Chapter 1098 Have you committed an occupational disease?

Before the masked gangster fired the fifth shot, Liu Xufei rushed forward.

He took the pistol away with one hand, and punched the gangster three times on the head with the other, knocking him unconscious.

Afterwards, Liu Xu quickly put his hands on Bai Yanni's body, and his vitality poured in, sealing her wound and stopping the bleeding.

At the same time, Liu Xu gathered his vitality at the wound to avoid aggravating the infection in hot weather.

In order to cover up the wound, Liu Xu imitated the first aid method, tore off the gangster's shirt and twisted it into strips, opened Bai Yanni's blood-stained skirt, ignored the white cotton underwear that was mostly stained red, and tied the wound tightly with cloth strips. Then she pulled down the skirt and covered it, and rushed out with Bai Yanni in her arms.

"Yes, did Zehua save me?" Bai Yanni opened her eyes, her face turned pale due to excessive blood loss, her hands were tightly clutching Liu Xu's clothes, as if this was the only way to survive.

Seeing that it was Liu Xu, Bai Yanni couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

Although she has only known each other for less than ten days, Bai Yanni has already been deeply fascinated by You Zehua. With family background, education, education, and status, she wants to have both appearance and interior. She is simply the prince charming in Bai Yanni's mind.

In the past few days, she kept comparing You Zehua and Liu Xu, and found that compared with You Zehua, Liu Xu is simply a clown, while You Zehua is simply an omnipotent and perfect saint.

But the push from behind just now shattered Bai Yanni's dream.

The short-term pain made Bai Yanni unconscious. After waking up, she felt a warm embrace. Bai Yanni felt that it was just an unpleasant nightmare, and the real You Zehua would not do that.

Until she saw that the person in her arms was Liu Xu, Bai Yanni finally knew that she was betrayed by her beloved.

After all, You Zehua is a braggart son, not a hero who dares to face gunmen.

Liu Xu rushed out of the villa holding Bai Yanni who was crying and bleeding. He didn't see You Zehua, but saw a few security guards running over with batons.

Putting Bai Yanni in the passenger seat, Liu Xu rushed into the driver's cab, closed the door, and the car rushed out of the Azure Cartier like a cannonball.

Liu Xu glanced at Bai Yanni, she had passed out.

Liu Xu immediately called He Changxiong.

"Changxiong, do me a favor. A friend of mine was shot, but the injury is under my control and needs to be operated on immediately. Please help find someone to wait at the entrance of the provincial hospital. I will send him there."

"Okay, don't worry, I'll find someone right away!" He Changxiong said and hung up the phone.

Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down at Bai Yanni's wound, bloody and bloody, and couldn't help frowning.

When the policewoman was shot, the higher authorities would definitely pay close attention to it. Liu Xu could only do this at the moment, and he could help cure her after waiting in the operating room.

"Oh!" Liu Xu sighed softly.

Liu Xu didn't expect that Bai Yanni would risk her life to remind him when facing the gun.

I have to admit that Bai Yanni may have some problems, but she is definitely a qualified policeman.

You Zehua's performance filled Liu Xu with contempt for him.

Before arriving at the hospital, Bai Yanni woke up, making Liu Xu think that this police woman who insists on exercising every day is really strong.

However, Bai Yanni's body was strong, but her psychology was the opposite. After she woke up, she lay foolishly in Liu Xu's arms, staring straight at the roof of the car with empty eyes, as if she had lost her soul.

Liu Xu sighed helplessly, and said, "Don't think too much, take care of your body first, yourself is more important than others."

Bai Yanni did not change.

The car was getting closer and closer to the provincial hospital, and Master Cui ran through several red lights along the way.

When she was about to arrive at the provincial hospital, Bai Yanni finally came to her senses, looked up at the wound on her leg, her expression changed, she gritted her teeth, trying to hold back the tears in her eyes.

With this kind of injury, it is very likely that the bone has been hit, and the whole leg will be useless.

"What's the matter with the wound? How did it stop the bleeding so quickly? Why doesn't it hurt?" Bai Yanni is a policeman after all, with rich professional knowledge, so she immediately noticed something wrong.

