"You, why did you hit me?" You Zehua was so angry that he was the only one who bullied others these years, how could he not dare to fight back when others slapped his face in public.

"You're a scumbag, you can just beat him up, what reason do you need!" Liu Xu continued to walk forward.

"You still dare to hit me? I'll find someone to kill you! You wait for me!" You Zehua didn't dare to fight back at all, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and everyone.

Liu Xu took another step, slapped You Zehua's face again, and knocked down You Zehua's phone at the same time.

Everyone watched from a distance, not daring to go forward.

Many people looked at Liu Xu in horror, wondering if he was a lunatic or someone with a big background, so he dared to hit the captain of the traffic police team?

Everyone knows that the traffic police team is becoming more and more important now. The captain of the traffic police detachment is also the deputy director of the city bureau and has a lot of power.

Not to mention the captain of the traffic police team, even an ordinary traffic policeman is not an ordinary person who dares to offend.

"I'll fight with you!" You Zehua finally understood that he couldn't threaten Liu Xu with the methods he used to others, so he rushed towards him with curses and punched him.

"Get out!" Liu Xu kicked out, before You Zehua's hand could touch Liu Xu, he bent over and flew backwards, hitting the wall.

You Zehua struggled to stand up, touching the blue oxygen bottle with his hand.

The oxygen bottle tilted and hit You Zehua's head, and he screamed and cried while covering his head from the pain.

Bai Yanni looked at You Zehua and sighed sadly, the image of the perfect man in her mind was shattered like a mirror, turned into dust, and behind the mirror, there was a shadow of a person standing impressively.

That person's appearance was plain at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that there was a kind of magical power that tugged at her heartstrings.

Bai Yanni glanced at Liu Xu secretly, and suddenly realized that this man is not as tall as You Zehua, not as handsome as him, does not have a high-ranking father, is not as good as You Zehua at work, and can't speak nice sweet words. Even this morning, she still She hated this person very much, but for some reason, now she finds this person very pleasing to the eye, even if she sees him for a lifetime, she won't be bored.

At this time, the door of the ward opened, and several doctors walked in with seven or eight people in police uniforms.

"Do you need to change your shoes?" The leading policeman was kind.

"No, no, Director Wu, please come in." The doctor said.

Director Wu nodded, walked in, looked around the ward, and was stunned.

You Zehua, who was knocked down, saw Director Wu, as if seeing a savior, and shouted desperately: "Director Wu, my father is You Yuantu, Director You of the Equipment and Finance Department of the Provincial Department, we met, you still remember me?"

Director Wu turned his head and saw a young man with blood all over his face sitting on the ground, with an oxygen bottle lying beside him, his face was swollen and his eyes were shining.

"You are You Zehua?" Director Wu asked.

You Zehua was overjoyed, the grievances accumulated from being beaten broke out in full force, like a child who was fighting with others and saw his father coming, he cried and pointed at Liu Xu, and said, "Uncle Wu, you want to avenge me! Liu Xu, a bastard, dared to hit me, but I am the deputy captain of the traffic police team! Everyone in the ward is a witness, and they can all testify for me! You, the deputy director, must make the decision for me!"

Everyone in the ward looked at Director Wu together, thinking that the young man who beat someone was finished, and the officials and officials would protect each other, so it must be bad luck.

A doctor who knew He Changxiong knew that Liu Xu had a deep relationship with the He family, so he took out his mobile phone and would notify Vice President Duan if something happened to Liu Xu.

Bai Yanni recognized Director Wu at a glance, and she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and said loudly: "Director Wu, the matter is not what you think, it's not Liu Xu's fault, I forced him to do it, he is also a victim, there are Come at me for anything!"

You Zehua pointed at Bai Yanni and yelled, "It's that stinky bitch who is still protecting Liu Xu, the two of them must have had an affair long ago! I've seen you two flirting with each other for a long time, and now finally exposed."

Bai Yanni was so angry that Yue Xiong's mouth hurt, and her heart became more regretful, and the more regretful she felt, the more she felt sorry for Liu Xu, and the more she felt that she owed Liu Xu.

