Chapter 1106

"It's not that you haven't washed it. What are you afraid of?" Liu Xu's evil voice sounded, absolutely evil.

"No, no, you should wash that, that first!" Shen Meizhuang was a little incoherent, and raised his hand to break Liu Xu's hand around her waist.

"Let's wash together!" Liu Xu lowered his voice, warm and ambiguous.

"No, no, no..." Shen Meizhuang tightly closed his eyes, shaking his head like a rattle.

Don't watch her molesting Liu Xu on weekdays, it's all on a large scale, but to be honest, they just broke the window paper, Shen Meizhuang is still very shy.

"Yes, definitely!" Once Liu Xu became stubborn and domineering, she would not be his opponent at all.

"You, you, you, you put on your clothes first!" Shen Meizhuang didn't even dare to open his eyes, knowing that Liu Xu wouldn't do anything to her, he was still ashamed to death.

"Hey, how do you take a shower with your clothes on?" Liu Xu was patient, anyway, they were alone in the villa tonight.

"No, no, you... I, I can't." Shen Meizhuang continued to shake his head.

"It's okay if you can't, I can do it!" Liu Xu said it like a tongue twister.

Shen Meizhuang was still closing her eyes and shaking her head vigorously, but her body couldn't refuse Liu Xu.


The next day, Liu Xu got up and made breakfast for Shen Meizhuang. She was exhausted last night, so she probably wouldn't be able to get up in the morning.

After tidying up, Liu Xu went to the provincial hospital to visit Bai Yanni, only to find that Ran Jing and the three of them hadn't drunk their vitality water.

They were all in the hospital, so they couldn't drink it naturally, so they poured three cups of vitality water into the kettle and took them to the provincial hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, Liu Xu entered the ward with a thermos, while Ran Jing, Guo Haizao and Bai Yanni were eating together on the adjustable table in front of the bed, three bowls of porridge with pickles.

At this time, Guo Haizao was wearing a pink nurse uniform, looking very kind and gentle, and Liu Xu couldn't help but take a few extra glances.

Ran Jing looked a little haggard, and asked, "Landlord, why are you here with a thermos? We don't lack hot water here, and the water room has a hot water tank."

"Do you think I've come all this way to deliver hot water? Take out the cup," Liu Xu said.

The three women froze for a while, and immediately realized that Liu Xu was carrying vitality water, and all of them showed excitement.

"Landlord, you are so kind! I was worried about what to do if I couldn't drink water." Ran Jing immediately stretched out her fingers to brush the hair on her forehead, and winked at Liu Xu.

Guo Haizao said in a low voice: "That's not what you said just now, you must have made that cesium wolf named Liu Xu cheaper."

"Nian Nian, do you want to die!" Ran Jing looked at Guo Haizao majestically.

Guo Haizao immediately bowed his head and sipped the porridge silently.

"Don't bully Niannian!" Liu Xu immediately flicked Ran Jing's forehead.

"The main wife is indeed more favored than the mistress." Ran Jing said unconvinced.

"Who are you learning this nonsense from!" Liu Xu couldn't laugh or cry, and poured water into the bowls of the three of them.

Guo Haizao said softly: "I only drink half of it, and give the rest to Sister Yanni, so that she can recover faster."

"Look at how sensible Nian Nian is!" Liu Xu complained to Ran Jing.

"I'm Xiaosi now!" Ran Jing said without holding back.

At the same time, she bit the spoon and put on a doormat appearance.

Bai Yanni said: "Don't worry about Niannian, I feel in good health, you and Tiantian didn't sleep well all night, drink more."

Liu Xu said with a smile: "There's no need to argue, whether Bai Yanni drinks this water or not won't affect her condition, just drink it normally."

"You're the only one with troublesome things!" Ran Jing gave Guo Haizao a hard look, and happily sipped the porridge with vitality water, while drinking, a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

"That's the taste!" After Ran Jing finished speaking, she continued to drink.

Guo Haizao had long been used to being fierce by Ran Jing, so he didn't get angry at all, and drank porridge with Bai Yanni.

The vitality water tasted very good, and the three women couldn't help but smile with satisfaction and happiness.

Several patients in the clinic and their family members thought that the three beautiful women were attractive together, but now seeing them drinking porridge mixed with water and showing such expressions, it feels very strange.

"Porridge mixed with water is the worst drink, why do they look so weird?"

"Looking at their expressions, I'm hungry."

"Drinking porridge can make you look like you are taking drugs. This young man who delivers water is not easy!"

Liu Xu and the three women secretly laughed without explaining, while Ran Jing looked up proudly and pretended not to tell you.

After the three of them drank the vitality water, Liu Xu held Bai Yanni's hand and sent part of the vitality into her body.

Ran Jing imitated Guo Haizao's voice, Jiao Didi said: "Brother Liu Xu, he is also sick, can you touch him?"

"I'm going to work, so I'm leaving first." Guo Haizao left with a blushing face.

Liu Xu glanced at Ran Jing helplessly, and said, "Don't tease Nian Nian with such things in the future, it will make her very sad."

Ran Jing showed a wicked smile and asked, "How do you know she will be angry? If I say she is actually very happy?"

Liu Xu was speechless.

