
Bai Yanni had already gone to the police station. Ran Jing and Guo Haizao were drinking hot milk in the living room. When they saw Liu Xu holding a woman in his arms, their expressions were different.

Guo Haizao was very curious, and Ran Jing complained in a low voice: "Which little girl did you harm again?"

Liu Xu took off his shoes and was about to carry Lu Xueqi onto the bed in the bedroom, but Lu Xueqi moved her body, opened her eyes, and woke up.

Lu Xueqi looked blankly at the spacious living room, translucent floor-to-ceiling windows, calligraphy and paintings, vases, stairs, bar counter, aquarium, projection screen, luxurious sofa, and three beauties with different temperaments but no less appearance than her.

"Husband, where is this?" Lu Xueqi looked at Liu Xu suspiciously, with uneasy eyes.

Back in the present world, Lu Xueqi's personality in Zhu Xian hasn't disappeared, it's just sleeping deep in her consciousness.

The vitality had recovered her body, Liu Xu put her on the sofa, then walked to Shen Meizhuang who had just changed her shoes, put her arms around her and said, "Xueqi, let me introduce you, this is my girlfriend, Shen Meizhuang; The other two are my tenants."

Lu Xueqi was dumbfounded, her tears fell like broken beads.

"Landlord, you bully such a beautiful woman, you are really not a man!" Ran Jing felt a sense of justice, and wiped Lu Xueqi's tears distressedly.

"Beauty, don't cry, the landlord is a greedy, lustful, lazy, stupid, despicable bastard! It's not worth being sad for him at all!" Ran Jing comforted.

Lu Xueqi glanced at Ran Jing, then turned to look at Liu Xu.

"Honey, tell me, it's not true." Lu Xueqi said in a trembling voice.

Liu Xu sighed, and said: "These days, Sister Shen and I get along day and night, so naturally... plus your mother's phone number, so... she became my woman..."

Shen Meizhuang immediately pushed Liu Xu away, stayed away from him, and said to Lu Xueqi: "I did it with him, but I won't marry him! I didn't agree to his marriage proposal!"

The three women on the sofa were all confused.

"Sister Shen, don't do this. I, Liu Xu, swear today that you will not marry me! As I said, I will be responsible to you!" Liu Xu said, "As for Xueqi, I can only say that we are destined for each other in this life."

"I said, I won't marry you! If you force me, I'll leave now, leave Shanghai, leave Huaguo..." Shen Meizhuang returned to the strong manager Shen, with eyes full of spirit, and he never gave in.

"Sister!" Liu Xu would say this just to hug left and right, how could it be so difficult?

Unexpectedly, before Lu Xueqi opened her mouth, Shen Meizhuang's reaction was so strong.

"If you still think of me as your sister, marry Xueqi, she is a good girl." Shen Meizhuang said.

"Why did this happen?" Lu Xueqi sat slumped on the sofa, her tears couldn't stop flowing down, her red and swollen eyes, which had been healed by vitality, began to turn red again.

Liu Xu looked at Shen Meizhuang and said, "Did you see that? I betrayed her and she won't marry me. Now, can I marry you?"

Shen Meizhuang was silent, his eyes were extremely complicated.

"You didn't betray me!" Lu Xueqi said while wiping her tears.

"Xueqi, I know you are a good person, but don't deceive yourself, you can't trust me like before. I also have Sister Shen in my heart, and you are no longer alone. You and I are destined not to be together. "

"Before you broke up with me, did you have sex with other women?" Lu Xueqi asked.

"Absolutely not!" Liu Xu opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Ran Jing interjected: "Beauty, although the landlord is greedy for money, lustful and greedy, but I believe that before yesterday, he really didn't do anything wrong to you. He told us more than once that he has a girlfriend and someone he likes. Simple Reasoning, even for a beautiful woman like me, he just peeked and didn't dare to pursue, which proves that he really won't do anything wrong to you."

Liu Xu raised his forehead and rolled his eyes, and said, "Ran Jing, are you defending me, or are you taking this opportunity to praise yourself for being beautiful?"

"What I said is the truth!" Ran Jing said proudly.

Guo Haizao on the side hurriedly said: "I can also guarantee that although brother Liu Xu is lustful, he really won't do anything to sorry you. He just likes to play tricks and has dishonest eyes."

"What did you say?" Liu Xu stared, scared Guo Haizao to hide behind Ran Jing.

He was a little dumbfounded, not sure whether the two women were helping him or hurting him.

Lu Xueqi wiped away her tears, squeezed out a faint smile, and said: "You did it after you broke up with me, so it's not a betrayal. Now that the misunderstanding is resolved and we get back together, I won't pursue the past, as long as you don't talk to anyone else You will always be my husband if you mess with a woman. Today we will go to register for marriage, and tonight I will give it to you!"

