The three women stared at Ran Jing together.

Ran Jing immediately put on airs, and said mysteriously, "This is the first time, let's start with the 'disaster of the mad snake'!"

After talking about Liu Xu and her various experiences...

"Really?" Lu Xueqi asked in surprise.

"If I, Ran Jing, tell half a lie, let me shrink from a D cup to a C!" Ran Jing swore viciously.

"Well, if it's Liu Xu, I believe everything is possible." Shen Meizhuang wondered what it was to solve the demolition workers, they were the ones who were good at solving the problem of black coal mines, but it's a pity that this matter cannot be said casually.

Guo Haizao said in a low voice: "The hooligans in Wuquan County blackmailed my father. Later, it was brother Liu Xu who asked someone to drive away the hooligans. I didn't say it all the time. It's not that I didn't want to say it, but brother Liu Xu didn't let me say it. I think brother Liu Xu is better than what we saw. A hundred times."

Shen Meizhuang and Ran Jing nodded at the same time, the two had seen too many incredible things about Liu Xu.

But Lu Xueqi was anxious, and asked: "You say that, I don't think I'm good enough for Liu Xu, what if he hates me because he hates my mother, what should I do?"

Shen Meizhuang smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, you are so beautiful and have such a good temperament, how can you not match him? I think you are a good match. Didn't your mother think that he has no money before? He now has a million-dollar luxury car and has Tens of thousands of villas, with a net worth of over [-] million, if you take him to your house, no matter how stupid your mother is, she can't refuse him."

"Huh? He, he, he has a car and a house?" Lu Xueqi was full of surprise.

Shen Meizhuang said with a smile: "This villa, his name is also written on the real estate certificate! As for the car, he already has several million-dollar luxury cars. Xue Qi, the current Liu Xu is not the previous Liu Xu , I don't believe your mother dares to look down on him!"

Lu Xueqi sighed, with a worried look on her delicate face, she said: "But that Taoist priest is very powerful, and he can do magic tricks, I'm afraid..."

It's the same spell, but because of the different people who cast it, it becomes a witchcraft in Lu Xueqi's mouth.

In fact, that Taoist priest is no longer a problem. As long as he dares to take Lu Xueqi away forcibly, he will definitely awaken the other consciousness that is dormant in the depths of her consciousness. A mere ascetic in the doomed world, why don't you just kill him in seconds?

If Lu Xueqi regains her strength, it is not impossible to sweep the mysterious world of the earth.

After speaking, Lu Xueqi suddenly raised her head and said firmly, "It's okay! No matter what happens to him, I will never leave Liu Xu."

"Good boy." Shen Meizhuang liked Lu Xueqi more and more.

Ran Jing pursed her lips, and said in a low voice: "A flower stuck in cow dung, the landlord is really lucky, why doesn't the handsome guy he likes take a fancy to me!"

Shen Meizhuang pondered for a moment, and said, "Nian Nian, Xiao Jing, let's go out now, do our own thing, leave Xue Qi at home, and give the two of them a chance to be alone. Liu Xu just couldn't think about it for a while, as long as Xue Qi follows him , everything will be resolved. After this period of time passes, let's find a way to settle things!"

"it is good!"

So the three women left, leaving Lu Xueqi at home.

An hour later, Liu Xu returned to the villa.

When Liu Xu opened the door, he saw Lu Xueqi, who was wearing a white suspender skirt and a white apron, walking towards her with a smile on her face. The apron hung down to her waist, and the suspender skirt was so short that almost half of her thighs were exposed.

Liu Xu only glanced at it, and secretly sighed that Lu Xueqi was worthy of being the school's department flower. She has a good figure and is beautiful, especially a natural and pure temperament, like a lotus after the rain, fresh and unique.

"Honey, you're back, I'll help you change your shoes." Lu Xueqi ran over with a smile, knelt down in front of Liu Xu without hesitation, and helped Liu Xu change his shoes.

Liu Xu's heart was beating violently, and when he heard Lu Xueqi calling her husband, he had an illusion, as if he was married and Lu Xueqi was his wife.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1087 Will you kill me with the Zhuxian sword?

"Don't do this." Liu Xu hurriedly stopped Lu Xueqi, this was too wronged her, and Lu Xueqi, who was used to the cold beauty in the world of Jade Immortals, was really awkward now.

Holding the shoes, Lu Xueqi raised her head and smiled, "Honey, I haven't been with you for so many years. I want to express my miss for you in this way. Can you help me?"

"You don't need to be like this." Liu Xu was a little uncomfortable. Next time "Lu Xueqi" wakes up, will he chop me with the Zhuxian sword?

"I like it!" Lu Xueqi smiled and helped Liu Xu change his shoes, then took Liu Xu's hand, pressed his shoulders and pushed him onto the sofa.

"Husband, wait a moment, I'll pour you tea." After a while, Lu Xueqi walked over holding a tea tray, with beautiful legs in short skirts, pure and seductive...

Liu Xu was sitting behind the coffee table, and Lu Xueqi was opposite the coffee table.

Lu Xueqi knelt on the ground, picked up the teapot, and poured the tea into the cup.

Liu Xu felt in his heart that at any time, Lu Xueqi was pursued, flattered, and praised by men like stars, but now she did such a thing regardless of her status. How could he not be moved.

"Xueqi, listen to me, don't wrong yourself like this." Liu Xu looked into Lu Xueqi's clear eyes and said.

Lu Xueqi smiled slightly, her eyes bent into crescents, and said, "Honey, I don't feel wronged!"

Liu Xu patted the sofa and said, "Sit beside me, I don't want to see you kneeling in front of me."