"Are you suffering from an occupational disease?" Liu Xu scolded, "Shut up and stop thinking about it."

Bai Yanni immediately closed her mouth, her eyes were full of doubts, and she quickly remembered that Liu Xu could do qigong massage, but she used to scoff at it, but now she vaguely felt that Liu Xu might really know something, but she lost too much blood, her mind was not clear, and she couldn't figure it out no matter what. clue.

However, Bai Yanni understands one thing.

The Prince Charming in her heart abandoned her, but Liu Xu, who she looked down upon and even denounced as a villain, rushed forward at the critical moment in response to the gangster's gun and rescued her.

Bai Yanni's heart seemed to have knocked over the five-flavored bottle, with sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty coming out together.

Bai Yanni couldn't control it anymore, tears flowed down again, just now were tears of pain, but this time, they were tears of regret, tears of self-blame, and tears of gratitude.

The car arrived at the main entrance of the outpatient department of the provincial hospital. He Changxiong, several doctors and nurses stood at the entrance, pushing a hospital bed.

"Be careful, I'll carry you to the operating room." Liu Xu said.

"Yeah." Bai Yanni turned her head away, not wanting Liu Xu to see her tears, but her arms were involuntarily wrapped around Liu Xu's neck to prevent it from falling off.

Liu Xu got out of the car and said loudly, "You don't need a car. Find someone to lead the way. It's faster for me to hold her. Her wound has stopped bleeding, so it's not a problem, the main thing is time."

He Changxiong knew too well how powerful Liu Xu was, so he immediately said, "Listen to him!"

The doctors and nurses were helpless, and the male doctor immediately took Liu Xu and ran inside quickly.

Sending Bai Yanni to the operating room, Liu Xu injected a burst of true energy into her sick energy first. As long as the bullet was removed during the operation, the rest of the recovery problem would not be a problem.

Seeing that the doctors began to operate on Bai Yanni, Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief and sat down on a chair outside the operating room.

He Changxiong on the side asked, "What's going on?"

Liu Xu told the story of what happened in the villa. He Changxiong was furious and scolded You Zehua. This kind of scum in the police must be taken down.


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Chapter 1099

He Changxiong didn't resent You Zehua's behavior very much, but he was afraid of the consequences caused by You Zehua. If the gangster accidentally killed Liu Xu when he shot, then He Lao would not live long.

Not long after, Vice President Duan came and asked what happened. Vice President Duan was about fifty years old, with fine wrinkles on his face, and his hair was dyed black, so he didn't look very old.

After asking clearly, Vice President Duan immediately put on a bureaucratic style and said a lot of nonsense, such nonsense as the hospital attaches great importance to, all-out rescue, and not letting the people's police bleed and cry. Liu Xu and He Changxiong didn't take it. Look him straight in the eye.

Not long after, Liu Xu's cell phone rang.

"Is it solved?" Liu Xu asked.

The call was from Xiaotao, the security guard of Azure Cartier.

"Brother Liu, don't worry, it's all right! I didn't dare to move the gun or anything at the scene. I just tied the man up. Halfway through he showed signs of waking up. I took a [-]-volt electric baton and stabbed him in the crotch. He was beaten to death. Damn it, if you dare to harm brother Liu and sister-in-law Liu, let me see how I can deal with him!"

"What happened next?" Liu Xu asked.

"Then the police came, took the man away, and asked what happened to make a record, so I said nothing. The police also asked where you and the police flower were going, and I said I went to the provincial hospital." Xiao Tao said.

"Well, I see."

"Okay, I'm hanging up, Brother Liu, you are busy."

Just after the call was over, Director Qin from the Changyun District Bureau called again.

"Old Qin, what's the matter?" Liu Xu asked.

"Master Liu, do you live in Azure Cartier Villa No. 6?" Director Qin's voice was a little anxious.

"Did you get the news?" Liu Xu asked.

"It's really you? Are you okay?" Chief Qin asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but my tenant is injured. It's a policewoman named Bai Yanni." Liu Xu said.

