After being imprisoned for hundreds of years and even killing her beloved son, Xiaobai didn't have any affection for the people of Fenxiang Valley.

But Liu Xu's intentions were obviously more than that. He pointed at the Fulongding at the back and asked, "Do you know what that is?"

Mr. Ghost took a closer look, and then his face changed drastically.

There is a white spot on the forehead of the devil's head on Fulongding, which is different from the silver-white light spreading from Liu Xu's body.

The white bright spot is very pure, and it also carries a very ancient power, firmly nailed to the center of the devil's brow.

In a sea of ​​blood red, it is extremely conspicuous.

"The Qiankun lock! It's such an ancient restriction, how could it be like this?" Apparently, Mr. Gui recognized what it was, and also knew the function of the Qiankun lock.

Then I heard Liu Xu say slowly: "Mr. Ghost, although I don't know why you, a person from Fenxiang Valley, cooperate with the Ghost King, but it is nothing more than something related to interests, and most of them are also related to the four blood spirits. There is a connection. I will tell you clearly now that only I can solve this world lock, if you still want to use the four spirit blood formations, you'd better choose to cooperate with me!"

After carefully observing the white dot and confirming that it was indeed the Qiankun Lock, Mr. Ghost gave the Ghost King an apologetic look, and then took a few steps back, aiming the blood jade bone piece in his hand at it. The ghost king has obviously made a decision.

He had ulterior motives, and he and the ghost king mostly used each other, otherwise the ghost king wouldn't be the first to kill him after he transformed into Shura. At this time, seeing that only Liu Xu could truly liberate Fulongding, he naturally rebelled immediately.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Xu eliminated all the ghost king's helpers, leaving only a widow, standing alone by the pool of blood.

Surrounded by You Ji, Xiao Bai, and Mr. Ghost, this is not over. Just hearing a beast roar, a three-eyed giant ape came out from a corner of the cave, and looked at the ghost king with the same unfriendly expression. .

Although Liu Xu couldn't release the Blackwater Profound Snake to hide in advance because of his size, it was still possible to make Xiao Hui shrink and hide in a corner.

In just the blink of an eye, the ghost king was already in a desperate situation.

It's just that he obviously didn't want to give up yet, he took a deep breath, his whole body was circulating, and he was about to make a final fight.

But Liu Xu dispelled his desperate plan with one sentence, and said, "Father-in-law, if you don't want to fight with Baguio and his daughter, I advise you to give up!"

The expression on his face was extremely indifferent, Liu Xu just looked at the startled and terrified Ghost King without any color in his eyes.

"Believe me, I will do this. Although I don't want to go to that step, I just don't want to. I must get the Fulongding. For this reason, there is nothing I won't do!"

The blood in the blood pool is churning, and the silver light on Liu Xu's body is flowing. The red and silver are intertwined, and there is a strange beauty. It was freezing cold.

There was constant struggle on his face, first anger, then fear, but finally the ghost king sighed dejectedly, his whole body relaxed, and whispered: "You won!"

The plan that had been planned for hundreds of years failed, and the look of looking down on the world disappeared from the King of Ghosts, leaving only a sense of twilight.

On the other hand, when the goal was achieved, Liu Xu didn't have any joy on his face. He said to the Ghost King indifferently: "Then please stay here for a while, father-in-law and others. I still need to refine these four spirits." Blood array!"

After all, his body sank slowly again, and fell into the pool of blood again, but before being submerged by the billowing blood, his brows suddenly frowned, and he seemed to be talking to himself and complaining: "It's so dirty! "

In the cave, the blood pool was as quiet as ever, leaving only the silvery white slowly spreading.


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Chapter 1079 Shura's power pouring into the body, Qingyunmen catastrophe

Tongtian Peak, Huanyue Ancient Cave.

Slowly walking on the path of the phantom moon, before Lu Xueqi's eyes were scenes of the past, master, senior sister, the first practice, the first flight, the first time to control the sky thunder, all kinds of scenes kept in front of her eyes They flashed, but in the end they were all fixed on the figure of a man.

On Qimai Huiwu, he who called her an idiot, but then led away Tianlei, Wanfushan, who held Tianya in his hand, with blood flowing, and him who pulled him and himself into despair together on that full moon night. .

There seemed to be a voice calling in her head, and her body was trembling constantly, but Lu Xueqi bit her cherry lips tightly and walked forward step by step.

Holding Zhu Xian's Broken Sword in her hand, Lu Xueqi's eyes were full of determination and firmness.

This time, we must make a conclusion!


The bright red blood kept surging in front of his eyes with the pungent fishy smell. As the silver light of the refining four spirits' blood array continued to expand, Liu Xu sank deeper and deeper at the bottom of the blood pool. The surroundings were extremely quiet. The noise, it seems that he is the only one left in the vast world.

In order to refine the four spirit blood array, it is not necessary to soak the whole body in this blood pool, as long as the body has contact with it, but there is no doubt that the whole body is soaked in it, and the speed is the fastest.

In just half a day, the silver-white light had covered the entire blood pool, and even the Fulongding cauldron above was covered with a layer of silver light.

On the platform next to the blood pool, Mr. Ghost dressed in black began to manipulate the astrolabe he got from You Ji to unseal the Qiankun Lock on the Undulating Dragon Cauldron.

As if realizing something, the head of the demon on the Fulong Cauldron became more ferocious and vivid, as if it was about to come alive.

The blood pool was boiling, and a large amount of blood energy rose up, covering the entire cauldron, forming a giant cocoon.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

It sounded like the beating heart of a living person, and the atmosphere in the cave was extremely oppressive, as if something extremely evil that did not belong to this world was about to descend.

