Chapter 1076 Refining the blood array, the son-in-law turned against each other

Deep in the cave of the Ghost King Sect in Huqi Mountain, there is a blood pool.

The huge space was shrouded in a strong bloody aura, and the transpiring bloody aura even dyed the hard stone walls a bright blood red color.

In the pool of blood that kept churning out bubbles from the depths of the bloody water, four ancient spirit beasts soaked wearily in it. There is a divine dragon with four claws, and an ugly one with four eyes on its forehead, but it is the Taotie caught by Liu Xu before.

In the sky above the cave, a mysterious cauldron was floating there, and four dark red light shadows shot down from there, enveloping the four strange beasts.

Whenever the four strange beasts started to struggle, the red shadow suddenly became brighter, and then the strange beast seemed to have lost its blood, and collapsed limply.

But in contrast, the big tripod hanging in the air is brighter, full of spiritual light, full of energy, and even the mysterious inscriptions on the tripod are shining brightly.

I don't know how long those spirit beasts have been soaked in this blood formation, but now even the strange head of the devil engraved on the front of the Fulong Cauldron has completely turned blood red, and there is a faint strange force hovering over it.

In the huge cave where the entire blood pool is located, there is obviously no sound except for the occasional sound of bubbles bursting in the blood pool under the feet.

But when one is inside, one feels as if one is in a vortex. An invisible but huge force has awakened from the darkness, growing stronger little by little, peeping at the world.

And what is even more surprising is that at some point in the middle of the blood pool, a silvery-white light gradually appeared, like ink dripping in the water, gradually spreading, spreading to the surroundings and even the big cauldron in the air and go.


The big cauldron hummed without wind, as if it had sensed something, it kept trembling, and the dark red light curtain kept churning, but it couldn't stop the silvery white light, gradually the silvery white replaced the dark red , has become the main theme of this huge cave.


A burst of hurried footsteps came from outside the cave, and there was a loud bang, and the door connecting the cave to the outside was pushed open.

The ghost king with an extremely gloomy face came in with the three envoys of Qinglong, Baihu, and Suzaku, as well as Mr. Ghost, the most mysterious ghost of the ghost king's sect.He looked a little embarrassed.

There was no wind, but the skirt of his clothes was fluttering. Seeing the spreading silvery white light, the corner of Ghost King's mouth twitched, he took a deep breath, and suddenly let out a loud shout.

"Liu Xu, get out!"

"Get out... come out... come..."


The ghost king's voice echoed continuously in the cave, and it took a long time to calm down.

At first, the entire blood pool was quiet, but then the sound of juanjuan water was heard, and some bubbles suddenly appeared in the middle of the blood pool, and then more and more bubbles, until finally it boiled like boiling water.

In the endless blood, a head floated up, then the body, and finally the feet. A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy stood on the blood pool out of thin air.

Under his feet, the silvery-white light rippled in circles, constantly tumbling outwards.

Beads of blood kept falling from his head and face, and his eyes were filled with indifference. Liu Xu looked at the ghost king and asked, "Why, do you have anything to do with me, my lord father-in-law?"

"What's the matter?" The ghost king pointed at the dazzling silver-white light, and asked viciously: "You still ask me what's the matter, what have you done?"

A quarter of an hour ago, the Ghost King, who was with his old friend outside, felt a sharp pain in his heart. The connection with Fulongding due to the secret method sacrifice suddenly weakened a lot, and it may be severed at any time.

Shocked, the ghost king couldn't care less about other things, he hurriedly brought the three holy envoys and Mr. Ghost who are currently in the ghost king's sect to the location of the four spirit blood formation, and what he saw was this scene, how could he not be angry .

"What did you do?" Hearing what the ghost king said, Liu Xu tilted his head, glanced at the huge blood formation behind him, and then said casually: "Naturally, it is the blood formation of refining four spirits, can't father-in-law see it?" come out?"

That natural tone made the Ghost King startled for a moment, and then he laughed back angrily, and said, "Ha, I have spent half my life working on these four spiritual blood formations, so you can take it if you say so. Liu Xu, my virtuous son-in-law, don't you Do you think it's a little too much?"

"Excessive?" Liu Xu looked at the sticky blood beads on his hands, felt the pungent smell, frowned, and then said calmly: "I don't think, I said earlier that you can't control four The spiritual blood circle will be corroded by Shura sooner or later. I will refine it for you, you should be grateful to me for saving your life!"

