matter how Zhang Xiaofan came here, his pupils were empty, without any trace of expression.

Zhang Xiaofan has been sucked into the illusion of the Way of the Illusory Moon, he is finished, without any words, Liu Xu understood this matter.


On Tongtian Peak, the battle situation was stalemate, and the sky fell apart.

"What a fierce and supreme sword, let's come again!"

The Beast God laughed at Daoxuan, but his expression was crazy, his huge body soared into the air, dozens of arms carried black air all over the sky, and pressed down towards Daoxuan Daoxuan in the air.

Daoxuan was startled but not flustered, he took a deep breath, and let out a soft drink, the water unicorn under his feet had already been spiritualized, and immediately backed away, dodging the blow.

The black light fell to the ground, and there was only a loud "bang", Tongtian Peak trembled, and a large crack spread from the top of the mountain to the mountainside, and a deep pit with a size of several tens of feet appeared on the top of the mountain out of thin air.

"You ignorant human beings, even with the help of such supreme gods, you still end up in a normal situation. You should kill yourself as soon as possible!"

From the deep pit, the Beast God got up again, looked at Daoxuan who was hiding far away, and let out a sneer.

Daoxuan Daoxuan's complexion was pale, and the right hand holding the ancient sword Zhuxian, wrapped in white light, trembled faintly.

Although the Zhuxian Sword Formation is extremely powerful, it is not something he can control for a long time.

Looking at the gigantic monster in front of him that looked like a god and demon, and then at the terrified people of the righteous way below, his disciples, Daoxuan took a deep breath, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

"The patriarchs of Qingyunmen..." he murmured, his tone low and painful, "disciple Daoxuan is unworthy, unable to subdue demons of different ways, affecting the common people, and catastrophe is imminent. For the sake of the common people, this disciple has no choice but to disobey the patriarch. Forbidden, I hope that the patriarch will bless you, eliminate demons and subdue demons, and even if the disciple is doomed in the future, I am willing to bear it all."

Eyes open and brows locked, awe-inspiring, Reverend Daoxuan suddenly drew the sword art with his left hand, and slashed directly at the ancient sword of Zhu Xian in front of Yuexiong.

The white light was shining, and suddenly the red light flickered, I saw Daoxuan's left hand inserted into the white light, and when he came out again, blood was already flying.

His face was pale, but there was no trace of pain.

Daoxuan swiped his left hand swiftly, drawing a strange pattern in the sky extremely fast, the blood dripping from the two fingers did not fall downwards, but condensed in mid-air as he waved his hand gestures, vividly revealing the pattern come out.

A bright red, bloody Tai Chi pattern!

"God! Machine! Print!"

With a loud shout, Master Daoxuan actually raised the ancient sword Zhuxian, and suddenly stabbed violently, the sword pierced through the blood-colored Taiji pattern.

Then there was a thunder, earth-shattering, an awe-inspiring force descending from the sky, suffocating the breath of everyone present.


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Chapter 1067 War Beast God, Zhuxian Zhe

On the vast land, the huge Qingyun Mountains rumbled, and the ground began to tremble slightly. The seven peaks of Qingyun Mountains soared into the clouds, without exception.

The seven veins of Tongtian, Longshou, Chaoyang, Luoxia, Fenghui, Dazhu, and Xiaozhu, among the green mountains and deep valleys, and the majestic rocks, are actually getting stronger and brighter golden light.

The golden light gradually gathers and forms, forming strange patterns one by one, brilliant and resplendent, as if projected from the depths of the spiritual peaks of the mountains, and it seems that these many mountains have their own life. Breathe slowly.

And in the swaying and dazzling golden light, seven different huge golden patterns finally converged, above the mountain peaks of the earth, facing the ancient sword Zhu Xian above the sky.

Shine in the sky!



A word spit out from Daoxuan Master's mouth like a spring thunder, the next moment the sword shadow flickered, the sky was dark, the wind moved rocks, the mountains shook and the ground shook, and strange rocks fell one after another.

