After a while, Director Wu and others came out, and the female nurse looked a bit restrained when she saw that she was a high-ranking police officer.

Director Wu was very friendly, thanked the female nurse, and hoped that she would take good care of the heroine Bai Yanni.

Director Wu and others were about to leave, Liu Xu asked Director Wu to wait for a while.

Liu Xu took the female nurse into the ward, gave her the key card, said a few words to Bai Yanni, left the female nurse behind, and went downstairs with Director Wu.

When we arrived at the parking lot downstairs, Liu Xu said, "Ju Wu, I have something to tell you, get in my car!"

"Okay." Chief Wu nodded.

Director Wu got into Liu Xu's car with his driver, and he and Liu Xu sat in the back seat of the Audi A8, followed by several other cars.

There were a lot of cars near the hospital. Slowly, Liu Xu's car pulled away from the cars behind, separated by several other cars.

In the car, Liu Xu didn't beat around the bush, and said directly, "Director Wu, I'll trouble you for declaring first-class merit."

"You two are welcome." Director Wu said with a smile.

"There's no pressure about You Zehua, right?" Liu Xu asked.

Director Wu's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Since you are the one who spoke, there will be no pressure. Because the head of the provincial public security department knows the county head of Ningyou and Lanning."

Liu Xu suddenly realized, no wonder Director Wu was so straightforward, he didn't complain or say anything else, Ning Youlan is an official from the local faction, so what Bureau Wu said meant that the director of the provincial department was also from the local faction, and You Zehua's father was right For Liu Xu, he was half of himself.

After driving for more than ten minutes, a traffic policeman on a motorcycle suddenly approached and signaled the driver to stop.

Director Wu's face remained unchanged, he didn't lose his temper or become angry because his friend's car was intercepted, but just waited for the result.

Liu Xu said helplessly: "When I rescued Bai Yanni in the morning, I was afraid that it would be too late, so I ran a red light. But I accept the punishment, as long as I don't revoke my driver's license."

Director Wu smiled and said, "This is a special situation for you. I'll greet you later."

While the driver was pulling to the side of the road to stop, two more motorcycle police cars drove over.

The three traffic policemen stopped together and walked over talking and laughing.

"It's this car. I was looking for a reason, but I didn't expect this car to run through several street lights in a row in the morning. Now I don't need to find a reason."

"More than one million Audi A8, the owner of the car is rich!"

"Captain You ordered, no matter how good the car is!" the black-faced traffic policeman said and walked over, patting the roof impatiently.

The driver got out of the car and asked, "Hello, Comrade Traffic Police, what's the matter?"

"Take out your driver's license." The black-faced traffic policeman said.

The driver, Xiao Cui, was prepared and handed over his driver's license.

The black-faced traffic policeman took a look at the driver's license, put it in his pocket, and asked with a stern face, "Do you know how many times you ran red lights today?"

Xiao Cui smiled and said: "I know, but there is an emergency and I have to run a red light. I accept the punishment, accept the punishment."

Now 6 points will be deducted for running a red light once, and 12 points will be deducted twice, and the driver's license will be revoked.

He also heard what Liu Xu said to Director Wu just now.

"Admit the penalty? Do you think it's that simple? Your car runs red lights continuously. I suspect that there is something wrong with your car. It needs to be inspected. Keep the car. After we inspect it, we will give you an answer." As he spoke, the black-faced traffic police began to issue tickets. and seizure certificates.

Liu Xu opened the door and got out of the car. He frowned and asked, "Comrade traffic police, you just ran a red light. Why did you impound the car? Xiao Cui, is this reasonable?"

Xiao Cui showed doubts, and said: "The car is impounded in an accident, and the electric car is impounded for running a red light, but I have never heard of a motor vehicle being impounded for running a red light."

"Comrade traffic police, we have all admitted to running a red light. Have you overhandled it? I will report the situation to your superiors," Liu Xu said.

"You kid Tingniu?" A traffic policeman next to him said cheerfully.

"Let him report. If he doesn't report, I will not be happy." Another traffic policeman said.

The black-faced traffic policeman who was writing the ticket raised his head and said, "We have every reason to suspect that there is something wrong with this car. You can report it to your superiors anyway! Report it to your superiors? Do you need me to tell you the phone number of the inspector's office?"

The black-faced traffic policeman squinted at Liu Xu with disdain.

"No need, I have a faster way." Liu Xu turned his head and looked into the car and said, "Director Wu, after I was willing to accept the punishment, I still made an unreasonable request to impound the car. I suspect that these three traffic policemen are avenging their personal revenge. Deliberately targeting me or this car, I hope you can give a clear answer."

The three traffic policemen jumped in fright, and the black-faced traffic policeman who was issuing the ticket was so startled that he almost threw out the ticket and the pen.

Director Wu got out of the car slowly, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

As an old fritter in the police station, he knows the inside ways too well.

When he heard the traffic policeman talk about impounding the car, Director Wu realized that there was something tricky in it. Ordinary traffic policemen would not treat luxury cars so roughly, not to mention that the three traffic policemen came together, obviously waiting for this car.

"Wu, Director Wu!" The black-faced traffic policeman recognized him at a glance, and saluted immediately, and the other two traffic policemen also hurriedly saluted.

At the same time, several police cars stopped nearby, and several policemen got out of the cars and asked what was going on.

The three traffic policemen glanced at the epaulets of these policemen. All of them were of higher rank than them. They felt the tremendous pressure on their heads. They were sweating and their mouths were dry. They wanted to say something, but they couldn't.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1105 Why are you undressing?

