But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The dazzling white radiance suddenly trembled, and bursts of overwhelmed wailing came out of it.


It sounded like a voice from hell.

The sword body that looked like stone but not stone, jade and not jade gradually appeared from the white light, followed by the figures of Daoxuan and Beast God.

Everyone could clearly see the horror in Daoxuan's eyes, and they could also see the astonishment of the beast god's life. Then, under everyone's gaze, the famous ancient sword broke from the center all of a sudden. It became two pieces.


Holding half of the sword in his hand, Daoxuan's face was full of despair, he just felt a huge force suddenly coming from the Zhuxian sword, rushing straight into his mind, instantly breaking through the meridians and air pockets he had cultivated for hundreds of years, crashing And Ming.


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Chapter 1068 Eight Desolation Xuanhuo Formation, Sending You Back to the West

For a moment, Daoxuan's body trembled, bleeding came out of his seven orifices in a blink of an eye, he swayed twice, yelled, and fell down from the clouds.

Different from the original book, after experiencing the collision with the ancient sword of Lanshan, Zhu Xian was beaten into two pieces by Liu Xu.

Although it was later repaired in the Huanyue Ancient Cave, it has left hidden wounds.

Daoxuan opened the seal of heaven, and the aura of the earth's veins is too strong, which has already put too much burden on the ancient sword of Zhuxian, and the beast god counterattacked.

This time, the ancient sword of Zhu Xian broke apart before defeating the beast god.

The Beast God's expression was also a little stunned. At this time, his figure was only twice as tall as a normal person, and he was no longer as mighty as before, with thousands of hands and hundreds of heads, but he still had the strength to fight.

Looking at Daoxuan Daoxuan who had fallen headlong, and then at the half-cut sword stuck in his chest, the beast god suddenly laughed loudly, and that slutty laughter made the hearts of all present sink to the bottom of the valley. .

"Ha! It seems that the world doesn't want you and other ignorant mortals to live, so let me send you to the underworld today!"

Pulling out the broken sword inserted in Yuexiong's mouth, and letting the blood spurt out, the beast god's eyes were now icy cold.

Taking a deep breath, the Beast God, who was originally only two people tall, returned to a size of several feet.

Thousands of hands and hundreds of songs reappeared. Although the black air was much thinner and the aura was no longer as fierce as before, everyone in Tongtian Peak was in despair when looking at the hideous and terrifying shape. Can this monster be stopped?

Step by step, the huge figure approached the crowd. Behind him, the beasts roared and followed step by step. The sharp claws shone coldly, and the eyes were bloodthirsty.

Dazed, hopeless, helpless, all kinds of emotions permeated, and Tongtian Peak was full of sadness.

But at this moment, a faint voice resounded between heaven and earth.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency Beast God, these are my prey, I can't give them to you."

"It's time for you to leave!"

Lie Yan Brahma, the crimson flames were surging like a red ocean, and half of the sky was burning.

Red clouds swirled around, and countless sparks fell from the sky, igniting the entire Tongtian Peak in an instant, and in an instant, the entire world was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

Outlined by the lines of the flames, eight patterns of fierce gods are suspended in the air, and the above fierce gods are looming in the flames, as if they are roaring upwards.

Ancient, desolate, majestic, an aura that is not inferior to the Zhuxian Sword Formation rises from the huge formation of flames.

The herds of beasts all over the mountains and plains kept howling, and the high-level monsters were not afraid, but those low-level monsters and wild beasts neighed and roared uneasily, wailing all over the field, as if they were facing the end of the world.

Step by step, the figure of a young man slowly walked out of the sea of ​​flames. He was handsome, but there was no aura of self-cultivation flowing out of his body, like an ordinary person, but it was even more mysterious in conjunction with the monstrous sea of ​​flames behind him. .

"Liu Xu!"

Seeing the young man walking out, Lu Xueqi below her lips pursed unwillingly, but she could only watch all this in vain.

But not far from her, Yun Yilan, the owner of Fenxiang Valley, suddenly grabbed her arm, looking at the sea of ​​flames in the sky with fascination and hatred.

But in the sky, the Beast God looked at the great formation that burned everything with fear.

"Eight Desolation Profound Fire Formation! It turned out to be you!"

Not long ago, he thought that his ominous premonition came from the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but when he saw Liu Xu, he finally understood.

The real dead end is this young boy, a peerless killing formation that has been entangled with him for thousands of years.

Listening to the Beast God's question, Liu Xu smiled lightly.The turbulent flame gathered around him obediently like a child, beating back and forth in his palm.

"Beast God, you are no longer useful, so let me send you back to the west!"

A simple sentence, but the shock it brought to everyone is unparalleled.

Everyone at the scene had experienced the divine power of the beast god. He overwhelmed Daoxuan and defeated the Zhuxian Sword Formation head-on.

Such momentum is invincible in the world.

But in the other party's mouth, the Beast God seemed to be just a chess piece, he used it at will, and then wiped it off, as simple as eating.

Everyone was silent, but the beast god in the sky suddenly laughed.

"Send me back to heaven and earth? Just rely on your simple version of the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Formation?!"

If there is anyone in the world who is most familiar with the Eight Desolation Xuanhuo formation, it is undoubtedly the beast god who is proficient in all the spells of the witch Linglong and has been trapped in the formation for thousands of years. He can see it at a glance. Liu Xu's Eight Desolation Xuanhuo Formation is actually not complete.

