Liu Xu said, "It's almost time for Chinese food, shall we go down and have something to eat first?"

Hearing this, Wang Likun, who had just done heavy physical work with a man, also felt that his whole body was a little weak from hunger, so he nodded obediently and hummed.

But when she picked up the shirt that originally belonged to Liu Xu from the bed and put it on herself, and was about to get out of bed and go into the bathroom of the dormitory to take a comfortable hot shower, she just stood up from the bed and hadn't moved forward yet. After taking a step, he screamed in pain and fell into the arms of the man on the bed.


Seeing Wang Likun's slight frown, Liu Xu didn't know what was going on, so Shen carried Wang Likun into the bathroom with a smirk, and began to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mandarin duck bath with her.


"Hi, hello, please reserve a luxury box for me, I will arrive at Jin Jiang Hotel in about half an hour."

After taking a shower in the bathroom, Liu Xu cast a glance at Wang Likun, who was seriously applying Yunnan Baiyao to his injured area last night, then picked up the phone and called Jin Jiang Hotel, and booked a luxury box in the VIP room on the third floor of Jin Jiang Hotel .

When Liu Xu and Wang Likun arrived at Jinjiang, the manager in charge of reception was already waiting outside the door.

Seeing that Wang Likun, who got off from the Mercedes-Benz, was obviously walking abnormally, the manager in charge of the guests in the luxury private room immediately understood what was going on, so he gave Liu Xu a wink and a thumbs up from behind her.

And Liu Xu also took advantage of Wang Likun's inattention, and gestured obscenely to him with the middle finger, and then embraced the woman who had become his trophy in his arms, and followed a tall hotel head waiter into the box on the third floor.

"Eat slowly, don't choke!"

In the private room, watching Wang Likun, who seemed to be a good eater next to him, once again launched an all-out siege on the table full of delicacies, Liu Xu suddenly remembered the diamond necklace he bought yesterday when he was shopping with Lu Xueqi.

It was originally intended to be given to Shen Meizhuang, but Liu Xu came home too late yesterday and forgot about it this morning, but now it comes in handy.

In the past, because the relationship between the two had not yet been established, Liu Xu was afraid that giving such an expensive gift rashly would arouse the other party's resentment.

Now, the relationship between the two has undergone a qualitative change following the girl's last night "the flower path has never been swept by customers, and the Pengmen has been opened for you", so Liu Xushen took out this string of diamond necklaces from his underwear pocket and waved it in front of her eyes. shook, and said with a smile: This is for you, do you like it?

"Men love money, angels love beauty, and women love diamonds."

When Liu Xu shook the diamond necklace in front of the woman's eyes, Wang Likun, who had been working hard and munching on the delicious food on the table, immediately looked up at the diamond necklace in front of him as if possessed by a demon, and his eyes were wide open. With the shaking of the huge diamond in the necklace pendant, it kept moving from side to side.

After taking this string of diamond necklaces from his lover, which exudes colorful light under the light of the box, Wang Likun looked at the string of diamond necklaces carefully, and then smiled and said a very ordinary sentence to let Liu In an instant, Xu almost had the urge to hit his head against the wall.

"Wow, what a beautiful rhinestone necklace, it's made exactly like the real thing!"

"artificial diamond?"

Seeing that this ignorant little girl actually took this string of diamond necklaces, which are not sky-high prices, but definitely genuine, as fakes that can be bought anywhere?

Liu Xu, who was drinking soup, almost spit out all the liquid in his mouth when he heard the words. Could it be that he is the kind of shameless guy who gives fake products to the woman he loves as a token of love?

However, Liu Xu did not solemnly declare to Wang Likun that this string of diamond necklaces is definitely not a fake, but just looked at her and smiled slightly, as if to admit that this string of sparkling diamond necklaces was just as Wang Likun expected. is a fake.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1095 A casual question, a normal man

After dinner, Liu Xu and Zhao Likun sent them back to school. The man puts "career first", she thoughtfully asked Liu Xu to go to "work", so he succeeded in making love to Zhao Liying, and the process went smoothly, even he himself was surprised Liu Xu went to Lu Xueqi's place, and the two of them spent the whole afternoon together.

