Chapter 1100 The Privilege of Stabbing Her

The attending physician and the head nurse also arrived later, and the doctors gathered around Bai Yanni to discuss the condition and reminded Liu Xu of some precautions.

When they knew that the reason for the sickness was to catch fugitives and get injured, everyone was moved. Before, it was to show in front of the vice president, but now they sincerely wanted to help Bai Yanni recover.

There are scum in the police, but without the police, the world would be a mess.

The salaries of the police are indeed tax money, but a few thousand dollars a month is neither the motivation for them to risk their lives to do things, nor the reason for them to die.

It is not suitable to keep too many people in the intensive care unit. Generally, only one family member is left, and the others leave slowly. Liu Xu is watching here.

He Changxiong has been in the provincial hospital these days, and he knows many things. He said that he would ask people to buy chamber pots, toiletries, etc., and that the nurses would choose the best ones.

Taking advantage of Bai Yanni's deep sleep, Liu Xu glanced at the ward. They were all seriously injured patients, and the most serious patients even had their limbs amputated. The atmosphere in the ward was very depressing.

Not long after, Bai Yanni woke up. She raised her head slightly, looked at the ward, and glanced at Liu Xu. A look of guilt flashed in her eyes, and then she showed pain again. She turned her head away from looking at Liu Xu.

"What do you want, tell me. Do you need to inform your relatives?" Liu Xu asked.

Bai Yanni hurriedly said: "No, my parents are away from home. I don't want them to worry. I'll tell them when I'm discharged from the hospital."

"Okay. Do you need anything else?" Liu Xu asked softly.

"No more." Bai Yanni tilted her head, still not daring to look at Liu Xu.

"Thank you for reminding me today. You have always been good, but I am not. Now I formally apologize to you." After all, Liu Xu is a big man, so if he wants to comfort Bai Yanni at this time, it doesn't matter if he is wronged.

Bai Yanni said softly with shame, "I'm a policeman, and it's my duty to protect the people. It wasn't your fault before, I always misunderstood you and thought you were not a good person, but I just realized today that I wrongly blamed you .Liu Xu, I'm sorry, can you forgive me?"

Liu Xu didn't expect this stubborn policewoman to admit her mistakes, and said with a smile: "I forgive you, and you have to forgive me, let's get to know each other again. Hello, my name is Liu Xu, policewoman, you are so beautiful, what is your name?" ? Can we have a meal together?"

Bai Yanni chuckled and said, "You're still not serious."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Liu Xu, knowing that Liu Xu said this deliberately in order to make her happy, there were tears in his eyes, gratitude, joy, and shame.

Days of misunderstandings and grievances officially dissipated with Bai Yanni's smile.

Liu Xu took out a tissue and handed it to her, and said, "Look, you look so pretty when you smile, don't keep a straight face all day long. I remember you like to eat durian, and you can't eat this kind of strong smell in the ward. I will find a way to make two Bring up a piece of durian meat, so they don’t smell it. There are also mangoes and cherries, I don’t know if cherries are available now.”

There were tears in Bai Yanni's eyes. Hearing what Liu Xu said, she covered her face and cried bitterly.

"Don't cry!" Liu Xu hurriedly handed over the tissue.

After all, Bai Yanni is not an ordinary woman. After crying for a while, she stopped quickly, wiped her tears, and said, "Liu Xu, I'm sorry. You even remember what I like to eat so clearly and treat me so well, but I always treat you as a bad person." Be careful, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Even if I become disabled, I will find a way to compensate you and repay your life-saving grace."

Speaking of this, Liu Xu actually felt a little guilty. If he really "shot", Bai Yanni would not be injured at all.

"Don't worry, you won't be disabled." Liu Xu comforted.

Bai Yanni sighed softly, wiped away the last tears, and said, "You don't need to comfort me, I'm a policeman, what kind of wound haven't I seen before? It's a miracle that the bullet went into the bone and it didn't get amputated. From now on, this leg is over. I have to resign, and I have nowhere else to go, would you like to let me, a cripple, live with you for a while?"

