In the depths of the flame, the roar of the dragon roared, with horror and despair, the ancient gods descended from another world.

The huge head slowly stretched out, dazzling like the scorching sun and unable to look directly at it. It was clearly a huge ancient fire dragon bathed in blazing fire. Everywhere was a flame.

Soaring in the sea of ​​flames, the slender body slowly stretched out. Everyone stared at this mighty creature that almost surpassed the existence of this world, and even forgot to breathe.

Eight wild fire dragons!

According to the legends of the ancient shamans in southern Xinjiang, the terrifying beast that destroys everything in the world, and the ultimate summoned spirit creature of the eight evil mysterious fire circles, finally reappeared in the world after thousands of years.

Liu Xu lightly threw out the Xuanhuojian in his hand, and saw the ancient mirror glowing with white light falling on the dragon's head of the fire dragon, and then slowly melting into it.

As if drawing the finishing touch, at the moment when Xuanhuo Jian merged, the entire Fire Dragon seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and there was a roar when it looked up to the sky, and the dragon chant, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, galloped forward, and the whole world seemed to tremble because of it .

In just an instant, there is only one color left in the whole world.

Red, extremely hot red, deadly red.

Ruddy to transparent flames, extremely hot and dry winds.

I saw Bahuang Fire Dragon stretched his figure, and appeared in front of the Beast God with just a sway, and his huge body tightly wrapped around the same huge body of the Beast God.


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Chapter 1070 Zhu Xian Sword Defeats Daoxuan, Xie Shaoxuan Formation Burns Beast God

No unnecessary movements, just twisting, the black air outside the beast god's body melted away like snowflakes thrown into the flames, and the huge body shriveled and cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into fly ash.

It seemed that the scorching pain aroused the consciousness of the Beast God, and the Beast God who fell into a daze because of the appearance of Xuan Huo Jian suddenly roared and struggled violently.

But it was useless, the Fire Dragon wrapped around him like a giant python, burning everything mercilessly.

His head, his hands, his feet, everything about him.

The power of fire, the essence of fire!

This is the power of the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Formation to sweep the world. It is as strong as a beast god, and it is not a match for this power.

"Linglong! Linglong! Linglong!"

Struggling and roaring, even though the flames burned his body and turned his hands and feet into fly ash little by little, the Beast God did not give up. No one knew why, but his mouth kept calling out a name, and his eyes seemed to be nostalgic, like Desire, but also seems to be looking forward to.

In the sky filled with flames, looking at the Beast God who looked like a beast driven into a desperate situation, an inexplicable color flashed in Liu Xu's eyes, and he made a slight gesture of a formula.

A faint white light floated from the head of the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon, which was the light on the Xuanhuo Jian.

There is a voice from the underworld, singing softly and soothingly, echoing slowly, as if it was the gentle and exquisite woman thousands of years ago.

The fiery breath slowly emanated from the Xuanhuo Jian, with a little dreamy white smoke, which seemed to vaporize the surrounding air.

Condensed around Xuanhuojian, a huge mysterious force slowly tore apart the surrounding space, and slowly condensed into a beautiful woman's figure in the white illusory smoke.

It was a woman in simple clothes, holding a magic staff in her hand, and her face was exactly the same as the stone statue of the exquisite witch guarding outside the entrance of the Zhenmogu Cave.


Suddenly, the Beast God stopped struggling, stared at the woman with bewildering eyes, leaned forward slightly, and leaned towards the woman.

The woman also smiled, stretched out her arms, and embraced the ferocious head of the beast god.

Slowly, little by little, the two finally hugged each other.

The next moment, with a "snap", Liu Xu suddenly clasped his palms together, and a dragon chant resounded through the world suddenly.

Then there was white light, endless dazzling white light, white light so piercing that people couldn't look directly, filling the entire sky, and everyone closed their eyes subconsciously.

Faintly, people seem to be able to see a white pillar of fire rising from the beast god and piercing through the sky.

The white light came and went quickly, but when people opened their eyes again, everything was over.

The sky was empty and unusually clean.

There is no figure of the beast god, no fire dragon that burns the whole world, and no sea of ​​fire that fills the sky.

If it weren't for the still burning flames around and the scorched black everywhere, people would think that everything just now was a vain dream.

From Daoxuan's Daoxuan gaining the upper hand, Zhuxian's sword overwhelmed the beast god, to Zhuxian's sword breaking, Daoxuan's defeat, and Liu Xu's appearance, the Eight Desolation mysterious fire formation burned the beast god, a series of things happened one after another, making people dizzy. Now most people are dizzy in their minds, and some can't figure out what happened.

But the thoughts of those monster beasts are much simpler, all the herds of beasts are just about to move, and retreat quietly.

The defeat of the Beast God has made them lose their will to fight.

Affected by this, those righteous people also reacted one after another, and a look of surprise suddenly burst out in their eyes.

It seemed, as if, they had won!

The surprise of their near death made many of them subconsciously shout, but they seemed to be too happy, and a playful voice suddenly sounded in the air.

"You say, how should I deal with you righteous people? Are you going to kill them all?"

Like a basin of cold water extinguishing everyone's joy, everyone looked up and saw a young man standing in the sky, looking down at the place. Although there was a smile on his face, there was no smile in his eyes.