These policemen had just seen Liu Xu's brutality, and now they saw several traffic policemen trying to embarrass him, and thought: "Isn't this courting death?"

Director Wu snorted coldly and asked, "What's your purpose in impounding this car? Tell me!"

The black-faced policeman shook his body, his eyes flashed with horror, and he said cautiously: "It doesn't have any purpose, I just think that this car runs red lights continuously, maybe there is something wrong with the brakes or something, and it needs to be inspected."

"It seems that you are a good traffic policeman. I misunderstood you, right!" Director Wu flushed with anger, saying that it was impossible for You Zehua to be angry when he was beaten, but he was not angry with Liu Xu, he It is Qi Youze that discredits the police system.

Unexpectedly, in just half an hour, he ran into a similar traffic policeman again. As the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, how could he not be angry.

"Boss Wu, we really have no other intentions. We just want to complete the above targets." A clever traffic policeman next to him showed a pitiful expression.

Liu Xu knows that the traffic police in many places have a monthly fine limit, which is linked to their performance appraisal and income.

Except for Director Wu, the other policemen breathed a sigh of relief. If it was because of this, it would not be a big deal.

However, Chief Wu and Xiao Cui didn't hear what the three traffic policemen said before the car stopped, but Liu Xu heard it clearly.

Liu Xu glanced at the three policemen, and asked slowly, "Do you know You Zehua? Did he ask you to take revenge on me yesterday or this morning?"

The expressions of the three policemen all changed, but Liu Xu didn't expect to tell the truth straight away.

Director Wu and the others are all veterans of observing words and expressions. Seeing the reactions of the three traffic policemen, they cursed in their hearts. Whose faults are not good, but You Zehua's. I wonder if he is lying on the hospital bed now?

Director Wu pointed at Liu Xu's car and scolded the black-faced policeman: "The policemen have lost all face by you filthy bastards! Do you know why this car ran a red light in the morning? Do you know? Ah! Let me tell you This is the owner of the car you found fault with, who saved a policewoman who was shot twice by gangsters! This is the car that ran the red light to save the policewoman who was only half alive! You are doing it for yourself Selfish desires, impounding his car, are you still the police? Do you still have a conscience? Are you still human? Ah!"

Director Wu's angry mouth heaved violently, and it was difficult to restrain the anger in his heart.

The three traffic policemen never expected that this would happen, they froze in place, faintly realizing that they had made a huge mistake, and panicked even more.

Only then did the policemen who came with Director Wu understand the cause and effect, and all of them showed anger.

Liu Xu was a little embarrassed because if he was really willing to "take action", he wouldn't need to go to the hospital for a gunshot wound. As long as he took out the bullet, the wound would not be a problem at all.

The three traffic policemen ran into the guns, and at this time, they could only travel to Zehua's mother in their hearts.


Back at the villa, Liu Xu told Ran Jing's three daughters about Bai Yanni, and then they went out of the hospital to visit her.

When they went, several of Bai Yanni's colleagues were there, and when they learned that Liu Xu was among them, their attitude immediately changed. They surrounded Liu Xu to ask questions, and at the same time expressed how good their relationship with Bai Yanni was.

Liu Xu could tell that these police officers had been waiting for a long time just to meet him, Master Liu.

Bai Yanni was full of vitality and looked very good. Because the ward did not allow too many family members to visit, they left the ward after a while and stood in the corridor.

Guo Haizao said: "I'm going to work tomorrow morning, so I won't leave today, just stay here and watch the night."

But Ran Jing said: "You are so tired during the day, and you are still tired at night? Let me come, I will rest tomorrow, and I am fine."

"You two don't need to argue. There are nurses here, so no one needs to be guarded. If you are free, use Weixin Penguin or something to chat with her more, and you don't need to do anything else." Liu Xu said.

Ran Jing hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'm worried, I'll stay here tonight and go home tomorrow. Sister Yanni must be uncomfortable here alone."

"Okay then, if you stay here, if you need anything, let's go downstairs and buy it together," Liu Xu said.

Several people went downstairs together, bought some things, and then Liu Xu and Shen Meizhuang left.


None of them went home, which meant that there were only Liu Xu and Shen Meizhuang at home today.

As soon as she entered the room, she fell into a firm embrace.

Liu Xu clasped her waist tightly with both hands, and brought her into his arms, knocking his chin on the top of her hair, but didn't make a sound.

Shen Meizhuang was full of doubts. Although she couldn't understand why Liu Xu did this, she didn't struggle and let him hold her quietly.

After a while, she took the initiative to put her arms around the other's strong waist, and they hugged each other silently.

"I'm sorry, you have been wronged these days because of Xueqi's affairs."

After a long time, Liu Xu's voice slowly sounded above her head.

"It's okay." After stroking Liu Xu's back, Shen Meizhuang looked up at him, "I know, you are a good man."

"But I want to be a bad man, because bad men can do bad things to you."

Shen Meizhuang broke away from Liu Xu, gave him a hard look, turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore, take a shower and go to sleep..."

Walking into the bathroom, Shen Meizhuang turned around to close the door, but Liu Xu also squeezed in.

"Why are you taking off your clothes?" Shen Meizhuang was dumbfounded, watching Liu Xu take off his clothes one by one.

"Of course it's a bath!" Liu Xu was not shy, and leisurely finished dragging his upper body clothes, and started to untie his belt again.

Seeing Liu Xu's whole body stripped off to only his underwear, Shen Meizhuang's eyes almost popped out.

Seeing that he was about to take off his underwear, Shen Meizhuang let out a low cry, and quickly turned around.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

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