In the evening, I spent [-] yuan, and the car was filled with all kinds of brand-name clothes.

Seeing that she couldn't refuse, Lu Xueqi could only accept it. She chose the most beautiful off-the-shoulder white dress to wear, and it became a spotlight, attracting the attention of many men and women wherever she went.

Lu Xueqi didn't care about others, she just held Liu Xu's arm, talking and laughing with him.

Liu Xu's cell phone was broken, and he bought a new iPhone. Lu Xueqi asked the reason, blamed herself, and became more considerate to him.

After getting into the car, Liu Xu asked, "Do you eat Western and Chinese food?"

"Don't spend money, just find a noodle restaurant nearby and have a meal." Lu Xueqi said.

"I forgot that you like noodles very much. There is a good beef noodle nearby. Let's go eat it." Liu Xu said.

"En." Lu Xueqi nodded.

When they arrived at the beef noodle restaurant, Liu Xu, Lu Xueqi and Master Cui got out of the car and went to have a meal of beef noodles.

After simply solving the problem of dinner, Liu Xu and Lu Xueqi sat in the car, but they did not drive away in a hurry.

On the back seat, Lu Xueqi leaned lazily on Liu Xu, and said in a beautiful voice: "Husband, my previous dream was like this. Having a good meal and then sitting with you, my husband, is really better than anything else." Comfortable."

"We will be together often in the future. I will buy you a car in a few days. Do you have a driver's license?" Liu Xu is in a panic about burning too much money. If he doesn't spend a day, he feels uncomfortable.

"Not yet." Lu Xueqi shook her head.

"I forgot you used to use flying swords." Liu Xu laughed.

"Flying sword?" Lu Xueqi had a cute expression.

"I'll enroll you in a driving school first." Liu Xu changed the subject.

"En." After Lu Xueqi finished speaking, she suddenly blushed slightly, and turned to look at Liu Xu. Their faces were less than two inches apart.

Liu Xu stared at Lu Xueqi quietly. She had a fair face, a standard oval face, and the long eyelashes were extraordinarily thick, making the eyes look very beautiful. The nose was small and straight, and the pink lips were tightly closed, pure in a mess.

"Why, do you think I'm handsome again?" Liu Xu joked.

Lu Xueqi's fair face turned even redder, and her eyes were full of shame, but thinking of the words of Shen Meizhuang and Ran Jing, the thoughts in her heart blurted out: "I want to kiss my husband!"

After finishing speaking, she was so ashamed that she couldn't control herself, she hurriedly closed her eyes, her heart was pounding.

Lu Xueqi's voice was too seductive, and with her pure and shy face, Liu Xu couldn't help but stepped forward to kiss her.


"Old... man... I feel so uncomfortable..."

Lu Xueqi's voice turned into a cry, but it was full of unconcealable joy.

She struggled away, covered her face with her hands, and said in a crying voice, "My husband, I'm sorry, I can't do that kind of thing here. I want to give it to you on the wedding day. If you really want it, I won't resist. I can wait until night To your room?"

"Don't cry, I won't force you." Liu Xu thought to himself that Jade Immortal World has endured it for so many years. If Lu Xueqi's body is taken without that person's consent now, he will probably be chopped down by Jade Immortal in the future!

"Honey, you won't be angry, are you?" Lu Xueqi raised her head to reveal her face, the spring on her face was hidden in a blush.

"Don't be angry. Actually, I don't want to ask you for the first time in the car. The main reason is that your voice is too charming and pleasant. I couldn't hold back." Liu Xu said embarrassedly.

"Ah?" Lu Xueqi recalled her own voice just now, her face blushed, she covered her face and dared not look at Liu Xu.

She couldn't imagine how her voice could be so swaying, even thinking about it made her feel hot all over.

"What's wrong?" Liu Xu didn't understand why Lu Xueqi was covering her face again.

"I think my voice is good, what is that, I'm dead." Lu Xueqi had never encountered such a thing, and wanted to cry loudly.

Liu Xu instantly understood Lu Xueqi's thoughts, so he hugged her lightly, and whispered in her ear: "I really like your voice, and I will do it often in the future, otherwise I will get angry."

"Husband, you are so handsome!" Lu Xueqi cursed in a low voice, but she was relieved and snuggled into Liu Xu's arms. At the same time, she was faintly happy, happy that she could arouse her husband's interest.

She always felt that she was useless except for being beautiful, and she didn't have much advantage over those female tenants, but now she finally stopped worrying so much.

After a while, Liu Xu started the car. He sent Lu Xueqi home first, and then drove back to Azure Cartier.

Before the car reached the gate, Liu Xu saw a white police car parked in front, with the words "public security" and "police" on it.

Liu Xu parked the car, and before he reached the door, he heard a strange man talking to Bai Yanni inside.

"You really can rent a room here for only a few hundred?" the man asked.

"Yes, but the one who rented it to us is a housekeeper. That person is greedy, lazy, and very lecherous. The condition is that we clean the room, otherwise he wouldn't rent it to me so cheaply." Bai Yanni said.


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Chapter 1089 Yanfu is not shallow, treat guests to dinner

"The man who lives with you is the housekeeper?" the man asked.

"Yeah, I really hate him!" Bai Yanni's voice was a little nervous, eager to defend herself.

"It's okay. I like you, so I will trust you. Don't worry. I've prepared a house, and you can move anytime."

"I haven't agreed to be your girlfriend yet, why not move!" Bai Yanni was a little angry, but still a little bit shy.

