"Well, good." Lu Xueqi immediately stood up and bid farewell to the others.

Ran Jing hesitated for a moment, then said cheekily: "Sister Xueqi, I don't want to interrupt your date, but I also want to buy some clothes, can you bring me one? Don't worry, I will follow behind, so as not to delay your intimacy."

Lu Xueqi blushed, and said: "Then let's come together! I want to buy formal clothes, but I am worried that no one will help me. You are a stewardess with a lot of experience, and you can just help me as a staff officer."

"Formal attire? There are a lot of business people flying, and I'm definitely good at it!" Ran Jing volunteered to stand up.

Shen Meizhuang glanced at Bai Yanni and said, "Let's go, I will go home with Yanni and Niannian."

So, the three of Liu Xu went to the mall to buy clothes together.

As expected, Ran Jing's vision was not bad, and she helped Lu Xueqi choose a few summer and autumn formal suits that fit well. Liu Xu praised her endlessly, but Ran Jing was beautiful.

Not only is Ran Jing a foodie, but she is also not relentless when it comes to buying clothes. On the pretext that the money in the gourmet fund is endless, she insists on acting coquettishly, and asks Liu Xu to buy her a backless evening dress.

After buying, Ran Jing told Lu Xueqi that this was an on-site teaching, and she would have to act like a baby like her in the future, Lu Xueqi nodded shyly, and made a note of it in her heart.

After shopping for clothes, Liu Xu sent Lu Xueqi home first. Last time he sent her home, he was empty-handed, so naturally he didn't go upstairs.

This time was different, Liu Xu's hands were not free, they were full of gifts in large and small packages.

What was given to Lu's father was cigarettes, tea and wine, all of which were high-end goods.

Father Lu was also a knowledgeable person. After seeing the gift from Liu Xu, he was so excited that he almost immediately recognized Liu Xu as his son-in-law.

Mother Lu was also very enthusiastic, as if she had completely forgotten what happened before.

Before leaving, Lu's father said that he and I would have a drink when he was free, and Liu Xu said yes.

Leaving Lu's house, got into the car, and chatted with Ran Jing.

On the way, Shen Meizhuang sent Liu Xu a letter from Wei, saying that Bai Yanni was upset again, and told Liu Xu not to care.

Go back to Azure Cartier, wash and sleep, and have nothing to say all night.

The sun gushes out from the east, breaking the tranquility of the city, and the venomous sunlight shines on the busy people.

In the early morning, everything was as usual, but Bai Yanni's complexion was not good.

After dinner, Liu Xu went out. Ran Jing was watching the news, and asked loudly, "Sister Yanni, there is no news about two fugitives who escaped from the prison a while ago? The news said that someone reported it, but the police rushed over. null."

"I don't know, anyway, be careful, especially commuting at night." Bai Yanni said.

"Yes." Ran Jing agreed casually.


As usual, Liu Xu went to Wang Likun to report.

"Li Kun, quit that job, okay?"

Still in the KFC fast food restaurant near the school, Liu Xu held his lover's little hand and made the request again, and said helplessly, "Why, are you so stubborn!"

"I will be very happy to accept the things you send, but I must earn the tuition for college by myself."

Wang Likun, who was munching on KFC, looked up at the man across from him, and answered him with exactly the same words again, with a firm look in his eyes.

"Well, I respect your decision!"

Faced with the woman's insistence, Liu Xu, who had made similar demands to the other party for the third time, had no choice but to choose to compromise for the third time.

However, Wang Likun's resolute rejection of him these few times also allowed Liu Xu to see the other party's independent character hidden under the weak surface.

No wonder she was able to create her own sky in the entertainment industry.

"Be good, don't be angry!"

At this time, seeing that Liu Xu was silent, Wang Likun, who mistakenly thought he was angry, suddenly stood up and leaned into Liu Xu's ear, and whispered, "Let's go back! Li Ying is not in the dormitory."


Hearing Wang Likun's words, Liu Xu couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then said with a smirk, "Then what are we waiting for?"

After the meal, Liu Xu drove to the door of the girls' dormitory, and once again corrupted the old lady who guarded the door of the girls' dormitory with a few hundred yuan bills, and then swaggered into the girls' dormitory, known as the "forbidden place for boys", with the woman in his arms.

"It's still comfortable in my own den!"

Walking into the dormitory, Wang Likun took off his coat and stretched his waist, revealing a beautiful figure, and immediately stared dumbfounded at Liu Xu next to him.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1097 The Teenager Who Passed "The Police Lady Bai Yanni"

"Let's go take a shower first, you just stay outside, and you are not allowed to peek."

Looking at the cesarean wolf who was staring at his body and swallowing fiercely, Wang Likun gave him a coquettish look, then took a few changes of underwear and walked into the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of water coming from the bathroom, Liu Xu couldn't help but start thinking about the train.


As the bathroom door was gently pushed open by Liu Xu.


After leaving the girls' dormitory, Liu Xu drove back to Azure Cartier.

The door of the villa was open, and Liu Xu walked up the steps. As soon as he reached the door, he heard the heartbeat and breathing of three people in the room, one of whom was very strange.