Liu Xu moved.

In front of the doctors, nurses, family members, patients, nurses, and the policemen who had just entered the door, and under the gaze of everyone, Liu Xu picked up the stool next to him, aimed at You Zehua and smashed it down.




One after another.

Bai Yanni looked at Liu Xu stupidly, her eyes were blurred by tears, in her opinion, Liu Xu beat someone to avenge her, to prove her innocence.

"Why are you so stupid? I don't deserve you to do this. Don't worry, if you are caught, I will go to jail with you!" Bai Yanni said to herself silently in her heart.

Because she was too excited, she didn't realize that the new policeman had been standing still.

It was not until the three-legged round stool was smashed crookedly that Liu Xu dropped the stool and straightened up.

"It was too cheap to use the law to punish you. Since you are not sensible, then use my method! Bah!" Liu Xu spat at You Zehua, whose face was covered in blood, and turned to Bai Yanni. The hospital bed went.

Behind Liu Xu, You Zehua was left covered in blood, with blood spots all over the wall and floor, and a crooked stool.

Almost everyone looked dumbfounded, what's going on?The deputy captain called the director, how could this young man dare to do anything?And it's bigger and more ruthless than before, and it uses a guy, is that okay?

Others couldn't believe it, but Director Wu and the policemen behind him had helplessness and well-hidden fear in their eyes.


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Chapter 1103 Are You Master Liu?

Along the way, Director Wu told them more than once that this time they were going to see Master Liu, they had to be careful not to provoke him. If he got angry, Director Wu, the second in command of the city bureau, would not be able to stand up.

These policemen already knew Master Liu's vicious name and were cautious, but after all, they were just rumors and did not see it with their own eyes.

Now seeing Liu Xu Jingran beating a deputy captain of the traffic police in front of the second in command of the city bureau, everyone was frightened. This Master Liu is even more vicious than the rumors said.

A policeman next to Director Wu twitched his eyes and thought, "If this news gets out, I'm sure the entire police system in the Magic City will correct their attitude and correctly understand Master Liu's cruelty again."

You Zehua yelled with the last of his strength: "Director Wu, you have to make the decision for me. If you kill this pair of bastards, I will definitely let my father promote you!"

Director Wu blushed with anger, and shouted, "Enough! What a joke! Stop embarrassing yourself! Handcuff him and take him away!"

The two policemen rushed out like wolves and tigers.

The people in the ward thought that the two policemen were going to arrest Liu Xu, but then they saw that the two policemen rushed to You Zehua, who was the most seriously injured in the ward, handcuffed him, and then half-framed him from left to right. Drag him outside.

The policeman on the side reminded: "Director Wu, he is seriously injured, don't kill anyone."

"Well, first send it to the rescue and bandage, and then investigate and deal with this scum in the police force according to law!" Director Wu said with a sullen face.

Everyone in the ward couldn't figure it out. They looked at the people next to each other and wanted to know the reason, but no one understood.

Some of them looked at Liu Xu curiously, wanting to know what kind of big shot he was. It didn't count that he beat the traffic police captain, and let the traffic police captain be arrested.

Bai Yanni felt that her mind was not enough, her mind went blank, she didn't understand how things could develop like this, how could Liu Xu be fine, how could You Zehua be taken away instead?

Director Wu walked up to Liu Xu, sighed softly, and said, "Mr. Liu, I apologize to you on behalf of the Magic City Public Security Bureau. There is a scum among us, which not only implicates you, but also harms our excellent policewoman." If you are seriously injured, the discipline inspection department will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

Liu Xu was extremely displeased, and said, "Bai Yanni won't be robbed of her credit for catching fugitives with guns, right?"

"No! I have gone to the provincial department to declare personal second-class merit for Comrade Bai Yanni." Director Wu said.

Liu Xu asked in a low voice: "Can't you get first-class merit?"