"Okay! I like you so much that I can't help but say it. I'm sorry."

"Don't be like this, you're fine." Bai Yanni's voice was very low, obviously she already had a good impression of this man.

"What's his name? Have you checked it on the intranet?" the man asked.

"I've checked it. His name is Liu Xu. He is a very innocent person. If there is a problem, I will definitely not let him go!"

"Surname Liu? Coincidentally, I just transferred from another place. The person I heard the most was Master Liu, who was very famous in the police system. My dad had never met him, but he said that he was not easy to mess with. Don't provoke me at all."

Bai Yanni said in surprise: "You also know Master Liu? I admire him a little bit. Others say he is arrogant, but in fact he teaches the scum of our policemen every time. I heard that none of the people Master Liu taught is good!" Some even frame virgins as prostitutes, if it were me, I would be so mad! Master Liu is willing to do good things, he must be full of righteousness!"

"Well, I like people like this too." The man's voice was obviously not concerned.

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that another identity of his own would attract Bai Yanni's admiration, there is nothing more absurd than this in the world.

Bai Yanni often works overtime and rarely communicates with other women in the villa. Even if she chats, she doesn't talk about Liu Xu. The other female tenants know that Bai Yanni doesn't like to mention Liu Xu. Besides, Guo Haizao is shy and won't tell her bad luck; Ran Jing didn't have time to praise Liu Xu at all.

Liu Xu opened the door and saw Bai Yanni and a man looking at him.

Both of them were wearing summer police uniforms. Bai Yanni wore a light gray short-sleeved shirt and a black skirt. Her body proportions were well-proportioned, and she had a wild beauty that ordinary women did not possess.

The man was wearing a light blue short-sleeved traffic police shirt, half a head taller than Liu Xu, strong, handsome, full of masculinity, and most attractive to women.

The two seem to be a perfect match in every way.

The male traffic policeman strode over, stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is You Zehua, and you are Liu Xu, right?"

Liu Xu also made a move, and said with a smile: "My name is Liu Xu, hello, I'm Bai Yanni's boyfriend? You really have vision."

Bai Yanni suddenly felt that Liu Xu was a little bit pleasing to the eye.

You Zehua laughed, and said: "Not really, but I heard that there are many beauties living here, you are very lucky."

Bai Yanni has never been able to hide her thoughts, her face immediately changed.

After You Zehua finished speaking, he realized something was wrong, and hurriedly covered it up: "Unfortunately, I only like the type of Yanni, who is full of heroism, cheerful, and the most important thing is her kind heart, especially her big eyes. The first time I saw her At that time, it will fall."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Bai Yanni scolded in a low voice, she was not happy on the surface, but she was happy in her eyes.

Liu Xu put on his shoes and walked into the hall. Seeing that there was nothing on the table, as the owner of the house, he had no choice but to go to the kitchen.

"I'll get you some fruit."

You Zehua said, "No need."

"You're welcome." Liu Xu went inside and cut the watermelon. Seeing that there were still peaches, he wiped them with his right hand. The hair and dirt on the surface of the peaches immediately fell into the garbage bag. The peaches were spotless, and even the pesticides were removed.

"Come on, let's eat some fruit on a hot day." Liu Xu took out two slices of watermelon and handed them to two people respectively.

"Thank you, Xiao Liu." You Zehua took the watermelon with a smile and took a bite.

"Not bad, very sweet." You Zehua said politely.

Bai Yanni was very happy to hear You Zehua say yes.

Liu Xu really didn't want to receive guests who were not related to him, but he had no choice but to find an excuse to leave for at least ten minutes.

You Zehua smiled and asked, "Xiao Liu, I heard from Yanni that you are looking at the villa? Don't you have other jobs?"

"I'm still writing something online." Liu Xu said.

"Writer? But I don't understand this." You Zehua smiled.

"Hmm." Liu Xu asked casually, "You work in the traffic police team?"

"Deputy Captain of the Accident Prevention and Handling Brigade." You Zehua smiled slightly, revealing a hint of superiority and arrogance.

Bai Yanni was afraid that Liu Xu would not know about it and wanted to show off You Zehua's identity, so she explained: "The Accident Handling Brigade is the best department of the traffic police detachment, ordinary people can't get in."

Liu Xu knew that the Accident Handling Brigade was responsible for all kinds of accident determinations, so he said with a smile, "It turns out to be the most lucrative department. Officer You has a bright future!"

Bai Yanni hurriedly said: "Uncle You is the leader of the provincial department, a tiger father has no dogs and sons."

"Awesome." Liu Xu said with a smile.

You Zehua is not Bai Yanni's kind of person who does not have a city mansion. He found that although Liu Xu was polite, he didn't really show respect. He was secretly unhappy, but he didn't show it.

You Zehua smiled and said: "I originally only invited Yanni to dinner at night, since I met you, why not invite the people who live here to have dinner together, otherwise it will appear that I am too stingy."

Liu Xu said helplessly: "Sorry, I have already agreed to someone else's dinner tonight, how about I invite you in a few days?"

You Zehua and Bai Yanni were dissatisfied at the same time, the deputy captain of the traffic police team refused to invite him to dinner, he didn't know how to flatter him!

You Zehua smiled and said: "Look, I finally came here, and it's the first time we meet again, so I can't even give this face away."

"Sorry, I really made an appointment with someone else, and my friend did me a big favor. I'll invite someone else, next time!" Liu Xu said.

Bai Yanni was even more dissatisfied with Liu Xu.


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