Liu Xu was about to enter the door when Bai Yanni's sharp voice suddenly came from inside.

"Liu Xu, don't come in! Run!"

"Come in, or I'll kill both of them! Come in! I'm not afraid of anything! You bitch!"

A hoarse voice sounded, followed by the sound of heavy objects hitting the head, followed by Bai Yanni's muffled hum.

One person after another appeared in Liu Xu's mind, and after pinching his fingers, he vaguely understood the reason.

With murderous intent in his eyes, he walked in without hesitation.

Although Liu Xu has no relationship with Bai Yanni, but after all, he is also a young man who has played "Bai Yanni", a young police woman. Of course, he would not let her die because of him, let alone Bai Yanni reminded himself at critical moments.

The point is, if Liu Xu doesn't fight an unsure battle, a mere mortal wants to threaten him with a pistol?

"I'm here, let them go!" Liu Xu raised his hands and walked in slowly.

He saw You Zehua and Bai Yanni sitting on the sofa.

You Zehua's arms were tied with ropes behind his back, but part of the ropes fell off and he could break free at any time, while Bai Yanni was handcuffed.

Beside Bai Yanni, a masked gangster was standing, wearing a very ordinary blue overalls, pointing the muzzle of a gun to Bai Yanni's temple, and Bai Yanni's forehead was severely scratched, and half of her face was stained red with blood.

Bai Yanni looked at Liu Xu angrily, and said angrily, "Who let you in?"

But You Zehua said: "The person you want to kill is here, let us go, we will never call the police."

Bai Yanni looked at You Zehua in surprise, not understanding that You Zehua, who is usually upright and masculine, would say such words that violated the police rules.

"Maybe it's to confuse the gangsters!" Bai Yanni thought to herself.

The masked gangster pressed Bai Yanni's temple even harder, looked up at Liu Xu, and asked, "You are Liu Xu? You moved our coal mine?"

As expected, it was the incident in the coal mine last time, which was the cause of the incident. Although Liu Xu helped Shen Meizhuang completely reverse his luck, he also cut off other people's luck and wealth, just like killing his parents.

"I am." Liu Xu walked forward slowly, mobilizing his true energy secretly, as soon as the muzzle of the masked gangster left Bai Yanni, he would find a way to strike, and at the same time, he had to ensure that he did not expose too much ability.

In front of Bai Yanni, Liu Xu didn't want to reveal his identity as Master Liu.

Bai Yanni said to the masked gangster: "I advise you to put down your weapon and plead guilty. Our policy is to be lenient when you confess, and stricter when you resist. Even if you kill us, you can't escape the magic city. There are electronic eye monitors all over the city. , you have no choice but to surrender!"

The masked gangster sneered and said, "Of course I won't kill you here. I'll take you to the wild and kill you. When the police find your bodies, I'll take the money and fly away. I hate the police the most in my life. Don't worry, before you die, I will taste the taste of a police woman! Hahaha!"

Bai Yanni gritted her silver teeth angrily, the masked gangster's words were a huge insult to her.

Liu Xu said slowly: "Brother, you are a desperado, just for money. How much money others pay, I pay double the money to buy my own life, what do you think?"

The masked gangster hesitated for a moment and asked, "Can you let me escape safely?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Those people can't beat me, so they ask you to kill people. If they can send you abroad, why can't I do it? Don't you think so?"

"How much can you give me?" asked the masked gangster.

"You make a price, is five million enough?" Liu Xu said, "I can give you cash!"

During the conversation between Liu Xu and the masked gangster, the rope on You Zehua's back almost completely fell off, and what was left on his arm was just for show.

While the masked gangster was distracted, You Zehua suddenly gave Bai Yanni a wink, signaling her to prepare to attack.

Years of experience made Bai Yanni feel that there is something wrong with You Zehua's eyes, but now it's a critical moment, so she can't think about it, so she blinked once, indicating that there is no problem.

Bai Yanni suddenly turned her head to avoid the masked gangster's muzzle, then stood up abruptly, and at the same time bumped her head against the masked gangster's chin with all her strength.

At this time, as long as You Zehua grabs the masked gangster's wrist and grabs the pistol, everything will be solved easily.

However, You Zehua didn't do that.

Liu Xu saw that You Zehua broke free from the rope smoothly, stood up, then pushed out with both hands, pressed on Bai Yanni's back, and pushed out with all his strength.

Bai Yanni's whole body hit the masked gangster's body, and she fell down with the masked gangster, while the masked gangster subconsciously pulled the trigger, and gunshots rang out one after another.

You Zehua rushed out of the villa in a [-]-meter sprint with unconcealable panic and luck.

You Zehua, who had been hollowed out by alcohol and sex in other places, did not dare to fight the vicious masked gangsters. From the very beginning, he was prepared to sacrifice Bai Yanni and escape.

Even Liu Xu, a master of calculations who counts heaven, earth, and people, didn't think that You Zehua would cheat his teammates like this.

The masked gangster subconsciously pulled the trigger continuously. The first shot hit the ceiling, the second shot hit the sofa, and the third and fourth shots accurately hit Bai Yanni's thigh.

The fourth shot hit the main artery of Bai Yanni's leg, and bright red blood spurted out.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

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