The originally majestic and majestic golden pattern of seven veins began to gradually disperse as if being torn apart by some great force.

Almost at the same time, the light on the ancient sword Zhu Xian became more and more intense, the white light was dazzling, and even Daoxuan Daoxuan's entire figure was wrapped in it.

The seven-color main sword across the sky became more and more dazzling, and finally it was almost pure white. The fiery color made it impossible to look directly at it, shining on the entire sky, brilliant and sacred, like the embodiment of justice in this world.

In an instant, countless people woke up from the horror. Looking at the incredible scene in the sky, everyone was intoxicated by it. Crazy cheers came and went, filling the top of Qingyun Mountain. The disciples of Qingyun burst into tears, proud .

In the entire Qingyun Mountain, there were only two people with different expressions, one was the beast god with an extremely fearful expression, and the other was Lu Xueqi with a strange expression.

The former has already felt the destructive rage and killing intent from the white-burned sword body, while the latter has heard a strange call, softly, almost imperceptibly, as if the ancient sword of Zhu Xian Calling myself to the past.

"Evil barrier, not to die!"

The whole person was wrapped in that white glow, but Master Daoxuan shouted violently.

In the expectant eyes of thousands of people, amidst the carnival-like cheers of thousands of people, the huge blazing sword slowly moved, turned its head, and faced the beast god.

In just a moment, the black air around the beast god was pushed back several feet by the white light that seemed to be naturally hostile.

In the depths of the white light, it seemed that someone was panting deeply, with a hoarse voice, like the low roar of a ferocious beast, or the roar of a trapped beast.

But the Beast God's face was fearful at first, then bewildered, and finally all turned into laughter.

I don't know when it started, as if a certain voice came from the heaven and the underworld, chanting the mysterious spell in a low voice, and began to echo between the heaven and the earth.

Facing the divine sword that was the only one in the world that day, he jumped up and rushed straight away.

The world was silent, the prehistoric people held their breath, and above the blue sky, black and white colors traversed the sky and collided with each other!

The huge Jade Immortal Master Sword traversed the sky, piercing rumbled down, but there was only a sharp hissing sound in the air where it passed, and everything along the way was completely wiped out without leaving a trace.

On the periphery of the Berserker's blade, a dark red color can be seen on the outer edge of the white light. I don't know if it's because the air is too intense, or the Berserk itself is too intense.

But the Beast God raised his head to the sky and screamed, all his arms were brought together in front of Yuexiong, his strange eyes were wide open, and at the moment when Zhu Xian's main sword pierced, the black energy suddenly surged, his strange hands stretched, and there was a loud thunder in the sky, He grabbed this divine sword that could open the sky abruptly.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were all horrified.

However, all I saw was a white light rising up and shining ten thousand zhang, and the huge Zhuxian Master Sword actually made rumbles of thunder, and it was inserted slowly and abruptly from dozens of black hands like iron hoops!

Inch, inch, and inch.

One after another, the black hands were slowly engulfed by the blazing white light and dissipated. Looking at the mad sword at this moment, it looked like a supreme evil god. Little by little, it stabbed down towards the beast god Yuexiong.

The black air flickered, screams soared into the sky, and black blood sprayed out. The Zhuxian sword finally penetrated the beast god's Yuexiong chest, and it had been inserted one by one. The blazing white light flickered fiercely, like the sky Lightning flashed wildly, hitting the beast god's skin.

The skin and flesh all receded quietly, and the huge body seemed to have begun to appear illusory, and it was about to be shattered into nothingness by this shocking force.

The light in the beast god's eyes became weaker and weaker, and finally he lost to this peerless sword.

I saw that his figure was getting smaller and smaller under the sword of Zhu Xian, but for some reason, it seemed to be consumed by the collision of forces.

As the beast god's body gradually became smaller, the original huge Zhu Xian's main sword also began to shrink, only the brilliance was still so bright and dazzling.

On the mountain peak, all righteous people are cheering, the joy of having survived a narrow escape, and the joy of eliminating the enemy, as long as anyone with a discerning eye can see that victory is in sight.

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