Standing on the edge of the blood pool, the ghost king's face changed slightly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, for the first time, he had doubts about whether he could subdue the power of the blood formation of the four spirits. Could this kind of evil power really be controlled by human beings?

As Mr. Ghost continued to activate the different forces on the astrolabe, the face of the demon on the Fulong Cauldron became more vivid, and the white dot on the top of the demon's head became brighter and brighter.

Finally, seven large golden characters rose from the astrolabe, turned into golden beams of light, and shot towards the white dot.


A very soft, very soft sound.

The light spot of Qiankun Lock on Fulongding quickly dimmed and disappeared, leaving a small finger-sized hole in the middle of the demon's face, and the next moment Fulongding's light flourished.

The blood cocoon surrounding it exploded violently, turning into a huge demon head.

As if joyful at being reborn, the head raised to the sky with a roar.

The huge sound echoed continuously in the cave, and the whole cave began to vibrate. A large amount of rubble fell from the ceiling of the cave and fell into the pool of blood, gradually emitting blue smoke.

Two huge blood pillars soared into the sky, like the arms of a devil, holding a figure out of the pool of blood.

Suspended in the air, Liu Xu's eyes were closed tightly, and half of his body was covered with scorched marks.

A humane grin appeared on his face, and the huge demon head suddenly turned into a ball of blood, which spread all over Liu Xu's body, and flowed from his seven orifices towards his body, such a big ball of blood in the blink of an eye It completely disappeared in Liu Xu's body.

Belonging to Liu Xu's conscious world, the world is a vast expanse of whiteness, and mysterious fog is everywhere.

Suddenly, a little bit of red suddenly appeared in the white space, and in an instant, the world was dyed blood red.

As if water drops were dripping on the water surface, circles of ripples appeared at Liu Xu's feet, and then a head that looked exactly like Liu Xu slowly floated out of the ripples, opened its mouth to Liu Xu, eyes full of ridicule .

"Want my power?"

"are you ready?"

"Do you really think you can control the power of Shura, or do you plan to become Shura yourself?"

"That's right, maybe that's what suits you..."

It was Liu Xu's kick that responded to him. Without a trace of pity or hesitation, he directly crushed the face on the ground that was the same as himself.

"You talk too much!"

Liu Xu suddenly stood up, stretched out his hand and waved to the sky.

The wind and cloud changed color, and the sky returned to the white scene in an instant.

Looking at the fragments of his own face on the ground, Liu Xu showed a trace of sneer, and said, "I don't have any seal restrictions now, and even a mere distracting thought caused by the power of Shura wants to affect me, you are too underestimating me .”

In reality, Liu Xu suddenly opened his eyes.


At the top of Huqi Mountain, the wind and cloud changed color, and the thunder fell from the sky, exploding across the sky and the top of the mountain!

The strong wind blew away the boulders in smoke, the world was rustling, and the scenery was desolate and desolate!

A bloody light and shadow suddenly broke through the ground and swept towards the sky.

The blood formation of the four spirits, the strange formation that collects the four spirits and arouses the power of the Nine Nether Shura, can corrupt people's hearts and seize people's minds, with infinite power.


The bloody red light covered the sky and the sun, and the entire sky turned into a dark red color, and the dark clouds billowed like a sea of ​​blood, making people feel breathless when looking at it.

Under this red cloud, everything is dyed red, the sky is red, the mountains are red, the clouds floating in the sea of ​​clouds are red, the water drops flowing from the Hongqiao are red, and even the cold water seems to be red. The mountain wind blows, as if it is also red.

The thick bloody smell, blowing from the wind, filled Tongtian Peak.

One after another silhouettes swooped down from under Tongtian Peak from all directions. There were thousands of people densely packed, and there were silhouettes everywhere. Everyone's eyes were shining with a strange red light.

Screaming and wailing, Qingyunmen stepped into hell almost instantly.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1080 Fulong Cauldron, Fall of the Demon Cult

This time the Demon Sect army came very suddenly, Qing Yunmen and some righteous people who were helping them collapsed thousands of miles before they had time to react, and were directly surrounded by a large number of Demon Cult followers on the Yunhai Square of Tongtian Peak.

Crowds of people crowded together, roaring and shouting sounded one after another, and the cloudy fairyland once again became a battlefield, but it was different from the last battle between humans and monsters, this time the same kind of fighting was more tragic and even more insane.

At the end of the battle, neither the Righteous Way nor the Devil's Cult could distinguish each other's affiliation, and the only one who could brandish the magic weapon in his hand mercilessly slaughtered the living creatures in front of him.

A faint blood mist spread across the entire Yunhai Square, and now even the eyes of those righteous people began to flash a strange red light.

"Ah, it's really boring! Isn't the Jade Immortal Sword Formation ready yet?"

Above the sky, a lazy voice appeared.

Sitting on a big cauldron whose whole body was so brightly red that it could almost bleed, a young man with a handsome appearance and somewhat strange appearance was yawning boredly with his legs crossed.

"What did you, a traitor, do? What's going on with these demon cultists!"

In the center of the battlefield, which was relatively calm, Tian Buyi asked Suru to take care of his disciples, and then disregarded his wife's objection, flew into the sky and questioned Liu Xu.

After only a month of not seeing each other, Liu Xu's demeanor changed drastically again.

The sinister aura that was originally righteous has disappeared, and now he is sitting on the cauldron, innocently like a child, without the breath of a cultivator at all, and his eyes are as clear as a stream.

But it happened so, Tian Buyi felt a chill.

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