If it is said that when he saw Liu Xu in the past, he just felt that his temperament was a bit contradictory and changeable, sometimes he was like a crane bone, and sometimes his evil intentions were mysterious, then Liu Xu gave him the feeling that he was not human at all, but what? Heterogeneous.

It's not that Liu Xu has become ugly now, on the contrary, he looks more charming and attractive now.

But it gives people a feeling that the other party is definitely not a human being, and that a human being can never be so beautiful.

"You, how did you become like this?" Tian Buyi asked in surprise.

Liu Xu blinked and clicked his ears in confusion.

The originally somewhat rude movements now seemed to have a strange charm.

"Well, I don't know too well, but it may be because of Fulongding's Shura power pouring into the body, resulting in a trace of Shura's blood in the body, which led to the improvement of the charm attribute, reaching the max level..."

"Well, then there was a big change in temperament, and it became what it is now. But speaking of it, aren't the women of the Shura clan beautiful and the men ugly? How come it's the other way around..."

Obviously, Tian Buyi didn't understand a word, Liu Xu also noticed this and smiled lightly.

"Okay, master don't talk about these things, let me tell you some good news!"

"The devil's teaching is over!"

Tian Buyi shrank his pupils, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

"Dong dong dong..."

Liu Xu knocked on the big cauldron under him, made a hollow sound, and then said with a smile: "This thing is Fulong Ding, the treasure of the ghost king's sect, and there is something like a mustard space inside. It contained the army of the Demon Sect inside, so that it could sneak attack Qing Yunmen without anyone noticing."

"However, there are some shortcomings in this space. Everyone who is put into it will be corroded by Shura's breath, turning into something like a blood slave, bloodthirsty and irrational."

Glancing at the thousands of Demon Sect disciples below, Liu Xu shrugged and said, "For the sake of this final battle, to have a better time, I put [-]% of the Demon Sect's people in it." gone."

A cold air spread from the spine all the way to the back of the neck, Tian Buyi took a look, and the demon cultists below who were killing each other rather than killing each other were almost speechless.

Because the number of righteous people is too small, the magic weapons of those demons will hit their own people nine out of ten, but they don't care, instead they attack more frantically, the red light in their eyes is a bit dazzling.

Originally, this scene was just a little weird in Tian Buyi's eyes, but now after hearing the reason, his hairs stood on end.

On the other hand, Liu Xu was still chattering there: "Speaking of which, it is not easy to gather so many congregants. I spent several days of hard work, and I almost didn't have time to catch up with the one-month period... ..."

Like a child, Liu Xu complained while talking: "Besides, when I want to do this, my old father-in-law will go crazy! He is going to fight me desperately, thanks to Baguio Heyou Ji held him back, otherwise I would have to fight him first, which would be too troublesome. After all, he is also my father-in-law, and I can't kill him..."

On the opposite side of Liu Xu, Tian Buyi murmured, "You're crazy!"

When he thought of how the Demon Cult, which had flourished for more than ten years and had been passed down for thousands of years, was actually destroyed by this person, he didn't know what kind of eyes he should use to look at his former disciple.

But Liu Xu smiled when he heard it, and supported it with his hands, and stood directly on the edge of the cauldron.

"Perhaps, I also feel that after Shura's power entered my body, I became even crazier, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that!"

Putting his left hand between his eyebrows, Liu Xu looked at the place where the battle was still taking place in Yunhai Square, and said, "Since Junior Sister Lu still needs some time, I'll take care of some things first. I remember that there were some guys in Qingyunmen that I didn't like!"

Then I saw Liu Xu holding his right hand falsely, and then swung down violently.

The next moment, an extremely thick red light blasted down from the blood cloud.


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Chapter 1081 The final battle, to end everything


Among the crowd, Qi Hao didn't even have the strength to resist, and was smashed into pieces, and the surrounding area of ​​more than ten feet was also affected. Countless limbs and broken arms flew into the air, and the rain of blood splashed all over everyone. Even the sea of ​​clouds square has an extra dark pit.

"Stop me!"

Only then did Tian Buyi react, Ting Jian stabbed towards Liu Xu, the scarlet flames lingered and turned into a dragon.

Facing this sword, Liu Xu didn't even move. A barrier of bloody light appeared in front of him, blocking the flame and sword light, and Tian Buyi couldn't break it no matter how he attacked. .

Then Liu Xu concocted according to the law, killed Lin Jingyu and Chang Jian one by one, and sent them to the west. Every flash of the red light brought countless deaths, some from the righteous way, and some from the demon sect.

All of a sudden, the entire Yunhai Square was rumbled, the Demon Cult was still crazily slaughtering, but the eyes of most people in the Righteous Way showed despair.

Liu Xu seemed to have nothing more to do to kill those people who had a little grudge against him one by one, but he tilted his head, thought for a while, then glanced at Tian Buyi, and there was another red light Blast out.

The one who died this time was the newly promoted head teacher Xiao Yicai, and Liu Xu smiled and said to Tian Buyi: "Master, I will kill the new head teacher for you, so you may have a chance to be the head teacher too. Don't thank me too much!"

Poor Xiao Yicai, after taking over the position of head teacher, ambitiously wanted to unify Qingyun and establish his own prestige and status. For this reason, he did not hesitate to turn against the two uncles, but in the end he was killed by Liu Xu casually. It's not easy to make a joke.

Seeing Liu Xu slaughtering Qingyun's disciples while laughing, Tian Buyi's eyes turned red, and while desperately attacking the red barrier, he shouted angrily: "Nie Yi, stop!"

Miraculously, Liu Xu actually stopped what he was doing.

