The two senior security guards who were on duty at the gate of the school turned their heads to one side in a unified manner, pretending that they didn't see anything just now, and just let the Mercedes-Benz break into the university campus.

Because past experience told them that this kind of guy who dared to drive a Mercedes-Benz car on a rampage was usually the son of a very well-established official, and such a person could not be provoked by a small security guard like them.


Accompanied by the sharp sound of rubber tires rubbing against the concrete floor when the car braked, Liu Xu turned the steering wheel sharply and parked the Mercedes-Benz near the girls' dormitory area with a beautiful flick of the car.

He casually took out a pair of large wide-brimmed sunglasses from the car glove cabinet and put them on his face. Liu Xu straightened his somewhat messy hair in the rearview mirror of the car next to him, then opened the car door and walked towards the girls' dormitory area.

Girls' dormitory, free for idlers!

Taking a glance at the sign erected in the middle of the entrance of the girls' dormitory area, and the college boys gathered in groups waiting for their girlfriends at the entrance of the dormitory, Liu Xu walked in beside the sign with a smile.

"Hey, don't you see the sign at the door?"

However, the old lady who guards the door of the girls' dormitory is obviously more dedicated than the security guards at the school gate. She ran out from the duty room next to Liu Xu to block Liu Xu's way, and said proudly with her hands on her waist, "Small sample, don't think you changed one." With such a handsome vest, the aunt doesn’t know you anymore!”

Glancing at this middle-aged woman with a smug smile on her face, Liu Xu casually took out a few pink hundred-yuan bills from her pocket and stuffed them into the opponent's hand, then smiled and said, "Of course I saw it." , but I don't seem to be an 'idle person'?"

"Yes, yes, sir is not idle, sir is not idle."

The old lady who looked like an honest cadre of the Communist Party just now, after estimating the specific amount of the stack of banknotes in her hand, immediately degenerated from an honest cadre to a corrupt element hiding in the party with an eye for money.

The middle-aged woman put on a hypocritical smile and opened the door for the man in front of her with a smile. Liu Xu proved it for the [-]th time with practical actions. The saying that money can turn ghosts has been passed down for thousands of years The old saying is still applicable in today's society.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off, please try again later..."

Accompanied by the sweet female voice of the automatic telephone reply system of the telecommunications bureau, Liu Xu, who was standing in front of the girls' dormitory building, saw a few girls passing by in front of him cast strange glances at him, and a helpless wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. .

A mature man in a suit with a silent mirror on his face, and very formally dressed, unexpectedly appeared in the downstairs of a college girls' dormitory early in the morning to make a phone call. It was hard not to attract attention to such a weird scene.

At this time, Liu Xu realized that he had come here to find Wang Likun, and he had actually made a very serious and low-level mistake, that is, he didn't even know which female dormitory the other party lived in.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off, please try again later..."

Ten years later, when he heard the voice again from the speaker of the phone, he finally gave up the possibility of contacting the other party by phone.

Shen Shou stopped a girl who happened to pass by him, and adjusted his facial muscles to reveal a mysterious smile that he thought could win the favor of women, Liu Xu then smiled and asked: "This beauty, do you recognize her?" Do you know a senior female classmate named Wang Likun?"

"do not know!"

The girl thought for a moment, and finally shook her head like a rattle, but before she left, Shen pointed to a seven-story apartment building not far away, and said with a smile: "Although I don't know this Wang Likun classmate, apart from my senior year Except for off-campus rented houses, they basically live in that building."

"Thank you!"

Liu Xu once again showed a mysterious smile to the girl in front of him, and then followed the direction of the other's finger to the dormitory building, and from a freshman who also lived in this building, he found out about the two daughters Wang Likun and Zhong Liying. The specific address of the dormitory.

Block A on the 5th floor should be here!

According to the guidance of the girl just now, Liu Xu finally found Wang Likun's boudoir, and after habitually tidying up his appearance, Shenshou rang the doorbell of the room.

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

When he pressed the doorbell for the fifth time, the sleepy-eyed Wang Likun, who had just gotten up from the bed, finally appeared in front of him yawning.

"Liu Xu, why is it you?"

