
The sound of swallowing saliva in the crowd rose and fell for a while, and the ferocious power of the two spirit beasts completely extinguished their little thoughts, and they all looked at Liu Xu standing on top of the black water snake in horror.

"Well, how should I deal with you? Are you going to kill them all?"

The same voice, but this time it made people feel cold.

His eyes swept over those righteous faces, and seeing their expressions of despair, grief and indignation, or some dodging expressions, Liu Xu smiled again.

"Just kidding, I don't plan to kill anyone today!"

As soon as this remark came out, all Zhengdao present breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little rejoiced, but then a sense of sadness welled up in their hearts.

Thinking of hundreds of them who have been cultivating for hundreds of years, today a young man in his thirties will stand in front of him, wanting to kill and kill, and he will control his life and death. After so many years of cultivation, he has really cultivated to the stomach .

Especially when they were so grateful for the other party's words of forgiveness, they really lost the last trace of integrity.

But at this moment, I heard Liu Xu say again: "However, there are two more people I want to kill today!"

People's sinking hearts lifted again, and they looked at Liu Xu intently.

Liu Xu Xin made a move, and a sword with a shining green light appeared beside him.

"go with!"

Following Liu Xu's whisper, the sword turned into a blue silk thread, which disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The scene fell silent for a while, everyone was looking for the passing sword shadow, not understanding what happened, and then heard a mournful cry from the crowd!


Everyone turned around, but what they saw was a head soaring into the sky, but in the arms of Xiao Yicai, the head disciple of Qingyunmen, there was a headless corpse.

Master Daoxuan!

It took a while for people to realize what was going on.


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Chapter 1072

Daoxuan Daoxuan, one of the two existing masters of the Righteous Way, actually died?

Everyone's heart was icy cold, not only because of Daoxuan's death, no one could use Qingyunmen's mighty Zhuxian Sword Formation anymore, and the righteous way lacked the last weapon to deter the demon sect.

It's because everyone didn't see clearly how Liu Xu made the move just now, and they didn't see the flashing sword light until after Liu Xu succeeded again.

This also meant that Liu Xu could kill them one by one with the sword in his hand without relying on the big flame formation.

And many people realized that what Liu Xu just said was that two people would be killed today, one is Daoxuan Daoxuan, so who is the other?

There was a commotion in the crowd, and many people retreated quietly, fearing that Liu Xu would stare at them, even though they knew that the possibility was very small.

But not everyone was like this, only a fat man stepped out from among the Qingyun sect, pointed at Liu Xu and started yelling.

"Sinister! You killed senior brother Wan Jianyi first, and now you killed senior brother Daoxuan, but you deceived me that Qingyun has no one?"

"I taught you a lot of abilities, and I, Tian Buyi, have committed a lot of crimes. I will clean up the house today and repay you with death!"

A fiery flame burst out from the fairy sword, and Tian Buyi Yujian charged towards Liu Xu.

As if inspired by him, many members of the Qingyun sect also rushed forward, and the magic weapon in their hands also hit Liu Xu, but they wanted to avenge the head of the sect, Daoxuan!

Looking at the dozen streams of light coming towards him, Liu Xu smiled lightly. Without his ordering, the Blackwater Profound Snake lowered its head, rolled up, and struck those flying magic weapons. On its huge body, the fine and tough scales jingled lightly.

Among those streamers, apart from Tian Buyi's scarlet flames leaving a black scorching mark on the body of the Black Water Profound Snake, other sparks gradually ignited.

"Don't let me die for you evil!"

Tian Buyi yelled loudly, the light of the red flame in his hand suddenly swelled, and turned into a fire dragon that was similar to the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon just now, but much smaller, and rushed towards Liu Xu.

Looking at the raging flames rushing towards his face, Liu Xu stretched out a hand, and after holding it, the dragon-slaying sword glowing with blue light appeared in his hand.

The dragon chant was loud, and Liu Xu slashed at the fire dragon with his sword.

The dazzling blue light cut down like a huge sword pillar, and the sharp sword light easily split the fire dragon into two like tearing silk, revealing the pale Tian Buyi inside.