Lu Xueqi saw that Liu Xu's expression was not good, she immediately stood up obediently, and sat down beside Liu Xu.

"Well, I listened to my husband, I know my husband loves Xueqi." Lu Xueqi said softly.

"The more you do this, the more guilty I feel." Liu Xu sighed.

Lu Xueqi's fair face turned pink, she made a lot of determination, she hugged Liu Xu's arm with a blushing face, and leaned on Liu Xu's shoulder, her face was full of sweetness.

Lu Xueqi's cute and pure appearance moved Liu Xu's heart, and he let her hold her.

"I don't know if she has been exposed to the rain for so long, will leave the root cause of the disease."

Thinking in his heart, Liu Xu looked at Lu Xueqi with the Qi Wang technique.

After just one glance, Liu Xu was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

On the top of Lu Xueqi's head, there was a trace of purple air!

Purple Qi is coming!

Liu Xu remembered very clearly that when he first met Lu Xueqi, she had no purple aura on her body, but after thinking about it, he realized that this trace of purple aura must have come from the world of Jade Immortals.

The two hugged each other quietly for a while, Liu Xu patted Lu Xueqi on the shoulder, and said, "You haven't eaten all day, I'll go to the kitchen to cook for you."

"After you left, Sister Shen let me eat some pastries." Lu Xueqi said, "You sit down, and I'll make them for you!"

"Then let's do it together."

"Okay!" Lu Xueqi smiled happily.

The two went to the kitchen and cooked together like an old couple. One washed vegetables, the other washed rice;

The three dishes that Liu Xu cooked were delicious, but the two dishes that Lu Xueqi cooked were really horrible.

Lu Xueqi blushed, and said: "Husband, I seldom do housework before, so the fried dishes are not delicious. Don't worry, I will learn how to cook in the future so that you can eat more delicious dishes."

"I didn't marry you home to let you cook for me." Liu Xu said.

"But I want to cook delicious food for my husband and grab his stomach." Lu Xueqi blushed, this was what she read from the book.

"You have captured my heart a long time ago." Liu Xu said with a smile.

Lu Xueqi smiled and kept helping Liu Xu with food.

"Husband, you really can eat. The more you can eat, the more capable you are! Eat more." Lu Xueqi continued to serve Liu Xu with a smile, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, like a considerate little wife.

Liu Xu looked at Lu Xueqi carefully, and asked, "Isn't this your clothes?"

"Well, it belongs to that little stewardess." Lu Xueqi is older than Ran Jing and Guo Haizao, but because she has been in school and studied further, she is not as mature as Ran Jing.

Lu Xueqi was a little taller than Ran Jing, and her suspender skirt was a bit short. She was sitting on a chair, showing almost [-]% of her thighs. They were smooth and tender, and she could see the white underwear inside.

Although Lu Xueqi made up her mind to seduce Liu Xu, she was still an inexperienced girl, she hurriedly clamped her thighs, covered them with her hands, her face was full of shyness, and she didn't dare to look at Liu Xu.

"You go to the cloakroom to find a dress suitable for going out and put it on. I'll accompany you to buy some clothes." Liu Xu looked at Lu Xueqi with a smile on his face.

"No need, there are clothes at home." Lu Xueqi said hastily.

"I know you don't want me to spend money, but I like how you dress beautifully in front of me." Liu Xu smiled.

"En." Lu Xueqi was happy in her heart.

Liu Xu took Lu Xueqi upstairs, and then let Lu Xueqi into the cloakroom, he was outside the door.

"Honey, do you want to call the little stewardess and tell her that I want to wear her other clothes?"

"No, she's a foodie. Even if you wear all her clothes, it's only a meal. When we come back from shopping, we'll return her clothes to him."


Not long after, Lu Xueqi came out, wearing a white blouse and denim shorts, and Bai Shengsheng's legs were as straight as a pencil.

"Her skirt is a bit small, I still wear shorts, husband, do you think it looks good?"

Lu Xueqi was a little embarrassed, but Ran Jing told her to use all means to make Liu Xu's eyes focus on her, and asking him if he looked good in new clothes was the most direct and easiest way.

Liu Xu took a serious look up and down, and said: "Now I feel more and more that my vision is the top in the world, otherwise I wouldn't be the only one choosing you among so many girls. You are so beautiful, tsk tsk, this pair of big white legs , I'm flustered."

"Husband, you've turned bad! You weren't so glib before, even if you look through my collar, you're sneaky, and then you blush and your heart beats." Lu Xueqi said with a blushing face.

"Ah? You know everything?" Liu Xu suddenly felt embarrassed.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1088 I want to kiss my husband

"Hmph! The little nurse is right, your eyes are the worst!" Lu Xueqi walked over and took Liu Xu's arm.

"I didn't look at it on purpose before, but I suddenly got that angle, so I accidentally aimed at it." Liu Xu said helplessly, "Besides, if I don't look at it, it would be too humiliating to your attractiveness."

"Well, I like my husband to watch it, and I will only show it to my husband in the future." Lu Xueqi lowered her head, her little heart was pounding, she had never said such bold words before.

Liu Xu's heart beat faster, and he sighed secretly: "Lu Xueqi with such a character is actually not bad."

"Then I'll take a look." Liu Xu said with a smile.

Lu Xueqi didn't dare to speak to her, she blushed up to her ears.

Liu Xu and Lu Xueqi left the villa, took a car to the pedestrian street, and started shopping for clothes.

In addition to buying clothes, he also bought Lu Xueqi high heels, jewelry, handbags, cosmetics and so on.

Lu Xueqi felt sorry for Qian and tried her best to stop him, but Liu Xu found various reasons to spend money.

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