Looking at Liu Xu standing at the door, Wang Likun, who was only wearing a loose pajamas, looked very surprised. Obviously, he had never imagined in his dream just now why the other party would come to the girls' dormitory so early today to harass him.

From the corner of his eyes, he looked up and down the girl in pajamas in front of him without any trace, and then Liu Xu smiled and said: "Miss, can you let me in first, this is not a good place to talk?"

At this time, Wang Likun, who was still thinking about how the other party entered the girls' dormitory area known as the "forbidden place for men", realized this, so he quickly moved away his body that was still blocking the door, and let the man in front of him come in with him. The female dormitory shared by Zhong Liying.

Walking into the boudoir of Wang Likun and Zhong Liying, Liu Xu naturally turned his head and looked at this small student apartment that could only accommodate two people.

Two single beds covered with various trinkets, a desk with an old computer on it, and a hanging wardrobe in the corner, which is necessary for women’s homes, constitute the entire content of this girls’ dormitory. It is very in line with Wang Likun's character, and it can be as simple as it is careless.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1093 A Woman Says She Hates It Means She Wants It

At this time, Wang Likun, who had just woken up from sleep and his brain had not yet fully returned to normal work, saw the other party walk into the room and started to glance around, as if he suddenly remembered something very inappropriate.

With a blushing face, she hastily put away the few pieces of women's underwear hanging on the bed, and then she turned her head and said embarrassedly: "I've run out of tea, can I drink plain water?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, who looked extraordinarily beautiful because of her blushing, Liu Xu couldn't help saying, "Actually, as long as I can see you, I can drink whatever I want!"


Listening to the warm words from the man's mouth, Wang Likun, who was in the period of youthful agitation and had a good impression of the man in front of him, couldn't help but two bright red clouds rose on his face.

She opened her red lips and spit out two more words like a baby, then hurriedly turned around and picked up the glass to pour water for the other party.

At this time, Liu Xu looked at the girl in front of him who was only wearing a loose pajamas, and he didn't know where the courage came from impulsively, but he walked over like this and put his hands around Wang Likun's slender waist from behind, holding Wang Likun's slender waist. Pulled into his arms.

At the same time, Liu Xu confessed affectionately to Wang Likun: "Likun, in fact, since the first time I saw you in a taxi, I have loved you helplessly, can you be my girlfriend?"

"I love you!"

Before Wang Likun recovered and figured out what was going on, Liu Xuxin lowered his head and kissed the red and delicate lips of the girl in his arms accurately.

"Don't, don't do this!"

At this time, Wang Likun, who realized that she was being kissed by Liu Xu, began to struggle to push him away due to the natural shyness of women, but compared with the strong and powerful man in front of her, her strength seemed too insignificant.

So in desperation, she had no choice but to bite the opponent's mouth hard with her teeth, and finally Liu Xu was so painful that he shut up and let go of his arms around her.

"You are shameless!"

Looking at the guy in front of him who forcibly took away his precious first kiss while he wasn't paying attention, Wang Likun didn't care that he was still in pajamas, and ran to the door of the room crying.

"Don't go, I really like you!"

At this time, Liu Xu, who is a veteran in the field of love, of course knows very well that if he lets the other party run out of the room like this now, and then chases her back, it will take time and effort, so he hastily applied to pull the woman into him arms.

"If you really think that what I did just now is shameless, then yell and moleste. Anyway, I don't care about going to jail for playing hooligans."

Liu Xu tightly hugged the struggling woman in his arms, stared at her affectionately and said something very seriously, then risked being bitten again, bowed his head and played a hooligan again firmly.

After a moment of stiffness, Wang Likun's body stopped struggling and limply leaned into the man's arms.

In fact, the reason why I suddenly thought of looking for Wang Likun today was because when I was driving on the road, I saw an advertisement for a hospital: xx Hospital introduced advanced hysteroscopic embryo extraction and painless abortion, which is safe, accurate and easy to solve unwanted pregnancies , Painless, safe, Baogong, an old women's hospital in Chengdu, the charges are transparent.Consulting telephone xxx-xxxxxxxx

Because of this ad, Liu Xu thought of the last time he pretended to be Zhong Liying's boyfriend and accompanied her in the abortion.