The corner of his mouth was bleeding slightly, but Tian Buyi stabbed towards Liu Xu with his sword.

The crimson stream of light went straight to Liu Xu's throat, getting closer and closer, Tian Buyi could even feel the touch of the sword tip touching Liu Xu's skin.

But everything stopped abruptly, at the last moment, a hand glowing with golden light firmly grasped the Scarlet Flame Sword, and the flames burst out, but Tian Buyi was unable to move the long sword in his hand any further.

"Nie Zhan, you have cultivated Dafan Prajna to this point!"

The expression in his eyes changed from hope to horror and then to plainness. Seeing Liu Xu holding Chi Yan's hand, Tian Buyi smiled wryly and caught his Chi Yan with his bare hands. I'm afraid the real Puhong back then could not do this Bar!

Liu Xu smiled disdainfully at this. After studying the fifth volume of Tianshu, his attainments in Dafan Prajna and Taiji Qingxuan Dao have already surpassed the three masters of the year. Yan itself is not known for its sharpness, which is why he has the miracle of catching Chi Yan with his bare hands.

He grabbed Chi Yan with one hand, but Liu Xu let go of Zhan Long with the other hand. He saw that hand pointed like a knife, and the five fingertips were black. Facing Tian Buyi, he slapped it with his palm.

The palm landed on Tian Buyi's body, without any earth-shattering sound, it was flat, just like an ordinary swipe, but Tian Buyi let out a scream, and his whole face twisted.

At the same time, three beams of light hit Liu Xu's back on the ground, two blue and one blue, with majestic momentum, not under Tian Buyi.

Seeing that Tian is not easy to be in danger, Lu Xueqi, Shuiyue and Suru attacked at the same time.

Without looking back, Liu Xu's mouth showed a faint smile.

The next moment, I saw a golden light suddenly bursting out from behind him, like a great sun, a magic weapon in the shape of a disc golden wheel slowly rose up, the golden light was brilliant, the whole body was golden, a square in diameter of one foot, and the circle of arhats was engraved on the edge Golden Body Dharma.

Surrounding the middle is the Buddha's true body and dharma with palms folded together, merciful and universal.

A pale golden light curtain appeared behind Liu Xu.All kinds of Buddhist mantras appear and disappear from time to time, and the place illuminated is full of solemnity, solemnity and compassion, and it actually blocked all the attacks of the three people in one fell swoop.

Looking at the golden Falun, Shuiyue exclaimed, "Golden Wheel of Great Compassion!"

And Liu Xu over there also threw Tian Buyi out with one hand, then turned around, looked at Shuiyue and said softly: "Yes, it is the Great Compassion Golden Wheel, I have to say that the bald donkeys in Tianyin Temple are not very capable The same, but the magic weapon is quite easy to use, at least in terms of defense, this magic weapon is one of the best in my hands!"

The Great Compassion Golden Wheel, Tianyin Temple gathers thousands of incense sticks, and the power of the world is supplemented by a Buddhist vessel made of divine iron, which can attract the power of gods and Buddhas in the heavens.

Shuiyue gritted her teeth slightly, and was about to make a move, but was pulled by Lu Xueqi, stopping her figure, while Suru flew down and caught Tian Buyi who was in pain.

Seeing her husband's face full of pain, Suru's eyes turned red, and she yelled coquettishly at Liu Xu: "Liu Xu, what did you do to Buyi?"

Liu Xu was silent for a while, and then said softly: "It's nothing, I just used the heart-killing lock, so that I won't be disturbed by him."


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Chapter 1073 Threat of extermination, final plan

"Zhuxinsuo!" Suru heard a scream, pointed at Liu Xu and shouted: "This is the thaumaturgy created by the ancestors of the Dazhufeng lineage. It has been strictly learned by the ancestors of the past generations, and it has never been taught You, how did you learn?"

Zhuxinsuo, as the name suggests, focuses on the word Zhuxin. The body of the person subjected to this technique will be eroded by strange forces, causing extreme pain. It is the only way to torture and make others submit. It was only because it was too vicious that it was taught by Qingyun It is strictly forbidden to study.