There was no sound on Tongtian Peak, surrounded by the burning smell of ashes from the burning vegetation, the air was extremely hot, billowing black smoke, and there was a desolate atmosphere everywhere, just like being in the ruins after a war.

Liu Xu stood quietly in the air, looking at the hundreds of orthodox cultivators below with a half-smile, without any fear, just like looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

In the past, if this kind of expression fell into the eyes of these righteous people, they would definitely rush forward and smash this ignorant devil thief into pieces while shouting to eliminate demons and guard the way, but now everyone is immersed in that just now. During the thrilling battle, the sea of ​​flames that filled the sky, and the fire dragon that burned all the wastes made them tremble extremely now.

Gently stretched out a hand, following Liu Xu's move, the practitioners below were agitated, many of them subconsciously sacrificed the magic weapon in their hands, while more people's eyes were wandering, looking for a way out .

Two clusters of dazzling white light, one of which split open suddenly, revealing the figure inside.

It was a cute little monkey, squeaking, scratching its head, and its tail was up and down. That cute appearance made everyone below subconsciously relax.

Many people thought to themselves: "Such a cute little thing, shouldn't be in any danger?"

But in the next moment, everyone's expressions changed, and they saw that little monkey slammed Yuexiong's mouth suddenly, and howled loudly.

The loud and wild voice spread throughout Tongtian Peak, completely inconsistent with its previous cute figure.

I saw that the little monkey grew up against the wind, and the muscles of the whole body continued to expand. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a giant ape with a height of several feet, vertical eyes on the forehead, and fangs in the mouth.


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Chapter 1071 Capture One Beast, Kill Two

With a "bang", the gigantic ape's huge body slammed onto the ground, pounding Yuexiong with both hands, and roared again, startling those cultivators to keep retreating.

"Three-eyed monkey!" Someone in the crowd shouted in horror: "That's the three-eyed monkey!"

Hearing these words, the group of people retreated faster, and after a while, a large space was vacated around the giant ape.

But the giant ape didn't stare at these cultivators. Instead, it galloped on the ground with its hands and feet together, rushing into the retreating herd like a chariot.

Huge body, ferocious strength, where the giant ape passed, countless monsters were knocked out, and from time to time, monsters were torn into pieces.

With a slamming of both feet, the giant ape jumped up.

Time seemed to be frozen at this moment, and in mid-air, a ferocious smile appeared on the face of the giant ape, and then his hands were clenched tightly together, like a war hammer, and it was slammed down with a ferocious momentum.


Among the herd of beasts, an extremely ugly monster with multi-eyed face and slender neck was caught off guard, and was directly hit on the head by the giant ape with a hammer.


There was another loud bang, under the tremendous force of the giant ape, the monster's head hit the ground directly, a circle of dust gradually rose up, and at the same time a large deep pit was also smashed out, and the surrounding ground was Hence the tremor.


That monster is also extraordinary, although it was a little dizzy from the blow of the giant ape, but it reacted immediately, the sharp giant claws directly scratched at the giant ape, and the giant ape flexibly A flash, and then a punch back.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

It was like a huge sound of hammering iron, claws intersected, biting each other, and the two huge beasts fought like that, constantly tearing and colliding.

The monsters around were all unlucky, they were crushed to death by the two huge bodies unexpectedly, they were knocked into the air, and the place was emptied in the blink of an eye.

"Glutton! That monster beast is Glutton!"

A sharp-eyed cultivator saw the type of another monster and exclaimed.

But at this moment, another ball of white light summoned by Liu Xu suddenly shattered, and everyone felt that their eyes were darkened, and a huge body covered the sunlight in the sky.

It was a huge black snake that was hundreds of feet long.

"Black Water Mysterious Snake!"

Many people's faces turned pale, and their whole bodies began to tremble uncontrollably.

Then I saw the black water black snake neighing, and the ear-piercing cry made everyone's eardrums tingle.

Ignoring the space and distance, the Blackwater Profound Snake rushed down with its raised head, directly passed half of the herd, and bit the Taotie who was fighting with the three-eyed giant ape.

Although Taotie was huge in size, it still had a gap with the Blackwater Profound Snake's body which was nearly a hundred feet long, and was directly bitten by half of its body.


Terrible screams spread throughout the audience.

Even though Taotie's limbs kept struggling, the black water snake bit Taotie and slammed it fiercely on the ground.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Huge deep pits appeared one after another, and the dust was flying. In the smog that filled the sky, people could only vaguely see the dancing snake body, and listen to the mournful cry of the gluttonous and the roar of the three-eyed giant ape.

Gradually all the movements calmed down, and in the smoke, a huge snake head suddenly stretched out. I saw the black water mysterious snake hovering around, and came under Liu Xu with almost no effort, and then slammed the snake head, Like a mount, he obediently connected Liu Xu on top of his head.

And behind it, with heavy steps, the three-eyed giant ape revealed its ferocious body little by little, and it dragged the dying and bruised Taotie in its hand. The tragic scene made the monsters pass by Run away like a dog with its tail between its legs.


The three-eyed giant ape threw the glutton in front of the orthodox cultivators, then beat Yuexiong with both hands, and let out another roar.

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