Hearing this, the ghost king's face became even colder, he took a step forward, stared at Liu Xu firmly, and said, "I've said before, whether I can control the Four Spirit Blood Formation or not will only be known after I try it!"

Liu Xu shook his head and chuckled lightly, and said indifferently, "But I'm not interested in fighting Shura again, it's too troublesome!"

With murderous intent in his eyes, the ghost king looked at Liu Xu and said slowly, "So there's nothing to talk about?"

He raised his hand slightly, and the three envoys behind him, Qinglong, Baihu, and Suzaku, sacrificed magic weapons one after another, and even that Mr. Ghost also sacrificed a piece of blood-red bone.

Liu Xu chuckled at this, and said, "Sure enough, in the end, our Holy Cult depends on who has the biggest fist, but father-in-law, do you really think you can beat me?"

In fact, it is more than just the holy religion, the law of the jungle preys on the strong, looking at any world, any region, any force, it is a general rule.

Whoever has the biggest fist can speak louder!


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Chapter 1077 You Ji's betrayal, the two sides calculated

The Ghost King frowned, then chuckled lightly, and said in a playful tone: "If at other times, you had a high skill, with the help of the black water snake and the three-eyed giant ape, it would not be easy for me to defeat you, but now you have to practice How much cultivation can the Huasiling Blood Formation use?"

Speaking of this, the ghost king's voice paused for a moment, and then he continued: "And I'm not afraid to tell you that Fulongding is born with the power to restrain all kinds of rare and exotic beasts, even if you summon the black water snake and the three-eyed snake Spirit Monkey, you can suppress it here with the four of us, you have no chance of winning."

Taking a deep look at Liu Xu, the Ghost King said in a deep voice: "For Baguio's sake, let me go now, I can treat nothing has happened, and you are still my son-in-law. After a hundred years, this demon It's not that I can't hand over the position of leader to you!"

Shaking his head, Liu Xu glanced at the ghost king, but his eyes were a little strange. He only heard him sigh slightly, and said, "Father-in-law, it seems that not only your skills have not improved, but your IQ has not grown much over the years. It's really too much." Let me down! Do you really think that I will plan this Fulongding without any preparation?"

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Ghost King's expression changed slightly, but before he could think about it, the sudden change occurred.

Two flashes of brilliance flashed, and the green dragon and the white tiger behind him screamed at the same time, flew out like a kite with a broken string, fell to the ground, and vomited blood.

His face was already livid, the Ghost King turned around and stared at the person who made the attack.

"You Ji, you betrayed me!"

Looking at You Ji who was holding the Vermilion Bird Seal in one hand and the Immortal Sword in the other, the Ghost King was full of anger.

"You Ji, you actually betrayed me?"

Being able to be brought here by the ghost king at this time is undoubtedly trusted by him, but there are also traitors among these people, which makes him not feel chilled or angry.

"Ahem! Third sister, are you crazy!"

Blood was overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and he fell to the ground. The Qinglong envoy covered Yuexiong's mouth, his eyes were full of disbelief, and beside him, the white tiger envoy also stared at You Ji with wide eyes.

Listening to the questioning of several people, You Ji's eyes that were exposed outside the veil dimmed, and she lowered her head in shame.

Seeing the Qinglong and Baihu envoys who fell to the ground over there showed a bit of sadness, but even so, she did not waver, and the magic weapon in her hand, the fairy sword, was still pointed at the ghost king and Mr. ghost.

On the contrary, Liu Xu smiled and explained. He glanced at Qinglong and Baihu who were lying on the ground, shook his head and said: "Thanks to you and You Ji getting along for hundreds of years, it turns out that you have never understood She! Although the Suzaku Holy Envoy looks strong on the surface and never hesitates when it is time to act, she is very soft in her heart, and sometimes her thoughts are very naive! Dealing with a woman like her is really very simple ,I just……"

"Enough! Stop talking!"

You Ji closed her eyes in pain, and suddenly interrupted Liu Xu.

In the beginning, Liu Xu was only entangled. She thought that the other party was greedy for beauty, so she sternly refused, and even threatened to tell Baguio.

But I didn't expect Liu Xu to intensify. He just didn't care about other things, and blatantly flirted with her again and again. He wasn't worried about being discovered by Baguio, on the contrary, she tied her hands and feet.