In the evening, the two of them drove to Wenjiang Seafood Restaurant, and then entered the private room that You Zehua had reserved.

Except for Shen Meizhuang who hadn't come yet, Guo Haizao, Ran Jing, Bai Yanni and You Zehua were all there.

As soon as the two entered the room, the four stood up.

You Zehua is extremely enthusiastic, and she doesn't show a lustful look just because Lu Xueqi is a beauty, she looks like a flawless gentleman.

Because Shenmeizhuang came late, everyone ordered food and wine in advance.

You Zehua can speak well and completely control the atmosphere of the dinner table, and Ran Jing is also a master who can make trouble. With the two of them, the private room is very lively.

After eating for a while, Shenmeizhuang arrived, and not long after, the owner of the seafood restaurant personally delivered two bottles of Putao wine, saying that Captain You was here and sent it specially.

The boss greatly increased You Zehua's face, and Bai Yanni also felt proud.

The bridal sedan chair was carried by everyone, Shen Meizhuang held it up and said a few words, while You Zehua acted quite modestly.

Ran Jing secretly winked at Liu Xu, and then made a disgusting gesture.

Liu Xu smiled and lowered his head to eat.

He has been silent throughout the meal, and only speaks when others mention him.

Lu Xueqi is not introverted but relatively quiet, while Guo Haizao is introverted and shy, neither of them talk much.

Liu Xu wanted to leave early several times, but seeing the excitement of the scene, he was too shy to mention it.

After seven o'clock, Lu Xueqi, who had drunk a lot of drinks and wine, went out to use the bathroom.

Before Lu Xueqi came back, You Zehua left the table and said to go to the bathroom.

Liu Xu and Ran Jing looked at each other.

Liu Xu sneered in his heart, just now he clearly said that Lu Xueqi is his girlfriend, if You Zehua still dares to harass her, then you don't have to be polite!

Not long after, Lu Xueqi came back, looking happier than before, and Liu Xu felt the difference.

Lu Xueqi sat down beside Liu Xu, and whispered in her ear, "Honey, that person asked for my mobile phone number, and I gave him your number."

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect that the quiet Lu Xueqi would be able to play tricks, so he gave her a thumbs up under the table.

Lu Xueqi was even happier after receiving her husband's praise, and obediently poured wine for Liu Xu.

Ran Jing immediately winked at Liu Xu, showing a questioning intention, and Liu Xu took out his mobile phone and sent Ran Jing what happened just now.

Ran Jing looked at it, showing annoyance, and replied to Liu Xu: "Why didn't I think of this method yesterday, I will recite your mobile phone number now!"

Bai Yanni is a silly elder sister, she can't tell, but Shen Meizhuang thinks something is wrong, but she doesn't say much.

Liu Xu stood up, said in a low voice to go to the bathroom, then left the private room and stood not far from the door.

Not long after, You Zehua walked over.

"Xiao Liu, why don't you sit in?" You Zehua asked with a smile.

"You told me not to talk too much, I'll give you face." Liu Xu looked at You Zehua coldly, "But just now, what do you mean by asking my girlfriend for her phone number?"

You Zehua still smiled, and said: "You misunderstood, I just met her on the way, and asked casually, there is no other meaning."

"Oh, then I asked for Ran Jing's cell phone number yesterday, and I chatted with her all night, and I asked her casually?" Liu Xu said.

You Zehua never expected that Ran Jing would tell Liu Xu everything.

"What do you mean?" You Zehua put on an innocent look.

"What do I mean? What do you mean by me?" Liu Xu leaned against the wall with a slight sneer on his face.