That's why his car turned halfway...


"You hate it!"

When a woman says she hates it, she means she wants it.

"I think after fifty years, I will still love you as much as I do now. I don't want short-term tenderness, I just want you to be with me for the rest of my life..."

Looking at the girl who was panting heavily in his arms, Liu Xu hurriedly used the intermission time to instill his secret ecstasy soup into the girl again, which immediately filled the girl with a sweet smile of joy.

Her heart is probably already filled with an incomparably sweet thing that the world calls love.

Wang Likun's soul has probably already begun to soar into the sky, and his originally clever little head has completely fallen into a blank under the shock of happiness. Even when the man took off his nightdress is not clear.

However, as an experienced girl-picker, Liu Xu naturally understands how important rhythm control is for a girl like Wang Likun who is new to love.

"Easy, it hurts!"


After the sex, Wang Likun was like a cute kitten curled up in the man's arms, enjoying the sense of security that there was a man to rely on, and the smile on his face was so sweet and youthful.

"Just now, I was so happy that I felt as if I was going to faint, and I actually yelled like that, it's really embarrassing!"

Glancing at the blush on the snow-white bed sheet, Liu Xu turned his head and looked at Wang Likun, who had officially upgraded from a girl to a woman with the cat under his arms. He comforted him and said, "Don't be shy. In fact, these are just very normal physiological reactions of ordinary people, and your cry just now was as beautiful as a lark. I really like it very much!"

"However, I couldn't control myself at all just now. I knew that the classmates next door would hear me, but I couldn't help but screamed in the end."

Wang Likun's daughter Yang leaned in the man's arms shyly, and said shyly: "Just now I couldn't even control my body and mind, I even thought I was crazy!"

She felt very novel and amazed. Wang Likun was like other girls in the past. He could always hear things about men and women from various aspects, but he never really crossed the line, so he didn't know whether it was sour or not. Bitter or sweet?

When she finally tried it, Wang Likun realized that this feeling was much more beautiful than she imagined, so beautiful that she didn't know what words to use to describe it.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1094 It's really done exactly like the real thing

At this time, Liu Xu, who was looking down at Wang Likun's little face with uncertain eyes, smiled and asked, "Are you a little regretful?"

"You bad bastard, you took all of his body just now, and now you come to ask such heartless words, I really hate you to death!" Wang Likun gave Liu Xu an angry look, and said angrily, "I will be you from now on." If you are a person, you must not let him down in the future."

"Of course not. After you graduate from university, we will start a new life. Do you want to work or be a full-time wife..." Liu Xu naturally knows what women like to hear most about this kind of thing, and what he should say.

His beautiful vision of a bright future immediately made Wang Likun smile brightly, and his body naturally shrank into Liu Xu's arms.

At this time, Liu Xu stretched out his hand to caress Wang Likun's soft and smooth hair, and said with a smile: "To be honest, you always liked to wear that kind of loose casual clothes before, so I never noticed that you look like this." The skinny little guy originally had such a great figure!"

"I hate it, and still say..." Wang Likun reached out and pinched Liu Xu's waist.

"It's okay to praise you for your good figure!" Liu Xu exclaimed exaggeratedly, saying that women seem to be born with this kind of ability, and there is no need to learn from anyone.

"Who told you to think unhealthy things in your head?" Wang Likun pouted.

"Unhealthy?" Liu Xu smirked, "Li Kun, tell me why I think it's unhealthy?"

"Bad guy!" Wang Likun gave him a blank look.


The two got tired of being together and talked sweetly.

Time passed unknowingly, and Liu Xu, who had succeeded in stealing the fragrant orifice jade, felt a burst of hunger.

After glancing at the clock at eleven o'clock on his watch, Liu Xu looked down at the woman who was still holding a nympho expression in her arms, and said to himself, "It's so easy to slap Wang Likun, the process is so smooth that it's amazing It's unbelievable, generally speaking, shouldn't you experience such bloody plots when your roommate knocks on the door or interrupts you with a phone call? Hehe..."

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