"Valley Master Yun, since Reverend Daoxuan is already on his way, it's time for you to accompany him."

"It's time for the three masters of your past to go to the Underworld to gather together. Master Puhong must have been waiting for more than ten years, so he must be waiting impatiently."

Among the crowd, seeing Liu Xu looking at her, Yun Yilan's heart skipped a beat, thinking something was wrong.

He originally thought that he and Liu Xu didn't have much entanglement, and that the other party might not be bent on finding trouble with him, but in the end, the other party really focused on him, one of the only remaining "three masters" of the righteous way.

There was hardly any nonsense, Yun Yilan turned into a flame and rushed outside.

In fact, Yun Yilan was also shot lying down. If he was not in Tongtian Peak at this time, Liu Xu would not be interested in making trouble for him.

Let alone Qi Hao, Lin Jingyu and others who offended him before did not kill, let alone Yun Yilan who was only bullied by him once, but Liu Xu still has one last plan for Qingyun Sect.

Yun Yilan, who needs status, status, strength and strength, is a scheming and ambitious orthodox giant, he really can't rest assured that he is here.

Liu Xu was afraid of affecting his plan, especially since Daoxuan, the only one who could restrain Yun Yilan, had just been slaughtered by him.


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Chapter 1074 Yun Yilan's death, the origin of Zhu Xian

Looking at the fading fire, Liu Xu revealed a slight smile, and said, "It's a pity, Master Yun, if you broke through to the Yuyang realm without my influence a few months ago, maybe You can really save your life, but now you should leave it to me!"

I saw Liu Xu pinching a wonderful formula, suddenly there was a booming sound on the ground, and then torrents of mud rushed out of the ground and hit Yun Yilan.

As soon as Yun Yilan gritted his teeth, the flames turned into flames did not slow down, he dodged left and right, and shuttled between the stone streams. After a few extremely dangerous dodges, he actually rushed over.

But at the next moment, Liu Xu shook his right hand violently, and those stone streams immediately circled, forming a circular stone prison, trapping Yun Yilan who had just escaped into it again.

Seeing that Yun Yilan was trapped, everyone at the scene held their breath, watching the battle, and they also really wanted to know if Yun Yilan could get out of the trap?

This is not only related to the last sliver of righteousness, but also their own safety.

If Yun Yilan couldn't escape Liu Xu's clutches, then they would definitely give up the idea of ​​running away!

Although the thaumaturgy that Liu Xu learned from the Heavenly Book was mysterious, Yun Yilan's Incense and Jade Book was not a vegetarian either. After a while, boom, boom, a muffled sound came from the stone prison.

A moment later, accompanied by a dazzling fire, one side of the stone prison burst open, and Yun Yilan escaped.

But before those righteous people showed surprise, a short black stick suddenly appeared on the top of Yun Yilan's head, and hit Yun Yilan's head straight.

With a "snap", Yun Yilan, who had just escaped from the trap, was caught off guard, and was hit on the top of the head by the short stick, and her body became stiff all of a sudden.

A bloodstain slowly appeared on the top of Yun Yilan's head, and his whole body slid down uncontrollably.

Liu Xu didn't seem to want to let the other party go, a red light suddenly appeared on the short stick, and Yun Yilan was involved. After the red light dissipated, only a shriveled corpse remained in the air.


The shriveled corpse hit the ground, and it was scattered all over, but the slight crisp sound was like a heavy hammer hitting people's hearts.

Although they were prepared in their hearts, they still felt dizzy when they saw the former three masters fall like this.

That was the most powerful figure in the righteous way for hundreds of years, just died like this?

Thinking back carefully, everyone felt terrified again, and looked at Liu Xu in fear.

It turned out that without knowing it, all the three masters of the year died in the hands of this young man who had only been cultivating for more than [-] years. What kind of terrifying talent is this?

Puhong's death can be said to be a sneak attack, and Daoxuan's death can be said to have taken advantage of the war, but Yun Yilan was actually beheaded by the opponent, and it was still in front of so many people, one-on-one, almost Killed with little effort.

Recalling Soul Devourer, Liu Xu knew what these people were thinking almost without guessing. Yun Yilan, who had not broken through the Yuyang realm, was the weakest of the three masters. He had to run away so easily that he was killed.

If it were a serious battle between the eight books, the ending would certainly not change, but Liu Xu would never do it so easily and freely, but he would not tell these people these words.

Ignoring the screams of the Fenxianggu disciples, and the frightened eyes of those righteous people, under Liu Xu's signal, the black water snake slowly lowered its head.