You Ji could tell that Baguio was very happy under Liu Xu's care, and she didn't want to spoil this happiness, and at that time, the ghost king clan had not yet unified, so Liu Xu's cooperation was needed in every aspect, and she couldn't turn against him. I can grit my teeth and hold on.

But gradually, Liu Xu's movements became bigger and bigger, and she was almost discovered by Baguio a few times, and she finally couldn't hold on anymore.

After hearing the other party's proposal to give up just for one night of happiness, she compromised.

Ever since seeing the old Wan Jianyi on the Tongtian Peak many years ago and witnessing his death, the yearning and nostalgia in You Ji's heart are gone, and her heart is dead.

For the great cause of Ghost King Sect, and for Baguio's happiness, You Ji felt that she could bear it with gritted teeth, so it was a night of indulgence!

But I didn't expect that this indulgence would lead to a bottomless abyss.

In that secret place, amidst the pain and joy, the bright white light forcefully dragged her into another world, and since then, You Ji has never been able to turn back.

Although You Ji didn't speak, the look on her face said everything.

They were all people who had been with her for hundreds of years, how could Qinglong and the others fail to notice that the Baihu envoy immediately yelled at Liu Xu.

"Bastard, what did you do to You Ji?"

"If I had known today, I should have killed you when I was in Tongtian Peak!"

Facing the barking of the defeated dog, Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders and ignored it at all, but You Ji gritted her teeth and said resolutely: "Second brother, don't talk about it, this action is voluntary, and no one forced you to do it." I."

Having already known the fate of the ghost king in the original book, You Ji decided to stop the ghost king this time, she couldn't just watch the ghost king being corrupted by Shura.

Although if it weren't for the fact that she was controlled by Liu Xu, she would not be able to make up her mind at all. As Liu Xu said, her heart is too weak. If she is not controlled, she really doesn't have the courage to betray her for many years. companion.

But the matter has come to this point, she will not regret it, she saw You Ji bowed to the ghost king, and begged: "Sect Master, let go, just like what Liu Xu said, the Four Spirit Blood Formation is not something you can control! "

Hearing this, the ghost king's face changed slightly, but then he returned to his true colors, looked at Liu Xu solemnly, and said: "Although you were able to subdue You Ji beyond my expectations, I didn't lose either." In order to prepare for today, I have already sent out Mrs. Sanmiao, Jin Ping'er and others who were close to you, and the suzerain has already ordered Xuanwu before coming in. As long as I don't go out after a quarter of an hour, he will I will rush in with my suzerain's confidants!"


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Chapter 1078 Mr. Ghost, Qiankun Lock

"Sorry, I'm afraid Xuanwu Holy Envoy won't be able to go!"

As soon as the ghost king finished speaking, an extremely lazy and ecstatic voice came from outside the gate of the cave, and a charming woman in white came in dragging the unconscious Xuanwu envoy.

But it was an old friend whom the ghost king was entertaining just now, Xiaobai, the nine-tailed celestial fox.

Glancing at the basalt envoy in Xiaobai's hands, the ghost king felt his heart sink. He never expected that even this old friend with unfathomable skills would stand by Liu Xu's side.

He was not surprised by the defeat of the envoy of Xuanwu. This Tianhu was already a first-class figure in the world hundreds of years ago.

Looking at the charming and affectionate pretty face, the Ghost King's voice was a little shivering, and he said: "My Ghost King's foundation also has a share of idiots. You and her are like sisters, so you can't bear to watch it fall outside. in human hands?"

Seeing Xiaobai appear, the ghost king knew that his side's chances of winning were extremely slim, and he had no choice but to reveal the friendship between his dead wife and Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was silent for a moment, her flower-like face showed a little hesitation, but then she shook her head and said, "I can't help it, I owe him a lot of favors, and I have to pay him back, and he's also an idiot." Son-in-law is not considered an outsider!"

Seeing that Xiaobai was determined, the ghost king no longer insisted, but took a look at Mr. Ghost, and said: "This is the end of the matter, for the present plan, please work with me, sir, to break through here together, and move the rescuers outside." !"

Mr. Ghost was silent for a while, then nodded, sacrificed the blood jade bone, and said in a deep voice, "I will help the suzerain!"

But at this moment, Liu Xu suddenly said: "Mr. Ghost, you are from Fenxiang Valley!"

Mr. Gui was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why Liu Xu could know such a secret, but then he responded, "So what?"

Xiaobai's expression on the opposite side of him immediately became ugly, and the originally unbearable expression disappeared immediately.

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