"Of course I would! You don't have to do housework for as long as you want to stay." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"You're such a good person." Bai Yanni smiled, suddenly revealed a look of resentment, and said through gritted teeth, "I'm really blind, why would I look at someone like You Zehua!"

Liu Xu got angry when he thought of You Zehua, and couldn't help but said, "Why else? You are a woman with a single-minded mind who only knows how to work and doesn't know how to talk about love. He still doesn't have one to lie to one, and two to lie to her." You're a cheating couple, why not ask why? You always say that we men are lustful, but you women judge people by their appearance."

Bai Yanni's eyes widened immediately, but she remembered everything before, sighed softly, and said: "You are right, I was deceived by his appearance and smooth words, and I will not make the same mistake again in the future. I will never Give the man a chance to stab me in the back!" The last words were squeezed out between teeth.

Liu Xu felt a little cold when he heard it. He knew Bai Yanni's toughness, and he slapped the leader directly, something ordinary women would never dare to do.

After a while, Bai Yanni turned her head and said in a low voice, "You still have the privilege to stab me, I won't blame you."

The privilege of stabbing her?

Hearing Bai Yanni's ambiguous remarks, Liu Xu's expression became strange.

The anesthetic gradually lost its effect, Bai Yanni moved a bit, and frowned, but she didn't make any sound.

"I let you say that I really want to hurt you, so I stretched out my hand." Liu Xu said.

Bai Yanni was stunned for a moment, not understanding the reason, but she still stretched out her hand in front of Liu Xu, already having basic trust in him in her heart.

Liu Xu held Bai Yanni's hand, sent a little vitality, reached Bai Yanni's two wounds, formed a vitality net to trap the sickness, and sent the last vitality into Bai Yanni's bones to help her heal and relieve her pain .

Bai Yanni is the fighting landlord, and she knows her body well. Even ordinary people can feel the flow of vitality, and her feeling is even clearer.

The pain disappeared quickly, and Bai Yanni's eye circles were red again.


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Chapter 1101 Normal Development of Bai Yanni's Dungeon

"Why are you so nice to me?" Bai Yanni gritted her teeth, not wanting to cry anymore.

"It's nothing. I just met a policewoman named Bai Yanni today. I don't know what she was like before, but she will definitely be very good in the future." Liu Xu said half-jokingly: "Maybe she can become the police chief. You have to flatter in advance."

"Thank you." Bai Yanni said in a low voice.

"You just finished the operation, sleep for a while!" Liu Xu said, "I'll go downstairs and buy you some fruit. Don't be afraid, I'll be back soon."


Liu Xu left the ward, went downstairs to buy things, and the copy with Bai Yanni finally unfolded normally, and he felt much better.

Not long after, Liu Xu went upstairs carrying cherries, mangoes, two pieces of durian meat wrapped in plastic wrap, a small steel basin and other supplies. When the time came to wrap it with vitality, the smell of durian would not affect other people in the ward.

The intensive care unit has an electronic door and cannot be entered directly. Liu Xu has a key card given by Vice President Duan, so there is no need to ring the doorbell.

After using the key card to enter the ward, and putting on the newly bought shoes, Liu Xu heard a familiar voice talking to Bai Yanni, and after walking a few steps, he saw that it was the scumbag You Zehua.

"Yanni, I was wrong just now. I panicked and made that unforgivable mistake."

"I sincerely regret it now, can you give me another chance?"

"I need a second-class skill very much now. As long as you are willing to help me this time, you will not only get the second-class skill, but I will also find a way to raise your level to a higher level within half a year. How about it? You won't suffer .”

You Zehua sat on the stool in front of the hospital bed.

Bai Yanni's face was frosty, if it wasn't for the ward, she would have scolded You Zehua a long time ago.

Suppressing her anger, Bai Yanni asked coldly: "Do you think I still believe you?"

"Yanni, I am sincere to you, except for what happened today, I have never lied to you!" You Zehua said in a low voice.

"You really like me?" Bai Yanni asked.

"Really." You Zehua said.