Then Liu Xu stretched out his hands and grasped slightly, two bright lights flew up from the ground and fell directly into his hands.

After seeing clearly what was in his hand, the expressions of everyone in Qing Yun Sect changed, and Tian Buyi exclaimed directly: "Nie Zhan, what are you going to do, put down the Immortal Execution Sword for me!"

That's right, what Liu Xu held in his hand was the body of the Zhuxian sword that had been broken into two pieces.

But Liu Xu didn't pay attention to Tian Buyi's intentions at all, he looked at the two parts of the sword, and then threw the tip of the sword casually.

Whether it was intentional or not, the tip of the sword kept spinning, but in the end it stuck in front of Lu Xueqi.

Holding the hilt in one hand and the remaining blade in the other, in Liu Xu's hand, the three colors of light, gold, blue, and red, flowed together, and finally turned into black and white.


Under Qingyunmen's humiliating and horrified eyes, the hilt of the sword was torn off by Liu Xu again.


Looking at the Zhuxian Sword that was broken again, Tian Buyi spurted out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were bloodshot.

If it wasn't for being pulled by Suru, he would have rushed up to fight Liu Xu desperately.

And the other Qingyun disciples also showed sadness, feeling a little bit sad when the Qingyun sect held Zhuxian in their hands and led the righteous way, how majestic and incomparable, but now the treasure of the town gate has fallen into the hands of others, allowing the other party to humiliate , Destroy, these Qingyun disciples are really ashamed of the ancestors of the past, many Qingyun disciples have a faint intention to die on their faces.

But what happened next took everyone by surprise.

I saw Liu Xu poked lightly with his hand, and actually took out a thing that was about an inch square from the Zhu Xian sword. The thing was shining brightly, and it looked extraordinary.

It turns out that the Sword of Zhuxian is a piece of blood jade formed by the spirit energy of the ancient demon god after the death. It was smelted by an unknown earth immortal with his own real fire, and it took a hundred years of effort to refine it into an unworldly magic weapon.

After the sword came out, because of its excessive hostility, he rebelled against his master and committed countless murders, so he was punished by heaven and was forcibly split in two by the Nine Heavens God Thunder.

Because of this, the Earth Immortal realized that the Zhuxian Sword should not be born, but he did not want to let go of the sword and destroy it, so he found a way to continue the sword, but was exhausted of his remaining skills, and picked up the essence of the five stones to continue the broken sword, but it was a pity that he failed. Before the Broken Sword was finished, it was dismissed.


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Chapter 1075 One gas transforms the three cleans, following the method of killing immortals

Before the Dixian soldiers solved it, they recorded the past and future of Zhuxian Sword on a piece of "Water-avoiding Jade Essence", and sealed it together with the two fragments of the broken sword and the five-stone essence that had not yet been mined and refined, and marked the continuation of the broken sword. I hope that there will be masters in future generations who can continue Zhuxian.

Because they are afraid that future generations will follow in their footsteps, it is repeatedly stated that this sword gathers the evil energy of heaven and earth, and future generations will think that they have no talent and blessings after they get it, so they will not continue this sword, so as not to be mistaken.

Later, by chance and coincidence, the method of Zhuxian and succession was obtained by Patriarch Qingyun.

When he got the sword, Master Qingye succeeded in comprehending the nameless ancient scroll. It was because of his enthusiasm that he looked at the world proudly. At the same time, he was originally an unborn genius of cultivation. He was very intelligent and spiritually rooted. Under the orders of the Wuming Earth Immortal, he immediately continued to connect the broken sword according to the method left by the Earth Immortal, so the Sword of Jade Immortal was able to reappear in the world.

Master Qingye is worthy of his astonishing talent. Not only did he seamlessly connect the Zhuxian Sword, but he also added the immortal technique of restraining and dispersing the evil energy contained in the Zhuxian Sword according to the method he learned from the unnamed ancient scroll. The evil spirit is controlled, which makes the Zhuxian sword have nothing special in ordinary eyes.

And he was also arrogant and arrogant, thinking that he was better than the nameless earth immortal who practiced swords. He wrote down the most proud set of "one qi transforming three cleansing" exercises on the back of the "water-avoiding jade essence" and used Taoist The secret storage method hides the jade essence in the Zhuxian sword.

Later, in his later years, Master Qingye, as he practiced for a long time and became more profound in Taoism, he gradually realized the way of forgiveness and punishment. When he practiced, he tended to the way of forgiveness, and he was no longer happy with the way of punishment after revenge.