Bai Yanni smiled secretly in her heart, and said, "Okay, Ran Jing, the danger period is over, I feel good, there is a nurse here, you don't have to stay here, go home with Liu Xu!"

Ran Jing hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Well, I'll tidy up a little bit."

After tidying up a bit, Ran Jing stood up, carrying the purse she bought with Liu Xu, and said, "Landlord, let's go!"

"A friend of mine is sick, and I have to go and see him," Liu Xu said.

"Okay, let's go together. With my greeting from the most beautiful stewardess, he will recover soon." Ran Jing said.

Liu Xu rolled his eyes at the stinky Ran Jing, and was about to refuse, but thinking that these women already knew their identities, especially since Guo Haizao had been in the hospital all along, he probably already knew his relationship with the He family, so it was fine to take Ran Jing there.

"Well, Bai Yanni, let's go."

Liu Xu and Ran Jing left the ward and walked to the cadre ward together.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 1107

Ran Jing was usually fearless, but when she saw the cadre ward, she immediately became cautious and said nothing, but her pair of beautiful eyes kept looking around, like a little mouse in a granary.

There is always someone guarding in front of Mr. He's ward. Except for one guard, the others are either close relatives or distant relatives of the He family, or people who rely on the He family to enter.

When everyone saw Liu Xu appearing, they stood up one after another. Because there were so many people, they didn't greet them. They just nodded, and a cheerful person greeted him: "Master Liu, you are here!"

Liu Xu smiled and nodded, and they all took their seats.

Liu Xu was going to push the door of the family room, but when he heard He Changxiong talking to someone inside, it must be difficult for He Changxiong to welcome him into the family room, so Liu Xu didn't go in.

"Sit down and wait," Liu Xu said.

"Yeah." Ran Jing immediately turned into a sweet and well-educated stewardess, with a smile on her face, graceful words and deeds, no matter who looked at her, she would think that she was a lady with the traditional Chinese temperament.

The identities of the people guarding the door were not ordinary, and they were well-informed, but when they saw Ran Jing, their eyes were involuntarily attracted to her, but then they looked at Liu Xu, and everyone thought about it for a while, then turned their heads silently, or looked at the roof or at the roof. Floor, no one dared to take another look at Ran Jing.

"Landlord, who is the patient?" Ran Jing asked in a low voice.

"He Lao." Liu Xu felt that Ran Jing would know sooner or later, so he didn't hide it.

"Oh!" Ran Jing thought to herself that there are so many people with the surname He, who the hell would know which old He it is?

However, she was quickly stunned, because in Shanghai, there is an old man who is known to everyone.

Back then, he was the leader of the Demon City.

Ran Jing asked in a low voice, "Which old He is it?"

"It's the old He you think of." Liu Xu said.

"How old is He Wanshan?" Ran Jing asked with wide-eyed eyes.


After all, Ran Jing is still a nineteen-year-old girl, and she has never thought of being so close to such a big shot in her life. In her heart, the number one and number two in the country are basically the most powerful, and then the number one in the province. The old man is definitely a big man who is bigger than No. [-] in the province and a little bit worse than No. [-] and No. [-] in the country.

"Landlord, I finally know now that you are a master among masters." Ran Jing looked at Liu Xu in surprise. She knew Liu Xu was good, but she didn't expect Liu Xu to be related to He Lao, the highest status in Shanghai.

"You're very honest." Liu Xu half-jokingly said.

Ran Jing suddenly felt depressed, and said softly: "I suddenly feel that you are far away from me."

Liu Xu was silent for a moment, then said, "What's for lunch?"

Ran Jing's mood reversed in an instant, she stretched out her white and tender fingers, and said while counting: "Eat something cool in summer, that bean restaurant is delicious, and there is also a vegetarian restaurant that is also very good, why don't you eat Thai food? I haven't eaten for a few days Chicken legs, which one makes delicious chicken legs? My favorite!"

"You worked hard at the night watch at the hospital last night. You can eat twice at noon and in the evening, but you will eat with me and Lu Xueqi at night. If you have a conscience, you can choose not to disturb us."

"I'll leave after eating! I have a very good conscience!" Ran Jing said seriously.

"I believe in you." After Liu Xu finished speaking, he added, "As long as the food fund has money, you don't have to worry about food."

"Then the food fund is used up?" Ran Jing asked pitifully.

"I will probably recharge!" Liu Xu said.

"Landlord, it's just a little short, and I'm going to be so touched by you that I promise you, work harder next time!" Ran Jing encouraged with a smile.

"Oh, it was fine, how do you say such a disappointment?" Liu Xu said with a bitter face.

"I hate you!" Ran Jing was hit hard.

At this moment, the people accompanying the family members opened the room, and He Changxiong sent a couple out.

Everyone hurriedly stood up, out of politeness, Liu Xu and Ran Jing stood up together.

He Changxiong was about to send the two of them to have a look. When he saw Liu Xu, he immediately smiled and said, "Liu Xu, we mentioned you just now. These are Mayor Li Tao and his wife, and they are my father's friends."

Liu Xu glanced at Li Tao. He was of medium height, thin, wearing glasses, and looked very polite. His wife looked ordinary.

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