Looking at the back mountain of Tongtian Peak, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


For some reason, the originally violent and noisy battlefield suddenly became quiet. There was no sound at all, and all the Demon Cult troops with their fangs and claws were all stunned in place.

In the silence, the ancient Tongtian Peak and the entire mountain range trembled slowly.

A long howl burst out from the back mountain of Tongtian Peak, gradually rose higher, turned into a passionate Qingyue, cracked gold and stone, and went straight to the sky.

The next moment, a huge colorful lightsaber reappeared in the sky of Qingyunmen.

Opening his arms, facing the giant sword that held up to the sky, Liu Xu laughed loudly.

"Come on, come on, Xueqi, let's get this all over!"

"Everything will end today!"


The bright and magnificent beam of light pierces through the sky and soars above the nine heavens, like a scorching sun, awe-inspiring and brilliant.

The sea of ​​blood rolled, the ghosts and gods whispered softly, thousands of creatures struggled bitterly, and the huge vortex was as deep and mysterious as reincarnation.

"Zhu Xian...Zhu Xian...that's Zhu Xian!"

"Lu, Senior Sister Lu succeeded! We are saved!"

In front of the Yuqing Palace, looking at the seven-colored divine sword, all the disciples of Qingyun cheered happily. It was their hope, it was the glory passed down by Qingyunmen for thousands of years, and it was their pride engraved in their bones. .proud.

Everyone firmly believes that as long as there is Zhuxian, Qingyunmen will never perish.

But all the demon disciples stopped strangely, and then everyone's face showed pain, and their faces were distorted. Countless blood mist spread from their seven orifices, and then continued to flow. The ground gathered into the sea of ​​blood in the sky, one, two, and after a while, everyone fell to the ground, and there was no more movement.

In the blink of an eye, there were only a few dozens of people and corpses left in the entire Yunhai Square. That weird scene was definitely eye-catching at ordinary times, but at this moment everyone was staring at the sky, staring at the sky. This is the final battle between good and evil.

The blood mist gathered, and the sea of ​​blood surged for a while, and finally formed a blood-colored giant standing upright, floating behind Liu Xu.

Standing on the Fulongding, Liu Xu opened his arms with a smile, and shouted loudly: "Come on, come on, Xueqi, let's make a deal this time!"

Following his big laugh, the blood-colored giant behind him roared, the sound shook hundreds of miles, and a pair of huge arms swept away at the sky-reaching sword pillar with overwhelming strength.

Among the sword pillars.From the depths of the radiance, a figure slowly emerged, because the radiance was so brilliant that it was impossible to see her face clearly, but only from the outline revealed by the light and shadow, one could see that slender and peerless figure.

"as you wish!"

Holding a simple long sword in her hand, Lu Xueqi's cold voice echoed throughout the world.Then, in the beam of light, a huge seven-colored sword was directly chopped down.

There was no violent sound, no dazzling light, but where the giant sword passed, the red mist disappeared like the first snow meeting the sun.

Just a face to face, the scarlet giant's arms were cut into two sections.

There is no such thing as the ever-changing, overwhelming billions of small swords in the past, and a single seven-colored Qi sword, but the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation is even greater than in the past. A sense of terror.

Seeing that Zhu Xian succeeded in one blow, he was in front of the Taiqing Palace.All Qingyun disciples cheered, their morale soared, but Lu Xueqi, who was holding Zhu Xian in the sky, did not show any excitement.

Sure enough, at the next moment, the two amputated arms of the blood-colored giant suddenly turned into a cloud of blood mist and returned to the giant. In the blink of an eye, two intact arms grew again. come out.


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Chapter 1082 Zhu Xian fights Shura, the ending is finally reversed

"As expected of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, it's really powerful!"

The cheers of the crowd below stopped abruptly, and they looked at the pale arms of the scarlet giant.Liu Xu smiled and said lightly.

"However, I'm going to get serious, so be careful, Xueqi!"

As one of Liu Xu's arms was raised high, the blood-colored giant in the sky had a new change. It turned into a sea of ​​blood again, and then split apart, turning into countless huge blood cells.

"go with!"

Immediately, the arm slid down, and the blood cells turned into bloody arrows and shot towards the colorful sword.

With the sound of sizzling, following the attack of the blood arrow, the seven-colored sword actually made a burst of corrosion, and the brilliance on it also dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


With a cold snort, Lu Xueqi, who was holding the Zhuxian Sword, began to moan in a low voice.

Silently, on the fierce battlefield of the sky, a huge vortex of air flow appeared. The deep black was like a bottomless abyss, gazing coldly at the mortal world.

Under the vortex, the colorful Jade Immortal Sword, which was beaten back steadily by the bloody arrows, suddenly faded from all colors, and turned into a hot and dazzling white lightsaber.


As if about to pierce the sky, the white lightsaber pierced towards Liu Xu who was standing on the Fulongding with a destructive aura.

Incomparably scorching light, comparable to the brilliance of the sun, the white lightsaber charged into the area full of blood cells like a bamboo, and the blood arrows that had brought many obstacles before were vaporized by the light and heat brought by the white light before they approached this time. up.

"It's really dangerous!"

There was a burning smell from the hair tip in front of his forehead, but Liu Xu's expression did not change.

He stomped his right foot down suddenly, and the entire Fulong Cauldron cracked open, and with a light crackling sound, it was turned into countless fragments.

Qing Yun Sect including Lu Xueqi was stunned for a moment, not knowing when Liu Xu would destroy the magic weapon at this time, but the expressions of everyone changed in the next moment.

I saw that with the shattering of the Fulongding, a tall and majestic phantom suddenly appeared behind Liu Xu. Dead silence, despair, and endless bloodlust, just looking at that phantom, all kinds of Negative emotions surfaced in people's minds.

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