He looks down on love and hatred, and puts more emphasis on cultivating his heart, and he will never attack others. Based on what Liu Ce, the god and ghost in Yuexiong, borrows the spiritual veins of Qingyun Mountain, and the sword never leaves the mountain, he creates the Zhuxian Sword Formation, turning the attack of Zhuxian Sword into The defense of Zhuxian sword formation is launched with Zhuxian as the eye of the formation, and Beizi is warned that he can activate this formation when he is in danger.

After activation, within the range of Qingyun Mountain covered by the sword array, the world is invincible.

When it is not activated, it can also use the spiritual veins to seal off the evil spirit on the Zhuxian sword.

It's a pity that since the past dynasties, Qingyunmen has used the name of Zhuxian to overwhelm the world and firmly hold the leader of the world's righteous way. No one has discovered such secrets for so many years.

Of course, Liu Xu tried his best to take out this jade essence, not for understanding the origin of the Zhuxian Sword, but for the technique of "one energy transforms three cleanses" by Qingye Patriarch on the back.

At that time, Aoba felt that the power was too powerful, and he had the power to seize the good fortune against the sky. He was afraid of being punished by the heavens, so he divided it into four types of gods and passed them on to his disciples. Two of them were the magic sword and the thunder-fighting formula, which is a pity. The remaining two formulas are lost in the end.

Little by little, Liu Xu's brows wrinkled slightly, then relaxed again, and finally sighed softly, saying: "Daoxuan is really unlucky, if he finds this thing If so, I'm afraid the result today will be different! Patriarch Qingye was really a genius in the sky, and he was able to create such a thaumaturgy."

Whether it is the real method of continuing the divine sword, or the supreme technique of "one qi transforming the three cleans", if Daoxuan can get it, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult for Liu Xu to kill him. One Qi Transforms Three Purities", performed by Daoxuan who is in the Taiqing Realm, even the current Liu Xu dare not say that he will definitely be able to take it.

Moreover, if Liu Xu remembers correctly, the Supreme Heavenly Emperor in "The Great Master" also practiced the method of transforming the three cleans into one qi, and later this method was passed on to Mu Chen, the son of the plane, so that he could grow up to be able to fight with Xiao Yan. A super expert comparable to Lin Dong has the capital to fight against the devil emperor on the battlefield against the aliens.

You must know that Xiao Yan, the protagonist of "Fights Break the Sphere", and Lin Dong, the protagonist of "The Martial Universe", their adventures and adventures can no longer be described with exaggeration, and Mu Chen's luck is far beyond the two, even It is possible to become the joint son-in-law of the two, because Xiao Yan's daughter Xiaoxiao and Lin Dong's daughter Lin Jing seem to have feelings for Muchen...

In the end, Mu Chen became the master in one fell swoop, shocking the heavens and the world.

Listening to Liu Xu talking to himself, all Qing Yun's disciples were taken aback for a moment, not knowing what he was talking about, but everyone understood that Liu Xu got a chance from Zhu Xian that even the master Daoxuan didn't know about.

Subconsciously, everyone looked at Liu Xu's hands and felt a bit hot.

Aware of all this, Liu Xu smiled slightly, and with a black body, he came to Lu Xueqi.

Seeing the dark and ferocious head approaching her little by little, Lu Xueqi's expression did not change at all, but Shuiyue beside her took a step forward, blocking her lover behind her.

"What do you want to do?" Shuiyue asked coldly, looking at Liu Xu's eyes almost bursting into flames.

But Lu Xueqi gave her a hand, shook her head, stepped forward a few steps, and looked up at Liu Xu.

The breeze blew, shaking the hem of her clothes, with pity, hatred and a trace of confusion in her eyes, Lu Xueqi quietly looked at this man who was getting further and further away from her.

"Do you still want to kill me?"

Liu Xu played with the broken sword of Zhu Xianjian and said calmly.

"miss you!"

The answer was decisive, but Lu Xueqi didn't care at all that Liu Xu might take her life at any time. Instead, the disciples and Shuiyue gasped and showed worry on their faces.

"Then take the Immortal Execution Sword and go to Huanyue Ancient Cave!"

Throwing the Broken Sword and Jade Essence together at Lu Xueqi, Liu Xu's expression was exceptionally calm, and no one could tell what he was thinking.

The black water snake turned and left slowly, while Liu Xu stood on it without looking back.

"A month later, I will come to Tongtian Peak again, and then we will make a deal!"

Seeing the huge figure gradually going away, Lu Xueqi slightly pursed her lips, ignored the surprised or suspicious eyes of the people around her, picked up the Zhuxian sword, turned and left resolutely.

There should indeed be a break between her and Liu Xu.


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