Liu Xu's face remained unchanged, but a trace of melancholy flashed in his eyes, and then he sneered, and said, "How did you learn it? Of course she stole it from the secret room in the master's room and handed it to me. Well, even if the master doesn't learn it himself, he will keep it."

Although Liu Xu didn't mention that name, Suru still guessed who that person was. May I ask who on the Big Bamboo Peak can enter and leave the secret room where Tian Buyi collects classics, and who has the courage?

Suru gritted her teeth and said, "That unfilial girl!"

Thinking of the deceased beloved daughter, my heart felt sore again. Looking at Liu Xu, he shouted and asked, "Did Linger treat you like that back then, is it so difficult for you?"

But Liu Xu shook his head and said: "I haven't practiced Zhuxinsuo very much, and its power is not great. With the master's skill, I can remove it by myself after two or three days. If someone else helps, it will be faster. So as long as he stays honest, nothing will happen to him!"

Before the words finished, Suru heard a roar in his arms: "Fart!"

It was Tian Buyi who endured the pain by force, raised his head, and stared at Liu Xu, only to see a black stream of air flow continuously on his face, but his face was extraordinarily strong.

"I am the head of the Qingyun sect. It is my job to eliminate demons and defend the Tao. How can I give up halfway because of these pains!"

After saying that, Tian Buyi yelled loudly, and the true energy in his body continued to flow, but he wanted to forcefully break the heart-killing lock.

It's just that because of his forced exercise, the black energy on his face became more violent, and the severe pain caused Tian Buyi's fat face to contort.

"It's not easy!" Suru just exclaimed, trying to stop her, but was pushed away by Tian Buyi.

On the other side, seeing Tian Buyi being so stubborn, Liu Xu frowned, and then said coldly: "Oh, then you mean to force me to do it now, to erase all of your Qingyun line?"

A faint sentence pierced into Tian Buyi's heart like an awl, making his movements slow down.

"you dare!"

Surprised and angry, Tian Buyi stared at Liu Xu.

"Why not? You ask them, do I dare?"

Liu Xu asked disdainfully about this, and then raised his chin slightly, motioning him to look behind him.

Tian Buyi turned his head slowly, and what he saw were dodging gazes, those righteous cultivators lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at him, showing no intention of helping him at all.

And quite a few disciples of the Qingyun Sect were also evasive, and some even looked over with pleading and hopeful eyes.

Although it is not stated explicitly, the meaning is self-evident.

The devil only said to kill one more person, Master Tian Buyi, stop it, don't offend him again.

With a shaking sound, the Scarlet Flame Sword that was always held in Tian Buyi's hand fell from Tian Buyi's hand, and he seemed to have aged ten years all of a sudden.

Seeing Tian Buyi who was ten years older, Liu Xu was not surprised at all.

Tian Buyi dared to fight him desperately, he had no doubts about this, but Liu Xu would not believe that the other party dared to strangle him to the death at the risk of the entire Qingyun Sect being wiped out.

The more stubborn a person is, the easier it is to compromise. It is because of persistence in his heart that he can disregard his life, but it is also because of this that it is easy to compromise after the key points are grasped.

No one could doubt the truth of Liu Xu's words. The black water mysterious snake, the three-eyed spirit ape, plus the unfathomable Liu Xu himself, the combined force of these three is enough to kill more than [-]% of the people present.

If someone from the Qingyun Sect is identified, Qingyun's disciples will definitely be uprooted, and no one doubts Liu Xu's courage and killing intent. Tianyin Temple was destroyed by this person, and the thousand-year-old temple was destroyed. Albatron door.

It can be said that in the righteous way, Liu Xu is famous for his cruelty. Even before today, when he said that he was going to destroy Qingyunmen with Zhuxian Sword Formation, those righteous people would consider the authenticity of the news , not to mention the Qingyun sect whose vitality was greatly weakened and Daoxuan was killed in battle.

Didn't say anything to provoke Tian Buyi, but Liu Xu turned his head in another direction.

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