"Then you said yesterday that you want to marry me, is it true?"

"It's true." You Zehua hesitated for a moment.

"Okay, the doctor said that my leg won't survive and will be amputated within half a year. Do you still want to marry me?" Bai Yanni stared into You Zehua's eyes.

This time, she was not blinded by her emotions, and looked at You Zehua with the attitude of examining a criminal.

A trace of panic flashed in You Zehua's eyes, and he said, "Okay, as long as you are discharged from the hospital, as long as my dad is promoted to be the deputy director, I will marry you."

Bai Yanni's face revealed an expression of incomparable pain.

"I was really blind back then, how could I fall in love with a liar like you! Until now, you have been lying to me! You Zehua, you bastard!" Bai Yanni wanted to kick him, but now she can't move.

You Zehua's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly said: "Slow down, keep down! Yanni, you have to trust me, I really didn't lie to you."

Bai Yanni's eyes were full of disappointment and contempt, and she said: "I can be deceived by you once, but I can't be deceived by you again and again! Do you think that my credit for these years is due to relying on a father who is an official like you? You Come on, I don't want to see you."

"Yanni, do you want me to kneel down and beg you?" You Zehua begged bitterly, no matter how you look at it, it seems to be sincere.

Bai Yanni's gaze gradually softened, and slowly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, it was a genuinely happy smile.

"Yanni, you really still love me..." You Zehua secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but if he observed carefully, he would see a figure approaching quickly from Bai Yanni's pupils.

"Scum!" Liu Xu lifted his leg and kicked You Zehua's waist, kicking him off the stool, and fell to the ground with his buttocks, screaming in pain.

All the medical staff, patients and family members in the ward looked here together.

"You..." You Zehua glared at Liu Xu, but remembered his skill and swallowed the second half of the sentence.

Liu Xu put the plastic bag on the ground next to the bed, and said to Bai Yanni: "The fruit is bought, I will wash it for you later."

Liu Xu glanced at You Zehua, looked at Bai Yanni, and said, "Yanni, do you still remember the conversation between You Zehua and me in the corridor during dinner yesterday?"

"Remember, what's wrong?" Bai Yanni asked.

"In the past two nights, you and You Zehua had two meals. During the meal, Ran Jing and Lu Xueqi both went out to the bathroom. There is one thing in common, that is, You Zehua followed. Do you remember? ?”

Bai Yanni, who was not blinded by her emotions, was very capable, she nodded immediately and said, "Yes, I remember!"

"He asked for Ran Jing's cell phone number for the first time, and chatted with Ran Jing all night. Ran Jing was afraid that you would be angry, so she came to me to complain, and wanted to find a way to keep you from getting angry and warn You Zehua. And the second time The next day he asked Lu Xueqi for his mobile number, and Xueqi gave him my mobile number. I left the private room to look for him yesterday, just for this matter." Liu Xu said expressionlessly.

Bai Yanni sighed softly, and said, "I believe in you. It's not surprising that this kind of scum would do anything."

Liu Xu looked at You Zehua, who had already stood up, clutched his waist, and slowly backed away.

Liu Xu walked towards him.

Seeing that he couldn't hide, You Zehua showed a ferocious expression and showed his true colors in the government office. He pointed at Liu Xu and scolded: "You dare to beat the traffic police captain in public? Do you know the consequences and the seriousness of the nature? How dare you move again?" For a moment, I'll put you in jail forever! Do you really think I'm afraid of you? If it wasn't for Yanni's sake, I would have impounded your car a long time ago, and sent you to prison for a single crime! Fuck! You little one Do you dare to fight against the police system? I will let you die without knowing how to die!"

As You Zehua said, he finally regained his confidence, no matter how incompetent he is, after all he has a father who is an official in the provincial department, after all, he is the new deputy captain.


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Chapter 1102 Use My Way

"You people, why do you always like to threaten me with jail time?" Liu Xu stepped forward, swung his arm, and hit You Zehua hard on the face with his right palm.


The sound resounded in the ward, and You Zehua was beaten back a few steps, dizzy, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

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