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "Xueqi, don't be stupid. Since I agreed to marry Sister Shen, if I get back together with you, wouldn't that mean betraying her? I can't do this kind of thing! Now that you're sick, go back You are so beautiful, you have a bright future, and you will definitely meet someone who is worthy of you."

Lu Xueqi stared at Liu Xu, and said firmly: "I don't! Please don't punish you and me with my mother's mistakes! So what if you did it with her? Unless the two of you get married, I won't let you go! I After standing in the heavy rain for four hours, I have already figured it out, even if my mother stops me, I will not give up, even if I die! I want to pursue my love, I want to pursue my happiness!"

The three women in the living room were all moved by Lu Xueqi's declaration.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

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Chapter 1085 You want to be the third wife

Shen Meizhuang walked over with a smile, sat next to Lu Xueqi, stroked her hair, and said: "Xueqi, I'm sorry, it's my fault. Don't worry, I won't marry her, I chose to quit. I hope you don't blame him , It's all my fault, I was the one who seduced her all this time. Liu Xu is a good man, if you give up on him, you will regret it for the rest of your life! Xueqi, come on!"

Lu Xueqi's eyes turned red, and she said, "It's not your fault, nor is it your husband's fault, it's my mother's and that Taoist's fault. Sister, you are really a good person, thank you for willing to give Liu Xu to me. I will work hard if you have any conditions." Done, but I will never give up my husband to you, please forgive me!"

"Silly boy, from today onwards, Liu Xu will be your man." Shen Meizhuang gently hugged Lu Xueqi.

"Thank you sister." Lu Xueqi burst into tears.

"Let me abandon Sister Shen, I can't do it!" After Liu Xu finished speaking, he left the villa.

In this case, it's better for the women to discuss and make up their own minds. After such a thing, Liu Xu naturally knows when to withdraw.

Four women sat there in the villa, none of them knew what to say.

Ran Jing hesitated for a moment, and said: "It's hard to say about feelings. You two have to give in. You have to think about the mood of the landlord, right? First you are abandoned by your beloved, and then you make up your mind to marry a new woman. It was a misunderstanding, you each face one Liu Xu, but he has to face the two of you! I'm afraid he feels more uncomfortable than the two of you combined."

Guo Haizao said softly: "I think Brother Liu Xu feels sorry for the two of you. If you force him like this, he may have a rebellious mentality and simply refuse to marry both. If it is more serious, he will even run away and never see you again." Two. After all, he is only a young man in his twenties."

"Ah? Then what should we do?" Shen Meizhuang realized that because he believed too much in Liu Xu's power, he ignored his feelings.

Lu Xueqi looked at the three people with pleading eyes, and said, "You are all his friends, can you help me? I don't want to lose him. I know I'm selfish, but I can't control myself." As she spoke, she began to cry again .

It has to be said that Lu Xueqi's character and Zhu Xian's world are totally different.

Ran Jing hurriedly took out a tissue to help her wipe away her tears, and said, "Don't cry, there is no unparalleled road, and the four of us, together, will definitely find a solution!"

"Well, I won't cry! I'll find a way!" Lu Xueqi acted like a child, making people feel distressed.

The living room was very quiet.

Ran Jing pretended to be profound and said: "Politics is an art of compromise, and so is emotion. If you want to solve it, the three of you must compromise. How to compromise, you need to make up your own mind. It's not easy for me, an outsider, to intervene. "

In the end, Ran Jing revealed that she didn't know what to do.

Guo Haizao said in a low voice: "Change your nationality. I read the news. Men in many countries can marry multiple wives. Even the advanced and developed United States has a Mohist sect. A man can marry many wives."

Lu Xueqi shook her head, at least for now, she could not accept this kind of compromise.However, Shen Meizhuang's breathing suddenly became heavier, and then he carefully controlled it, with a hint of hope in his eyes.

"Change nationality? One man marries multiple women? Are you..." Ran Jing smirked and said, "I see, you want to be the third wife!"

"Xiao Jing!" Guo Haizao complained in a low voice, his face flushed.

Shen Meizhuang said helplessly: "Perhaps what Xiaojing said before is right. Liu Xu likes both of us, but he feels ashamed of both of us. He doesn't know how to choose, so he is angry. In his opinion, since the choice is One will inevitably hurt the other, it is better not to choose."

"Then what should we do? How about we wait? I won't force him. After a few months, everyone has figured it out, and then we can sit down and talk openly?" Lu Xueqi asked.