No, it’s not right to say that it’s incomplete. The real Bahuang Xuanhuo Formation, like the Zhuxian Sword Formation, must pull the spiritual veins and gather the fire spirit energy from the world in order to exert its divine power of destroying heaven and earth.

However, Liu Xu formed a volley formation, only absorbing the free aura in the sky, the aura was insufficient, and even the patterns of the evil gods were all condensed with true essence, which would not only greatly reduce the power, but also be a problem in terms of sustainability.

Liu Xu didn't hide this, but squinted his eyes, and asked, "How about you, Your Excellency the Beast God? After fighting the Jade Sword Formation, how much strength do you have left? [-]% or [-]%?"

"Just try it and you'll know!" How rebellious the Beast God is, but hearing this, there was a scream, and with a stride, a thousand big hands slammed towards Liu Xu with black air all over the sky.

Seeing the blow from the collapsing mountain and rubble, Liu Xu remained calm, put his hands together, and pushed back.

A golden swastika and a blue Tai Chi gossip were thrown out of his hand suddenly, and blended together in the air, gradually forming a dark golden light curtain, firmly blocking in front of him.


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Chapter 1069 Xuanhuo Jian, Eight Desolate Dragons

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Countless big hands kept beating on the light curtain like a black torrent, shaking the light curtain for a while, but they were still unable to break through. The paper-thin light curtain firmly blocked it. All attacks.

A stern look flashed across the ferocious face of the beast god, and there was another roar, and the thick arm swelled a little more, and then there was a muffled sound, and an extra thick arm pierced through the light curtain forcefully, He grabbed Liu Xu.

Looking at the big hand that struck, Liu Xu sighed slightly.

Although his cultivation has reached an incredible level after studying the five volumes of heavenly scriptures, he is still a bit short in the face of creatures born of the heavens and the earth like beast gods.

Liu Xu swayed slightly, and in the palm of the beast god, it turned into a cloud of green smoke and disappeared.

With a flash, he had already appeared in the Eight Desolation Xuanhuo Formation.

"Beast God, you go to die!"

He gestured a mysterious formula with his hands, and the next moment, the giant array of flames began to churn, engulfing the Beast God like a sea wave, and the ruthless flames began to burn the black energy around the Beast God non-stop.

The evil god roared, and in the raging sea of ​​flames, one of them appeared out of the raging sea of ​​flames, roaring and looking down at the world.

Scarlet Flame Warcraft!

Liu Xu once saw the flame creature in the Xuanhuo Altar once again appeared in the world.

With bloodshot eyes filled with boundless murderous intent, the flame giant roared and rushed towards the beast god as soon as it appeared.

The fists and kicks of the two clashed, claws and fangs collided, fighting and rolling like wild beasts, black air entangled with flames, and the huge roar continued, and the entire Tongtian Peak seemed to be wailing in the struggle between the two.

"Just because of this, you want to kill me!"

Although the Beast God's vitality was severely injured and his body was burned by flames, he became more and more courageous as he fought. After several rounds of fighting, he suddenly jumped together, and his thousand arms suddenly entangled him tightly regardless of the scorching flames. Behemoth of flame, hold it fast.

The flame monster roared non-stop, and its sharp claws drew deep scars on the body of the beast god.

The blood flowed and gathered into a small stream, but the laughter of the beast god was even thicker.


The arm of the Beast God suddenly tightened, and little by little, black air spread along his hand to the whole body of the flame beast, and then with the roar of the Beast God, the whole monster was torn apart by him, the huge The body turned into countless sparks and scattered in all directions.

Panting heavily, amidst the fire and rain, the Beast God jumped up and roared loudly at Liu Xu.

"Boy, if there is any other way, just try it out!"

The sound shook hundreds of miles, like thunder reverberating among the mountains.

Liu Xu's face also became serious about this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he took something out of his arms, and began to recite an ancient incantation.

The Beast God's face changed slightly, as if he remembered something, and was about to go straight to Liu Xu, but after seeing clearly what he took out, he was taken aback again, and stopped abruptly.

"Xuanhuojian... Linglong!"

Standing stupidly in the sea of ​​flames, letting the flames burn his body, a trace of tenderness and nostalgia flashed across the ferocious face of the beast god.

The mysterious incantation echoed in the air, and with Liu Xu's low chanting, the entire sky darkened inexplicably, and an ancient and boundless force seemed to descend from the sky out of thin air.

The large flame array and the eight fierce god patterns spun rapidly, and the gorgeous flames made people's eyes blurred.

Suddenly, the lengthy incantation stopped, and for a moment, everything seemed to freeze in an instant.

All the flames, the flames all over the sky, the huge body standing in the sea of ​​flames, and the statues of the eight evil gods spinning endlessly in mid-air.

The center of the profound fire formation, the depth of the hottest flames, slowly cracked open, from a thin crack, it gradually grew bigger, from a gap about the size of a person, into a huge hole several times larger.

Amidst the dazzling fire that filled the sky, in that crack, there was still the unimaginably deepest darkness.

Then, there seemed to be something, in the depths of the crack, staring at the outside world coldly.

A ferocity filled with maddening despair swept over every corner of Tongtian Peak in an instant.

The next moment, as if being stimulated by the craziest, all the flames burst into the most ardent light instantly, and the dragon's chant became brighter and brighter, like a carnival that would not stop.

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