"Bai Yanni? I remember her. She is very beautiful. Back then, when a certain leader touched her thigh, she slapped her and knocked out her reading glasses. It was a joke for a while. Although she has no background, she is capable of working. That leader I don't dare to suppress her too much. This person is very good, and I will promote her after a while." Director Qin added another sentence at the end of his speech.

"I really don't know about this." Liu Xu only knew that Bai Yanni was suppressed by officials, but he didn't expect Bai Yanni to be so staunch.

"It's thanks to You Zehua this time. His father is Director You of the Provincial Department. He will definitely be able to perform a personal second-class work this time." Director Qin's tone was full of envy.

Liu Xu vaguely guessed a possibility, couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and asked loudly, "What? Thanks to You Zehua? Tell me what you know!"

"I received a report from my subordinates that there was a shooting in Azure Cartier Villa No. 6. The gunman was a prisoner who escaped from Shigang Prison a few days ago. The injured was Bai Yanni, the instructor of the Airport Road Police Station. An innocent homeowner and traffic policeman You Zehua. You Zehua first called the police, and then worked together with Bai Yanni to arrest the criminals, rescued the homeowner, and have reported to the city bureau."

Liu Xu was so furious that he almost dropped his phone. He never expected You Zehua to be so despicable!

"Master Liu, what's going on?" Director Qin asked.

"This You Zehua is simply a scum among the police! At that time, he signaled Bai Yanni to cooperate with arresting the gangster, but Bai Yanni did it, and he pushed Bai Yanni towards the gangster, and ran away! After Bai Yanni was shot, I knocked the gangster unconscious, and then Carrying Bai Yanni to the hospital, he dared to say that he saved Bai Yanni and me? This You Zehua is simply too reckless! How could there be such a despicable and bold scum!" Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, and then cursed .

Director Qin was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but swear, and then said: "Master Liu, don't worry, I will discuss this matter with Director Wu. You Zehua's father is the director of the Equipment Finance Department, and he is the director of the Ministry of Finance. The head of the hall will be promoted to the deputy hall soon, so he dares to do this kind of thing. This kind of thing has happened before, but it involves too much and it is difficult to handle!"

"It's not easy for you, I'll do it." Liu Xu said.

Director Qin broke out in a cold sweat, and even his voice changed, he hurriedly said: "I'll ask Director Wu for instructions, please wait a moment, don't be impulsive."

As soon as Liu Xu put down the phone, He Changxiong asked what was going on.

As soon as he said that, He Changxiong was also annoyed.

"This bastard, even if he almost accidentally hurt you, he still dares to take credit for it. He is absolutely lawless! How dare you act!" He Changxiong walked back and forth in the corridor with arrogance.

Vice President Duan said in a low voice: "This is the door of the operating room, please keep quiet."

Liu Xu and He Changxiong ignored him. Vice President Duan would have jumped a long time ago if someone else had changed, but facing these two masters, he could only bear with it.

Although with the help of He Changxiong, the hospital immediately rescued her, but the hospital has its own rules, and Liu Xu has to go through various procedures, so Bai Yanni cannot be allowed to do these things by herself.

Bai Yanni's injuries were so severe and she was unable to move around. It was impossible for Liu Xu to keep looking at her. He had to find a nurse in the future.

Vice President Duan volunteered to accompany Liu Xu through various procedures. When he returned to the operating room, the doctor came out and said that the operation was a success and that the patient's injuries were very strange. If it was someone else, he would have died of excessive blood loss.

Vice President Duan was on the side, knowing that Liu Xu had tampered with it, and ordered the doctor not to talk nonsense, and treat it as a normal surgical operation.

Liu Xu and the medical staff pushed the hospital bed, arrived at the hospital from the underground passage, and then took the elevator to the intensive care unit. After passing the critical period, they could be transferred to the general ward.

The beds and various instruments in the intensive care unit are located on both sides, but there are never enough beds here. Two extra beds have been added in the middle of the ward, and Bai Yanni is the third extra bed.

When the doctors, nurses and aunts in the ward saw the vice president coming in person, they all stood up, busy, and tried their best to behave.


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