Shen Meizhuang was a little distressed, and said: "I can persuade him in small matters, and if I can't do it, I can play coquettishly to torture him, but for such a big matter, I speak harshly, but in fact I have no idea in my heart, anyway, I can't do anything now."

Ran Jing said: "Since everyone has no choice, let's deal with it coldly. But, sister Shen, are you sure you really don't want to marry the landlord?"

"Which woman doesn't want to marry a good man? But you don't know my age. I want to marry, but I can't. I gave up the idea of ​​marrying a long time ago." Shen Meizhuang looked at Lu Xueqi pitifully, "So I've never been jealous of Xueqi, I really hope that Xueqi and Liu Xu will get married."

"Thank you sister." Lu Xueqi was moved to tears.

Ran Jing chuckled, and said: "Then it's easy, Xueqi, you find a chance to cook raw rice and cooked rice, this is just the first step. The second step is to keep seducing her. He is so lustful, you And so beautiful, second only to me, Ran Jing, he will definitely not be able to resist your temptation, as long as you have a child, he will not marry you if he wants!"

"It seems like this is the only way." Shen Meizhuang said, but she felt uncomfortable in her heart. She didn't want to get married, but she always wanted a child from Liu Xu.

Lu Xueqi blushed and said, "Isn't this bad? I, I don't know how to seduce him."

"I'll teach you! I'm good at this kind of thing!" Ran Jing immediately took care of everything.

Guo Haizao suddenly said cautiously: "Ran Jing, you have never had a boyfriend!"

Ran Jing's complexion changed, and she said angrily, "Well, you Guo Haizao, you have learned to take revenge on me!"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to scratch Niannian's itch.

Guo Haizao was the most ticklish, he kept giggling and begging for mercy when he was scratched.

The dignified atmosphere in the living room finally dissipated, and the sunlight from the window made everyone feel much better.

Shen Meizhuang thought for a while, and said, "That's it! Let's deal with it coldly first, and don't provoke Liu Xu. Then, Xueqi will learn how to seduce Liu Xu. You don't need to take the initiative to seduce Liu Xu. How you usually treat Liu Xu is a little better." I know Liu Xu's temperament. The more you push him, the more he will fight against you. If you follow him and treat him well from the bottom of your heart, he will treat you too."

"Well, let me try!" Lu Xueqi said.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

Chapter 1086 Let me shrink from D cup to C

After tossing Guo Haizao, Ran Jing panted and straightened her messy hair, and said, "We need to inform Xiaoyao about this matter, I feel that she and the landlord have a closer relationship than Xueqi, she knows the landlord well, and with her help , I can increase my confidence by [-]% in dealing with the landlord. Sigh, I don’t know why Xiaoyao is so powerful. The landlord is fierce, and I am fierce. Just now, she was fierce to sister Chen, but she has never been fierce to Xiaoyao..."

Shen Meizhuang hesitated for a moment, and said: "Ask Xiaoyao for help? Why do I feel like a sheep is coming to the tiger's mouth? Xiaoyao, that little girl, has one heart with us, but if it is for Liu Xu's benefit, she will betray us without hesitation."

Jian Yao indeed seems to be closer to Liu Xu than to her sister Lu Xueqi.

"Cut! If we turn against the landlord, it seems that you will be on our side!" Ran Jing looked at Shen Meizhuang with great disdain, "As long as the landlord hooks your finger, you will be the first to jump to his side."

Shen Meizhuang blushed and was speechless.

After Ran Jing finished speaking, she glared at Guo Haizao, and said, "You are also a little heartless! This beauty grew up wearing a crescent hood with you. If I fall out with the landlord, you will definitely be the first to bite me. !"

"No." Guo Haizao lowered his head, not daring to look at Ran Jing.

Lu Xueqi was puzzled, and asked: "Can you tell me how you became his tenants, and also, he seems to know qigong? Before... he was not like this before..."

Shen Meizhuang reached out to stroke Lu Xueqi's hair, and said, "Your blessings are still shallow. In fact, Liu Xu is a Taoist disciple, but his cultivation did not go well. Later, he got an adventure and his cultivation level increased, so all aspects are different from before. If you tell me, I'm afraid I don't believe it, those billionaires, the director of the Public Security Bureau, etc., all want to curry favor with Liu Xu..."

"Huh? Husband is so powerful?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Xueqi blushed, since Liu Xu wasn't there, it would be inappropriate to call her husband directly.

But other women don't care, after all, Lu Xueqi is Liu Xu's real girlfriend.

Ran Jing said seriously: "Although I don't want to praise the landlord, he is really amazing, otherwise I wouldn't want Niannian to marry him. Let me tell you what I saw with my own eyes, you must have never heard of it .”

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