Director Wu smiled wryly and said in a low voice: "The special merits are all hung on the wall, and the first-class merits are all on the bed. If she really stays in the hospital bed for the rest of her life, I can declare the first-class merits. Some time ago, we had a criminal police deputy captain and Shooting gangsters, killing gangsters, being shot in the thigh and leg, and leaving them disabled is only second-class personal merit."

"But this is to capture a fugitive with a gun with bare hands. Besides, you have never been able to catch a fugitive in the magic city. Bai Yanni helped you catch one, so she must be qualified for first-class merit." Liu Xu said.

Director Wu said helplessly: "If she really caught two fugitives and suffered such serious injuries, she may not be qualified to declare first-class merit, but isn't she not caught?"

"If she achieves second-class merit, can she be directly promoted to a first-class?" Liu Xu asked.

"She has just become a trainer, and it is difficult to promote her directly." Director Wu said.

"What if it's first-class merit?" Liu Xu asked.

"If it's first-class merit, promotion will be easy." Director Wu said.

"You try to report the first-class merit, and I'll see if it works. Anyway, the approval time for the first-class merit is long, and it may be successful when the time comes. Even if it fails, you can get a second-class merit. Anyway, you won't suffer." Liu Xu said.

Director Wu looked defeated by Liu Xu, and said: "You dare to treat the first-class merit and the second-class merit as a bargain, and you think you can declare the first-class merit? It will take a lot of procedures. Forget it, I will Try it! If it doesn’t work, you can only apply for second-class merit.”

"Thank you, Old Wu." Only then did Liu Xu smile.

Bai Yanni was next to her, and she could hear clearly from the beginning to the end, and her expression became more and more surprised from the beginning to the end, and finally became numb, her face was so stiff that no expression could be seen.

"Okay, Master Liu, it's my turn to condolences to our heroine."

Bai Yanni's expression changed instantly, she looked at Liu Xu in disbelief, and exclaimed, "Are you Master Liu?"

Liu Xu didn't answer. Bai Yanni looked at the other policemen and found everyone was smiling. She suddenly understood that the real hero in her heart, Master Liu, was her landlord and she had despised her for so long.

Bai Yanni's mind was filled with scenes of antagonism with Liu Xu, remembering the scene where she was hostile and scolded Liu Xu, and remembering the scene of praising Master Liu in front of colleagues, friends, Ran Jing, Shen Meizhuang and others, and remembering Director Wu just now Facing Liu Xu's attitude, his slightly pale face gradually turned red with embarrassment.

Bai Yanni looked at Liu Xu, coquettishly shy and timid, like a little girl seeing an idol, and asked in a low voice: "Are you really Master Liu?"

"Everyone calls me that." Liu Xu said with a smile.

Bai Yanni stared at Liu Xu with wide eyes, her face was getting redder and redder, and she suddenly whispered: "I admire you very much." After speaking, she turned her face to the side and covered her head with the quilt.

The many policemen headed by Director Wu did not expect that the recognized police beauty of Changyun District would say such things in public, and looked at Liu Xu together, either showing envy or curiosity.

Seeing that the eyes of these people were not right, Liu Xu said, "Please give your condolences, I will sit outside for a while."

After sitting on the chair outside the door for a while, two people came over.

"Master Liu, fourth brother is busy there, let me bring a nurse here." The person who spoke was a young man in his twenties with short short hair and looked very smart.

Liu Xu knew him, he was He Changxiong's follower, and He Changxiong was relieved when he spoke and acted.


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Chapter 1104 A Faster Way

Xiaoyu looks ordinary, but his assets are tens of millions. He Changxiong never treats the people around him badly.

"Thank you, Xiaoyu." Liu Xu said, "Wait a minute, the leader of the police station is consoling the patient, and I will go in later."

"Okay, I'll send the person." Xiaoyu nodded and said, "Tell the nurse that I'm still busy."

After Xiaoyu left, Liu Xu chatted with the female nurse.

This female nurse is in her early forties, an aunt with a hearty personality.

Liu Xu explained some things, and it turned out that she knew more than Liu Xu in terms of caring for patients. Later, she told Liu Xu to listen.

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