You Zehua sighed helplessly, and said: "You really misunderstood, I really don't mean anything else. What I said to Ran Jing can be made public. I'm just interested in their industry, and I'll praise her by the way. As for Your girlfriend, since we eat together, we are friends, can't we communicate with each other? Xiao Liu, you are too sensitive."

Liu Xu stared at You Zehua, the sneer on his face deepened.

You Zehua smiled wryly and said, "Xiao Liu, your girlfriend and Ran Jing are so beautiful. As an ordinary man, it's not a big problem for me to strike up a conversation on the phone, right? I'm really not prepared to step on too many boats, and Bai Yanni's personality is not yours. I don’t know, if you tell her, can she spare me? If she goes to the traffic police to make a fuss, I will definitely be unlucky. Don’t worry, if I, You Zehua, have other thoughts about your girlfriend, let me go out and be hit by a car. .”

Liu Xu originally thought that You Zehua's attitude would be particularly tough, so he looked for an opportunity to intensify the conflict and beat him up, but he didn't expect him to give in, and it was really difficult to start for a while.

At this moment, the door of the private room opened, Guo Haizao and Bai Yanni came out with arm in arm, smiling, and there were chattering sounds of Shen Meizhuang and Ran Jing in the private room.

"What are you two talking about?" Bai Yanni asked with a smile.

You Zehua grinned and said, "Let's chat casually, by the way, Yanni, I think Guo Haizao is so cute, I want a phone call, are you not jealous?"

"There's nothing to be jealous about. If you don't want calls from these beauties, I'll think you're abnormal. Nian Nian, tell him." Bai Yanni said with a smile, not aware of the problem at all.

You Zehua glanced at Liu Xu with a smile, and said with a smile, "Everyone is very happy, so don't disappoint."

"What's wrong?" Bai Yanni asked calmly.

"Brother Liu Xu, sister Xueqi said just now that she was going to buy clothes, are you ready to leave?" Guo Haizao asked in a low voice.

"En." Liu Xu nodded, glanced at You Zehua, and returned to the private room.

Bai Yanni walked up to You Zehua, and asked in a low voice, "Is he finding fault again?"

You Zehua smiled wryly, and said, "No, don't get me wrong, Xiao Liu is actually pretty good."

"I knew he was dishonest." Bai Yanni said angrily.

"Okay, you guys go to the bathroom, I'll make a phone call." You Zehua said.

"Yeah." Bai Yanni and Guo Haizao walked to the bathroom together.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1096 Create Your Own Sky in the Entertainment Industry

You Zehua found a place where no one was around, and took out his phone.

"Little Lu, there is a kid who is bothering me. You and your brothers find an opportunity to revoke his driver's license and find a way to impound his car." You Zehua scolded: "Damn, dare to stop me from picking up girls!"

"Who is so short-sighted? When we get off work, our brothers will beat him up to relieve his anger."

"Don't! I heard that this person can fight. The police girl I'm dating once beat the city's police Sanda champion to the ground, but she said that according to her observation, that Liu Xu is no worse than her." , She took the opportunity to make a few shots, but was easily dodged." You Zehua said.

"Haha! It's no wonder you came to us, and it's also your fault that you're too ruthless. You're proficient in eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling. You must have been hollowed out. If you really want to fight him, even if you get back together afterwards, you will still contact us in the hospital."

"Stop talking nonsense! I'll go downstairs to check his license plate number and send it to you. You guys should pay attention." You Zehua said.

"Don't worry! Check his car when the time comes. It's fine if he doesn't hit me. If he dares to do it, he will die!"

"That's enough brother. Okay, I'll go downstairs to check his license plate number. It's an Audi A8, more than one million. Damn, it's better than my car. Okay, I'll hang up and wait for my news."

You Zehua glanced in the direction of the private room from a distance, showing a look of complacency.

"Fight with me? You're still young, Liu Xu!"

Liu Xu returned to the private room and did not leave immediately. After talking for a while, when Bai Yanni came back, he said that he wanted to go shopping with Lu Xueqi.

"Xueqi, let's go!" Liu Xu said.

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